Sleepovers Sample Clauses

Sleepovers. (a) A sleepover means when the Employer requires an Employee to sleep overnight at premises where the client for whom the Employee is responsible is located (including respite care) and is not a 24-hour care shift pursuant to clause 21.8 or an excursion pursuant to clause 21.9. (b) The provisions of 21.5 apply for a sleepover. An Employee may refuse a sleepover in the circumstances contemplated in 24.5(d)(i) but only with reasonable cause. (c) The span for a sleepover will be a continuous period of eight hours. Employees will be provided with a separate room with a bed and clean linen, the use of appropriate facilities (including access to food preparation facilities and staff facilities where these exist) and free board and lodging for each night when the Employee sleeps over. (d) The Employee will be entitled to a sleepover allowance of 4.9% of the standard rate for each night on which they sleep over. (e) In the event of the Employee on sleepover being required to perform work during the sleepover period, the Employee will be paid for the time worked at the prescribed overtime rate with a minimum payment as for one hour worked. Where such work exceeds one hour, payment will be made at the prescribed overtime rate for the duration of the work. (f) An Employer may roster an Employee to perform work immediately before and/or immediately after the sleepover period, but must roster the Employee or pay the Employee for at least four hours’ work for at least one of these periods of work. The payment prescribed by 21.7(d) will be in addition to the minimum payment prescribed by this subclause. (g) The dispute resolution procedure in clause 9 of this Agreement applies to the sleepover provisions.
Sleepovers. A sleepover is a non-active period of duty where an employee working in Disability Services is available to be called to active duty whilst sleeping at the place of work. Where Xxxxxxxxxx requires an employee to sleep over for a period outside that of the employee's normal rostered hours of duty, the following arrangements shall apply: ▪ The Disability services employee's shall receive payment for a sleepover shift of $42.83 per night as varied from time to time. ▪ An employee will be given at least one week's notice of sleepover, and where less than one week's notice is given, the employee shall be paid twice the sleepover allowance as prescribed above. ▪ Unless by written agreement between the employer and employee, no employee shall work more than five sleepovers in a fourteen day period nor more than two consecutive sleepovers at any one time. ▪ A sleepover shall consist of 10 continuous hours and any time before or after the 10 hours shall be paid at the appropriate rate of pay. ▪ If, during the course of the sleepover period the employee is needed for active duty more than four (4) times and/or more than a total of one hour, that period of the sleepover shall be treated as active duty and the employee shall be paid at the hourly rate of time and half. ▪ If, during the course of the sleepover period the employee is needed for active duty for more than three (3) hours duty and the employee shall be paid at the hourly rate of double time; ▪ The employer shall take all reasonable steps to ensure appropriate sleeping and bathroom facilities at the premises. ▪ An evening meal and breakfast shall be supplied to an employee during sleepover, except where continuous with an evening shift, in which case breakfast only shall be supplied; or, for each meal not supplied the employee shall receive an allowance of $9.05 as varied from time to time. 18 TIME SHEETS Time sheets must be completed in full and handed in on time, as directed by management. Detailed instruction will be provided to employees as part of induction process and employees must contact Somerville for any clarification or queries on this process. Failure to do so may delay payment of entitlements or result in incorrect payment of entitlements. Employees' cooperation in this matter is appreciated.
Sleepovers. (a) Employees, other than nurses and health professionals, may, in addition to normal rostered shifts, be required to sleepover. Nurses may undertake sleepovers by agreement. A sleepover means sleeping in at night in order to be on call for emergencies. (b) The following conditions shall apply to each night of sleepover: (i) The span for a sleepover shall be not less than 8 hours or more than 10 hours on any one night. (ii) Employees shall be provided with free board and lodging for each night on which they are required to sleep over. (iii) Employees shall be provided with a separate room with a bed and use of employee facilities or client facilities where applicable. (iv) In addition to the provision of free board and lodging for such nights, the employee shall be entitled to a sleepover allowance equivalent to 2.2 hours of ordinary pay of the employee’s classification for each sleepover. (v) No work other than that of an emergency nature shall be required to be performed during any sleepover. For the purposes of this clause an emergency is any unplanned occurrence or event requiring prompt action. (vi) An employee directed to perform work other than that of an emergency nature during any sleepover shall be paid the appropriate hourly rate from the start of the sleepover to the end of the non-emergency work, or from the start of the non-emergency work to the end of the sleepover, whichever is the lesser, in addition to the sleepover allowance in sub- clause 20.4(b)(iv). (vii) All time worked during any sleepover shall count as time worked and be paid for in accordance with the following provisions: (A) All time worked by full-time employees during any sleepover shall be paid for at overtime rates. (B) All time worked by part-time employees during any sleepover shall be paid for at ordinary pay plus applicable shift and weekend penalties; provided that, if the total number of hours worked on that day exceeds the number of hours worked by full-time employees, or eleven hours where there are no such full-time employees, then the excess hours worked on that day shall be paid for at overtime rates; and provided further that if the total number of hours worked in the week exceeds 38 hours, or exceeds 76 hours in the fortnight as the case may be, then the excess hours worked in that week or fortnight, as the case may be, shall be paid for at overtime rates. (C) All time worked by casual employees during any sleepover shall be paid for at ordinary pay plus applic...
Sleepovers. ‌ 17:01 Employees performing sleepovers will be compensated a premium of seventy dollars ($70.00) per night for rest or sleep time. Employees who are required to perform unscheduled duties during the designated rest period, will be compensated in accordance with the Collective Agreement for any time worked. 17:02 Each sleepover will qualify for eight (8) hours of seniority. Updates to the seniority list on April 30 and October 31 will reflect the sleepover’s seniority equivalent according to the number of sleepovers worked by the employee. 17:03 The Employer will provide private sleeping accommodations upon the opening of new homes, or relocation of existing homes. For existing homes, the Employer will make every effort to incorporate private sleeping accommodations into any major renovation project. 17:04 Effective October 1, 2004, any employee whose position has two (2) or more sleepovers per bi-weekly period, shall receive sleepover premiums along with their vacation pay.
Sleepovers. 13.01 Employees required to sleepover will be paid according to the wage scale attached. 13.02 No employee shall be required to perform sleepovers as a condition of employment except as otherwise mutually agreed.
Sleepovers. (a) A sleepover means when an employer requires an employee to sleep overnight at premises where the client for whom the employee is responsible is located (including respite care) and is not an excursion pursuant to clause 21.8. (b) The provisions of clause 21.5 apply for a sleepover. An employee may refuse a sleepover in the circumstances contemplated in clause 21.5(d)(i) but only with reasonable cause. (c) The span for a sleepover will be a continuous period of eight hours. Employees will be provided with a separate room with a bed, use of appropriate facilities (including staff facilities where these exist) and free board and lodging for each night when the employee sleeps over. (d) The employee will be entitled to a sleepover allowance of $70 (note the rate will increase in line with wage increases under the Agreement) for each night on which they sleep over. This payment shall be deemed to provide compensation for the sleepover and also includes compensation for all work necessarily undertaken by an employee up to a total of one hour’s duration. Where an employer covered by this Agreement (and as specified in Schedule D) was paying a higher rate at the time this Agreement comes into force that higher rate shall be substituted for the rate specified in this sub-clause. (e) Where work undertaken during a sleepover period exceeds one hour, payment will be made at the prescribed overtime rate for the duration of the work. (f) An employer may roster an employee to perform work immediately before and/or immediately after the sleepover period, but must roster the employee or pay the (g) The dispute resolution procedure in clause 9 of this Agreement applies to the sleepover provisions.
Sleepovers. 13.1 A sleepover is a non‐active period of duty where an Employee is available to be called to active duty whilst sleeping at the place of work. Where the Employer requires an Employee to sleepover during the course of his or her Employment, the following shall apply: 13.1.1 The Employee shall receive a sleepover allowance of $100.00 (as full payment inclusive of any rate in Appendix B) for each sleepover period of up to 10 hours which may include necessary active duties within this period; 13.1.2 A sleepover shall consist of 10 continuous hours and any time before or after the 10 hours shall be paid at the appropriate hourly rate. 13.1.3 If, during the course of the sleepover period the Employee is needed for active duty more than four (4) times, the period of the sleepover the employee was active shall be treated as active duty and the Employee shall be paid at the aggregated hourly rate as set out in the Agreement; and 13.2 Where an Employee is required to provide 24 hour care for a client, they will receive a fixed maximum payment of $210.00 for the whole period of care, inclusive of all other rates expressed in Appendix B. 13.3 In the case of sleepovers and twenty‐four (24) hour care, the Employer shall take all reasonable steps to enable the Employee to sleep or live in at the premises. 13.4 The Employee shall be responsible for managing their fatigue. They must have sufficient rest to ensure they can continue to safely and effective work and travel. If any doubt arises, they must immediately advise their manager.
Sleepovers. 6.1 Sleepovers may only be arranged with Building Manager. Sleepover slip will be provided, 6.2 All sleep over visitors must produce ID documents and sign an indemnity form before entering the premises. 6.3 All sleepover visitors, like other visitors, are to be fetched at the entrance by the tenant and will not be allowed to enter the building unaccompanied. 6.4 NO Free sleepovers will be allowed. 6.5 Sleep overs will be charged at R120 per sleepover and be paid in advance at the security office. 6.6 Illegal sleepovers, thus not arranged with management will be charged at R250 per sleep over. 6.7 Sleepover rules do not apply to any owners who occupies their own units although they need to inform security as well 6.8 Sleepover rules apply to all tenants.
Sleepovers. 21.1 A sleepover means where an employee is required to sleep overnight at either the employer's or client's premises. 21.2 The span for a sleepover will be a continuous period of eight (8) hours. The employee will be paid an allowance in accordance with Table 3 Schedule A per rostered sleepover shift. 21.3 In the event the employee on sleepover is required to perform work during the sleepover period, the employee will be paid for the time worked at the hourly night rate up to four (4) hours, with a minimum payment as for one hour worked. 21.4 If an employee is required to work more than four (4) hours in a single sleepover shift, the sleep over allowance will be replaced with the complete shift being paid (8 hours) at the hourly night rate. 21.5 The Employer may roster an employee to perform work immediately before and/or after the sleepover period. The minimum number of hours for this work shall be four
Sleepovers. 37.1 An Employee who is required by the Employer to sleepover at a premises and be on standby to attend to duties during the sleepover will be provided with food and boarding and a $120 per night sleepover allowance. 37.2 A sleepover is not considered shift work and an Employee may refuse a sleepover if the sleepover results from a change in the roster, but only with reasonable cause. 37.3 All time spent awakened by a disturbance that requires the attention of the Employee, or because the Employee is required to attend to a duty, will be treated as time worked with a minimum payment of 30 minutes at over time rates applying to each occasion, subject to the time and purpose of the call and the time spent being appropriately documented for each occasion. 37.4 For the avoidance of doubt, a sleepover period is from 10:00 pm until 6:00 am the following morning. 37.5 An Employee that is required to work continuously away from home for more than 24 hours will be entitled to 7.6 hours paid at their Ordinary Rate plus $147.53 for each 24 hour period instead of the sleepover allowance. 37.6 Penalty rates that apply for public holidays, weekend work, or shift work do not apply to sleepovers. 37.7 The Employee may be rostered to perform work in conjunction with the sleepover immediately before or after, or before and after, a sleepover.