Xxxxxx and Recall Procedure Sample Clauses

Xxxxxx and Recall Procedure. Any employee who has not already completed his/her “probationary period”, upon starting work in a classification for which he/she has not worked in previously for the Board, shall be considered to be in his/her “probationary period”.
Xxxxxx and Recall Procedure. In the event that an employee’s position is eliminated, or the employee is bumped, said employee shall have the right to bump either (1) the employee with the least seniority among those employees with equal or more scheduled work hours, or (2) the employee with the least seniority among those employees with less scheduled work hours; provided said employee is qualified for the position. In the event that an employee’s scheduled work hours are reduced by more than two and one-half (2-1/2) hours or more a week, said employee shall have the right to bump the employee with the least seniority among those employees with equal or more scheduled work hours; provided said employee is qualified for the position. The employee shall have no more than seven (7) calendar days after receipt of his/her layoff/reduction of hours notice to exercise his/her right to bump. When a vacancy occurs, employees who are on layoff shall be recalled in the order of most seniority first, provided that the vacancy isn’t filled by another employee that has applied for the vacancy and provided that the employee is qualified for the job. Notice of a recall shall be sent to the employee at the last known address by registered or certified mail. Notice shall be given by the employee of his or her intent to return to work within three work days of receipt. If an employee fails to report for work within five working days of the scheduled date to return to work, he/she shall be considered a quit. Employees on layoff shall not be required to accept recall to a position with less work hours scheduled compared to the position they were laid off from, and such refusal shall not affect their recall rights. The Board shall mail notices of vacancies that arise in non-certified positions to the President of the bargaining unit when unit members are on layoff.
Xxxxxx and Recall Procedure. Except for scheduled layoffs, the employer shall give at least ten (10) working days notice to employees who are to be laid off. Employees will be eligible for recall for up to one (1) year from the date of layoff. Both the employee and the bargaining agent shall be notified by certified mail of any recall to employment and if the employee fails to communicate acceptance of the offer of reemployment within ten (10) working days from the date of receipt of the offer, the employee shall be considered as having forfeited the right to reemployment.
Xxxxxx and Recall Procedure. ‌ 11:01 Subject to consideration of their respective abilities, qualifications and records of performance, employees will be laid off in order of seniority from the classification in which the layoff is to take place, starting with the most junior in that classification and proceeding in ascending order to the most senior. 11:02 a) A full time permanent employee who is being laid off shall receive written notice from the Corporation of the date on which they are to be laid off at least four (4) weeks prior to that date. A part time permanent employee will receive two (2) weeks’ notice.
Xxxxxx and Recall Procedure. In reducing the number of employees or in making a permanent reduction in hours, the Employer will determine the number of positions and/or hours to be reduced within a classification by department and/or work location. If a vacancy exists in the same job classification within the same authorized hours level category (i.e., 80; 60 through 79; 40 through 59 authorized hours), an affected employee shall be reassigned to that opening and shall not be permitted to exercise any layoff rights. The Employer may implement a permanent reduction in hours up to twenty percent (20%) without invoking any layoff rights within the forty (40) through fifty nine (59) and sixty (60) through seventy nine (79) authorized hour levels so long as the hours are not reduced beneath forty (40) and sixty (60) hours respectively. Any other elimination of a position, any reduction in hours of a position with authorized hours of eighty (80) per pay period, or reduction in hours of twenty percent (20%) or more for employees authorized to work forty (40) through seventy-nine (79) hours per pay period will result in the implementation of the following layoff procedures. The employee laid off has the following options: A. The employee may accept the layoff; or B. So long as the position would not otherwise be filled by a different applicant under Section 2 of the Filling of Vacancies procedures set forth in Article 17, the employee may accept an existing bargaining unit opening in a different class or authorized hour level C. Replace the least senior employee in his or her job classification in the designated hour levels described in Section 2.
Xxxxxx and Recall Procedure. When a reduction within a classification is necessary, the following shall be the order of layoffs: 1. Probationary employees 2. Employees with the least amount of service 3. Laid off employees may bump into another classification, provided that they (1) have the necessary qualifications and they then present ability to perform the job; (2) accrued seniority within that classification. In this instance, the employee may displace the least senior employee in that classification. 4. Recall - In the event a future need for services occur, those employees who have established seniority, within the classification will be recalled in accordance with their date of entry into that classification, provided said employee to be recalled has the necessary qualifications and the then present ability to perfoDm the job. The Employer shall notify the employee by certified mail to the last known mailing address. (It shall be the employee t s responsibility to maintain their current address and/or forwarding address with the Employer.) I. An employee wilotransfers to either a confidential or supervisory position dealing with the classifications covered by this agreement shall continue to accrue seniority for sixty (60) working days. Dur ing this 60 working days period, the employee may revert back to his/her former position at his/her option without loss of seniority, or the Employer may revert the employee back to his/her former position without appeal or protest from the employee and/or the union. If the employee remains in the confidential or supervisory posi tion, his/her seniority within the bargaining unit shall be frozen effective the 61st working day and remain frozen as long as the employee is employed in the confidential or supervisory position dealing with the classifications covered by this agreement.
Xxxxxx and Recall Procedure. 1. No employee will have any right to claim the job of a less senior employee unless he/she can meet the requirements for that position and can perform that job satisfactorily. 2. Where the layoff is intended to be five working days or less, the laid off employee shall have no right to claim the job of a less senior employee during such five days. 3. For the purpose of this Article, ten-month and part-time employees are not considered to have been laid off during any scheduled school vacation periods unless they are normally scheduled to work during that period and are directed not to do so. 4. In the event that the Board determines that a twelve-month or a ten month position is to be reduced or eliminated, the Board shall identify the position affected and the employee holding that position shall be allowed to: a. bump the least senior twelve-month employee among those positions as limited by E. 1 above; or b. bump the least senior 10 month employee among those positions as limited by E. 1 above; or c. bump the least senior part-time employee among those positions as limited by E.1 above; or d. apply and be granted a vacant position; or e. accept the layoff or reduction. 5. In the event that the Board determines that a part-time position is to be reduced or eliminated, the Board shall identify the position affected and the employee holding that position shall be allowed to: a. bump the least senior part-time employee among those positions as limited by E, 1 above; or b. apply and be granted a vacant position; or c. accept the layoff or reduction. 6. A twelve-month or a ten-month employee that is bumped shall also have the right to the options in 4, above. A part-time employee that is bumped shall also have the right to the options in 5 above. 7. When a vacancy occurs, employees who are on layoff with the most seniority shall be recalled first, provided that the vacancy isn’t filled by another employee that has applied for the vacancy and provided that the employee can meet the requirements for the job and can perform that job satisfactorily. Notice of a recall shall be sent to the employee at the last known address by registered or certified mail. Notice shall be given by the employee of his or her intent to return to work within three work days of receipt. If an employee fails to report for work within five working days of the scheduled date to return to work, he/she shall be considered a quit. Employees who were laid off as twelve-month or ten-month emp...
Xxxxxx and Recall Procedure. 11.01 A laid-off employee shall be entitled to remain on a lay-off list for a period of nine (9) months. If, at the end of the nine (9) month period no work is available, the employee shall be so advised. 11.02 While on lay off an employee will not earn seniority, but he/she shall retain seniority which he/she had accumulated to the time of his/her lay off. 11.03 An employee who is laid off is entitled to written notice, or pay in lieu of notice, of at least: (a) one (1) week, if his/her length of service is less than one year; (b) two (2) weeks, if his/her length of service is one year or more but less than three years; (c) four (4) weeks, if his/her length of service is three years or more but less than five years; (d) six (6) weeks, if his/her length of service is five years or more but less than ten years; (e) eight (8) weeks, if his/her length of service is ten years or more. 11.04 In the case of lay off an employee shall be entitled to exercise seniority, to avoid lay off, in his/her regular job classification, and if unable, then in a job classification equal to or lower than his/her regular position and will displace the most junior employee in the classification, subject to the provisions of Article
Xxxxxx and Recall Procedure. Notice and Redeployment Committee Retirement Allowance and Voluntary Exit Options Layoff and Recall Benefits on Layoff Retraining Separation Allowances
Xxxxxx and Recall Procedure. If a temporary road closure or other event causes a route to be modified during the event any driver affected by the modification shall be compensated for his/her regular scheduled route hours regardless of any time change. If the change causes any driver’s time to increase beyond the scheduled route time the driver shall be compensated for the extra time at the appropriate rate on a temporary timesheet during the event.