Supplemental Positions Sample Clauses

Supplemental Positions. 1. Definition: Supplemental positions are those positions which are hourly positions with no designated percentage appointment, recognized under Article 2, Recognition, Section 1. These employees work schedules that are variable, intermittent, or on-call.
Supplemental Positions. The Employer may offer or eliminate supplemental positions (for example, Team Leader or Club Sponsor) in accordance with Xxxx School policy. Any duties associated with a supplemental position shall be in addition to the regular duties of the bargaining unit faculty member appointed to such position. All decisions regarding supplemental positions, including, but not limited to, compensation, shall be at the Employer’s sole discretion.
Supplemental Positions. The following supplemental positions shall be compensated in accordance with the designated percentages which shall be applied to the Bachelor's minimum base salary to determine the appropriate salary for each such position.
Supplemental Positions. Included in the bargaining unit are all supplemental positions for which a teaching certificate is required, as listed in the supplemental salary stipend schedule (Appendix B). Excluded are all supplemental positions for which a teaching certificate is not required.
Supplemental Positions. 1. Job opportunities for which supplemental allowances will be paid to teachers are set forth in Article 9(C) of the Agreement. 2. The administration shall have the right to determine whether or not to fill supplemental duty positions and the right to determine the number of such positions to be filled. 3. Information about job opportunities that pay a supplemental allowance within the school system shall be posted in the same manner as other teaching vacancies, as specified in Article 6 (B)(3). Postings shall clearly set forth the qualifications for the position. 4. Teachers who desire to apply for such vacancies shall file their applications and qualifications in writing with the Director of Human Resources within the time limit specified in the notice. 5. When bargaining unit job opportunities occur that pay a supplemental allowance, teachers who meet qualifications and who are already employed by the Board shall receive first consideration. 6. In filling such positions the Board agrees to give consideration to such factors as the professional background of the applicants, their length of service and work performance in the DocuSign Envelope ID: 22C4B649-47B2-43A6-94B5-1EF2E9B1A864 school district, and experience elsewhere. It shall be understood that the filling of any position shall be governed by the principle of providing the best person for the position. 7. Teachers assigned supplemental duties for extra compensation may be relieved of that extra assignment by the Board when the discreet judgment of the Superintendent and the Board dictates that such removal from extra responsibility is in the best interest of the school system.
Supplemental Positions. 1. All supplemental positions shall have a job description developed jointly by the Superintendent and Association President. No new positions shall be posted until such job description is created. If a supplemental position is modified, the Association President and the Superintendent shall meet to determine if the job description requires modification. 2. All supplemental positions shall be evaluated by the appropriate building principal, assistant principal or athletic director based on the job description and the alignment of the supplemental contract with the district mission and goals. The decision to offer a supplemental contract is solely a Board decision. 3. All supplemental positions will be posted to staff when they are available and then posted to the Intranet section of the district webpage. If a supplemental position is not filled the position within the posting period as outlined in the negotiated agreement Article XV
Supplemental Positions. The term department chairman shall pertain to the chairman of a specific grade level, a specific discipline or subject area, a grouping of disciplines or subject areas for the purposes of communication, articulation and planning, or an interdisciplinary team.
Supplemental Positions. (a) The positions for Saturday School supervision, Detention, Commons Duty and Home Work Help shall first be posted and offered first to certified teachers. If available positions remain after the certified teachers have had the opportunity to express interest, said positions shall be offered to classified employees; (b) A classified employee accepting said positions shall be paid following rates: 2021-2022 a. Detention and Commons Duty - $22.07 per hour b. Homework Help - $31.89 per hour c. Saturday School supervision - $66.22 per day 2022-2023 a. Detention and Commons Duty - $22.68 per hour b. Homework Help - $32.77 per hour c. Saturday School supervision - $68.04 per day 2023-2024 a. Detention and Commons Duty - $23.13 per hour b. Homework Help - $33.43 per hour c. Saturday School Supervision - $69.40 See Article 12.01 for reference to wage increases for the other years of the contract. (c) Should the assignment in any of said positions result in a classified employee working more than forty (40) hours in the week, he/she will be eligible for the appropriate amount of overtime pay.
Supplemental Positions. All supplemental positions shall have a Board adopted job description. Personnel holding a supplemental position shall be evaluated at the conclusion of their duties. Section 1. Step placement is determined by the upcoming year of experience at that position indicated by the contract. Fall Faculty Manager (2) .035 .035 .035 .035 Winter Faculty Manager .035 .035 .035 .035 Head Varsity Football .14 .155 .18 .210 Head Varsity Football (17-18) .16 .175 .20 .230 Assistant Varsity Football .09 .105 .13 .150 Assistant Varsity Football .09 .105 .13 .150 Assistant Varsity Football .09 .105 .13 .150 Assistant Varsity Football .09 .105 .13 .150 Head Freshman Football .08 .085 .095 .120 Assistant Freshman Football .075 .08 .09 .115 Head Eighth Football .065 .07 .085 .105 Assistant Eighth Football .055 .06 .075 .085 Head Seventh Football .065 .07 .085 .105 Assistant Seventh Football .055 .06 .075 .085 Head Boys’ Soccer .10 .115 .135 .165 Head Boys’ Soccer (17-18) .12 .135 .155 .185 Assistant Varsity Boys' Soccer .07 .08 .095 .115 JV Boys’ Soccer .075 .085 .105 .125 Head Girls’ Soccer .10 .115 .135 .165 Head Girls’ Soccer (17-18) .12 .135 .155 .185 Assistant Varsity Girls’ Soccer .07 .08 .095 .115 JV Girls’ Soccer .075 .085 .105 .125 Head Varsity Volleyball .10 .115 .135 .165 Head Varsity Volleyball (17-18) .12 .135 .155 .185 Assistant Varsity Volleyball .07 .08 .095 .115 Junior Varsity Volleyball .075 .085 .105 .125 Head Freshman Volleyball .065 .07 .085 .105 Head Eighth Volleyball .055 .06 .075 .095 Head Seventh Volleyball .055 .06 .075 .095 Head Varsity Boys’ Golf .07 .08 .095 .125 Head Varsity Girls’ Golf .07 .08 .095 .125 Bowling .07 .08 .095 .125 Comic Book Club .02 .025 .03 .035 Head Varsity Cross Country .07 .08 .095 .125 Middle School Cross Country (17-18) .035 .045 .06 .080 Assistant Cross Country .035 .045 .06 .080 Head Varsity Boys’ Basketball .14 .155 .18 .210 Head Varsity Boys’ Basketball (17-18) .16 .175 .20 .230 Assistant Varsity Boys’ Basketball .085 .09 .105 .125 Junior Varsity Boys’ Basketball .09 .095 .115 .135 Head Freshman Boys’ Basketball .075 .08 .095 .115 Head Eighth Boys’ Basketball .06 .065 .085 .105 POSITION Step 1 Step 2 Step 4 Step 7 POSITION Step 1 Step 2 Step 4 Step 7 Head Seventh Boys’ Basketball .06 .065 .18 .105 Head Varsity Girls’ Basketball .14 .155 .18 .210 Head Varsity Girls’ Basketball (17-18) .16 .175 .20 .230 Assistant Varsity Girls' Basketball .085 .09 .105 .125 Junior Varsity Girls’ Basketball .09 .095 .115 .135 Head Freshman ...
Supplemental Positions. A. Posting Vacancies of Supplemental Positions 1. The Superintendent and Board reserve the right to fill or not fill any supplemental contract. 2. Whenever a vacancy arises or is anticipated, the Superintendent shall cause the position to be posted for not less than five (5) working days before the position is filled. 3. The Board declares its general support of a policy of filling vacancies in supplemental positions from within its own teaching staff. Current employees of the Xxxxxxx City School district bidding on supplemental contracts will be given an opportunity to present and discuss his/her qualifications for the position with the Superintendent or his designee. However, nothing herein shall preclude the Board of Education from determining that the interests of the school system may best be served by actively seeking and employing candidates from outside the district. 4. Any employee non-renewed in a particular supplemental position, due to unsatisfactory evaluations shall not be “entitled” to bid or have interview rights on that position for the succeeding scholastic year. 5. In filling a vacancy, the Superintendent or his designee (s) shall consider certification, training, i.e. course work, workshops, clinics, etc., and recent or relevant experience in filling the position. 6. Contracts will generally be one (1) year in length. The Superintendent has the right to recommend a longer contract but not to exceed the length of the teaching contract in accordance with Article 9. 7. Unless the contract is renewed by the last Board meeting in June, it will be considered terminated at its expiration. 8. Supplemental positions will be evaluated annually. 9. The number of dependents may be modified on a W-4 for supplemental salaries. Duty Baseball—Head Coach % of Base 0 Yrs. Exp. 14.0 1-2 Years 14.5 3-4 Years 15.0 5-6 Years 15.5 7 or more years 16.0 Baseball—Assistant 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 Basketball—Head Coach 30.0 30.5 31.0 31.5 32.0 Basketball—Assistant 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 Basketball—Freshman 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 Basketball—Jr. High 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 Cheerleader Coach—Head (per season – Football & Basketball) Cheerleader Coach—Assistant 8.0 4.0 8.5 4.5 9.0 5.0 9.5 5.5 10.0 6.0 (per season – Football & Basketball) Cheerleader Coach – Junior High 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 (per season – Football & Basketball) Cross Country 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 Football—Varsity Head Coach 30.0 30.5 31.0 31.5 32.0 Football—Varsity Assistant 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 Footba...