In-Service Activities Sample Clauses

In-Service Activities. The College shall establish a Staff Development Committee with at least two Union appointed members from and no less than the number of representatives from the other bargaining units. The Staff Development Committee will determine the content and structure of the staff in-service. Attendance at the annual in-service will be required for all employees who report to work that day. Any hours of in-service required by the College will be paid for by the College at the employee’s regular rate, or at the employee’s overtime rate if appropriate. Leave may be used in accordance with this Collective Bargaining Agreement.
In-Service Activities. A. In-service activities are designed to improve the professional growth of all employees. In-service attendance shall be voluntary unless it is: - Mandated by the District, State government, or Federal government; - Required by the site administrator to meet a need for professional growth as documented in the Individual Professional Development Plan, the School Improvement Plan, or in other appropriate documents; or - Mandated as a condition of employment. B. When funding is available through grants and special entitlements for employee training, employees shall be paid $20 per hour stipend for attending mandated in- service training beyond the contractual teaching day. The District shall provide required in-service training through the Training and Education Center at no cost to the employee. C. In-service funds shall be placed in each cost center’s budget to support individual employee training requests and other school-based in-service. D. No more than two (2) half days of District-wide in-service, as authorized by the Superintendent, shall be held on designated planning days.
In-Service Activities. All employees are encouraged to attend In-Service activities. An effort will be made with the supervisor to accommodate schedule or shift changes for graveyard and swing employees if requested. Any hours of in-service required by the College will be paid for by the College at the employee’s regular rate, or at the employee’s overtime rate if appropriate.
In-Service Activities. SECTION 3-1 – PROMOTIONS Promotions within the bargaining unit shall be made on the basis of ability and seniority. Job vacancies will be posted in a conspicuous place for a period of fifteen (15) calendar days setting forth the requirements for the position. Employees shall apply to the Fire Chief within fifteen (15) calendar days of the posting period. In competitive examinations for promotions, the applicant’s knowledge of fire suppression, supervision, equipment and prevention will be tested and promotion made once the examining factors have been considered. Promotional written examinations shall be conducted on an annual basis during the first full week of February. If necessary, a retest will be conducted during the first full week of May. The Fire Chief will post a bibliography, consisting of no more than two (2) titles, for this examination no later than June 1st of the year prior. Promotional written examinations will be developed by an outside third party vendor. Fire Fighter applicants for promotion to the classification of Fire Lieutenant shall have a minimum of eight (8) years of service as a Fire Fighter with the Port Huron Fire Department. Fire Fighters promoting to the classification of Fire Lieutenant must obtain at least a 75% score on a written examination to be eligible for promotion. Upon obtaining a passing score, candidates will be eligible for promotion to available positions according to time in-grade at the rank of Fire Fighter, with the senior most candidate promoted to the classification of Fire Lieutenant. The Lieutenant’s promotional list will be valid for one (1) year, established annually on July 1st and ending on June 30th. Fire Fighters promoted to the rank of Lieutenant shall have up to two (2) years from the date of promotion to obtain the following certifications: • Fire Officer I (EO1A, EO1B) and Fire Officer II (EO2A, EO2B) or • Michigan Company Officer I and II series (021A) or • NFPA 1021 Fire Officer 1 and NFPA 1021 Fire Officer II and • Instructor I (H07A, H07C) Promotion to the classification of Fire Captain shall be made by time in-grade from the current Fire Lieutenants. Lieutenants promoted to the rank of Captain must attain the following certifications within one (1) year from the first available class offering upon appointment in order to remain in the Captain position: • Michigan Fire Officer III Series (O31A) or • NFPA 1021 Fire Officer III Promotion to the classification of Battalion Chief shall be made b...
In-Service Activities. A. In-service activity shall be defined as curricular meetings, articulation, judging academic contests, field trips which extend beyond the normal work day and other activities which may be designated and approved by the Administration or the Board of Education. B. In-service work shall be compensated as follows: Hourly rates in accordance with the following schedule ▪ $30.00 for the 2016-2017 school year ▪ $30.00 for the 2017-2018 school year ▪ $31.00 for the 2018-2019 school year ▪ $31.00 for the 2019-2020 school year - Educational Support Personnel shall be paid for actual attendance at the regular hourly rate unless and until the overtime rate applies Educational Support Personnel shall paid at the applicable athletic supervision or extra duty rate listed in Appendix E for work completed outside the employee’s normal working hours. C. The employee should participate in his/her respective subject areas only, with prior Board approval, and with a maximum of only one official meeting per month per employee.
In-Service Activities. In-service activity shall be defined as curricular meetings, articulation, judging academic contests, field trips which extend beyond the normal work day and other activities which may be designated and approved by the Administration or the Board of Education.
In-Service Activities. SECTION 3-1
In-Service Activities. A. The intent of this section is to implement the In-service Training Act (RCW 28A.415.040). In coordination with a team of a minimum of four (4), two elementary and two secondary teachers, chosen by the association and the Principal and Superintendent shall make a recommendation to the Board of Directors yearly regarding a maximum of three in-service activities to meet the needs of the entire certificated teaching staff. Such three in-service activities will be provided at district expense. The aforementioned committee will serve as the professional growth committee responsible for in- service activities which promote the overall professional growth of the certificated teaching staff. The committee will meet before the end of the school year to plan the proceeding year’s in-service focus. The focus may change if needed based on the committees involvement. The committee shall develop procedures for implementation and evaluation of the professional growth program in accordance with WAC 392-192. B. All above activities shall be subject to final approval by the Board of Directors, shall not be construed to mean the addition of additional contract service days, and shall be subject to discontinuation by the Board of Directors upon their determination of the district's financial position.
In-Service Activities. A. In-service activities are designed to improve the professional growth and development of all employees. In-service attendance is voluntary unless: 1. Mandated by the State or Federal Government; or 2. Required by the Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee B. Employees will be notified as to whether in-service attendance is voluntary or mandatory.
In-Service Activities. The Board reserves the right to schedule in-service activities. The Union may submit a written plan to the Board outlining proposed in-service activities. The proposed plan will contain a statement of goals and objectives, a proposed agenda, recommended speakers and a suggested timeframe. Upon request of the Union, representative of the Board will meet to discuss the proposed plan. Employees are required to attend all in-service activities unless pre-approved in advance by the supervisor or Superintendent. If an employee fails to attend, other than due to an extenuating circumstance, he/she may be responsible to gain the training at his/her own expense within a time period set by administration and the association. (Some examples of an extenuating circumstance could include: serious illness of self or family member, funeral, accident, pre-arranged event such as wedding or vacation). Documentation supporting an extenuating circumstance may be required. If not provided, an employee will be responsible to gain the training on his/her own expense.