Other Absences Sample Clauses

Other Absences. An employee who is absent from work for any reason, other than those reasons listed above, will not be entitled either to have his/her vacation scheduled or to receive a vacation allowance during the period of such absence.
Other Absences. Employees may request additional leave without pay for good and sufficient reasons. Such leave must be recommended by the supervisor and be approved by the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. Such requests must be approved prior to the absence.
Other Absences. All absences other than those expressly covered above shall result in the deduction from the involved teacher's salary of the established per diem pay of said teacher for each school day of such non-covered absences, regardless of the reasons for the absence and not withstanding whether the specific absence might be excused or unexcused.
Other Absences. A. Each regular employee shall be granted one (1) emergency day during each year of this contract. Definition of Emergency: Emergency days will include, but not be limited to: 1. A serious accident to member of your household. 2. Appearing in court or signing of legal papers. 3. Taking a member of your household to the hospital, doctor’s office, etc., for appointments that cannot be scheduled at times other than when school is in session. 4. Serious illness of a member of your immediate family. 5. Attending your own graduation. 6. Other reasons approved by your immediate supervisor, superintendent and board of directors. An employee shall be granted (2) days of personal leave per year. Personal leave will require at least twenty-four (24) hours notice. The days may not be used during the day preceding a scheduled vacation, or the day after a scheduled vacation unless approved by the superintendent. Bargaining unit members electing not to take their personal days will automatically have such days added to their unused sick days, or unless they choose to carry over one (1) personal day for use in the next school year, for which they will notify the business administrator in writing on or before the last day of school. At no point will any employee have more than three (3) personal days. B. Whenever any employee shall be absent from duty because of a death in the immediate family of said employee, there shall be no deduction in salary of said employee for an absence not in excess of three (3) school days. The Board of School Directors may extend the period of absence with pay in its discretion as the exigencies of the case may warrant. Members of the immediate family shall be defined as father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, husband, wife, parent-in-law, or near relative who resides in the same household, or any person with whom the employee has made his/her home. C. Whenever any employee shall be absent from duty because of a death of a near relative, there shall be no deduction in salary of said employee for an absence on the day of the funeral. The Board of School Directors may extend the period of absence with pay in its discretion as the exigencies of the case may warrant. A near relative shall be defined as first cousin, grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law or sister-in-law. Xxxx, uncle, niece, nephew must be a blood relative and not by marriage. D. When absence is require...
Other Absences. Section AIn the event of an injury or illness, compensable under the Michigan Worker's Compensation Law, the affected and necessarily absent Employee may elect to be paid from his/her unused paid sick leave credits (to the extent that the same will support such payment) an amount sufficient to make up the difference between what he/she received from the Worker's Compensation Commission and his/her regular salary during such necessary absence. Section B — Absences to attend meetings may be permitted to a limited extent without pay deduction, subject to approval by the Employee's immediate administrator. Section CAbsences other than for personal illness or for brief periods of time approved by the immediate administrator must be approved by the Superintendent on an S-55A Absence Request Form. Section DLeaves of absence without pay may be granted upon written application for the purpose of further educational study. Section E — Employees required to serve jury duty or subpoenaed to testify shall receive the difference between jury duty pay or witness fee and their regular pay. Such Employees shall experience no deduction in sick leave, vacation, or overtime accumulation. Prior notice is required. Section FMilitary leaves of absence shall be granted for one (1) enlistment period to an Employee who shall be inducted or enlists for military duty to any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States. An Employee on military leave shall be given the benefits of any increment and sick leave allowances which would have normally been credited. Section G — After two (2) years of employment, a leave of absence for one (1) year may be granted on recommendation of the Superintendent and subject to approval of the Board. 1. Employees on leave who wish to return to work shall request placement in writing. He/she will be interviewed for the first vacant position for which he/she is qualified. If employment is offered, he/she will be permitted to accept or reject the position without losing his/her leave of absence status. During the time the Employee is on leave, he/she will be interviewed for each position for which he/she is qualified. A one (1) year extension of the leave may be requested. 2. The leave of absence shall not entitle the Employee to pay increment or sick leave accrual during the time away from employment. The Employee shall retain his/her pay status and sick leave credit accumulated until the time of expiration of re—employment privilege. 3. A ...
Other Absences. Section AIn the event of an injury or illness, compensable under the Michigan Worker’s Compensation Law, the affected and necessarily absent employee may elect to be paid from his/her unused paid sick leave credits (to the extent that the same will support such payment) an amount sufficient to make up the difference between what he/she received from the Worker’s Compensation Commission and his/her regular salary during such necessary absence. Section B – Absences to attend meetings will be permitted to a limited extent without pay deduction, subject to approval by the immediate administrator and by the department head. (Form S-55A.) Section C - Absences other than for personal illness or for brief periods of time approved by the immediate administrator must be approved by the Superintendent on an S-55A Absence Request Form. Section DLeaves of absence without pay may be granted upon written application for the purpose of further educational study.
Other Absences. (a) Any paid absence that is of sufficient length to require the Employer to seek an alternative NP Locum for the assignment will be considered to terminate the locum assignment. Time paid during such absences shall not be eligible for the NP Locum Premium.
Other Absences. Not deductible from sick leave:
Other Absences. Any absence not covered by other sections of this Article which have not been approved by the Immediate Supervisor or the Director of Personnel will be subject to any or all of the following measures, as appropriate: A. Counseling by supervisor B. Medical verification by employee's doctor C. Medical verification by employer's doctor D. District approved medical counseling and/or treatment X. Xxxxxxx in wages/prorated benefits (reimburse the District 1/260th the cost of his/her benefits including medical or cash option, life, disability, and dental and vision coverage, or one-half his/her daily wage, if not employed full-time. F. Discipline or discharge
Other Absences. Absences during the contractual year for reasons other than those listed in this section shall not be permitted unless requested in writing in advance by the administrator and approved by the President.