Joint Panel Sample Clauses
Joint Panel. The PAR Program will be administered by a Joint Panel consisting of five members, three teachers selected by AEA and two administrators appointed by the superintendent or designee. Qualifications for the teacher representatives shall be the same as those for CT as set forth in Section, and they shall be selected by AEA. A Joint Panel member’s term shall be two years. Joint Panel members may be reappointed for consecutive terms. There shall be no term limits for Joint Panel members. The Joint Panel shall establish a procedure for selecting the Chairperson. The term of the Chairperson shall be one year, and the position shall alternate between AEA and the District. The Chairperson shall be a full voting member of the Joint Panel. The Joint Panel will strive to make all decisions through consensus in the areas of appointments, reports and recommendations to the Governing Board, and PAR program plan and budget. Failing consensus, decisions will be made by a majority vote. Four of the five members will constitute a quorum for purposes of meeting and conducting business. The Joint Panel operates in complete confidentiality. Its primary responsibilities are to establish the PAR program and PAR program budget on a yearly basis and to select and oversee the CTs. Specifically, the Joint Panel is responsible for: • Generating application forms and procedures for selecting consulting teachers; • Selecting and assigning the CTs; • Reviewing CTs’ reports on RPTs; • Evaluating the effectiveness of the CTs in their role based on the following criteria:
a) Providing assistance to improve in the specific areas identified by the evaluator, RPE, and CT;
b) Conducting multiple observations of the RPT during classroom instruction, including both pre- and post-observation conference;
c) Demonstrating teaching for the RPT or arranging opportunities for the RPT to observe other teachers;
d) Facilitating the RPT’s access to specific training in specified teaching techniques or in designated subject matter;
e) Organizing activities appropriate to the RPT’s needs and interest. • Monitoring the RPT’s progress and providing periodic feedback to the RPT for discussion and review • Coordinating with the District to provide training for the CTs, for Joint Panel members, and where appropriate, for any PTs and Evaluators; • Establishing internal operating procedures and regulations necessary to carry our title requirements of the Education Code and thi...
Joint Panel. 1. A Joint Panel to oversee the Program shall be established and will be composed of three (one [K-2], one [3-5], one [6-8]) classroom Unit Members and two (2) administrators.
a. The Association is responsible for holding an election for classroom Unit Members to serve as joint panel members. Initially, two (2) classroom Unit Member panel members shall serve for three (3) years and one (1) shall serve for two (2) years. All subsequent terms shall be for three (3) years.
b. The Superintendent shall appoint the administrator panel members. At least one (1) administrator panel member shall be a site administrator. Initially, one (1) administrator panel member shall serve for three (3) years and one (1) shall serve for two (2) years. All subsequent terms shall be for three (3) years.
c. Panel members shall be chosen no later than October 1 of an election year.
d. Panel members will participate in training to understand PAR and BTSA program as well as formative assessment, not to exceed one day of training.
2. The Joint Panel shall meet as needed.
3. The Joint Panel shall be responsible for the following:
a. Adopt Rules and Procedures to effect the provisions of the PAR Program. Said Rules and Procedures will be consistent with the provisions of this Agreement, and to the extent there is an inconsistency, the Agreement will prevail;
b. Receive necessary training to implement the PAR and BTSA Programs;
c. Select PAR and BTSA Support Providers by June 1 for the following year, depending upon need;
d. The selection process for Support Providers shall include a classroom observation of candidates;
e. The Joint Panel shall review peer review reports prepared by Consulting Teachers and make recommendations to the Board regarding Referred Teachers, including but not limited to, identifying Referred Teachers who are unable to demonstrate satisfactory improvement after sustained assistance. Only the Panel’s written recommendation shall be made available for placement in the Referred Unit Member’s personnel file. A copy of the recommendations shall be given to the Referred Participating Unit Member at the same time it is given to the Board; and
f. Evaluate annually the impact of the PAR program in order to improve the program.
4. All proceedings and materials related to evaluations, reports and all personnel matters shall be strictly confidential. Therefore, Joint Panel members and Support Providers may disclose such information only as necessary to administer this artic...
Joint Panel. A. The Joint Panel shall consist of five members, the majority of whom shall be certificated classroom teachers (3 members) who are chosen to serve by the OSTA. The superintendent shall select the District appointed members (2 members) to the Joint Panel. The Association and District shall each have one alternate member to substitute for their own regular panel members when they are unable to attend.
B. Association members to the Joint Panel shall serve two-year terms. During the 2001-2002 School Year, OSTA members shall be initially selected as Joint Panel members with 1 one- year term, 1 two-year term, and 1 three-year term. All subsequent terms shall be for two years. OSTA members may serve two consecutive terms.
C. The Joint Panel shall establish its own meeting schedule. Such meetings shall, generally, take place during the regular teacher workday. Teachers who are members of the Joint Panel shall be released from their regular duties to attend meetings, without loss of pay or benefits.
D. All actions of the Joint Panel shall be taken with all five members or their substitutes present (as specified by Section 2, number 1). Decisions shall be made by simple majority vote.
E. The Joint Panel shall establish its own rules and procedures, including the method for the selection of a Chairperson. Said rules and procedures will be consistent with the provisions of this Agreement, and to the extent there is an inconsistency, the Agreement will prevail.
F. The responsibilities of the Joint Panel are as follows:
1) The funds designated for the PAR program are intended to fully support that program. An annual budget shall be prepared by the Joint Panel before January 17. 2002 (for the 2001/2002 school year only), thereafter, July 1 of each school year. No expense required by the operation of this program shall be budgeted or charged to the general fund. The program is dependent upon continued funding from the State, pursuant to Education Code, section 44506 and, unless otherwise mutually agreed, will be discontinued when and if the funding is discontinued.
2) The Joint Panel shall determine by December 21, 2001 (for the 2001/2002 school year only), thereafter, June 30 the number of Consulting Teacher positions and funds that will be necessary to support Referred and Voluntary Participating Teachers. In addition, funding requirements of the Panel for the following year shall be determined. Also the Joint Panel may at their discretion fund Mentor Teacher positions...
Joint Panel. 3.1.1 A Panel consisting of five (5) members, three (3) permanent classroom teachers selected by the Association and two (2) administrators appointed by the District will administer the Peer Review and Enrichment Program. There shall also be two (2) teacher alternates, who shall be a permanent classroom teachers, and two (2) administrator alternates both to be trained and assume Panel duties if needed in the event of a conflict of interest or if a Panel member is unable to perform his/her duties. Alternates have the right to attend all Panel meetings. The chair of the Panel shall alternate annually between the District and the Association. A Panel member shall neither participate in discussion nor vote on any matter in which he/she has professional or personal conflict of interest.
Joint Panel. 1The Joint Panel shall consist of five (5) members, three (3) of whom shall be permanent certificated classroom teachers who are appointed to serve by the Evergreen Teachers Association (ETA). The other two (2) members shall be appointed by the Superintendent.
Joint Panel. The Peer Assistance and Review Program will be administered by a Joint Panel consisting of seven members, four selected by the certificated classroom teachers, and three appointed by the District. Qualifications for the teacher representatives shall be the same as those for Consulting Teacher as set forth in Section 4.2.1, and they shall be selected by the Association. A Panel member’s term shall be two years, except the first terms shall be for the teacher members two two-year terms and two three-year terms, and for the District members one two-year term and two three-year terms. The Panel shall establish a procedure for selecting the Chair. The term of the Chair shall be one year, and the position shall alternate between the Association and the District. The Chair shall be a full voting member of the panel.
Joint Panel. 10.5.1 The PAR Program is supervised and evaluated by a Joint Panel composed of a majority of certificated classroom teachers chosen to serve by the Association and administrators chosen to serve by the District, as follows: Three (3) administrators selected by the District. Four (4) teachers selected by the Association.
10.5.2 The Chair of the Joint Panel alternates annually between a teacher and an administrator.
10.5.3 Panel members shall serve a term not to exceed three (3) years. All previous members of the Joint Panel must be off the Joint Panel for at least one (1) year before being re-selected to serve on the Joint Panel.
Joint Panel. The PAR Program is supervised by the Joint Panel of seven (7) members composed of a majority of certificated classroom teachers. The four (4) teacher representatives shall be appointed by the Association’s Executive Board and Representative Council, and the three
Joint Panel. 17.2.1 A Joint Panel shall be established and will be comprised of three (3) classroom teachers, two
Joint Panel. Joint Panel Composition and Selection The PAR program is supervised and evaluated by a Joint Panel composed of a majority of certificated classroom teachers chosen to serve by other certificated classroom teachers and administrators chosen to serve by the district, as follows: three administrators selected by the superintendents and four teachers by the associations, representing six small districts. Districts shall draw lots for representation by their association or their administration. By Lot, one of the six districts will select both a teacher and an administrator. The chair alternates annually between a teacher an administrator. A Panel is defined as July 1 - June 30. A Panels Member's shall be no more than three years. Panel Members must be off the panel at least one year before being reselected. For the first year, those selected shall be randomly appointed for two or three year terms.