Human Resources Policy Sample Clauses

Human Resources Policy. The employee acknowledges having received a copy of the employment regulations and agrees to comply with the provisions. The parent company, VolitionRx Limited (“VNRX”), has drawn up an Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx policy relating to trading and to the offence of xxxxxxx xxxxxxx of important, undisclosed information. The Policy prohibits the directors, managers, employees and consultants of the Company and its subsidiaries from trading VNRX shares during certain Blackout periods, as described in the Policy. The Employee acknowledges having received a copy and agrees to comply with its provisions. VNRX has adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for its employees and directors, which the employee must comply with when performing his duties. The Employee acknowledges having received a copy of the Code and agrees to comply with its provisions.
Human Resources Policy. 24.1 With a view to performance increase and positive social consequences, the ANSPs shall commit to cooperate in the human resources domain, ensuring that the human resources requirements set out by the SES legislation are met. 24.2 The parties shall commit to harmonize their human resources management systems in accordance with the ROMATSA – BULATSA Statement on Human Resources Policy, ensuring inter alia the following strategic objectives: a) recruitment of the best available candidates for all vacant positions; b) selection of highly qualified staff through open competition; c) continuous development of the skills and knowledge of the staff through appropriate training. 24.3 The SAPSC shall manage the human resources domain issues and may propose any necessary actions or documents for adoption by the ANSP Board.
Human Resources Policy. 3.3.1. Principal Investigator(s). The qualifications to serve as a Principal Investigator shall include employment by the University or Foundation. Limited exceptions may be allowed for the appointment of Principal Investigators who are not employees of the University or Auxiliary but who are officially affiliated with the University, such as individuals with emeritus status or visiting professors or In the case where the incumbent Principal Investigator resigns, becomes incapacitated, or fails or refuses to perform the duties adequately, the Principal Investigator’s responsibilities may be reassigned. Reassignment or other resolutions may be determined in one of the following ways:
Human Resources Policy. The draft human resources policy is available. The Board will finalize and implement the same.
Human Resources Policy. L2 Attention is drawn to the employer's personnel policies and procedures, as set out in the employer's Human Resources Manual, a copy of which shall be available for reading on request. L3 All appointments shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures contained within the employer's personnel policies. L4 The parties recognise that harassment in the workplace is totally unacceptable. It is the responsibility of the employee to familiarise themselves with the relevant policy on harassment and the responsibility of the employer to communicate the extent of this policy and make it accessible to all employees. Harassment can take many forms, Including sexual harassment, bullying, racial harassment, violence and other forms of intimidating behaviour. Harassment complaints will be taken seriously and the employer undertakes to address these with sensitivity and impartiality. Employees should refer in the first instance to the provisions and procedures specified in the employer's Harassment Policy. The employee's attention is also drawn to the Employment Relationship Problems Resolution Process. Harassment can take many forms, including sexual harassment, bullying, racial harassment, violence, and other forms of intimidating behaviour. L5 Sexual harassment - is verbal or physical behaviour of a sexual nature which is unwelcome to the receiver and is embarrassing or intrusive. It affects morale, work effectiveness and the right to enjoy a good working environment. Some types of behaviour constituting sexual harassment are listed below: • Type of behaviour o sex-orientated jibes or abuse; o offensive gestures or comments; o unwanted and deliberate physical contact; (requests for sexual intercourse, including implied or overt promises for preferential treatment or threats concerning present or future employment status. • Where it may occur o among co-workers; o (where a supervisor uses position and authority to take sexual advantage of another employee or to control or affect the career, salary or job of that employee; o in dealing with members of the public. • Responsibilities for supervisors and complainants when dealing with sexual harassment: o It is the responsibility of the employer to maintain a work environment free of unwelcome behaviour and to provide a mechanism for reporting sexual harassment, ensuring a fair investigation and avoiding reprisals against the complainant; o Care is to be taken during the investigation of any complaint of sexual h...
Human Resources Policy. 9.5.1 The Concessionaire will develop and implement a Human Resources Policy and Management Plan in line with national legislation and the IFC Performance Standard 2 - labour and working conditions requirements, promoting fair, safe and healthy labour and working conditions and promoting equal opportunity and non- discrimination of Employees. The Concessionaire shall provide Employees with documented information that is clear and understandable, regarding their rights under national labour and employment law and any applicable collective agreements, including their rights related to hours of work, wages, grievance management, overtime, occupational health and safety requirements, compensation, and benefits, upon beginning the working relationship. 9.5.2 In line with Equator Principles – Exhibit III - labour and working conditions, prior to implementing any collective dismissals, the Concessionaire will carry out an analysis of alternatives to retrenchment. If the analysis does not identify viable alternatives to retrenchment, a retrenchment plan will be developed and implemented to reduce the adverse impacts of retrenchment on Employees. The retrenchment plan will be based on the principle of non-discrimination and will reflect the Concessionaire’s consultation with Employees, their organisations', and, where appropriate, the State/Grantor, and comply with collective bargaining agreements. The Concessionaire will comply with all legal and contractual requirements related to notification of public authorities, and provision of information to, and consultation with workers and their organizations. 9.5.3 The Concessionaire shall ensure that all Employees receive notice of dismissal and severance payments mandated by Laws and collective agreements in a timely manner. All outstanding back pay and social security benefits and pension contributions and benefits will be paid (i) on or before termination of the working relationship to the Employees, (ii) where appropriate, for the benefit of the Employees, or (iii) payment will be made in accordance with a timeline agreed through a collective agreement. Where payments are made for the benefit of Employees, workers will be provided with evidence of such payments.
Human Resources Policy. Vacation allowance for employees on jury duty, receiving sickness and injury pay, or on leave of absence is defined in policies governing each of these circumstances. Employee submits vacation schedule in advance for the year to their Supervisor or Manager Department managers approve vacation requests, considering both employee preferences and operating needs Exempt employees may not take vacation in partial days Holidays falling within vacation schedules are treated as holiday benefits, not vacation If work requires, up to one week of unused vacation time may be carried forward from one calendar year to the next with written approval from the delegated senior officer Payroll must be notified in writing of each approved carryover before December 31 each year Unused vacation that is not postponed as stated above is forfeited Department managers must track all vacation days for executive and exempt employees Vacation pay is based on regular straight time base pay. Overtime, incentive bonuses, shift differentials and other premium pay is not included. When an employee ends employment, vacation payment rules vary with conditions: Six months continuous service qualifies an employee for vacation allowance Employees resigning or who are terminated involuntarily are paid a vacation allowance for accrued, unused vacation time based on the number of years services Accrued vacation allowance is calculated by dividing the number of full months worked since the beginning of the year by 12 and multiplying the resulting fraction by vacation eligibility. The vacation allowance will be equal to the accrued vacation less vacation used. If an employee has taken more vacation than accrued allowance when employment ends; the overpaid amount is deducted from final pay. The termination date for employees resigning while on vacation is the last day worked Xxxx Corporation Human Resources policies are subject to modification or revision in part or in their entirety to reflect changes in conditions subsequent to the effective date of the policy. Modifications or revisions will be made as soon as administratively feasible but will not delay the impact of any such changes.
Human Resources Policy. The Town of Gawler Human Resources Policy Manual contains policies and procedures that require review, development and/or revision on an ongoing basis. The Director Corporate and Community Services (or nominee) shall coordinate policy development and review in consultation with MOEAC members prior to commencing the consultative process with all Employees. Policies will not be finalised without referring feedback arising from the consultative process to MOEAC members.
Human Resources Policy. Unused vacation payments to terminating employees do not extend their service time beyond the last day worked
Human Resources Policy