JOB POSTING AND SELECTION. Clause 9.01 Clause 9.02 (a) All vacant regular positions, limited positions and newly created positions within the coverage of this Agreement, shall be posted for a minimum period of five (5) working days during which time regular employees will have an opportunity to apply for such positions before probationary, casual, temporary or non-employees are considered. The order of consideration for selection shall be regular employees who are qualified followed by qualified regular employees from other GSU subsidiary bargaining units who will be considered prior to considering other employees or non-employees. Such posting shall clearly state the type of position and the minimum qualifications required to perform the duties as well as the wage rate and range if applicable. One (1) copy of each notice of posting will be mailed to the Sectional Chair of the Union and the Recording Secretary of the Union as recorded in the records of the Employer. (b) The posting period shall begin within three (3) working days of the date a vacancy occurs. A selection period of up to ten (10) working days, if required, shall be allowed following the removal of the posting after which the name of the successful applicant, if any, shall be posted for a period of three (3) working days. Once the successful applicant is named the appropriate rate of pay shall commence within five (5) working days. (c) Notwithstanding part (b) vacancies caused by leave in accordance with the collective agreement including but not limited to parental leave, approved leave of absence, and extended medical leaves where the Employer posts in advance of the date the vacancy occurs, shall be posted for a period of five (5) working days. The Employer will include the anticipated date of the vacancy on the job posting. A selection period of up to ten (10) working days, if required, shall be allowed following the removal of the posting after which the name of the successful applicant, if any, shall be posted for a period of three (3) working days. The Employer agrees to pay the appropriate rate of pay as of the date identified on the job posting. Should the anticipated vacancy occur prior to that date identified on the job posting the successful applicant will commence being paid the appropriate rate of pay within five (5) working days of the vacancy.
JOB POSTING AND SELECTION. 16.1 When vacancies occur within the bargaining unit, or new jobs are created within the bargaining unit, these positions shall be posted on the bulletin board, accessible to all employees, for a period of five (5) working days, during which time present employees shall have the opportunity of applying before outsiders are considered. During the posting period, the Corporation may fill a vacancy on a temporary basis. The experience gained while filling this temporary vacancy will not be used as determining factor in the job selection process. 16.2 Such notice shall contain the following information: nature of the position, qualifications, knowledge, experience, skills, and wage rates. 16.3 In filling vacancies and making transfers or promotions among employees represented by the Union, the Management will consider the qualifications and ability as the primary factors. In the event qualifications and ability of the respective applicants are relatively equal in Management's opinion, Corporation service shall govern. 16.4 Promotion shall mean advancement to a job which carries a higher rate of pay.
JOB POSTING AND SELECTION. When the Employer determines that a bargaining unit position is available, the Employer will fill the vacancy in accordance with this article. The Employer will post vacancies on the Employer’s website and e-mail the announcement to all staff. Position postings may be shared with PPCW’s community partners, relevant state employment agencies and other recruiters as determined by PPCW. All bargaining unit position postings will include the responsibilities, required skills, and minimum qualifications of the job, the health center or department, location(s), hours per week, exempt or non-exempt status, scheduled days, starting and stopping time (if known and may be subject to change), any weekend or on-call obligations of the position, and the anticipated duration of the position if it is temporary. The employee’s job classification, exempt or non-exempt status, health center or department, location(s), hours per week, scheduled days and hours of work, any weekend or on-call obligations, and duration of employment for any temporary position will be included in the offer letter.
JOB POSTING AND SELECTION. Clause 9.01 Seniority is the relative ranking of regular employees according to their length of employment with the Employer in the Bargaining Unit and where qualifications of the applicants are relatively equal, seniority shall be the deciding factor with regard to promotion and transfer. (a) All vacant regular positions, limited positions and newly created positions within the coverage of this Agreement, shall be posted for a minimum period of five (5) working days during which time regular employees will have an opportunity to apply for such positions before probationary, casual, temporary or non-employees are considered. The order of consideration for selection shall be regular employees who are qualified followed by qualified regular employees from other GSU subsidiary bargaining units who will be considered prior to considering other employees or non-employees. Such posting shall clearly state the type of position and the minimum qualifications required to perform the duties as well as the wage rate and range if applicable. One (1) copy of each notice of posting will be mailed to the Sectional Chair of the Union and the Recording Secretary of the Union as recorded in the records of the Employer. (b) The posting period shall begin within three (3) working days of the date a vacancy occurs. A selection period of up to ten (10) working days, if required, shall be allowed following the removal of the posting after which the name of the successful applicant, if any, shall be posted for a period of three (3) working days. Once the successful applicant is named the appropriate rate of pay shall commence within five (5) working days.
JOB POSTING AND SELECTION. Posting of SSD, SD, JSD, QAAT and QAT jobs will all be carried out in accordance with the following procedure.
JOB POSTING AND SELECTION. A. All job openings and newly created positions that are bargaining unit positions, including custodial jobs, in a Department (i.e. Facilities Services, Transportation Services, Food and Nutrition Services, or School Site) shall be posted to the District’s Human Resources job opportunities website, and selections shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this section. If the position is not filled by a District employee then the position will be posted externally. B. All job openings shall be posted internally for five (5) calendar days prior to external posting. C. In the filling of any job opening or newly created position, first consideration shall be given to applicants from within the department that posted the job opening. D. In the filling of job openings or newly created positions, applicants shall be matched against the needs of the position and when in the judgment of the Superintendent all other factors are equal, the most senior employee making application shall be offered the position. E. In the event the position is not filled under the provisions of this section by a District employee, the position may be filled by a new employee. F. Persons who have been hired as temporary employees and have worked in this capacity for six (6) months or longer shall be considered when vacancies occur. G. The Union will be advised by the District of any decision not to fill vacant position(s). Notification shall be made within five (5) days of the decision. H. Job openings will be posted by the District prior to filling the position.
JOB POSTING AND SELECTION. 18.1 Management agrees to post any vacancy within the bargaining unit, except temporary vacancies not to exceed six calendar months for a period of four (4) working days in order to give employees an opportunity to make application for the position. All employees interested in the job vacancy must make an application within eight (8) working days from the date of posting. Management is not necessarily obliged to fill the job or jobs from the applications received. 18.2 In selecting a candidate to fill a vacancy within the bargaining unit, the Company shall consider skill, ability, qualifications, aptitude, attendance and efficiency. When these factors are relatively equal among the applicants, the employee with the greatest Company service credit shall be given preference. 18.3 In selecting a candidate to fill a job within the bargaining unit requiring the exercise of some supervisory responsibilities, the primary consideration should be given to qualifications and to personal qualities such as leadership, reliability, attendance, judgment, ability to organize and instruct and an understanding and a display of the practice of good human relations. For these supervisory jobs, an endeavour will be made to promote the most promising employee for the particular job.
JOB POSTING AND SELECTION. 14.01 Any new Union job classifications created shall be reviewed with the Union to establish an appropriate salary level and grade, prior to posting. Any dispute arising from this process shall be taken up at Step 3 of the Grievance Procedure. Where vacancies other than temporary ones occur or when new positions are created; a notice shall be posted on the Corporation Bulletin boards in the Corporation buildings for a period of seven
JOB POSTING AND SELECTION. Clause 9.01 Seniority is the relative ranking of regular employees according to their length of employment with the Employer in the Bargaining Unit and where qualifications of the applicants are relatively equal, seniority shall be the deciding factor with regard to promotion and transfer. (a) All vacant regular positions, limited positions and newly created positions within the coverage of this Agreement, shall be posted for a minimum period of five (5) working days during which time regular employees will have an opportunity to apply for such positions before probationary, casual, temporary or non-employees are considered. Consideration shall be given to qualified employees from other GSU subsidiaries. Such posting shall clearly state the type of position and the minimum qualifications required to perform the duties as well as the wage rate and range if applicable. Two (2) copies of each notice of posting will be mailed to the Sectional Chair of the Union and the Recording Secretary of the Union as recorded in the records of the Employer. (b) The posting period shall begin within three (3) working days of the date a vacancy occurs. A selection period of up to ten (10) working days, if required, shall be allowed following the removal of the posting after which the name of the successful applicant, if any, shall be posted for a period of three (3) working days. Once the successful applicant is named the appropriate rate of pay shall commence within five (5) working days.
JOB POSTING AND SELECTION. Section 1. The employer shall recruit and select employees on the basis of merit and job-related qualifications. If qualifications and capabilities are substantially equal, then seniority shall be the determining factor in filling new or vacant permanent positions in the bargaining unit. Section 2. Nothing in this Article limits the employer’s right to recruit internally or externally, however, in either case the employer shall post notice of available bargaining unit positions for at least seven (7) calendar days to inform employees of vacancies and newly created positions and provide those who are interested an opportunity to apply. Section 3. When recruiting internally or externally for a full-time position within a particular department (e.g., cadre is a department; teacher is a department; etc.), part- time employees within the department will be offered first consideration for the position, with seniority as the determining factor if two or more applicants are substantially equal in qualifications and capabilities.