Leave Sharing Program Sample Clauses
Leave Sharing Program. Annual and/or sick leave may be donated from one employee to another employee who is suffering from or has a relative or household member suffering from an extraordinary or severe illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition; a fellow employee who is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking; a fellow employee who is sick or temporarily disabled because of pregnancy disability; for the purpose of parental leave to bond with the employee’s newborn, adoptive, or xxxxxx child; or an employee who has been called to service in the uniformed services; which has or soon will cause the employee to use all accrued annual and sick leave and be forced to take leave without pay or terminate employment. Employees accessing parental leave sharing may maintain up to 40 hours of accrued leave in reserve. The provisions contained in this section apply specifically to the donation and receipt of illness, injury, and emergency leave accrued by a certificated employee under the provisions of RCW 28A.400.300 (1)(b), and for parental leave under the provisions of RCW 41.04.655. Certificated employees may donate and receive shared leave from other non-certificated district employees under provisions specific to accrual and sharing of annual and sick leave as specified in those employee agreements or employment conditions.
Leave Sharing Program. The District will implement a leave sharing program for bargaining unit members consistent with the rules and regulations of the State of Washington. (See Appendix E physician verification form.)
Leave Sharing Program. A. Certificated employees may participate in the Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxx School District Leave Sharing Program as regulated by state law and provided by Board policy.
B. An employee shall be entitled to receive leave under this item if the employee suffers from, or has a relative or household member suffering from an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition which is of an extraordinary or severe nature, or who has been called to the uniformed services and which has caused, or is likely to cause, the employee to go on leave without pay status, or terminate employment.
C. An employee receiving such leave sharing transfer must have depleted or will shortly deplete his or her accumulated sick leave.
D. Staff members receiving workers' compensation are not eligible to receive leave sharing.
E. An employee needing leave days shall submit a request to the District. In the event the employee is unable to submit such written request, a designee may submit the request on behalf of the employee.
F. The superintendent, or designee, shall determine the amount of leave, if any, which an employee may receive. A full-time employee shall not receive a total of more than one hundred eighty (180) days leave. Part-time employees shall not receive more than their pro-rata share.
G. An employee who has accrued a sick leave balance of more than twenty-two (22) days may request a transfer of a specified amount of sick leave to another employee. In no event may such an employee request a transfer that would result in his or her sick leave account going below twenty-two (22) days.
H. The donating employee will complete the District form on leave sharing and submit the completed form to the personnel office.
I. While an employee is on leave, he or she shall receive the same treatment in respect to salary, wages, and employee benefits as the employee would normally receive if using accrued sick leave.
J. Recipients must use accumulated donated hours on consecutive work days unless recommended otherwise by a physician's statement and approved by the director of personnel.
K. Transfer of leave shall not exceed the donating employee's requested amount.
L. The value of the leave transferred shall be based upon the leave value of the person receiving the leave.
M. Any leave transferred under this policy which remains unused shall be returned to the employee who donated the leave. To the extent administratively feasible, the unused leave which was transferred by more than one e...
Leave Sharing Program. A leave sharing program is established on a voluntary basis which permits employees to donate annual sick leave (illness, injury, or emergency) to a fellow employee under the provisions contained in Appendix F set forth in this Agreement.
Leave Sharing Program. Employees with a minimum of one year of continuous employment with the City as a regular employee are eligible to participate in the City's "Leave Share Program". Eligibility ends if the employee's employment ends for any reason, or the employee exhausts the annual or lifetime maximum amount of donated leave as outlined in City policy. Employees who have exhausted the maximum amount of annual or lifetime leave, or are not eligible for FMLA, are not eligible for the Leave Share Program.
Leave Sharing Program. Rules regarding the Catastrophic Leave-Sharing Program are set forth in Administrative Directive – AD 10.
Leave Sharing Program. A leave sharing program is hereby established for all classified civil service and administrative professional, non-civil service appointed employees. The Mayor or his designee shall establish the procedure by which the Human Resources Administrator shall administer the leave-sharing program. This leave-sharing program shall be administered in keeping with the area practices and within the financial limits as set forth by the City Council. Unless otherwise provided for by the City Council or by law, shared personal time off (PTO) leave of more than thirty (30) days shall be considered non-salaried supplement, and shall not be utilized in the calculation of pensions, deferred compensation(s), and other benefits.
(1) Scope and Purpose The leave sharing program will allow employees to donate unused Personal Time Off (PTO) leave to co-workers who are seriously ill or have family members who are ill, and have exhausted their own leave. This leave-sharing program operating on a case-by-case donation basis encourages employees with unneeded leave to donate leave to employees coping with personal tragedy. Employees should refrain from soliciting donated leave from their co- workers. Request for donated leave will be disseminated by the Human Resources Department.
Leave Sharing Program. A leave sharing program is hereby established for all employees. The City Administrator shall establish the procedure by which the Chief Human Resources Director shall administer the leave-sharing program. This leave-sharing program shall be administered in keeping with the area practices and within the financial limits as set forth by the council. Unless otherwise provided for by the council or by law, shared personal time off (PTO) leave of more than 30 days shall be considered non-salaried supplement, and shall not be utilized in the calculation of pensions, deferred compensation(s), longevity and other benefits.
a. Scope and Purpose The leave sharing program will allow employees to donate unused Personal Time Off (PTO) leave to co-workers who are seriously ill or have family members who are ill, and have exhausted their own leave. This leave-sharing program operating on a case-by-case donation basis encourages employees with unneeded leave to donate leave to employees coping with personal tragedy.
Leave Sharing Program. A support employee may be eligible to receive shared leave pursuant to the following conditions:
1. The Board of Education, or its designee, determines that the employee meets the criteria described in this section and
2. The employee has abided by the Negotiated Agreement regarding the use of sick leave.
3. Any district employee may donate sick leave to another employee only when the receiving employee has exhausted, or will exhaust all vacation and sick leave due to an illness, injury, impairment or physical or mental condition which is of an extraordinary or severe nature, and which involves the support employee, a relative or a household member. The amount of leave to be donated is within the limits set by the board, if any. Accordingly, the board hereby adopts the policy that donated sick leave days are cumulative and no employee may receive donated sick leave in excess of One Hundred (100) days during the employee’s employment with the district, whether such employment is in one or more intervals. Provided however, in the event of extraordinary circumstances, the Board of Education may, in its sole discretion, increase the maximum number of days on a case-by-case basis. The donating employee may donate any amount of sick leave provided the donation does not cause the donor’s sick leave balance to fall below thirty (30) days. Prior to using donated sick leave, an employee requesting donated sick leave pursuant to this policy must provide to the school district business office a medical certificate from a licensed physician or health care practitioner verifying the severe or extraordinary nature and expected duration of the condition.
Leave Sharing Program. A. Certificated employees may participate in the Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxx School District Leave Sharing Program as regulated by state law and provided by Board policy.
B. An employee shall be entitled to receive leave under this item if the employee suffers from, or has a relative or household member suffering from an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition which is of an extraordinary or severe nature, or who has been called to the uniformed services and which has caused, or is likely to cause, the employee to go on leave without pay status, or terminate employment.
C. An employee receiving such leave sharing transfer must have depleted or will shortly deplete his or her accumulated sick leave.
D. Staff members receiving workers' compensation are not eligible to receive leave sharing.