Catastrophic Illness Donation Sample Clauses
Catastrophic Illness Donation. The provisions of this section are non-grievable. Employees may contribute accrued vacation leave or compensatory time to benefit another State employee in the same agency suffering from a catastrophic illness. Catastrophic condition is considered a medical condition such as cancer, heart condition, organ transplant, and any other major medical condition that limits employees’ ability to work. Vacation/compensatory leave shall be donated in no less than four (4) hour increments. The contributing employee must identify the specific amount of time donated and the name of the recipient of the donated vacation/compensatory leave on forms provided by the Employer for this purpose. The agency shall transfer donated leave to the recipient’s account on an as needed basis. Donated Leave will be available only to employees who have exhausted their own paid leave and compensatory time/leave through bona fide serious illness or accident. Donating employees must sign an authorization, including specifying the specific employee to be a recipient of the donation. Leave transferred will be converted to a dollar value and then converted to hours based on the recipient's hourly rate e.g., the leave donor's salary is $6.00 per hour and the recipient's salary is $12.00 per hour; thus a donor must transfer twice the amount of hours to achieve full conversion. No more than 1200 hours of donated leave may be received by an employee during a twelve month period. Eligibility of Recipient:
1. Must be suffering a serious illness or injury resulting in a prolonged absence of at least thirty work days during the past six months.
2. Must produce satisfactory medical verification.
3. Must have completed original probation.
4. Must have exhausted all earned paid leave time including compensatory time off, sick leave and vacation leave.
5. Must not have offered anything of value in exchange for the donation. Eligibility of Donor Employee:
1. Only four (4) hour increments of vacation/compensatory leave may be donated.
2. Must not have solicited nor accepted anything of value in exchange for the donation.
3. Must have remaining to his/her credit at least 40 hours of accrued vacation leave, if donating vacation leave.
Catastrophic Illness Donation. The provisions of this section are non-grievable. Employees may contribute accrued personal leave to benefit another State employee in the same agency suffering from a catastrophic illness. Personal leave shall be donated in no less than four (4) hour increments. The contributing employee must identify the specific amount of time donated and the name of the recipient of the donated personal leave on forms provided by the Employer for this purpose. Personal leave donated and transferred to another State employee pursuant to this provision shall be irrevocably credited to the recipient's catastrophic leave account. The recipient cannot use the donated leave until the date the leave is actually donated. The agency shall transfer donated leave to the recipient’s account on an as needed basis. However, the agency shall not transfer more than the equivalent of 10 of the recipient’s workdays of leave into his/her account at any one time if the employee is paid bi-weekly; and the agency shall not transfer more than the equivalent of 23 of the recipient’s workdays of leave into his/her account at any one time if the employee is paid monthly. Catastrophic Leave will be available only to employees who have exhausted their own paid leave through bona fide serious illness or accident. Donating employees must sign an authorization, including specifying the specific employee to be a recipient of the donation. Leave transferred will be converted to a dollar value and then converted to hours based on the recipient's hourly rate e.g., the leave donor's salary is $6.00 per hour and the recipient's salary is $12.00 per hour; thus a donor must transfer twice the amount of hours to achieve full conversion. The agency shall not transfer more donations until this amount is exhausted. All donations remaining in the employee’s catastrophic illness account when the employee’s employment terminates, or when the employee dies, shall be forfeited, and no payout for these forfeited hours shall be made. No more than the equivalent of 1200 hours of donated leave may be received by an employee during a twelve month period. Eligibility of Recipient:
1. Must be suffering a serious illness or injury resulting in a prolonged absence of at least thirty work days during the past six months (a normal pregnancy does not qualify for Catastrophic Illness Donation).
2. Must produce satisfactory medical verification.
3. Must have completed original probation.
4. Must have exhausted all earned paid lea...
Catastrophic Illness Donation. The provisions of this Section are non-grievable. Employees may contribute accrued vacation leave to benefit another employee in the Agency who is personally experiencing a catastrophic illness. The recipient must initiate a request by completing and signing a donation request form provided by the Agency. The contributing employee must complete and sign a donation authorization form provided by the Agency and identify the number of hours of vacation leave being donated and the recipient. Vacation leave donated to, and used by, another employee pursuant to this provision cannot be returned to the credit of the donor’s vacation leave account. Catastrophic Leave will be available only to employees who have exhausted their own paid leave through bona fide serious illness or accident. Leave donated will be converted to a dollar value and then converted to hours based on the recipient’s hourly rate. No more than 800 converted hours of donated leave may be received by an employee during a twelve (12) month period.
Catastrophic Illness Donation. 18.11.1 When an employee or a member of his/her family experiences a catastrophic illness or injury which requires the employee to take time off from work for an extended period of time, and the employee has exhausted all available sick leave and other paid time off, he/she may request donations of accrued vacation or sick leave credits. In making such a request, the employee shall provide verification of the catastrophic injury or illness. Verification shall be made by means of a letter, dated and signed by the sick or injured person’s physician, indicating the incapacitating nature and probable duration of the illness or injury. Upon determination that the employee is unable to work due to his/her own or a family member’s catastrophic illness or injury, any other employee, upon written notice to the Governing Board, may donate accrued vacation and/or sick leave credits to the requesting employee. Donations shall be at a minimum of one day. Donations made under the catastrophic leave program shall be strictly voluntary.
18.11.2 Upon approval of the request by the Board, employees will be notified of a 30-day period during which they may make donations to the Catastrophic Leave Bank.
18.11.3 To ensure that employees retain sufficient accrued sick leave to meet their own needs, donors shall not reduce their accumulated sick leave to fewer than fifteen (15) days.
18.11.4 All transfers of eligible leave credit shall be irrevocable.
18.11.5 The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that all donations are confidential.
18.11.6 The employee who is the recipient of the donated leave credits shall use those credits within 12 consecutive months. If donated credits are not used by the employee within 12 consecutive months, the credits shall be placed in a pool that will be available to the next eligible employee who requests catastrophic leave.
18.11.7 An employee who received paid catastrophic leave shall use any leave credits that he/she continues to accrue on a monthly basis before receiving paid leave pursuant to this program.
Catastrophic Illness Donation. The provisions of this section are non-grievable. Employees may contribute accrued vacation leave to benefit another State employee in the same agency suffering from a catastrophic illness. Vacation leave shall be donated in no less than four (4) hour increments. The contributing employee must identify the specific amount of time donated and the name of the recipient of the donated vacation leave on forms provided by the Employer for this purpose. Vacation leave donated and transferred to another State employee pursuant to this provision shall be irrevocably credited to the recipient's sick leave account. Catastrophic Leave will be available only to employees who have exhausted their own paid leave through bona fide serious illness or accident. Donating employees must sign an authorization, including specifying the specific employee to be a recipient of the donation. Leave transferred will be converted to a dollar value and then converted to hours based on the recipient's hourly rate e.g., the leave donor's salary is $6.00 per hour and the recipient's salary is $12.00 per hour; thus a donor must transfer twice the amount of hours to achieve full conversion. No more than 1200 hours of donated leave may be received by an employee during a twelve month period. Eligibility of Recipient:
1. Must be suffering a serious illness or injury resulting in a prolonged absence of at least thirty work days during the past six months.
2. Must produce satisfactory medical verification.
3. Must have completed original probation.
4. Must have exhausted all earned paid leave time including compensatory time off, sick leave and vacation leave.
5. Must not have offered anything of value in exchange for the donation. Eligibility of Donor Employee:
1. Only four (4) hour increments of vacation leave may be donated.
2. Must not have solicited nor accepted anything of value in exchange for the donation.
3. Must have remaining to his/her credit at least 40 hours of accrued vacation leave, if donating vacation leave.
Catastrophic Illness Donation. An employee may voluntarily donate accumulated vacation for use as sick leave by a co-worker whose sick leave is exhausted due to catastrophic illness of the employee or their immediate xxxxx (within the limitations of Section 2) under the following conditions:
A. To be eligible for time donation, the affected employee must have exhausted all paid
B. The donating employee must notify the Human ResourcesDepartment in writing specifying the co-worker, the amount of vacation to be donated, and the date andtime of day of the donation. The donating employee may not retract the donation. C The transfer of hours from the donating employee representsa straight exchange of hours, not pay. Donated time must be given, and will be accounted for in one-hour increments and will be paid at the wage rate of the employee who uses it. The employee shall receive no more compensation than would have been eamed while actively at work.
Catastrophic Illness Donation. The provisions of this section are non-grievable. Employees may contribute accrued vacation leave to benefit another State College employee on the same campus or in the System Office who is suffering from a catastrophic illness. Vacation leave may be donated in no less than one (1) day increments. Vacation leave donated to another State College employee pursuant to this Agreement will be irrevocably credited to the recipient=s sick leave account on an as needed basis. Catastrophic leave will be available only to employees who have exhausted their own paid leave through bona fide serious illness or accident. The procedures for requesting and administering such leave is as follows:
a) Employees should make a request to participate in the process; however, each State College should ensure that the employee is knowledgeable about the eligibility criteria. Employees eligible for long-term disability benefits may have no need for donated leave.
b) Donations are to be made via a written memorandum/donation form developed for the System which identifies the specific amount of time donated and the name of the recipient.
c) Though donors may wish to remain anonymous and are not obligated to donate leave, if requested, the identity of the donor is available under the public records= statutes and must be provided upon written request.
d) Leave donations cannot be used retroactively for previous unpaid absence. Catastrophic illness donations are to be limited to future use only.
e) If the donated leave remains unused, the leave is irrevocably credited to the recipient=s sick leave account for future use, or pay out if eligible.
f) If the recipient retires and is a member of the State College support staff personnel classification, the recipient will be paid for one-quarter of his or her sick leave balance, if any.
g) If the recipient should die, the recipient=s family will be paid for one-quarter of the deceased=s sick leave balance, if any.
h) Only employees eligible to accumulate sick leave are eligible for catastrophic illness donations.
i) An employee must have had an absence of at least one (1) continuous month during the prior six (6) months to qualify for catastrophic illness donations.
j) A Awhole day@ will be defined as eight (8) hours for full-time employees.
k) Donated leave does not change long-term disability dates, but benefit amounts may be reduced by the amount of donated leave.
l) For employees on workers= compensation, leave may be used to supplement ...
Catastrophic Illness Donation. The provisions of this section are non-grievable. Employees may contribute accrued vacation leave or compensatory time to benefit another State employee in the same agency suffering from a catastrophic illness. Vacation/compensatory leave shall be donated in no less than four (4) hour increments. The contributing employee must identify the specific amount of time donated and the name of the recipient of the donated vacation/compensatory leave on forms provided by the Employer for this purpose. The agency shall transfer donated leave to the recipient’s account on an as needed basis. Donated Leave will be available only to employees who have exhausted their own paid leave through bona fide serious illness or accident. Donating employees must sign an authorization, including specifying the specific employee to be a recipient of the donation. Leave transferred will be converted to a dollar value and then converted to hours based on the recipient's hourly rate e.g., the leave donor's salary is $6.00 per hour and the recipient's salary is $12.00 per hour; thus a donor must transfer twice the amount of hours to achieve full conversion.
Catastrophic Illness Donation. (Added June 2, 2004) 2K1 The purpose of this program is to allow permanent bargaining contract unit employees to donate their accrued, unused sick leave to catastrophically ill or injured fellow unit members who have completely exhausted other paid leave benefits. The program is voluntary. 2K2 Effective July 1, 2003, any unit member may donate up to ten (10) days of accumulated sick leave to another unit member who has suffered a long-term catastrophic illness or injury and has exhausted all other available paid leave. Donations must be for a minimum of one (1) day [eight (8) hours]. Donations are irrevocable; unused days are restored to donor. Donations are used in the order of donation. Terminating employees may donate up to six (6) days. 2K3 The donating employee must, after the donation, retain a minimum of one (1) year [twelve (12) days] worth of accrued, unused sick leave prior accumulations. 2K4 The donating employee shall execute and file with the Human Resources Department a form authorizing and irrevocably assigning the donated leave to the donee employee. 2K5 Donated hours will be calculated at the rate of the donor’s salary. Example: Two (2) hours given at $5.00/hour equals one (1) hour at $10.00/hour. 2K6 Unit members shall be eligible to request the donation of other employee’s sick time subject to the following conditions and limitations: • The unit member is a CSEA permanent bargaining unit employee. • The unit member suffers from a catastrophic illness or injury which for a period of not less than one hundred (100) work days has caused the employee to be incapacitated from the performance of duty as an employee of the District, and is expected to continue to be incapacitated for an extended period of time [at least thirty (30) days]. Examples of such catastrophic illness or injury include life threatening injury or illness, cancer, AIDS, heart surgery, stroke, Valley Fever, etc. • The unit member has exhausted all of his/her available paid leaves, including regular and extended sick leave [one-half (1/2) pay] and vacation. Any sick leave and vacation accrued while on catastrophic leave shall be used before donated leave.
3. Personal Necessity Leave (Revised November 20, 1997) 3A Earned sick leave to a maximum of seven (7) days each college year may be used by the employee, at his/her election, in cases of personal necessity. 3B When possible, it is expected that the employee will provide prior notification for personal necessity leave. 3C ...
Catastrophic Illness Donation