(a) be a fully registered member in good standing of OUSA (this means the Athlete must register and pay all OUSA membership fees on a yearly basis);
(b) commit to training consistently and well with the goal of an excellent personal performance at events including the WOC, the WUOC, the WC or other International event(s);
(c) have a personal coach (the ESC will assist team members who have difficulty finding a coach);
(d) maintain an annual plan that is reviewed by the personal coach on a regular basis; a copy of said plan will be submitted to the designated ESC member for review, preferably within 2 weeks of submitting this Athlete Agreement;
(e) log training on Attackpoint, making the log accessible to at least the personal coach;
(f) notify OUSA immediately, in writing of any injury or other legitimate reason that will prevent the Athlete from competing at the 2017 WOC, WUOC, or WC event if the Athlete has been selected to compete at one or more of these events. Provide as much notice as possible so that there is the opportunity for alternates to make the necessary arrangements to compete;
(g) understand that after committing to a position on any of the WOC, WUOC, WC or other international event, the Athlete is liable for costs incurred by OUSA for the Athlete’s registration and other arrangements made by OUSA, even if the Athlete is unable to attend the event.
(h) provide OUSA with current contact information so that the Athlete can be reached throughout the year;
(i) respond to communication and requests from OUSA in a timely manner and pay all OUSA invoices in a timely manner; timely manner being that specified in the request or communication.
(j) avoid any action or conduct that would reasonably be expected to significantly disrupt or interfere with a competition or the preparation for a competition of any Athlete;
(k) abide by OUSA Rules and Code of Conduct (section 3 below);
(l) avoid the use of banned drugs in contravention of the rules of WADA (World Anti Doping Administration), USADA and any other authority deemed appropriate by IOF and OUSA.
(m) dress in the current National Team uniform when participating in designated National Team activities; the current National Team uniform shall not be sold, loaned, traded or otherwise mishandled or changed without the permission of OUSA. The Athlete must have the mandatory team gear (currently the shirt, pants or tights, socks, and warm-up) from when the uniform is delivered until the...
ATHLETE OBLIGATIONS a) The athlete must inform WPC’s HPD and SNT-HC in advance of any negotiations taking place between them, the professional club and/or the agent in applicable.
a. Athlete must discuss in advance the preferred plan and destination
b. Athlete must provide a copy of the draft contract terms
b) The athlete will require a letter of release from WPC before any formal contract may be signed with a professional club, failure to do so would result in the athlete to be in bad standing with WPC.
c) The athlete will adhere to all of the criteria in Section 2 “Athlete Obligations“ of the Canadian Senior National Team Athlete Agreement and in Section 3.3 “Other considerations for AAP carding nominations” of the WPC AAP Criteria.
a. Submit, without prior warning, to unannounced doping-control tests in addition to other prior-notice tests and submit at other times to doping-control testing when requested by Archery Manitoba, the CCES or other authorities designated to do so.
b. Participate in any doping control and anti-doping education program developed by Archery Manitoba in cooperation with the CCES and Sport Canada.
c. Follow the policies, rules and regulations as set out in the Canadian Anti-Doping Program; by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA); the International Olympic Committee; the International Paralympic Committee; and World Archery.
d. Not use or possess performance-enhancing drugs and not supply such drugs to others directly or indirectly, not knowingly aid in any effort to avoid detection of the use of banned substances or banned performance-enhancing practices, nor encourage or condone their use.
e. Not use alcohol in excess (or at all in the case of under-aged athletes), and follow any specific guidelines established by the Program Leadership or the established regulatory authority regarding the use of alcohol.
a. Agrees that participation as a National Team or National Training Team member exposes the Athlete to substantial risk and danger. With the pursuit of excellence and the drive to achieve results being a common element motivating all competitive athletes, the likelihood of suffering personal injury on the part of the Athlete is both real and probable. By signing this Agreement, the Athlete voluntarily and freely acknowledges and fully assumes these assumed risks and dangers;
b. Warrants that he or she is a Canadian citizen, or is otherwise eligible to compete representing Biathlon Canada and Canada. If the Athlete’s status changes, the Athlete will immediately inform Biathlon Canada’s Chief Executive Officer;
c. Will make every effort to be aware of and comply with all policies, rules and regulations of Biathlon Canada, which may change from time to time and are posted online;
d. Will make every effort to be aware of and comply with all Biathlon Canada, IBU or other applicable eligibility requirements; and
e. Will notify Biathlon Canada immediately of any circumstances which may affect their eligibility, including injury or other legitimate reason that will prevent the Athlete from attending an event for which they have been selected.
5.2. In training and competition the Athlete shall:
a. Demonstrate commitment to the agreed upon program by following the training and competitive program, including maintaining specified training and monitoring logs, agreed upon by the National Coaching Staff, and attend all events included in the National Team Program and/or National Training Team Program; and provide all relevant training records, charts and related technical and performance information that Biathlon Canada may request;
b. Avoid participating in any competitions where federal government sport policy has determined that such participation is not permitted as communicated by the NSO;
c. In the case of an injury or illness which prohibits the Athlete from participating in a National Team or National Training Team activity, the athlete must send a signed certificate of health from a physician to the High-Performance Director (or their designate) within eight (8) days following injury or sickness. The certificate should include:.
i. Date or estimated date the injury or illness was incurred;
ii. Nature of the injury or illness, and whether it is an overuse or chronic injury;
iii. Rehabilitation protocol, if any;
iv. Amount and type of training...
ATHLETE OBLIGATIONS. 10.1 The Athlete agrees to the following: To be bound by this Agreement. Make yourself available to the HPC to develop an individual High Performance Program Plan (IPP). Attend National Squad Training Sessions, or State Squads session run by either the AFF or a Member State (which may be run in conjunction with National Squad), at least once a week, , unless instructed to attend more than once a week by the AFF, along with the following parameters:
(i) The AFF may choose to nominate which National Squad Training Session an athlete must attend; and
(ii) You are exempted from this requirement if you live more then 40km from a place that a National Squad Training Sessions or a nominated State Squad session is run or if there is no such session run in your state. Perform all items under your IPP. To endeavour to compete in International Events. To pay all personal expenses (including travel and accommodation) involved in participating in events, competitions, training camps, seminars and development sessions in your IPP. To nominate a Personal Coach for individual training sessions who is either a member of the National Coaching Team, or a member of a State Fencing Association (or if not Australian based, is recognised by their National Federation) and who is accredited by the AFF, (unless they are a non-resident coach) or elect to have individual training sessions with the National Technical Director (if possible) or National Weapon or Assistant Coach (if possible), and permit that coach to receive information about you as collected by the AFF. To maintain ongoing communication and engagement with the HPC and the National Coaching Team. To respect the facilities and equipment of the AFF, a Member State or any venue occupied by the AFF or a Member State. To strictly abide by all AFF Policies, guidelines, regulations, and rules at all times including but not limited to the AFF’s National Integrity Framework. Avoid individual or collective behaviour, in person or online, which may reasonably be held by the community, spectators, other fencers, officials or the AFF to be inappropriate for an elite athlete who is a member of the National Squad.. To supply a suitable photograph to the AFF. To give your permission for your personal image or any image or video taken of you by the AFF to be used in promotional or other material utilised by the AFF. Apply for and receive FIE licences that are valid for the term of this Agreement. To supply accurate and current contact ...
(a) be a fully registered member in good standing of Orienteering Canada (this means the Athlete must register and pay all club / association registration fees on a yearly basis);
(b) commit to training consistently and well with the goal of an excellent personal performance at events including the WOC, the JWOC, the WUOC or World Cup event(s);
(c) notify Orienteering Canada immediately, in writing of any injury or other legitimate reason that will prevent the Athlete from competing at the 2013 WOC, JWOC, WUOC or World Cup events if the Athlete has been selected to compete at one or more of these events. Provide as much notice as possible so that there is the opportunity for alternates to make the necessary arrangements to compete;
(d) understand that after committing to a position on any of the WOC, JWOC, WUOC or World Cups teams, the Athlete is liable for costs incurred by Orienteering Canada for the Athlete’s registration and other arrangements made by Orienteering Canada, even if the Athlete is unable to attend the event.
(e) provide Orienteering Canada with current contact information so that the Athlete can be reached throughout the year;
(f) pay all Orienteering Canada invoices in a timely manner and respond to communication and requests from Orienteering Canada in a timely manner;
(g) avoid any action or conduct that would reasonably be expected to significantly disrupt or interfere with a competition or the preparation for a competition of any Athlete;
(h) abide by Orienteering Canada Rules, Code of Conduct and understand the Discipline Policy (section 3 below);
(i) avoid the use of banned drugs in contravention of the rules of the International Orienteering Federation, Sport Canada, Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport and Orienteering Canada;
(j) dress in the National Team uniform when participating in designated National / Junior National Team activities; the National Team uniform shall not be sold, loaned, traded or otherwise mishandled or defaced without the permission of Orienteering Canada. The Athlete must have the mandatory team gear from when the uniform is delivered until November 30th of that year. If the Athlete wants to trade part of their uniform away, it must be a non-mandatory item or a duplicate item that the Athlete has purchased. The National Team uniform may be loaned to members of the current year's National/Junior National Team if required;
(k) dress in the National Team uniform or any other official clothi...
ATHLETE OBLIGATIONS. (a) The Athlete, by signing this document, agrees to abide by the Yachting Association of India (YAI) Athlete Code of Conduct, YAI Anti-Doping Policy and the Essence of Principles of fairness, respect, responsibility and safety for the term of the Agreement.
(b) The terms of this agreement.
(c) The terms of the Selection Policy issued by Yachting Association of India.
ATHLETE OBLIGATIONS. The athlete agrees that they:
3.1 Have read and understand the relevant Selection Policy.
3.2 Communication and administration
3.2.1 Will complete all documentation and education requested by XXXXX in a timely manner.
3.2.2 Will keep in regular communication with the appointed HP Support Team member/s prior to and during the period selected as applicable.
3.2.3 Will complete an Athlete plan or equivalent when requested as part of performance planning and monitoring.
3.2.4 Consent to all relevant personal and medical information being collected and retained by SLSNZ and distributed only to authorised HP Support Team Member/s, officials or persons as may be necessary for the administration of HP activities or relevant event.
3.3 Accountability and behaviour
3.3.1 Will comply with all SLSNZ and International Life Saving Federation (ILS) Constitution, Regulations, rules, codes of conduct, by-laws, policies and procedures as they relate to your participation in the sport.
3.3.2 Will behave and conduct yourself in a manner that reflects the ONE culture and values.
3.3.3 Consents to making a positive commitment to supporting and achieving the aims and objects of SLSNZ, the HP Strategy, and the NZ Team (where applicable); and conduct themselves in a sportsperson like manner respecting fellow athletes, coaches, managers and officials both within the team and toward other nations’ teams.
3.3.4 Will comply with all SLSNZ directions in relation to HP Squad activities, travel and accommodation.
3.3.5 Comply with the directions and reasonable requests of the appointed HP Support Team responsible for the HP Squad and NZ Teams.
3.3.6 Will wear the HP Squad or NZ Team Apparel where prescribed by the HP Support Team.
3.4 Travel and expenses
3.4.1 Will be responsible for purchase of travel and medical insurance at their own cost (where relevant). For athletes travelling as a NZ Team, SLSNZ will arrange Travel Insurance through a group package.
3.4.2 Will be responsible for prompt payment of athlete user pays contributions toward travel and expenses, as per payment schedule provided by SLSNZ. Non-payment of user-pays contributions prior to travel, or as agreed with SLSNZ will mean the athlete will not be allowed to travel.
3.4.3 Will be entirely responsible for any excess baggage charges levied by the airline or carrier and for any customs duties levied in relation to the athlete’s baggage (unless otherwise agreed).
3.4.4 Will stay with the HP Squad (when specified) or NZ Tea...
ATHLETE OBLIGATIONS. 1. The Athlete shall:
a. Avoid the use of banned substances that contravene the rules of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the rules of the International Federation and the Canadian Policy on Doping in Sport, other than those drugs approved by a medical doctor and/or approved by the Head Coach and approved by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport through a TUE form;
b. Complete the CCES on line anti-doping education module within 6 months of the beginning of their initial year of carding and at times thereafter as required by Sport Canada. Failure to do so will result in AAP payments being suspended until requirements are completed.
c. Not use alcohol in excess (or at all in the case of under aged athletes), and follow any guidelines established by the Head Coach or the established regulatory authority regarding the use of alcohol;
d. Follow the Sport Canada and Biathlon Canada Anti-Doping policies and the doping rules and regulations as set out by the World Anti Doping Agency, the International Olympic Committee and the IBU, and submit to out of competition drug testing which has been approved by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport or other authority approved by Biathlon Canada. Avoid the possession of anabolic drugs and neither supply such drugs to others directly or indirectly nor encourage or condone their use by knowingly aiding in any effort to avoid detection of the use of banned substances or banned performance- enhancing practices;
ATHLETE OBLIGATIONS. 1. The Athlete shall:
a. Avoid the use of banned substances that contravene the rules of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the rules of the International Federation and the Canadian Policy on Doping in Sport, other than those drugs approved by a medical doctor and/or approved by the Head Coach and approved by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport through a TUE form;
b. Not use alcohol in excess (or at all in the case of under aged athletes), and follow any guidelines established by the Head Coach or the established regulatory authority regarding the use of alcohol;
c. Follow the Sport Canada and Biathlon Canada Anti-Doping policies and the doping rules and regulations as set out by the World Anti Doping Agency, the International Olympic Committee and the IBU, and submit to out of competition drug testing which has been approved by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport or other authority approved by Biathlon Canada. Avoid the possession of anabolic drugs and neither supply such drugs to others directly or indirectly nor encourage or condone their use by knowingly aiding in any effort to avoid detection of the use of banned substances or banned performance- enhancing practices;
d. Submit, without prior warning, to unannounced doping-control tests in addition to other prior-notice tests and submit at other times to doping-control testing when requested by the NSO, Sport Canada, the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) or other authorities designated to do so
e. Always use a rifle in a safe manner and in accordance with all guidelines established by the Federal Firearms Act, the regulations of the sport and by the coaching staff, as well as by local laws in other nations with regards to rifle and ammunition use and transportation;
f. Follow the training and competitive program provided by and agreed upon by the National Coaching Staff and attend all events included in the National Team Program, unless excused by the Head Coach;
g. Athletes receiving AAP funding must comply with all program guidelines with respect to residency and training.
h. Athletes named to national training squads or teams, need to be aware of their responsibility to meet certain performance benchmarks as outlined annually in order to retain selection to World Cup competition as well as maintain their training squad status from year to year.
i. In the case of an injury or illness which will prohibit the Athlete from participating in a National Team activity, the athlete ...