00 - OVERTIME Sample Clauses
00 - OVERTIME. 19:01 Compensation at the rate of time and one-half (1½) of the regular rate per hour shall be paid for all work performed outside the normal working hours as set out in Article 18 - HOURS OF WORK.
19:02 Compensation at the rate of two (2) times the regular rate per hour shall be paid for all work performed on Sunday with a guaranteed minimum of four (4) hours pay at double (2) time, for four (4) hours work or less. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to the normal daily hours of work of the Regular Shift Employee provided said Employee is scheduled to work his/her Regular Shift on the Sunday concerned.
19:03 Employees called upon to perform work not continuous with their Regular Shift shall be entitled to a minimum of two (2) hours pay for two (2) hours work or less at the prevailing overtime rate. This provision shall not apply when pay is received under Article 19:02, with the exception of work running continuously from a Sunday into a Monday.
(1) Employees who perform overtime work that runs continuous from one calendar day into another calendar day shall only be entitled to one payment of the two
(2) hours pay for two (2) hours work or less as provided in Article 19:03.
00 - OVERTIME. 17.01 Where, in the course of performing their duties, it is necessary for an employee to work more than their standard 37.5 or 40 hour workweek, said employee shall be compensated as follows:
17.02 A minimum of two hours pay or its equivalent in compensatory time off at the option of the employee shall be guaranteed for any employee, at the rate of time and one-half, who after leaving their employee’s place of duty is required without prior notice to return for emergency duties.
17.03 A minimum of three hours pay or its equivalent in compensatory time off at the option of the employee shall be guaranteed for any employee, at the rate of time and one-half, who after leaving their employee’s place of duty is required without prior notice to return for emergency duties between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.
17.04 All other overtime, scheduled or unscheduled, shall be compensated at the rate of time and one-half pay or the equivalent in compensatory time off at the option of the employee, however, that employees required to work up to eight (8) minutes beyond their normal work hours shall not receive overtime.
17.05 Overtime occurring on a paid City holiday shall result in pay, or compensatory time off, at the rate of time and one-half in addition to base pay.
17.06 Compensatory time off credits may be accrued by employees, up to a maximum of 160 hours on the last day of the pay period that includes December 31 of any year. Employees shall receive pay for the hours of compensatory time off earned which exceeds the 160-hour limit at calendar year end.
17.07 In the event an employee is required to work overtime beyond his/her regular shift and does not receive at least four, (4), hours off before the next day's shift, he/she shall be deemed not to have left work and shall receive overtime compensation, until a break of four, (4), hours or greater is taken.
17.08 After working overtime and not having at least eight consecutive hours of off duty, an employee shall not be required to report to work until eight hours after the completion of the overtime assignment. The employee shall be paid from the beginning of the employee’s next regular shift.
17.09 Permanent MEA employees will be given the first priority in the assignment of scheduled and unscheduled overtime. Temporary employees will not be assigned to scheduled or unscheduled overtime if appropriate permanent employees are reasonably available or except in the case of an emergency and/or immediate service n...
00 - OVERTIME. Overtime shall be defined in the Appendix for the Applicable Province. Monday through Friday, each employee must have worked all the available scheduled straight time hours of a day before receiving overtime pay for hours worked thereafter on the same day. The above requirements may be waived at the discretion of the employee’s supervisor in the event of a pre-planned and pre-approved absence or if the employee’s supervisor authorizes an unplanned absence. This discretion will be applied in a fair and consistent manner.
00 - OVERTIME. D 11.01 Definition
00 - OVERTIME. 28.01 Overtime for Full-time Employees shall mean all authorized time of at least fifteen (15) minutes assigned to and worked by such Employees in excess of their regular working day. Overtime for Part-time Employees working less than full-time shall mean all authorized time totalling at least thirty (30) minutes assigned to and worked by such Employees in excess of thirty-two and one-half (32 1/2) hours a week and all authorized time of at least fifteen (15) minutes assigned to and worked by such Employees in excess of:
(a) their regularly scheduled hours in one (1) day; or
(b) six and one half (6 1/2) hours in one day whichever is less.
28.02 For the purposes of this article "authorized" shall mean each allocation of work or time in excess of regularly scheduled hours specifically assigned by the responsible supervisor or delegate on or before the day the overtime work is to be performed. If proposed overtime is not assigned by the responsible supervisor or delegate, an Employee may refuse it without prejudice. Retroactive approval will not satisfy this requirement except under conditions when the supervisor or delegate is not readily available.
28.03 The Employer shall:
(a) make every reasonable effort to equitably distribute overtime among qualified Employees in a department taking appropriate account of seniority when making any initial allocation,
(b) give a minimum of one (1) hour's advance notice of overtime as circumstances permit,
(c) offer overtime on a voluntary basis, however, where operational requirements dictate, overtime shall be mandatory when assigned by the responsible supervisor or delegate.
28.04 The Union is entitled to consult the Employer or its representative whenever it is alleged that Employees are required to work unreasonable amounts of overtime.
28.05 An Employee shall be advised of the form of compensation at the time the assignment of overtime work is made. Subject to Article 28.01 and 28.02, an Employee shall be either compensated at the rate of time and one-half her/his normal rate of pay for overtime worked and the rate of double the normal rate of pay for overtime worked on a holiday, a day declared to generally be observed in lieu of a holiday, or day off; or, in lieu of overtime pay, granted time off in lieu of overtime pay equal to time and one-half or double the amount of overtime actually worked, whichever is applicable.
(a) Where time off with pay in lieu of overtime hours worked has not been granted prior to the ...
00 - OVERTIME. Any work which the College requires a full-time employee to perform outside his regular working hours, workday or workweek, as outlined in sections 7-1.00 and 7-2.00 shall be considered as overtime. This section applies to a part-time employee from the moment when the number of hours worked exceeds hours in a regular workday or week, as defined in sections 7-1.00 and 7-2.00.
00 - OVERTIME. 21.01 An employee shall be compensated for overtime as follows:
(a) For authorized overtime following scheduled shift hours, time and one-half shall be paid for four (4) hours or less and at double time thereafter until there is a break of at least eight (8) consecutive hours, except that the said four (4) hours or less at time and one-half shall be reduced by such overtime, if any, as has been worked before scheduled shift hours.
(b) For authorized overtime following scheduled shift hours for an employee working the second shift as defined in Article 20.01
00 - OVERTIME to read:
00 - OVERTIME. When an employee is required to work in excess of the regular hours, Monday through Friday inclusive, he shall be paid overtime at the rate of time and one-half (1 1/2) the regular rate for the first two (2) hours. All additional hours shall be paid at double (2) the regular hourly rate.
00 - OVERTIME. Overtime: The Company has the right to provide and require overtime work, and employees will be expected to perform such work as directed unless excused by their supervisor. The Company will attempt to give advance notice to employees designated to perform overtime.
18.01 (a) The Company will distribute voluntary overtime on an equitable basis and post a weekly summary of overtime hours worked on the bulletin board.