ABSENTEEISM AND TARDINESS. A. Employee absenteeism places an undue burden on the School District's ability to manage and direct effective programs and services for students, parents, and the community. The School District has a right to expect its employees to be at work regularly and on time. Excessive absenteeism, even due to bona fide reasons, may be deemed excessive.
B. At a time when the Board feels an employee is guilty of absence or tardy abuse, said employee shall be called in and orally warned. If the abuse continues, said employee will be called in a second time and given a written reprimand; and, if such abuse continues, said employee will be called in a third time at which time said employee shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment.
C. An employee who is absent without an approved leave may be subject to disciplinary action, including reprimand, loss of pay, suspension without pay, or termination.
ABSENTEEISM AND TARDINESS. The Board of Education requires that a review of individual student attendance be made periodically throughout the year. Religious holidays and NJDOE sanctioned days are the only recognized excused absences. Students who accrue five (5) unexcused absences within any given trimester, will receive a letter which will require a parent conference with the principal. Any additional unexcused absences may lead to a second parent conference. Xxxxxxx charges may be filed against the parent or guardian if a child accrues ten (10) unexcused absences. Retention may be considered once absences reach twenty-four (24) unexcused absences. Tardiness shall be considered if the child is not in homeroom at its commencement - Primary School 9:30 a.m., Elementary School 9:30 a.m., Middle School 8:20 a.m. Up to five late times are permitted per marking period without consequences. At the middle school, administrative detentions will be issued for every late thereafter within the trimester.
ABSENTEEISM AND TARDINESS. Section 1. Absence. Employees may be subject to the following discipline if they have accrued during any 12-month period. Absences Resulting Discipline 6 Oral reprimand 7 Written reprimand 8 One (1) day suspension 9 Three (3) days suspension 10 Employee will warrant further disciplinary action including dismissal at the City's discretion.
ABSENTEEISM AND TARDINESS. Absenteeism or tardiness shall be avoided whenever possible. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness shall be cause for disciplinary action.
ABSENTEEISM AND TARDINESS. Any employee who, because of sickness or other disability, or for any other reason, is unable to report to work on any day on which he/she is scheduled to do so, must notify the appropriate supervisor of such fact at least two (2) hours prior to his/her scheduled reporting time for work after the morning report period on that day, if possible; and at least one-half (1/2) hour prior to his/her scheduled reporting time for the morning report period, if possible. An employee's failure to comply with this Section may be the basis of disciplinary action. Approved leaves of absence shall not be counted as absenteeism for disciplinary purposes. An employee shall not be subject to discipline for absence due to union business provided the union has notified the Company in accordance with the provisions of this Article. An employee shall not be subject to discipline for absence due to illness provided said employee furnishes a valid excuse from a doctor. In no case shall an employee be subject to discipline for absences totaling less than seven (7) days per school year, provided said employee has followed rules regarding notification of Company to the best of his/her ability. Any employee who is late in reporting to work for the first time in a school quarter shall have the right to do his/her run, provided the bus has not left the yard, and provided that no further delay is caused thereby. If an employee is late in reporting to work a second or subsequent time in the school quarter, he/she shall have the right to do his/her run provided that the standby has not begun his/her inspection check. If the run has been given to another driver, the late employee will not be paid the minimum report guarantee unless given other work. A driver will not be considered late until five (5) minutes after his or her report time. No run will be given to a standby driver until five (5) minutes after the report time of the regular driver. It is understood that it is not the intention of the Company to punish an employee for being absent from work. However, the parties acknowledge that the Company will review each individual employee's attendance record on an individual basis. The parties agree to work together to resolve these problems. The Company reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate from employment those employees who do not attempt to correct their attendance problems.
ABSENTEEISM AND TARDINESS. A. Unauthorized absenteeism may be grounds for loss of pay, suspension, and/or dismissal. Each employee is expected to notify the Superintendent or his/her designee in the event there is to be a loss of time. Such notification shall include the amount of time the employee expects to be gone. Additional time, beyond the original loss of time contemplated, shall be made in the same manner.
B. It is expected that each Employee will be prompt and prepared for work and will report to the assigned workstation at the prescribed time.
C. Any employee finding that he/she will not be available for work at the prescribed time shall notify the Superintendent and/or his designee in advance, except in cases of unusual circumstances when notification will be made at the earliest opportunity. Failure to comply with this procedure may be considered grounds for loss of pay, suspension, and/or dismissal.
ABSENTEEISM AND TARDINESS. In the event that staff is unable to attend work or will be at work late due to illness or emergencies, it is the staff member's responsibility to: • Contact and advise your supervisor of the situation no less than two (2) hours prior to their scheduled shift. • A supervisor may also request that the employee provide a verifiable excuse upon the employees return to work after three days of consecutive absenteeism.
ABSENTEEISM AND TARDINESS. In all cases where an employee is unable to report to work at his scheduled starting time, for any reason, he shall notify his supervisor no later than three (3) hours after such scheduled starting time. Absenteeism and tardiness are grounds for disciplinary action including discharge. Any employee who is absent for three (3) consecutive work days without notifying his supervisor will be terminated on the basis that he resigned. Such employee shall be notified by certified letter to his last known address; also advising him of his appeal his termination if he has a reasonable explanation for lack of such notice. ABSENCE OCCURRENCE
(A.) Absence -- If an employee is absent for more than three hours on a working day, he will be charged with one (1) absence occurrence. If this one occurrence is for five (5) consecutive day, a statement from the doctor will be required. If no doctor's statement is furnished, the fifth day and each succeeding day will be counted as additional absence occurrences. If this one occurrence is for eight (8) consecutive days, a disability leave of absence must be arranged. The maximum credit loss for one (1) day is one (1) credit. For absences due to disability, when a physician has certified inability to work, a release to return to work from a physician must be presented before the employee returns to work.
ABSENTEEISM AND TARDINESS. Existing policy requires that an employee notify management in advance of the scheduled shift start when said employee is absent from work. This policy also requires an employee to notify management in advance of the scheduled start of the work shift when this employee will be late in reporting to work. Generally, these provisions are most relevant to absences under sick leave provisions since the Working Policy and other policies; pertain specifically to the scheduling of vacation leave, floating holiday leave and funeral leave. There are two situations which occur relative to tardiness. The first, involves an employee who has not called in before the start of the work shift as is required by existing policy. The second, applies to an employee who calls in before the start of his or her work shift:
ABSENTEEISM AND TARDINESS. Unscheduled, unexcused absences due to injury or illness, even when following appropriate guidelines, may still be deemed excessive. Discipline for otherwise unexcused tardiness and absenteeism is generally applied as follows: the first two violations result in written warnings; the third, a three-day suspension; and the fourth, dismissal Xxxx is committed to preventing workplace violence and to maintaining a safe work environment. We have adopted the following guidelines to deal with intimidation, harassment, or other threats of (or actual) violence that might occur during business hours or on our premises. All team members, including team leaders and temporary team members, should be treated with courtesy and respect at all times. Employees are expected to refrain from fighting, "horseplay," or other conduct that may be dangerous to others. We prohibit firearms, weapons, and other dangerous or hazardous devices and substances from the premises of Xxxx without proper authorization. Xxxx will not tolerate conduct that threatens, intimidates, or coerces another team member, a customer, or a member of the public at any time, including off-duty periods. This includes all acts of harassment, including harassment that is based on an individual's sex, race, age, or any characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law. All threats of (or actual) violence, either direct or indirect, should be reported as soon as possible to your team leader or any other member of management. This includes threats by team members as well as threats by customers, vendors, solicitors, or anyone else. When reporting a threat of violence, you should be as specific and detailed as possible. Xxxx strives to provide a workplace free from violence of any kind. For purposes of this handbook, “violence” includes, but is not necessarily limited to: actual or threatened physical violence toward an individual or group; use of physical force, harassment or intimidation, or abuse of power or authority, where the intent or impact is to control another by causing him or her pain, fear or physical harm; and any other conduct a reasonable person may perceive as actual or threatened violence. If you believed you have witnessed or been the subject of workplace violence, or if you know of a potentially violent or dangerous situation, you should immediately report it to your supervisor or Human Resources. In situations posing an imminent danger of serious bodily harm, first remove yourself from t...