Needs Statement Sample Clauses
Needs Statement. 1. Besides funding, what is the single biggest challenge you are facing in financial assistance services? 7887 characters remaining
2. Besides funding, what is the single biggest challenge you are facing in employment services? County MFIP Biennial Service Agreement A. Needs Statement (continued)
3. What strengths and resources do you have available to address the needs of your participants? Please check all the resources available to participants in your service area and check whether the resource is available within MFIP financial or employment services "in-house" or from a partner organization (county resources with developed connections to MFIP), ABE/GED Adult/elder services Career planning Childcare funds Chemical health services Computer lab access Credit counseling/financial literacy English Language Learner (ELL) Food shelf Housing assistance Job club Job development Job placement Job retention Job search workshops Mental health services On-the-job training program Post-secondary education planning Short-term training Supported work Paid work experience Transportation assistance (gas cards, bus cards) Vehicle repair funds Volunteer opportunities Youth program Other Other MFIP STAFF CONTACT NAME PHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS Xxx Xxxxxxx 000-000-0000 DWP STAFF CONTACT NAME PHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS Xxx Xxxxxxx 000-000-0000 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES STAFF CONTACT NAME PHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, FW Supervisor 000-000-0000 Xxxx.Xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.xx
4. County Program Contact Information County MFIP Biennial Service Agreement
A. Needs Statement (continued) Employment Services Provider(s) Information NAME Population Served County MFIP Biennial Service Agreement B. Service Models Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) and the Diversionary Work Program (DWP)
1. Do you have culturally specific employment services for different racial/ethnic groups? No Yes
2. What strategies do you use for hard-to-engage participants? Check all that apply. Home visits Sanction outreach services Incentives Off-site meeting opportunities Other
3. What types of job development do you do? Check all that apply. Sector job development Individual job development Other
4. Do you have an ongoing job development partnership or sector based job development with community employers to help participants with employment?
5. Do you provide job retention services to employed participants while they are receiving MFIP?
6. Do you provide jo...
Needs Statement talk about the needs of the community you’re serving (this is NOT about your organization)
Needs Statement. 1. Besides funding, what is the single biggest challenge you are facing in financial assistance services?
2. Besides funding, what is the single biggest challenge you are facing in employment services?
3. Please identify the strengths in your community that you are most proud of that benefit MFIP/DWP families.
1. What strengths and resources do you have available to address the needs of your participants? Please check all the resources available to participants in your service area and check whether the resource is available within MFIP financial or employment services “in-house” or from a partner organization (county resources with developed connections to MFIP),and/or an external community resource or both. If you lack the resources in your service area, check the Resource Gaps column. Add any “other” resources that you consider necessary.
Needs Statement. 1. Besides funding, what is the single biggest challenge you are facing in financial assistance services?
2. Besides funding, what is the single biggest challenge you are facing in employment services? County MFIP Biennial Service Agreement 7894 A. Needs Statement (continued)
3. What strengths and resources do you have available to address the needs of your participants? Please check all the resources available to participants in your service area and check whether the resource is available within MFIP financial or employment services "in-house" or from a partner organization (county resources with developed connections to MFIP), and/or an external community resource or both. If you lack sufficient resources in your area, check the Resource Gaps column, even ABE/GED Adult/elder services Career planning Childcare funds Chemical health services Computer lab access Credit counseling/financial literacy English Language Learner (ELL) Food shelf Housing assistance Job club Job development Job placement Job retention Job search workshops Mental health services On-the-job training program Post-secondary education planning Short-term training Supported work Paid work experience Transportation assistance (gas cards, bus cards) Vehicle repair funds Volunteer opportunities Youth program Other Other Other
Needs Statement. 1. Identify challenges in financial assistance services that are prohibiting you from properly serving MFIP/DWP families in your community? During the pandemic, Xxxxxx County saw an increase of about 20% in MFIP caseloads. With the federal and DHS waivers that were previously in place for waiving certain program requirements, this increase was manageable. Now as program waivers are being lifted, the higher caseloads coupled with staff turnover will be a challenge that the Financial Assistance Services Department (FASD) faces. The Financial Worker position continues to be an entry point to other positions within the County. Many staff who leave this entry level position are leaving for outside opportunities or promoting to other permanent full-time positions within the Department and/or County. The FASD continues to work with Workforce Solutions and Human Resources to find qualified candidates who can step into these entry level positions when available. In addition, the lack of updated technology also continues to be a challenge serving MFIP/ DWP families. Since the pandemic, FASD has transitioned most staff to an ad hoc full-time work from home model. With minimal in-office presence, the lack of available technology for residents to get a hold of their worker or submit documents in a virtual environment has been difficult. In addition, FASD systems and software lacks the updates and functionality required to perform optimal services in a virtual environment. FASD continues to work with Information Services to better meet Department needs.
2. Identify challenges in employment services that are prohibiting you from properly serving MFIP/DWP families in your community. DWP and MFIP serve about 85% single parents who will continue to be a vulnerable but important segment of our workforce throughout this biennium. However, they have had to disproportionately put their employment aspirations on hold or altered them often dramatically due to the following challenges: • The nature in which work and educational opportunities have evolved through the pandemic to become virtual or hybrid is likely to continue post-covid. This will present some new challenges when it comes to ensuring that families have adequate digital literacy skills and access to technology to stay competitive and engaged. • The recovery of the economy post-covid is also very uncertain when it comes to the types of jobs that will be available and who will have the skills to take full advantage of ...
Needs Statement. 1. Identify challenges in financial assistance services that are prohibiting you from properly serving MFIP/DWP families in your community? The three primary challenges that we have identified in properly serving MFIP/DWP families in Xxxxxx County are lack of child care options, lack of transportation options, and lack of affordable housing options. Child care: One of the primary barriers to employment cited by MFIP/DWP applicants and participants is lack of child care openings. Pre-COVID, this was primarily an issue for people employed evenings or overnight. At present, it is a pervasive issue. Some child care providers have shut down and some have decreased their capacity limits. Parents are always aware of the possibility that a provider may need to respond to COVID exposure quickly. Most do not have a reliable back up plan for those unanticipated temporary shutdowns. This has led to a hesitancy to look for work, or to maintain employment. The Xxxxxx County Child Care Coalition is aware of the lack of providers and the challenges that existing providers and their customers face; alternatively, people considering becoming a child care provider are also aware of the unique challenges that currently exist. Compensation remains low for this important service, and the need to meet stringent safety and training requirements may also play into the reluctance of people to become child care providers.
Needs Statement. The needs statement is a short paragraph that explains why the project is necessary. Simply not having something is not a need; it is necessary to explain what problem exists and why addressing the problem is necessary and timely. Provide facts that support your claim when possible, and try to talk about things on the level on which the program will be implemented. For example, don’t just mention that access to clean water is a problem in Ghana, mention that in Adaklu specifically this problem exists. Really explain the need in the context of the target population using evidence. This can mean citing interviews/focus group discussions with community members or quantitative measures that have been collected. This is also the section to emphasize that these problems were identified by the communities themselves. This is an important distinction of HCDP-Ghana’s methods. It also helps to justify the need. Simply state that the needs were determined through a community needs assessment or interviews with community members. Be specific in the methods of data collection.
Needs Statement. The extent to which the applicant identifies specific needs related to the purposes of the program. (20 Points)
Needs Statement. 1. Besides funding, what is the single biggest challenge you are facing in financial assistance services? The single most challenging issue facing RC FASD is hiring staff in a timely manner and retaining them. The position is an entry level one which is viewed as an entry point to other positions within the county. With changing workforce demographics, coupled with challenges of providing a competitive salary in comparison to similar agencies/other counties, Xxxxxx County has struggled with staff recruitment and retention. We continue to be challenged by our technology systems. Our internal Electronic Document Management System (EDMS), has not been upgraded for Financial Assistances Services in over five years. Functionality limitations of the Minnesota Eligibility Technology System (METS) that is used to administer Medical Assistance and the EDMS system have significantly impacted financial workers ability to get their work done efficiently. Document management and the functional complexity of METS require time consuming workarounds. The demands and duties of a Financial Worker are ever-changing, with system modernization and legislative changes resulting in program policy and procedure changes. Specifically, dealing with system interoperability between METS and MAXIS, and the lack of MAXIS to respond timely to legislative changes, has created challenges for Financial Workers. Because of this, the Financial Worker position has become less attractive as a long-term employment option, creating constant staff turnover and training.
2. Besides funding, what is the single biggest challenge you are facing in employment services? Employment services overarching goal is to help families improve stability to prevent long-term dependence on public assistance as a source of income. • While many Minnesota residents are obtaining employment, there are many unable to fully take advantage of the vibrant economy. Our current program eligible residents live in high-poverty areas and face multiple barriers to education/employment. The need for financial investments to support residents to gain individual, family and economic stability continues to be very high. • Employment counselors make efforts to navigate people to one of the many training and education options available in Xxxxxx County. Even with a variety of options available, they may not be accessible in a way that meets the needs of families and individuals nor are organized in such a way that it provides transfe...
Needs Statement. 1. Besides funding, what is the single biggest challenge you are facing in financial assistance services?
2. Besides funding, what is the single biggest challenge you are facing in employment services?
3. Identify the strengths in your community that you are most proud of that benefit MFIP/DWP families.