HOURS OF WORK AND SCHEDULES. 11.1 The National Safety Code and any other applicable codes, acts or laws shall govern hours of work and Dependent Contractors shall maintain such records as may be required by law or the Company’s policy and procedures for that purpose.
11.2 On regular scheduled days of work, Dependent Contractors are to contact dispatch daily by 7 pm, if they have not been contacted by dispatch to see if they are required for work. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday and Stat Holidays dispatch will contact all Company Drivers and Dependent Contractors named on the weekend roster. Anytime during the on-call time period, it is the Dependent Contractor’s responsibility to maintain contact with dispatch. If dispatch is unable to contact the Dependent Contractors at their designated contact number or alternate number, dispatch will have the option to phone who they wish in order to expedite the load or trip. The work week shall be defined as Monday to Friday, with Saturday and Sunday as days off, except that all Dependent Contractors shall be on-call every second (2nd) weekend during the months between June and October and every third (3rd) weekend between the months of November to May. Dependent Contractors that are on-call shall be utilized prior to Dependent Contractors on the voluntary weekend list. Each week the Company shall post a voluntary weekend list for Dependent Contractors wishing to supplement their weekly hours. If the weekend list is exhausted and more Dependent Contractors are required, the Company may, starting at the bottom of the seniority list, initiate the “force-up” list weekly commencing Friday at 3:00 p.m. Dependent Contractors who are not working are required to call in prior to 3:00 p.m. if they have not been contacted by dispatch to see if they are required to work. Dependent Contractors on-call and/or in the “force-up” situation who do not call in if they have not been contacted by dispatch, or refuse work for other than legitimate reasons, may be subject to discipline. For the purpose of defining weekend work, the Calgary and Edmonton Branches will adhere to the following:
a) The weekend Start Time will be 3:00 p.m. on the day before the weekend starts.
b) The weekend End Time will be 2:00 a.m. on the day after the weekend ends.
c) Dependent Contractors reporting to work prior to the weekend Start Time will be required to work until they have been released from duty.
d) Dependent Contractors who are not working on the day before a weekend and who are...
HOURS OF WORK AND SCHEDULES. (a) The normal work week shall consist of forty (40) hours per week and shall commence at 0001 hours Saturday and follow through to 2400 hours on the next Friday. Nothing herein shall constitute a guarantee of hours per week or per day.
(b) The part-time employee’s hours of work will be up to twelve (12) consecutive hours per day. If the hours are beyond this Article 21 (Overtime) would apply.
18.2 Without restricting the Employer's right to establish shifts, the Employer shall consult with the Union with respect to shift rotation schedules.
18.3 A shift rotation of eight (8), ten (10) or twelve (12) hour shifts with hours of work averaging forty (40) hours weekly (42 hours average if there is a twelve (12) hour shift rotation) over the shift schedule rotation will be used. The shift rotation for the part-time employee will be determined by the operational need.
18.4 Every reasonable effort shall be made by the Employer to avoid scheduling the commencement of regularly scheduled shifts within twelve (12) hours of the completion of the employee's previous regularly scheduled shifts. This does not apply to an employee who works overtime or where there is an exchange of shift assignments.
18.5 The Employer agrees to post shift schedules of a two (2) week duration two (2) weeks in advance. Once the schedule has been posted changes shall be kept to a minimum. When the Employer changes shift assignments, as posted, the effected employees will, except in emergency situations, be given twenty-four (24) hours’ notice.
(a) For full-time employees where a change in the shift assignment has been made without the twenty-four (24) hours’ notice, as noted in Article 18.5 above, the premium as noted in Article 21 shall apply to the hours rescheduled.
(b) Unless mutually agreed, for part-time employees where a change in the shift assignment has been made without twelve
HOURS OF WORK AND SCHEDULES. 19.01 It is understood that the provisions of this Article are intended only to provide a basis for calculating time worked and shall not be considered a guarantee as to the hours of work per day, per week, nor a guarantee of working schedules.
HOURS OF WORK AND SCHEDULES. Section 1. XXXX’s payroll week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. The normal workweek is Monday through Friday. A full-time workweek shall consist of forty (40) hours, and a one (1) hour paid meal period each workday. For employees working less than thirty (30) hours, the paid meal period is limited to 30 minutes. Normally, an employee's workday shall be scheduled between 7a.m. and 8:30p.m. (local standard time). Employees will be permitted to take one (1) fifteen (15) minute break at the first half of the day and another one (1) fifteen (15) minute break on the second half of their day, unless state or local require longer breaks.
Section 2. The daily and weekly number of hours and schedule of hours each employee shall work will be based on Section 1 above and in coordination and agreement with each employee.
Section 3. NDWA recognizes that employees need predictability in their schedules and this impacts their ability to work beyond their typical workday. NDWA will notify bargaining unit staff at least 48 hours in advance of the need to work outside of the employee's normal hours, when possible. In the event of a failure to provide such notice, bargaining unit staff will not be required to comply to the extent that it jeopardizes the care of a dependent person.
Section 4. If an employee seeks a permanent change in their normal work schedule on one or more days, any such change must be requested and approved in advance by the employee's supervisor or the Director of Human Resources or their designee.
HOURS OF WORK AND SCHEDULES. 13.01 The normal workweek shall consist of an average of forty (40) hours per week for full-time employees (and for part-time employees whom are temporarily scheduled into a full-time schedule, and whom have received written confirmation of such appointment in advance. Such written confirmation shall include period of such appointment and be copied to the Union). The hours of work average shall be determined by reference to the applicable residence cycle and in accordance with the current practices of the Centre. The hours of work and the scheduling of those hours for night workers shall continue as per current practice. No RPT shift shall be less than four (4) hours. Wherever it is practical to do so, RPT shifts at any single residence shall be combined to create a single RPT position or failing that to create the minimum number of RPT positions.
13.02 In the event that a full-time employee is required to work a period of time in addition to that in his posted schedule, such time shall be considered as overtime and paid at one and one-half (1½) times the employee's normal rate.
1. The work week for the City begins on Monday at 12:01 a.m. and ends the following Sunday at midnight.
2. The work day, starts at 12:01 a.m. and ends 24 hours later at midnight.
3. The normal work schedule shall be forty (40) hours per week consisting of five (5) days of eight (8) hours each, exclusive of a meal period. This is not intended to guarantee an employee forty (40) hours work each week. The City may release employees without pay due to reasons including, but not limited to, inclement weather or lack of work. The City will make an effort to find productive work before releasing employees without pay.
4. Work schedules are established by individual departments/divisions based upon the need to provide service to the public, and/or other City departments.
5. Employees shall receive a one (1) or one-half (2) hour meal period, without pay, each day and a fifteen (15) minute paid rest period during the first half of the work day and a second fifteen (15) minute paid rest period during the second half of the work day. Meal periods and rest periods are scheduled by departments/divisions according to the needs of the department/division. The City retains the exclusive right to control the use of City-paid break periods, and exclusive control of the use of City vehicles at all times.
6. Employees whose duties require it shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time for a personal clean-up period prior to the end of each work shift.
7. The City may, with seventy-two (72)-hour notice to the employees, temporarily modify the employee's working hours due to backlog/workload concerns. This provision is not intended to address working hours modified as a result of daylight savings hours, overtime or other established work hour changes to meet the needs of the City. This temporary modification shall not be less than one (1) week nor more than one (1) month, unless mutually agreed to by the parties. In the event of a bona fide emergency, as determined by management, shorter notification shall be allowed. Emergency modification of an employee’s work schedule shall be for a period not to exceed one week.
HOURS OF WORK AND SCHEDULES. 1301 The regular workday shall consist of seven and one-half (7.50) consecutive hours and the normal work week shall be an average of thirty-seven and one-half (37.50) hours subject to the following:
(a) seven and one-half (7.50) hours per day or as per posted schedules (b) a total of seventy-five (75) hours averaged over a two (2) week period. 1302 Regular hours of work shall be deemed to:
(a) include a rest period of fifteen (15) minutes away from the immediate work area to be scheduled by the Employer during each half of a regular shift; and
(b) exclude an uninterrupted meal period of thirty (30) minutes in duration to be scheduled by the Employer during each shift that exceeds five (5) hours in length. exclude an additional uninterrupted meal period of thirty (30) minutes in duration to be scheduled by the Employer during each shift in excess of ten and one half (10.5) hours.
(c) If the Employer requires a nurse to be readily available for duty during the meal period, and where the meal period cannot be rescheduled within five (5) hours from the start of the shift or from the last meal period, the nurse shall be so advised in advance and be paid for that meal period at the overtime rate of pay applicable to the nurse. 1303 A regular full-time nurse shall be paid their regular weekly rate of pay if through no means attributable to them, they have been scheduled by the Employer to work less than seventy-five (75) scheduled hours in any two (2) week averaging period. This guarantee shall be reduced by the hour(s) of any Recognized Holiday(s) that occur during the seventy-five (75) hour two (2) week averaging period. 1304 Where a nurse cannot arrive at work as scheduled due to whiteout/blizzard conditions as declared by Environment Canada or the Employer, or due to road closures as declared by police agencies or Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure Department, the nurse may be rescheduled at a mutually agreeable time if possible during the following two (2) consecutive bi-weekly pay periods to work any hours missed. Where the scheduling of such shift cannot be accommodated or the nurse chooses not to be rescheduled, they may take the time from banked time which includes banked overtime, Recognized Holidays or vacation or be given an unpaid leave of absence. 1305 Schedules shall be posted for a minimum of six (6) weeks. The first four (4) weeks of the posted schedule shall be confirmed, and the last two (2) weeks of this six
HOURS OF WORK AND SCHEDULES. For the purposes of this Agreement: ‘day’ is defined as a (24) hour period commencing at a starting time designated by the Company:
HOURS OF WORK AND SCHEDULES. 21.1 The regular work week for regular full time employees shall consist of thirty-five
9.1 The hours of work and the number of days per week shall be as scheduled by the Employer but will not normally exceed twenty-four (24) hours per week. This is not to be construed as a guarantee of either a minimum or maximum number of hours per scheduled pay period, or number of days per scheduled pay period.
9.2 Employees who are assigned by the Employer to fill in for full-time positions shall receive the full-time rate for such work. Filling in shall be defined as working any hours or shifts that had been previously scheduled, or should have been scheduled but for the granting of any leave under the full-time Agreement, and where subsequently a part-time member is scheduled or assigned on the basis of seniority, subject to skill and ability. Employees assigned full-time hours in excess of three (3) consecutive months will become members of the full-time bargaining unit.