Drug Screening. In addition to testing provided for under applicable City ordinances (HMC Chapters 180 and 186), unit members shall be subject to random drug testing procedures set forth in Appendix B.
Drug Screening. A. Drug screening or testing may be conducted upon reasonable suspicion that an employee has violated county or departmental drug and alcohol policies. Reasonable suspicion means specific, contemporaneous, articulable observations concerning the appearance, behavior, speech or body odors of the employee, or an abrupt and observable decline in employee performance. This testing shall be conducted solely for administrative purposes and the results obtained shall not be used in any criminal proceeding. Under no circumstances may the results of the drug screening or testing be released to a third party for the use in criminal prosecution against the affected employee. The following procedures shall not preclude the employer from taking disciplinary action, but such actions shall not be based solely upon the test results.
B. All drug screening tests shall be conducted by medical laboratories licensed by the State of Ohio. The procedures utilized by the testing lab shall correspond to accepted medical practice. Any positive result shall be confirmed by a mass spectroscopy procedure or a similarly reliable procedure. All samples taken from the employee shall be split and a second sample maintained for any confirmation of the original results.
C. Drug screening tests conducted upon reasonable suspicion shall be given to employees to detect the illegal use of controlled substances as defined in Section 3719.01 of the Ohio Revised Code. The employee may have a second confirmatory test done at a lab of his choosing, at his expense.
1. If all the screening and confirmatory tests are positive, the employee must have notified the employer of any alcohol or drug addiction prior to being tested to avoid termination, the Employer shall require the employee to participate in a rehabilitation or detoxification program, as determined appropriate by qualified medical personnel. The Employer may require the employee to participate in any State of Ohio certified rehabilitation or detoxification program which may not be covered by the employee’s health insurance plan in network.
2. An employee who participates in a rehabilitation or detoxification program shall be allowed to use sick leave, vacation leave, or personal days for the period of rehabilitation. If no such leave credit is available, such employee shall be placed on medical leave of absence without pay for the period of rehabilitation leave. Such leave may also be counted as Family Medical Leave by the Employer.
3. Upon...
Drug Screening. The Company reserves the right to terminate Executive’s employment in the event Executive does not pass the Company’s drug screening test for illegal drugs.
Drug Screening. The City and the Union will make a good faith effort to maintain a drug free workplace by complying with the requirements of the Federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, enhancing the health and safety of employees and the public, thereby providing more cost efficient delivery of municipal services.
A. Drug and/or alcohol screening or testing shall be conducted upon reasonable suspicion. Reasonable suspicion means a conclusion based on personal observation of specific objective instances of employee conduct, that an employee is exhibiting aberrant or unusual on duty behavior which is the type of behavior which is recognized and accepted as a symptom of intoxication or impairment caused by controlled substances or alcohol and is not reasonably explained as a result of other causes such as fatigue, side effects to prescription or over-the-counter medication, reaction to fumes, smoke or other job related causes or factors. Such behavior may include, but is not limited to, a substantial drop in the employee’s performance level, impaired judgment or reasoning, decreased level of attention or sensory abilities, or other behavioral changes.
B. This testing shall be conducted solely for administrative purposes and the results obtained shall not be used in any criminal proceeding. The following procedures shall not preclude the employer from other administrative action.
C. Drug and/or alcohol testing may also be ordered when an employee is involved in an on duty motor vehicle accident which results in bodily injuries to any vehicle occupants or to the employee, has caused damage to City property in excess of $1,000.00, or when the employee has discharged a weapon while on duty. A drug test may also be ordered when an employee returns from an injury or illness after 30 consecutive calendar days of absence.
D. The City may subject a bargaining unit member to random drug and alcohol screening no more than twice in any calendar year; however, the total number of members subjected to random testing in a calendar year shall not exceed 50% of the bargaining unit. All covered employees will be included in a computer-based random selection pool and names of employees selected for testing shall be returned to the random pool after testing to ensure that each employee’s chances of being selected are the same. The City shall notify the Union prior to initiating any random selection. A Union representative may be present when any random selection is initiated in order to overse...
Drug Screening. The Company and the Union jointly recognize that the use of drugs and alcohol, which adversely affects job performance, constitutes a serious threat to efficient operations and to the safety of fellow workers. It is, therefore, agreed that the Company’s Substance Abuse Policy (implementation date: December 15, 1995) is an integral part of this Contract.
Drug Screening a. The Chief of Police upon reasonable suspicion based upon an officer’s conduct may require a police officer to submit a test sample for drug screening by means of blood or breath analysis to detect the presence of non-prescribed drugs, controlled substances and alcohol. A test sample must thereafter be provided upon the Chief’s request.
b. The affected officer may initiate a review of the Chiefs directive. If requested the Chiefs directive shall be reviewed by a special panel. The panel shall consist of the town administrator, the Captain, and one officer appointed by the union with no individual to serve on consecutive panels for review of drug testing directives. The purpose of review is to decide only whether the Chief has information which establishes reasonable suspicion to request a screening. The panel will meet and have the right to request corroborating information, if any, from the Chief in order to assist their review. Such special review shall be conducted and concluded within twenty-four (24) hours of the time the chief required the test sample, or as soon thereafter as is practicable.
c. If the special review panel concludes that the drug screening is warranted, such testing shall be conducted. If the panel finds that the test is not warranted, the sample shall not be tested and shall be destroyed.
Section 2: At the time the test sample is provided by the officer, an original non-tested sample will be given to the officer upon request whether or not testing is conducted by the TOWN.
a. The results of the drug screening test shall be given to the Chief of Police and the officer. In order for any test results to be accepted, the TOWN must demonstrate that the chain of custody of any samples has been preserved.
b. In the event the test is positive for any non-prescribed drug of an addictive and incapacitating nature or any controlled substance or alcohol the Chief shall require the officer to take a leave of absence subject to the following terms. The officer must apply within five days of the imposition of such leave to one of those drug treatment facilities agreed upon in advance by the TOWN and the ASSOCIATION, unless the Chief in his sole discretion agrees to application to another facility chosen by the officer. The officer shall enter the facility immediately upon availability of a placement. During the period of such leave the officer may use any accumulated leave, and if none is available or if it becomes exhausted, he may continue on ...
Drug Screening. Is there a provision? □ Yes □ No If yes, please note the page My Department can comply with these requirements □ OR Please propose language for me to share with the affiliate □
Drug Screening. In accordance with our standard policy, this offer is subject to reference checks and your successful completion of a drug-screening test prior to your proposed start date. You will be contacted immediately following receipt of your signed acceptance of this offer of employment to arrange for testing.
Drug Screening. I will participate in drug screening as a part of my treatment plan. I understand that drug screening will be conducted routinely. Screening may include urinalysis, blood testing and/or pill counts. I agree to pay any and all costs associated with drug testing not covered by my insurance. Refusal to submit to screening at the time specified may result in termination of service.
Drug Screening. The parties agree that at such time as they receive decisions concerning the negotiability of the Drug Free Workplace implementation Memo of Understanding (MOU), that MOU as modified by the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) shall become effective within the NTEU bargaining unit.