Recall Procedure (a) A laid-off faculty member shall be offered reemployment when a vacancy becomes available for which the bargaining unit member is qualified. A faculty member will be recalled according to the principles of last laid off/first recalled, provided the faculty member is qualified to perform the duties of the position to be filled. (b) Faculty members being recalled shall be notified by mail, e-mail, and telephone to their last known address and shall have fifteen (15) working days from the date of delivery confirmation to respond affirmatively in writing. It shall be the faculty member’s responsibility to provide the College with a current address and make appropriate arrangements for forwarding receipt of mail if the faculty member will be away from their address for more than five (5) calendar days. (c) If the faculty member fails to accept the recall in writing to the College within fifteen (15) working days from the date the delivery of recall notification was confirmed, the faculty member shall be removed from the recall list and the College shall have no further obligation to the faculty member. The faculty member who has been laid-off shall remain on a recall list for two (2) years after layoff. (d) A faculty member who is laid off shall not be considered to have broken continuous service with the College, but shall not accumulate any additional service time during the period of layoff. During the recall period, the faculty member’s compensation, including benefits, shall cease, but shall be reinstated when recalled with the following exceptions: (i) Medical/Dental/Vision Insurance: COBRA will apply. (ii) Sick Leave: Faculty will retain accrued sick leave but will not accrue additional leave during the period of layoff. Sick leave may not be applied during the lay off period.
Recall Procedures A. Eligibility to be recalled from layoff and employment shall terminate after fourteen (14) months. Employees shall be recalled from layoff based on seniority in the following order: 1. Employees shall be recalled to the position from which they were laid off starting within the employee’s Department; or, 2. Employees shall be recalled to other positions within the position series from which they were laid off starting with the employee’s Department and then other Departments, provided the employee possesses the qualifications, performance record, aptitude, and ability to perform the work; or 3. Employees shall be recalled to other positions the employee previously held, provided the employee completed probation in that position starting with the employee’s Department and then other Departments, and provided the employee possesses the qualifications, performance record, aptitude, and ability to perform the work. 4. Employees shall be recalled from layoff into vacant County positions not previously held provided: 1) The employee possesses the qualifications, performance record, aptitude, ability to perform the work, and the ability to meet the minimum requirements for the position as defined in the job description; and 2) The employee specifies in writing to the Human Resources Office, within thirty (30) days of the date of layoff, the position(s) they want to be considered for recall. B. Employees on layoff who have been offered recall, and who have voluntarily refused such recall, shall be removed from the recall list and their employment shall be terminated. A form provided by the Human Resources Office signed by the employee shall document this recall refusal. C. When necessary, the Human Resources Director shall determine the recalled employee’s qualifications, performance record, aptitude, and ability to perform the work through discussions with the applicable Supervisor and a meeting with the employee. The employee shall be notified of the right to have a representative of his or her choosing present. If there is a disagreement over the County not allowing the employee to exercise recall rights, the Human Resources Director shall document this disagreement. D. After finding out more information about a specific job(s), a recalled employee may decide their overall qualifications, aptitude and ability are not compatible with the requirements of the job and may request to remain on the County recall list rather than pursue recall to the available position. Authorization to remain on layoff status, and return to the recall list after declining recall, must be mutually agreed upon. A form produced by the Human Resources Office and signed by the employee shall document this process. E. Laid off employees shall report to work on the date specified in the notice of recall, such date shall be not less than fourteen (14) days from the date of the notice unless mutually agreed upon.
On Call (a) Employees required to be on-call shall be paid one dollar ($1.00) per hour, or portion thereof. (b) The minimum on-call requirement shall be four (4) consecutive hours. (c) Should the Employer require an employee to have a pager, beeper or a cellular phone available during their on-call period, then all related expenses for such device shall be the responsibility of the Employer.
Payroll Procedures A. The District will continue a 26-equal pay payroll schedule for employees who work at least a 190 day work calendar with paychecks electronically deposited every other Friday in the employee’s choice of a financial institution beginning on a Friday selected by the District. If a Friday pay date falls on a date the District is closed, the paychecks will be electronically deposited no later than the Friday pay date the District is closed unless such Friday is a banking holiday. In such cases, the paychecks will be electronically deposited no later than the last preceding banking day. The District will continue a 22 equal pay payroll schedule for employees who work less than a 190-day work calendar and they will have their payroll checks electronically deposited every other Friday on a Friday selected by the District as provide above for employees who work at least a 190-day work calendar. The District will work with employees who do not have an account with a financial institution to establish an account(s) with the Credit Union to provide for these electronic deposits. B. The Parties recognize the right of the District to require the electronic deposit of all employees’ paychecks as set forth above; however, the District has not mandated such electronic deposits and will not do so without first giving the Union and each affected employee at least forty-five (45) calendar days advance notice of its intent to implement electronic deposits for all employees. The District will work with employees who do not have an account with a financial institution to establish an account(s) with the Credit Union to provide for these electronic deposits. Until such time the District requires electronic deposits of all employees’ paychecks, those employees who do not have electronic deposit will be paid via US Mail so that they receive their mailed paychecks on or soon after the normal Friday pay date. Those employees who select electronic deposit of their paychecks will maintain that means of receiving their pay and may not revert to any other means of being paid. C. The District will implement a paperless payroll effective January 1, 2011 whereas employees will not receive a paper pay stub, but will be able to access payroll stub and other payroll information including their Federal W-2 Annual Earnings Statement by going to a District website location and, after entering their personal password, be able to view and retrieve their individual payroll information as well as being able to view and make some payroll information changes on-line such as the employee’s Federal W-4 Form. Employees who are in need of computer training to be able to access this information will be offered this training at a mutually agreed time during or after their regular working hours. D. The Union is invited to appoint two (2) representatives to provide input on topics that will be addressed by the District’s ad hoc Payroll Advisory Committee. One topic of the ad hoc Payroll Advisory Committee will be to make an annual recommendation to the Chief Operating Officer of the first Friday paycheck date of each school year for employees who are less than 12 month employees. Another topic to be addressed by this ad hoc Committee will be to recommend to the District the best means of communicating in advance with all employee groups the payroll schedules for the ensuing school year. To that end, such Union representatives will be provided a TDE at District expense to attend meetings of this Committee when such meetings are scheduled during regular duty hours.
On-Call Duty (a) Employees shall be paid one (1) hour of pay at the regular straight time rate for each six (6) hours of assigned on-call duty. Employees who are assigned on-call duty for less than six (6) hours shall be paid on a prorated basis. (b) An employee shall be assigned on-call duty when specifically required to be available for work outside his/her working hours and not subject to restrictions which would prevent the employee from using the time while on-call effectively for the employee’s own purposes. (c) No employee is eligible for any premium pay compensation while on on-call duty except as expressly stated in this Article. (d) On-call duty time shall not be counted as time worked in the computation of overtime hours worked but on-call pay shall be included in the calculation of the overtime rate of pay.
Layoff and Recall Procedure a. In the event that a bargaining unit member's position is eliminated or reduced, or the bargaining unit member is bumped, said bargaining unit member shall have the right to bump the bargaining unit member with the least seniority among those bargaining unit members with equal or more scheduled work hours in the classification; provided that said bargaining unit member is qualified for the position. b. Only if no position is available with equal or more scheduled work hours in the classification for which the employee is qualified and for which she is more senior, said bargaining unit member shall have the right to bump the bargaining unit member with lower seniority among those bargaining unit members whose number of work hours in the classification most closely aligns with her original hours; provided that said bargaining unit member is qualified for the position. The bargaining unit member shall have no more than two (2) work days after receipt of her layoff notice or schedule reduction notice to notify the Board in writing of her intention to exercise her right to bump, and the specific position which she intends to bump. If the employee fails to exercise her right to bump within two workdays under this article, she shall be laid off. If the employee exercises her right to bump under this article, the Board shall notify the bargaining unit member within two (2) workdays to verify the effective starting date for the position, and follow up said notification in writing as soon as practicable. c. When a vacancy occurs, bargaining unit members in the classification who are on layoff shall be recalled in the following order: (1) Laid off bargaining unit members in the classification of the vacancy in the order of most seniority first; (2) Laid off bargaining unit members not in the classification of the vacancy in the order of most seniority first, provided that the bargaining unit member is qualified for the job; (3) In no case shall a new employee be hired by the Board while there are laid-off bargaining unit members who are qualified for a vacant or newly-created bargaining unit position.
Disputes Procedure 12.1 If a dispute relating to a Script covered by this Agreement arises between a Writer and the BBC which cannot be settled by direct discussion then either party will have the right to refer the issue to a panel which shall consist of the Head of Talent & Rights Negotiation Group the relevant head of the production department and two of the Writer, the Writer’s representative or representative of the Society, the WGGB or the PMA, at the Writer’s election. This clause shall not however be invoked in a manner which might override any other clause in this Agreement or call into question the BBC’s reasonable and proper discretion to accept or reject a Script. 12.2 Any dispute regarding the interpretation of this Agreement or the interpretation of an individual contract between the BBC and a writer of a Script covered by this Agreement which cannot be resolved by discussion between the parties shall be referred to an Arbitration Committee consisting of two representatives of the BBC and any two of the Writer or Writer’s representative or representative of the Society, the Guild or the PMA as the case may be. Failing settlement it shall then be referred to a single Arbitrator mutually acceptable to both sides who shall determine the issue and whose decision shall be binding on both parties. 12.3 Clause 12.2 shall not apply to disputes arising under clause 12.1, 16.1 and 20-25.
Referral Procedure Section 4.01 In the interest of maintaining an efficient system of production in the Industry, providing for an orderly procedure of referral of applicants for employment, preserving the legitimate interests of the employees in their employment status within the area and of eliminating discrimination in employment because of membership or non-membership in the Union, the parties hereto agree to the following system of referral of applicants for employment. Section 4.02 The Union shall be the sole and exclusive source of referral of applicants for employment. Section 4.03 The Employer shall have the right to reject any applicant for employment. Section 4.04 The Union shall select and refer applicants for employment without discrimination against such applicants by reason of membership or non-membership in the Union and such selection and referral shall not be affected in any way by rules, regulations, by-laws, constitutional provisions or any other aspect or obligation of Union membership policies or requirements. All such selection and referral shall be in accord with the following procedure. Section 4.05 The Union shall maintain a register of applicants for employment established on the basis of the Classifications and Groups listed below. Each applicant for employment shall be registered in the highest priority Group in the classification or classifications for which he qualifies. GROUP - I. All applicants for employment who have three and one-half (3 1/2) or more years’ experience in the trade, are residents of the geographical area constituting the normal construction labor market, have passed a Journeyman Lineman's examination given by a duly constituted Outside Construction Local Union of the IBEW or have been certified as a Journeyman Lineman by any Outside Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee, and who have been employed in the trade for a period of at least one (1) year in the last three and one-half (3 1/2) years in the geographical area covered by the collective bargaining agreement. Group I status shall be limited to one Local Union at one time. An applicant who qualifies for Group I in a local union shall be so registered electronically and remain on Group I in that local union unless and until the applicant designates another local union as his or her Group I local union. If an applicant qualifies for Group I status in a local union other than his or her home local union and designates that local as his or her Group I local union, the business manager of the new group 1 status local union shall by electronic means notify the business manager of the applicant’s former Group I status local union.
Withdrawal Procedures Upon the withdrawal of the privileges of this Agreement, the Resident shall vacate the Room within the time frame given, and deliver to the Manager vacant possession of the Room together with all of the furnishings, fixtures, appliances and telephone of the Residence, and the furnishings and fixtures shall be in good condition, with reasonable wear and tear excepted. The Resident will follow the Move-out Procedures explained in section 3.02 of this Agreement and all additional directions communicated by the Manager.
Appeal Procedure The Appeal will be deemed an appeal of the entire Arbitration Award. In conducting the Appeal, the Appeal Panel shall conduct a de novo review of all Claims described or otherwise set forth in the Arbitration Notice. Subject to the foregoing and all other provisions of this Paragraph 5, the Appeal Panel shall conduct the Appeal in a manner the Appeal Panel considers appropriate for a fair and expeditious disposition of the Appeal, may hold one or more hearings and permit oral argument, and may review all previous evidence and discovery, together with all briefs, pleadings and other documents filed with the Original Arbitrator (as well as any documents filed with the Appeal Panel pursuant to Paragraph 5.4(a) below). Notwithstanding the foregoing, in connection with the Appeal, the Appeal Panel shall not permit the parties to conduct any additional discovery or raise any new Claims to be arbitrated, shall not permit new witnesses or affidavits, and shall not base any of its findings or determinations on the Original Arbitrator’s findings or the Arbitration Award.