SICK CREDITS. An employee who would otherwise be entitled to receive the cash equivalent of one half (½) of his/her accumulated sick leave credits upon retirement (up to a maximum of six
SICK CREDITS. (if applicable)
a) Any employee who qualifies for sick leave pay, shall receive full pay so long as the employee‘s credits under the prior sick credit plan last. However bereavement leave shall not be charged to sick leave credits.
b) Except for persons who are on sick leave at the time of notice of lay off, sick leave credits shall not be used by those employees who have received a notice of lay off and who are absent from work as a result of lay off.
SICK CREDITS. Non probationary full-time employees will be allocated seventy-two (72) hours of sick time per fiscal year, with the ability to carry forward sixteen (16) hours into the following fiscal year. Non probationary part-time employees will be allocated fourteen (14) hours of sick time per fiscal year, The allocation will be given annually on April 1st. When an employee leaves within the year, the allocation will be prorated. Overuse of sick time will be deducted from the final pay to the employee.
SICK CREDITS. Employees who transfer from full-time to part-time status may elect to either cash their existing sick leave credits or to freeze their sick credits at the employee's cui-rent rate of pay. The pay-out of sick credits shall be made in accordance with the schedule set out in Article Frozen sick credits will be re-activated should the employee return full-time employment or
SICK CREDITS. Full time employees, after completing the probationary period, will be credited with five
SICK CREDITS. The employee’s current sick credits as of August 1, 1997 minus the 14 days, (if available) to be used under the WI system, will be frozen at their current dollar amounts following the wage adjustments made prior to August 1, 1997. The frozen sick leave bank can be used to top up sick days which are otherwise not fully paid (including days paid under the new WI plan) to a normal day’s pay. The frozen cashout plan will be replicated in the Letter of Understanding amended only to reflect that it applies only to employees on staff as at August 1, 1997 (or date of implementation if earlier) and that the cashout formula applies to monies remaining in the sick leave bank. Those employees with less than 14 days in their sick leave bank as at August 1, 1997 (or date of implementation if earlier) will start the new sick leave plan with those pre-existing days in their new sick leave bank.
SICK CREDITS. Each Teacher covered by the Collective Agreement will have a Sick Leave Credit Account which shall indicate the number of credits he or she has accumulated while employed by the School and the value of such credits. At the commencement of each School Year, there shall be credited to each staff member's Sick Leave Credit Account, one and one-half (1 credits per month accumulative for the School Year, or fifteen (15) credits. In the case of a staff member commencing work commencement of the School Year, the number of credits granted to that persons' Sick Leave Account shall be in proportion to the remaining full working months for the balance of the year. The School shall be responsible for keeping a record of accumulated Sick Leave Credits and, the value of such credits, and the years during which such credits were accumulated. The School shall also be responsible for keeping records of deductions from each Sick Leave Account. At the start of each School Year, the School shall notify each Teacher of the number of accumulated Sick Leave Credits in his account, and the value of such credits. The value of each Sick Leave Credit shall be determined by dividing the number of periods or hours such Teacher is regularly paid per week during the year such credit was granted by the periods or hours of a full-time Teacher as defined in this Agreement. The resulting fraction shall be the value of each Sick Leave Credit accumulated in such year. A Teacher may accumulate Sick Leave Credits from year to year to a maximum of In all cases, such accumulated Sick Leave Credits shall be the Sick Leave Credits most recently accumulated. For purpose of utilization of Sick Leave Credits to provide salary for a Teacher when sick, resort shall be had first to the Sick Leave Credits granted in that School Year. If more than the number of Sick Leave Credits as determined by Article are required in any School Year, resort shall be had to the most aged Sick Leave Credits contained in the Teachers' Sick Leave credit account. Such credits shall be used according to their respective values to the extent necessary fully to compensate for the absence in the current year. If a staff member uses the credits in his Sick Leave Account in full before the end of a given School Year, and leaves the employ of the School before the end of the School Year, a salary deduction shall be made for those days taken in excess of the one and one-half (1 days per School month of employment to which the Teache...
SICK CREDITS. The employee’s current sick credits as of August minus the days, (if available) to be used under the system, be frozen at their current dollar amounts following the wage adjustments made prior to August The frozen sick can be used to top up sick days which are otherwise not fully paid (including days paid under the new plan) to a normal day’s pay. The frozen cashout plan will be replicated in the Letter of Understanding amended only to reflect that it applies only to employees on staff as at August (or date of implementation if earlier) and that the cashout formula applies to monies remaining in the sick leave bank. Those employees with less than days in their sick leave bank as at August (or date of implementation if earlier) will start the new sick leave plan with those days in their new sick leave bank.
SICK CREDITS. The employee’s current sick credits as of August minus the day, (if available) to be used under the system, will be frozen at their current dollar amounts following the wage adjustments made prior to August The frozen sick leave bank can be used to top up sick days which are otherwise not fully paid (including days paid under the new plan) to a normal day’s pay. The frozen cashout plan will be replicated in the Letter of Understanding amended only to reflect that it applies only to employees on staff as at August (or date of implementation if earlier) and that the cashout formula applies to monies remaining in the sick leave bank. Those employees with less than days in their sick leave bank as at August (or date of implementation if earlier) will start the new sick leave plan with those pre- existing days in their new sick leave bank. Amend current letter as indicated below, or insert in any collective agreement without an identical letter, replacing any clause or letter of a similar nature: The parties agree that abuse threatening behaviour is not tolerated. Staff are to be treated with respect dignity and respect. Abuse or threatening behaviour shall include, but not be limited to the following: physical abuse psychological abuse emotional abuse sexual abuse. In order to provide and maintain an environment free of behaviour all residents, family members, volunteers and persons having practicing privileges shall be informed that behaviour towards staff will not be tolerated. There will be no backlash or retaliation for the lodging of a complaint or participation in an investigation made in good faith, It is agreed that when the employee is faced with the abovementioned abuse it may be necessary for that employee to leave the threatening situation and notify immediate supervisor who will assess the situation and give further direction. In the event that the abuse is from a resident, it is agreed that no employee will be obligated to work with the resident one-on-one. In the event that a cognitive resident continues with the behaviour, the staff member shall be given the opportunity to transfer to a different work area, or be assigned a different resident. The incident will be documented on the resident care chart with a clear course of action for staff to follow when providing care to the resident, and a copy of the incident will be provided to the Director of Nursing. If the behaviour involves a resident the multi-disciplinary team will do a full assessme...