Promotions and Transfers Professional staff are eligible for a promotion which occurs when there is a vacancy at a higher level for which they are qualified. The announcement of the position vacancy will include a description of the position, a detailed outline of expected educational and professional requirements and the salary range for the position. Staff members may bid online on any open position for which they qualify provided those positions are not being reserved for staff members affected by a layoff or intradepartmental postings. All regular vacant negotiations unit positions will be posted on the University Hospital website. The announcement of the position vacancy will be posted daily online. Interested internal candidates are to apply online. Computer Kiosks for the purpose of accessing job vacancies will be available at each Human Resources Office. Beginning thirty (30) days after ratification of this agreement, each internal applicant within a department who applies during the first five (5) days of posting for a higher classification within the same department, as identified on the position posting, shall be interviewed. Each internal candidate will be notified in writing of the decision with respect to his or her candidacy on a timely basis. This decision will indicate: 1.) that the applicant has been offered the position, or 2.) that the applicant has not been offered the position, including a reason for such decision. The Hospital agrees that seniority and all other relevant criteria will be taken into consideration in the selection of internal applicants for a position. Any dispute regarding this paragraph shall be grievable to Step Two of the grievance procedure with the decision at Step Two being final and binding. Transfer in status or classification shall not delay the use of entitled benefits. At the time of promotion, a staff member shall be provided the opportunity to negotiate his/her salary increase and shall receive written notice of final salary offer. Acceptance of the position constitutes acceptance of the salary, and the amount of the promoted staff member’s salary shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. This provision shall not result in any promoted staff member being placed off guide. Voluntarily transferred and promoted staff members shall serve a ninety (90) calendar day probationary period, subject to a ninety (90) calendar day extension. Time spent on an authorized leave shall not count towards the probationary period. Reclassifications and Involuntary transfers within a Department do not serve a probationary period. Such staff member shall retain all benefits and rights pertaining to negotiations unit members, including access to the grievance procedure, except for the decision concerning the outcome and disposition of their probation period. At any time prior to the end of probation, the staff member may return to his/her former position, provided that it is still available. If an employee opts to return to his or her former position, the employee may not bid on another position for six months. Should the staff member fail probation, the Hospital shall return the staff member to his/her former position if it is still available. Should the staff member’s position not be available, the employee may be offered a vacant position to the classification of the former title held by the employee before the promotion, if one exists at University Hospital. If the vacant position is in a different department, the employee must serve a 90 calendar day probation period. If not, the employee will be placed on the recall list for one year.
Assignments and Transfers 18.1 Any assignment by either Party to any entity of any right, obligation or duty, or of any other interest hereunder, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the other Party shall be void. The assignee must provide evidence of a Commission approved certification to provide Telecommunications Service in each state that Freedom is entitled to provide Telecommunications Service. After BellSouth’s consent, the Parties shall amend this Agreement to reflect such assignments and shall work cooperatively to implement any changes required due to such assignment. All obligations and duties of any Party under this Agreement shall be binding on all successors in interest and assigns of such Party. No assignment or delegation hereof shall relieve the assignor of its obligations under this Agreement in the event that the assignee fails to perform such obligations. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section, Freedom shall not be permitted to assign this Agreement in whole or in part to any entity unless either (1) Freedom pays all bills, past due and current, under this Agreement, or (2) Freedom’s assignee expressly assumes liability for payment of such bills. 18.2 In the event that Freedom desires to transfer any services hereunder to another provider of Telecommunications Service, or Freedom desires to assume hereunder any services provisioned by BellSouth to another provider of Telecommunications Service, such transfer of services shall be subject to separately negotiated rates, terms and conditions.