Absence Due to Illness or Injury. In the event that a Technician is taken ill or injured during the working day and is unable to complete the day's work, the Producer agrees to pay the Technician for a minimum of four (4) hours at straight-time (1X) for that day, or pay for the time worked, whichever is greater.
Absence Due to Illness or Injury. All teachers of the Board shall be permitted to be absent from their duties on account of illness or injury only, for a total of twenty school days in a School Year without any deduction in salary. Teachers' absence shall be covered by supply teachers at the Principal's discretion.
Absence Due to Illness or Injury. An employee who is off work due to illness or injury shall co-operate in his or her early and safe return to work by,
i) contacting the Centre as soon as possible after the injury or illness occurs and maintaining communication throughout the period of his or her recovery and impairment;
ii) assisting the Centre, as may be required or requested, to identify suitable employment that is available and consistent with the employee's functional abilities and that, when possible, restores his or her pre-injury earnings;
iii) giving the Centre such information as the Centre may request concerning the employee's return to work; and The employee may be required to furnish proof of illness by a medical certificate when absent from work due to illness or injury not covered by Workers’ Insurance, and if it is not so furnished the Centre may take such disciplinary action as may be deemed necessary. Effective 1st pay period ending after April 1, 2015 Inclusive of Pay Equity Registered Practical Nurse 29.00 29.14 29.27 29.44 Resident Care Aide I, II, III, Program Assistant, M.R.C. II, Programmer/Kinesiologist, Driver-Maintenance/ Seating Maintenance, Maintenance Handyperson 22.85 22.96 23.06 23.18 Volunteer Co-ordinator, Toy Librarian, Sewer/Receiver 22.43 22.53 22.63 22.74 Custodian 22.16 22.26 22.36 22.47 Housekeeping Aide/ Laundry Aide 21.89 21.98 22.08 22.19 Group Home * 30 cents per hour premium. Effective 1st pay period ending after October 1, 2016 Inclusive of Pay Equity Registered Practical Nurse 29.23 29.36 29.50 29.66 Resident Care Aide I, II, III, Program Assistant, M.R.C. II, Programmer/Kinesiologist, Driver-Maintenance/ Seating Maintenance, Maintenance Handyperson 23.08 23.18 23.28 23.40 Volunteer Co-ordinator, Toy Librarian, Sewer/Receiver 22.65 22.75 22.85 22.97 Custodian 22.38 22.48 22.59 22.70 Housekeeping Aide/ Laundry Aide 22.12 22.20 22.31 22.42 Group Home * 30 cents per hour premium. The parties hereby recognize and share the concern that employees sometimes face situations of violence or abuse in their personal lives that may affect their attendance or performance at work. The parties agree that when there is adequate verification from a recognized professional (i.e., doctor, lawyer, professional counsellor), an employee who is in an abusive or violent personal or domestic situation will not be subjected to discipline without giving full consideration to the facts in the case of each individual and the circumstances surrounding the incident otherwis...
Absence Due to Illness or Injury. If an employee is out of work because of his proven illness or injury resulting in inability to work for a cumulative period of four (4) weeks or more as evidenced by a doctor's certificate filed with the Employer when returning to work, if required by the Employer, then the actual annual earnings for the vacation year involved shall be divided by fifty-two (52) less the number of weeks of proven illness or injury as outlined above, with a maximum reduction of thirty-eight (38) weeks. Any period of illness or injury less than one (1) week (seven (7) days) duration shall not be used to make up the four (4) weeks.
Absence Due to Illness or Injury. Sick leave with full pay will be granted as follows:
A. Full-time certified employees working on a nine or ten month contract will be granted fifteen (15) days per year. Full-time teachers may accumulate reserve sick leave days to a maximum of three-hundred and forty (340) days.
B. Part-time employees will be granted fifteen (15) days per year of sick leave equal to the Employee’s work day and will accumulate as part-time equivalent days. Part-time Employees who work less than a full work week shall receive a pro-rata number of sick leave days annually based upon the fractionalized number of days worked each week.
(1) Xxxx leave shall be interpreted to mean personal illness, quarantines at home, hospitalization of an immediate family member, serious illness or death of an immediate family or household member, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption. The immediate family, for purposes of this section, shall include: parents (natural, step-, or xxxxxx), spouse, long-term companion, domestic partner, brothers, sisters, children (natural, step-, or xxxxxx), grandparents, grandchildren, parents-in-law, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, and legal guardians.
(2) Leave may be taken in one-half (1/2) day increments.
(3) Sick leave shall not be debited for legal holidays or school recess periods.
(4) All rights and benefits shall continue while on sick leave.
(5) If the Board requires a certificate during a leave of less than three days, it shall pay the expense incurred by the employee.
Absence Due to Illness or Injury. 20.1 In the event of sickness or injury resulting in an absence from work, the employee shall notify his or her Human Resources Department of the illness or injury as soon as possible, under normal circumstances by mid-shift.
20.2 In the event of sickness or injury disables the employee from working for more than two (2) consecutive shifts, the Company may require the employee to provide a medical certificate from the employee’s doctor describing the illness or sickness, the expected duration of the sickness or illness and whether the sickness or illness disables the employee from carrying out his or her duties. For sickness or illness exceeding one (1) work week, upon request from the Company, the employee shall provide such further medical information as required by the Company to confirm the ongoing nature of the disablement and the expected return to work date.
20.3 For absences from work in excess of one (1) working week or where the Company has reasonable grounds to believe the absence is not for legitimate medical reasons, the employee shall provide a medical certificate from his or her doctor confirming the employee’s fitness to return to work if such certificate is requested by the Company.
Absence Due to Illness or Injury. 6.1.1 A unit member employed eight (8) hours a day, five (5) days a week, twelve (12) months a year, shall be entitled to earn a maximum of thirteen (13) days paid sick leave during any one fiscal year. A unit member employed for less than the full fiscal year shall be entitled to earn one day for each month of service. If a unit member does not use the full amount of sick leave earned in any school year, the amount not used shall accumulate from year to year.
6.1.2 Hourly unit members or other eligible unit members working less than an eight (8) hour day or a five (5) day week, shall be entitled to a sick leave allowance in the proportion the unit member’s assignment bears to a full-time assignment. The minimum amount of sick leave credited to a part-time unit member is 24 hours per fiscal year.
6.1.3 Deductions for sick leave taken for sick leave use of one hour or less shall be in a one-hour increment. Deductions for sick leave taken for use of more than one hour shall be in increments of 15 minutes, with fractions of less than 15 minutes rounded up to the nearest 15 minute increment.
6.1.4 A newly employed unit member shall not be eligible to take more than six (6) days, or one-half of the proportionate amount of annual sick leave to which he/she may be entitled under this section, until the first day of the calendar month after completion of the probationary period. Permanent unit members shall be credited at the beginning of each fiscal year with all sick leave the unit member would normally earn during the fiscal year. In the event of termination prior to the end of the fiscal year, salary paid for unearned sick leave shall be deducted from the unit member’s final warrant.
6.1.5 A month of service is one in which a unit member is paid for seventy-five percent (75%) of the working days falling within that month.
6.1.6 Pregnancy and childbirth-related medical conditions that disable the unit member from working shall be treated like other illnesses for the purposes of sick leave, except as provided in this Article.
6.1.7 The unit member may be required to provide verification of reasons for the taking or use of illness or injury leave for every absence over three (3) days in length. Such verification shall include a statement from a licensed health care provider, verifying the reason and the dates the unit member was under the provider’s care.
6.1.8 The District may require a health care provider’s verification of reasons for the use of any le...
Absence Due to Illness or Injury. 6.1.1 A unit member employed eight (8) hours a day, five (5) days a week, twelve (12) months a year, shall be entitled to earn a maximum of thirteen (13) days paid sick leave during any one fiscal year. A unit member employed for less than the full fiscal year shall be entitled to earn one day for each month of service. If a unit member does not use the full amount of sick leave earned in any school year, the amount not used shall accumulate from year to year.
6.1.2 Hourly unit members or other eligible unit members working less than an eight (8) hour day or a five (5) day week, shall be entitled to a sick leave allowance in the proportion the unit member’s assignment bears to a full-time assignment. The minimum amount of sick leave credited to a part-time unit member is 24 hours per fiscal year.
6.1.3 Deductions for sick leave taken for sick leave use of one hour or less shall be in a one-hour increment. Deductions for sick leave taken for use of more than one hour shall be in increments of 15 minutes, with fractions of less than 15 minutes rounded up to the nearest 15-minute increment.
Absence Due to Illness or Injury. An employee who is absent due to illness or injury on a statutory holiday for which he would otherwise be eligible for holiday pay, shall receive the applicable holiday pay for any such falling during the first six (6) calendar months of such absence.
Absence Due to Illness or Injury. An employee who is unable to perform the functions of his or her position because of illness or injury, or for other medical reasons (including dental and medical examinations) may request to use Paid Time Off pursuant to the provisions of Article 12 or, alternatively, may request unpaid leave pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.5 subject to approval of the Company at its discretion.