Leave Management Sample Clauses
Leave Management. (a) In administering the recreation leave and long service leave provisions, managers responsible for approving leave and maintaining work rosters shall comply with the agreed Recreation Leave Management Principles as provided herein.
(b) Recreation leave and long service leave are industrial entitlements of employees. Wherever possible and when given reasonable notice, the NTPF should accommodate a member’s leave request, provided that the provisions of clause 29(c) below apply to this decision-making process.
(c) Recreation leave is taken annually by members for health safety and wellbeing reasons. Ensuring sufficient staffing is a management issue – the onus is not on a member applying for leave to ensure that the NTPF has adequate staffing (unless that member has responsibility for the decision-making about leave for the work area concerned). Rather the onus is on management to ensure that leave decisions take into account the need for sufficient staffing for service delivery and the need to ensure undue workload is not placed on remaining members.
(d) Members have an obligation to have an active involvement in ensuring they plan ahead and take their leave.
(e) Members may have good reasons for accumulating leave. Where a member does not wish to take accumulated recreation leave in a given year, it is not unreasonable to require members to articulate the reasons they have for accumulating leave and to suggest a plan for exhausting it.
(f) Subject to clauses 29(l) and (m) or to operational or organisational necessities:
(i) members are to apply for and managers are to ensure both recreation leave and long service leave is set down during the period October to December each year for the following calendar year, and it shall then be published in the Police Gazette in the January of the following year; and
(ii) if a member does not provide leave date/s by the end of December each year, managers are to set leave date/s for them; provided that the manager will first consult with the member, particularly if a member has been absent from October to December. This means that a member who will be absent for the planning period who has particular needs for the following year is then obliged to communicate those needs before proceeding on leave.
(g) Each year’s leave roster must include, for every member, either:
(i) at least a total of the recreation leave entitlement; or
(ii) a footnote for each member not set down for at least 6 weeks annual leave, outlining th...
Leave Management. 8.1 Public Holiday Employees will be entitled to public holidays in accordance with the Holidays Act 2003. Public holidays that fall on a day that would otherwise be a working day, the employee will be entitled to be paid for that holiday at their relevant daily pay. Public holidays that fall on a day that would not otherwise be a working day the employee shall not be entitled to be paid for that holiday. An employee shall be entitled to a public holiday if they have worked 6 out of 13 preceding weeks on the day the public holiday falls. A working day is determined on the basis of where the majority of the shift has been worked. A permanent employee may be required to work on any public holiday. If the employee works on the public holiday they are entitled to: • Be paid one and a half times their relevant daily pay for the time they actually work on the public holiday, and • An alternative holiday. A permanent employee rostered to work on Christmas Day or Boxing Day will be paid double time for the hours worked and an alternate day. A casual employee working on a public holiday: • Is entitled to be paid one and a half times their relevant daily pay for the time they actually work on the public holiday • But does not receive an alternative holiday. If a public holiday is “Mondayised” an employee cannot claim two public holidays. Where an employee normally works on both the calendar date of the public holiday and the possible Mondayisation date, their public holiday is on the calendar date. Alternative holidays are to be taken at a time agreeable to the employer and the employee, within 12 months. If the employee and the employer cannot agree on the timing of an alternative day within the 12 months, the employer can direct the employee to take the alternative day with 14 days written notice. Where part of the shift starts or finishes on a public holiday, the employee will be entitled to be paid at time and half, of their relevant daily pay, for the hours worked on the public holiday, and normal time for the hours worked either side of the public holiday. Employees required to be on-call on a public holiday and are not required to work are entitled to an alternative holiday.
8.2 Annual Leave All employees are entitled to four weeks annual leave per annum following the first completed year of service, as per the Holidays Act 2003. On at the completion of six years continuous service, permanent employees will be entitled to five weeks leave per annum. In the ev...
Leave Management. In respect of the Local Authority Water Services Staff, leave shall be approved by the line manager.
Leave Management. Coordinates and responds to leave requests or payroll queries from junior medical staff in accordance with the Industrial Agreement. Maintains leave application data for auditing purposes. Monitors and maintains incoming leave and travel applications for junior medical staff via the email system. Processes, monitors and approves leave applications and arranges for appropriate relief cover in accordance with hospital’s leave policy, guidelines and Industrial Agreement. Develops and maintains effective working relationships with junior medical officers and other key stake holders including Medical Workforce departments at peripheral hospitals and other HSPs, Post Graduate Medical Education, Deputy Executive Director Medical Services and the Executive Director Medical Services in relation to the provision of relief cover. Co-ordinates and maintains leave relief roster electronically and notifies relevant departments, peripheral hospitals, Junior Medical Officers (JMO) and updates information on SCGOPHCG HealthPoint. Arranges leave cover for JMO’s including planned and unplanned leave and ensures leave forms are completed as required. Co-ordinates and issues the after-hours cover rosters (after hours and Weekend). Liaises with Health Support Services (HSS) regarding leave queries for junior medical staff. Assists and advises Medical Heads of Departments, JMOs and relevant staff regarding leave applications and roster practices in accordance with the AMA Industrial Agreement.
Leave Management. It is agreed that the parties will work cooperatively to reduce the level of accruals of annual leave during the life of this Agreement.
Leave Management. The parties acknowledge that annual leave is provided to enable employees to take breaks from work of reasonable periods to refresh themselves. This is an important principle for employee health and safety and for maintaining work life balance.
Leave Management. If the employee is absent for any reason, the employee must contact their supervisor as quickly as possible.
Leave Management. Annual Leave - 5 Days The service is measured from when an Annual Leave case is raised by the customer requesting: • amendments to Annual Leave including: cancellation; carry-over of days; exceptional requests; anticipation of leave, updating of incorrect entitlement etc. Until HRMS is updated. Request for Non Annual Leave - 10 Days The service is measured from when the customer submits an application for non-annual such as: • Carer’s Leave, Parental Leave, Career Break, Study Leave, Force Majeure etc. Until HRMS is updated and case closed or until PeoplePoint Leave Team provide an instruction to other PeoplePoint Teams impacted (e.g. Pay Team).
Leave Management. It is the intent of this Clause that work teams in conjunction with their immediate Supervisors will manage leave within their own shift work teams.
43.1 Under normal circumstances planned leave such as annual leave and long service leave for Operators will be managed in such a way as to allow for a maximum of two (2) employees on each work team to be away at the same time.
43.2 For Maintenance employees working Continuous Shift roster the requirements for two (2) Electrical Tradespersons and (1) Mechanical Tradesperson on any one shift should be maintained.
43.3 In non-normal circumstances HPS will consider (and not unreasonably refuse) allowing more than two (2) employees on each work team to be away at the same time.
(a) An employee is on workers compensation leave or extended sick leave;
(b) An employee has an urgent need for leave (serious family responsibility);
(c) An employee has taken an extended period of long service leave (4 rotations or more); or
(d) An employee is taking more than their annual entitlement of leave (i.e. more than 4 rotations).
43.4 Where operational requirements allow it (e.g. shipping breaks) employees may request, or HPS may offer, for more team members to be away so long as there is no need to cover the absences with overtime or temporary labour.
44.1 During the life of this Agreement, Employees’ entitlement to Parental Leave will be in accordance with Company Policy (as amended from time to time) and no less than the statutory entitlement or the following:
Leave Management. Return to Work
3.4.1 Establish the policies and accountabilities to address return to work plans for employees with disabilities and any other type of work restrictions. ✓ ✓ ✓
3.4.2 Coordinate and implement the processes to address Return to Work plans for employees with disabilities and any other leave related type of work restriction. ✓ ✓ ✓
3.4.3 Resolve medical requests for accommodations for LS&Co. employees or other applicable stakeholders with disabilities based on agreed to accommodation guidelines by LS&Co. ✓ ✓ ✓ Supplier responsibilities include: - Handling requests for accommodations - Gathering eligibility information - Discussing with employees and managers.
3.4.4 Manage claim process and confirm claim is handled properly. Oversee the return to work process. ✓ ✓ ✓
3.4.5 Coordinate with employee’s manager to arrange any special accommodations that may be required for employee’s return to work. ✓ ✓ ✓
3.4.6 Authorize any special accommodations that may be required for employee’s return to work as per LS&Co. guidelines. ✓ ✓ ✓