OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENT. 1701 When, in the determination of the Department Head and with the approval by the Human Resources Director or designee, it is necessary to specifically assign in writing an employee all of the significant duties of a higher classification for eighty- one consecutive working hours, the employee so assigned shall be compensated at the minimum rate established for the higher call or five percent (5%) above the employee’s regular base rate of pay, whichever is greater, with pay effective upon the date of the change of assignment. Under no circumstances shall the employee receive an amount greater than the maximum step of the higher class. For purposes of this Article, the out-of-class workweek shall begin on the day the employee begins the duties of the higher classification, as specified in the written assignment. For an example, see Section 1711 below. 1702 This policy shall apply in temporary situations due to:
OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENT. 6.8.1 A Unit Member assigned to spend a substantial amount of the Unit Member’s time performing duties requires skills and/or responsibilities not in the Unit Member’s classification description but included in the duties of a classification which has a range higher than that of the Unit Member for more than five (5) working days within a fifteen (15) calendar day period shall receive additional compensation. The rate of compensation shall be based on the range of the higher classification at a step that ensures that the Unit Member’s additional compensation shall be not less than five percent (5%) greater than the Unit Member’s present range and step.
OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENT. It is the intent of Management to avoid working an employee in an out-of-class assignment. An out-of-class assignment is defined as any assignment requiring substantial and continuing work which is not normally included within the scope of the duties and responsibilities of the class as defined by the specifications for the class to which the assigned employee's position is allocated.
OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENT. For any out-of-class assignment, a unit employee shall be paid an additive amount which, when added to his/her base pay, shall equal the "A" step of the appropriate range, or the step the employee would be placed on if promoted to the classification, whichever is greater. Out-of-class pay shall be for assignments of five (5) days or greater in duration and shall be effective the first day of such assignment. Each quarter, unit members who have accumulated five (5) or more days in an acting sergeant capacity, and have not otherwise been compensated for the out-of-class assignment, will be compensated a five (5%) additive for those days. In cases where the assignment is not reasonably consistent with the full range of duties of an existing higher class, the principle of a five percent (5%) additive shall prevail. The District will notify SDCCPOA of any out-of-class assignments approved for more than a six (6) month period of time.
OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENT. Classified employees shall not be required to perform duties which are not fixed and prescribed for the position by the Governing Board unless the duties reasonably relate to those fixed for the position by the Governing Board, for any period of time which exceeds five (5) working days with a fifteen (15) calendar day period except as authorized herein. An employee may be required to perform duties inconsistent with those assigned to the position by the Governing Board for a period of more than five (5) working days provided that his/her salary is adjusted upward for the entire period he/she is required to work out of classification and in such amounts as will reasonably reflect the duties required to be performed outside his/her normal assigned duties. Per Education Code Section 45110.
OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENT. A. Out–of–class assignments shall be made for a minimum of five (5) consecutive eight
OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENT. It is the intent of Management to avoid out-of-class assignments. However, nothing herein shall limit Management's authority to temporarily assign employees to duties and responsibilities not specifically included in the employee's class specifications whenever emergencies or operational necessities require. If said assignment exceeds thirty (30) working days, Management will initiate the necessary action to fill the position at the proper level or otherwise prevent the occurrence of an out-of-class assignment.
OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENT. A. Out–of–class assignments shall be made for a minimum of ten (10) consecutive work days/shifts or two (2) weeks of regular shifts (8/9/8), and shall not exceed 180 consecutive work days. In order to be assigned to work out–of–class, the employee must consistently assume a substantial amount of the higher level duties.
OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENT. A. As used herein, "Out-Of-Class Assignment" means the Authorized full-time performance of all significant duties of an authorized vacant District position by a current District employee. When a current employee, in accordance with the policy set forth below, performs an out-of-class assignment in a position with a higher pay range, he/she shall be compensated at a minimum of five percent (5%) increase in his/her current salary, or compensated at the closest step to a 5 percent (5%) increase of his/her current salary according to the salary range of the position to which he/she has been temporarily assigned during the period of out-of-class assignment.
OUT-OF-CLASS ASSIGNMENT. A. The Union has agreed to work in the capacity as out-of-class Assistant Chiefs when the Assistant Chiefs are off during vacation leave, holiday leave, sick leave, bereavement leave, or any assigned leaves designated by the District.