Leave Time and Holidays Sample Clauses
Leave Time and Holidays. 1. Each job sharing partner who works at least half time shall be entitled to sick leave and, when eligible, vacation leave on a pro-rated basis (e.g., each employee who works one-half the normal schedule shall receive one-half of the normal sick leave and/or vacation time).
2. Any job sharing employee shall be granted time off with pay for any legal holiday granted to full- time permanent employees provided: (a) the holiday falls on a day when the employee would normally have been scheduled to work; and (b) the pay received shall be for the number of hours the employee would have been scheduled to work. Holidays shall be granted to an individual employee as they occur in the schedule unless other arrangements are made between the agency and the job sharing employees and included in the partnership agreement.
Leave Time and Holidays. Each job sharing partner who works at least half time shall be entitled to sick leave and, when eligible, vacation leave on a pro-rated basis (e.g., each employee who works one-half the normal schedule shall receive one-half of the normal sick leave and/or vacation time).
Leave Time and Holidays. 31 ARTICLE 12 INSURANCE AND RELATED 41
Leave Time and Holidays. 1 absence or eligibility for long-term disability insurance coverage, whichever occurs first. Disability 2 leave, including but not limited to the elimination period and paid leave hours, shall be prorated 3 for part-time employees. 4
Leave Time and Holidays. 1 eligible employee receives notice of the death of a family member and only for those individuals 2 recognized by OFLA as immediate family. 3 4 Section 7 8 – Jury Duty 6 An employee called for jury duty, or subpoenaed as a state’s witness in any Municipal, COUNTY, State or 7 Federal Court shall, upon receipt by the COUNTY of all fees paid to the employee for such service, be 8 paid for loss of wages incurred as a result of such service. Employees called for jury duty on a day when 9 they are not scheduled to work shall be allowed to retain fees paid to the employee by the court for such
Leave Time and Holidays. 1 opportunity for modification of their work schedule so as to work additional hours in order 2 to receive a normal pay check, including pro-rated holiday pay, without having to use time 3 management leave or other earned leave. 4 5 (b) In developing an opportunity for a modified work schedule for the week of a holiday, the 6 COUNTY shall give good faith consideration to part-time employees’ interests regarding 8 When work requirements are such that a team or work group approach is necessary for 9 productive and/or effective accomplishment of work, the COUNTY may develop a single 10 modified work schedule which seems to best accommodate the interests of the majority 11 of employees on the team or work group and meet the operational needs of the
Leave Time and Holidays. 2 (G) Maximum Accumulation 3 4 An employee may accumulate earned leave, excluding the separate vacation balance, if any, to a 5 maximum of twice their annual time management accumulation. As of the end of the pay period in 6 which March 31 falls in each year, any employee credited with accrued leave greater than twice 7 (2x) their annual leave accumulation shall forfeit that amount above their maximum accumulation.
Leave Time and Holidays. 1 “normal circumstances” is not intended to apply to periodic times of high workload demands, 2 but is intended to apply to consistent workloads that are quite heavy as a result of layoffs or 3 other general staffing shortages. In case of conflicts between employees concerning the 4 scheduling of leave, the employee with the longest period of continuous service with the 5 COUNTY shall be given first consideration, provided that leave requests are made prior to 6 January 30 31 of each year. Such exercise of seniority shall be limited to one (1) selection 7 per each calendar year. In extenuating circumstances, the COUNTY, when practicable, will 8 attempt to accommodate requests for leave schedule modifications. 9 10 (K) ConversionSell Back 11 12 (1) After six (6) months of employment, Eemployees may sell accrued time management hours 13 and vacation hours subject to the following restrictions:
(a) Funding must be available to pay for the request. The maximum number of time 16 management hours and vacation hours that can be converted into paid compensation in 17 a calendar year cannot be greater than the number of hours taken in that same calendar 18 year or eighty (80) hours whichever is the lesser. 19
(b) Employees must have a balance of at least forty (40) hours of time management after 21 selling the time.
(c) The time management leave hours must be either scheduled or used prior to any 24 conversion pursuant to this provision. 25 26 (2) Subsection (1) above notwithstanding, during the last three (3) calendar years prior to retire- 27 ment eligibility, employees may sell up to two hundred (200) hours per calendar year of their 28 annual leave accrual at the current rate of pay. Extensions of an employee’s scheduled 29 retirement date notwithstanding, no employee will be entitled to this benefit in more than 30 three (3) years. 31 32 (3) Subsection (1) above notwithstanding, employees who are laid off may sell back up to a 33 maximum of eighty (80) hours of time management inclusive of any time management 34 previously sold back in that year. If and when employees are recalled, within the first six (6) 35 months of recall, they may buy back all or part of their previously accrued leave balances at 36 the rate in effect at the time they are recalled at the same ratio at which they were paid out. 37 38 (L) Procedure for Donation of Time Management 39 40 Time Management Donations will be allowed on a case-by-case basis and will require approval 41 by the Huma...
Leave Time and Holidays. 2 (H) Holiday During Leave 3 4 Should an employee be on authorized paid leave when a holiday occurs, such holiday shall not 5 be charged against such leave or vacation. 6 7 (I) Friday Following Thanksgiving 8 9 The Friday following Thanksgiving, though not to be construed as a holiday for pay purposes, 10 shall be considered a day off with pay except for those employees required by the COUNTY to 11 report for work. Employees so required to work shall be given an alternate day off at the mutual 12 convenience of the COUNTY and the affected employee. The alternate day must be taken 13 between the Friday following Thanksgiving and the end of the fiscal year. For eligible regular part- 14 time and eligible temporary employees who are not covered under Section 3, Personal Time Off, 15 hours are to be based on the average hours scheduled during the two (2) pay periods prior to the 16 Friday following Thanksgiving. 17 18 Section 2 – Time Management
(A) Purpose 21 22 It is the purpose of the Employee Time Management (TM) Program to provide employees with a 23 leave with pay program, which is easy to understand, responsive to individual needs, and easy to 24 administer. 26 (B) Eligibility 27 28 This program covers all employees in the bargaining unit. Employees covered by these 29 provisions shall not be eligible for separate leave benefits covering the following: 30
(1) Family Emergency Leave 32 33 (2) Vacation Leave 34 35 (3) Sick Leave (non-occupational or injury leave, excluding disability leave) 36 37 (4) Personal Days 38 40 (C) Accumulation 41 42 Except as limited in subsection 5, (F) herein, leave time shall be accrued for each hour worked or 43 hour of paid leave at the appropriate rate provided below. 44
(1) Eligible non-exempt employees shall accumulate earned leave, based on full-time status, at 46 the following rates: 0 – 12 mos. (0 to 1 yr.) 20.0 days/yr 6.154 hrs/pay period 13 – 24 mos. (1 yr to 2 yrs) 23.0 days/yr 7.077 hrs/pay period 25 – 48 mos. (2 yrs to 4 yrs) 26.0 days/yr 8.000 hrs/pay period 49 – 108 mos. (4 yrs to 9 yrs) 29.0 days/yr 8.923 hrs/pay period 109 – 168 mos. (9 yrs to 14 yrs) 32.0 days/yr 9.846 hrs/pay period ARTICLE 11 LEAVE TIME AND HOLIDAYS 169 – 228 mos. (14 yrs to 19 yrs) 35.0 days/yr 10.769 hrs/pay period 229 – 288 mos. (19 yrs to 24 yrs) 38.0 days/yr 11.692 hrs/pay period 289 mos. + (24 + yrs) 41.0 days/yr 12.615 hrs/pay period 4 (2) Eligible exempt employees shall accumulate earned leave, based on full-time status, at the 5 ...
Leave Time and Holidays. Clean up for language consistency • Added language clarifying the use of the alternate day for the Friday following Thanksgiving • Removed outdated language regarding employees turning over Worker’s Compensation checks for wage continuation as it is no longer the practice • Removed language regarding accumulated sick leave as no Admin-Pro employee has such leave balance • Added that employees must offset the reduction under Short Term Disability by charging time to their accrued time management • Added brother-in-law and sister-in-law to covered relations under bereavement and added language clarifying County-paid bereavement leave is consecutive to protections under OFLA