LEAVE O F ABSENCE Sample Clauses

LEAVE O F ABSENCE. (a) When a female employee with one year or more continuous employment leaves because of xxxxxxx­ xx, she will be granted a leave of absence without loss of seniority for a period not exceeding six months. This period of time shall not exceed three months prior to the birth of the child and three months after the birth. She shall give the Employer two weeks prior notice before taking such leave of absence. Upon request for reinstate­ ment, which shall be no less than two weeks before she intends to return to work, she shall furnish a doctor’s certificate showing she is able to perform the normal duties of her job. During the leave of absence, all fringe benefits, including time worked for vacation credit,' will be forfeited.
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LEAVE O F ABSENCE. 13.01 Leave of absence without pay for a reasonable period, when approved will be allowed by the Corporation, provided that it is for a good cause and that such leave shall not be for purposes of taking employment elsewhere. Unless otherwise mutually agreed, such leave shall not exceed three (3) months and seniority shall accumulate during such leaves. It is understood that during the first thirty (30) days of such a leave, the Employer will continue to provide the benefits in Article 21.01 at no cost to the employee and that for periods beyond the first thirty (30) days of any one leave, these benefits shall be available to the employee but at his/her own cost. A request for leave of absence of a duration of longer than one week must be submitted in writing to the Department Head at least ten (10) working days prior to the leave. In the event of an emergency, authorization shall be at the discretion of the Department Head.
LEAVE O F ABSENCE. General Leave To the extent that in the opinion of the Company efficiency of operation permit, the Company agrees upon written application therefore to grant leave of absence without pay, but with maintenance and accumulation of benefits payroll deductions to apply) for serious illness in an employee's immediate family or personal reason where the Company is satisfied that the circumstances justify such leave being granted.
LEAVE O F ABSENCE. Leave of absence shall mean an absence from requested by an employee in writing and consented to in writing by the Company. Leave granted shall be in writing covering a specified period of time. Leave of absence shall be permissive only and shall be without pay or any other form of compensation, and the employee shall not in any other position during such leave of absence unless agreed to by the Company in writing. Any delegate of the Local Union not exceeding two (2) in number at any one time, elected or appointed by the Union for the transaction of Union business shall be granted leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority for a reasonable time not to exceed ten 0) working days in any one calendar year, provided that the two (2) delegates so selected shall not be from the same job classification. The Union agrees to notify the Company in writing at least seven (7) days prior to the request for such leave of absence. If an employee overstays his leave of absence, he is presumed to have severed employment with the Company, unless he can give an explanation satisfactory to the Company for his inability to return to work on the expiry date of his leave of absence. Any leave of absence will be in writing and no such leave of absence will affect any employee's seniority status when used for the purpose granted, provided he returns to work at the expiration of leave. An employee who, because of illness or injury requiring an absence from his work for more than two (2) work days shall, upon furnishing evidence satisfactory to the Company of such illness or injury, which may include examination by a Company appointed physician, be granted a sick leave for the duration of the period of his disability due to such illness or injury, except that at the end of twelve 2) months, in the case of any employee with less than five (5) years' seniority, or four months, in the case of an employee with five (5) years' or more seniority, of continuous absence because of such illness or injury, the employee's employment and seniority shall be terminated. The employee shall furnish supplementary medical evidence of disability, from time to time, as required by the Company. Failure to furnish such evidence of disability will result in the termination of the employee's employment and seniority. Before an employee on sick leave may return to work, he must present a doctor's certificate stating that he has fully recovered both physically and and is able to return to hi...
LEAVE O F ABSENCE. Leave of absence will be granted only insofar as the operation of the department will permit and the period of absence shall not exceed three (3) months. The employee must give sufficient and reasonable notice in writing to the Head of the Department. Such request, if authorized, shall be authorized by the Head of the Department and the Community Services Manager. On the return from such leave, an employee shall be entitled to his or her former position. Should an employee's application be refused, he shall have the right to an appeal to the City Manager and decision shall be final. Employees taking other employment while on leave of absence, unless authorized by the City Manager to do so, shall be considered to have terminated their service with the Employer. Sufficient and reasonable notice must also be given for an extension of leave of absence which also must be authorized by the Head of the Department and the City Manager. If such authorization is not received and the employee has not returned to work at the expiration of his authorized leave, the employee shall be considered to have terminated his or her service with the Employer. The application for extension of leave must be in writing, but where this is not possible, it can be requested verbally but must be confirmed in writing within five days. When it is necessary for the Union to make application for leave of absence on Union business, it is required, if possible, that such application be in the hands of the City Manager not less than two
LEAVE O F ABSENCE. Leave of absence, without pay or loss of accrued seniority, for personal reasons, may be granted upon (10) working days' notice, written application to be made to Department Head, and each case to be dealt with on its own merit. Compassionate leave of an emergency nature may be excluded from the ten working days' notice provision. An employee requesting leave of absence and refused, shall be notified in writing as to the reason for the refusal no later ten (10) working days after the request has been submitted. Leave of absence without pay or loss of seniority for attendance at Union activities, any official convention, school or seminar of the Union or affiliated organization, will be granted to not than five (5) employees with a maximum of three (3) one department, and not to exceed one (1) from any section thereof for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) working days accumulative for each employee in any one (1) year. The officers of the Local Vice-president, Recording Secretary and Secretary-Treasurer) may exceed the fifteen (15) working days to maximum of twenty working days provided suck leave of absence does not interfere with efficient operations. The maximum time off granted under this Article shall not exceed a total of sixty (60) working days in any one (1) year. Upon receipt of reasonable notice, the Corporation will grant leave of absence of up to one (1) year without pay, loss of accrued seniority or job classification, to an employee elected a full-time position with the Canadian Union of Public Employees, the Ontario Federation of Labour or the Canadian Labour Congress. Any request for extension of the one year shall be in writing.
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LEAVE O F ABSENCE. The Board agrees t h a t where permission has been granted t o representatives o f the Union t o leave t h e i r employment temporarily i n order t o carry on negotiations with t h e Board, o r w i t h respect t o a grievance, they shall s u f f e r no loss of pay or sick c r e d i t s f o r the time so spent. The Negotiating Committee shall be granted leave without the loss o f pay o r sick leave credits t o prepare both amendments f o r the next agreement and documents required f o r r a t i f i c a t i o n purposes a t the conclusion o f negotiations up t o a maximum o f two ( 2 ) days per member o f t h e committee per calendar year cumulative f o r the term o f the Agreement. Leave o f absence without l o s s o f sick leave c r e d i t s or s e n i o r i t y shall be granted upon request t o the Board t o employees elected or appointed t o the Union a t recognized Union or seminars. Such time shall not exceed a t o t a l o f t h i r t y (30) working days, w i t h pay, and up t o twenty (20) working days, without pay, i n any one year. it being understood chat no than f i v e ( 5 ) members o f the Union may be absent a t any one time. Any employee covered by t h i s Agreement who i s elected or selected f o r a f u l l time position with the union o r any body with which the Union i s a f f i l i a t e d or who i s elected t o public o f f i c e w i l l be granted leave o f absence by the Board, without salary, and without loss o f s e n i o r i t y up t o a period o f two (2) years. This period may be extended, without salary, by t h e Board, upon application, w i t h t h e understanding t h a t t h e applicant's s e n i o r i t y w i l l remain a t t h a t level which existed a t the commencement o f the leave absence, and shall increase by the lesser o f the length of the leave o f absence t o two (2) years. and The Board may leave o f absence without pay loss o f seniority t o any employee such leave f o r good and s u f f i c i e n t cause, such requests t o be i n w r i t i n g t o the Superintendent o f Plant Operations, and further provided that i n opinion it does not c o n f l i c t with the e f f i c i e n t operation of the ant Operations Department.


  • LEAVE OF ABSENCE With respect to the Award, the Company may, in its sole discretion, determine that if you are on leave of absence for any reason you will not be considered as having terminated employment with the Company; however, your rights to the Restricted Stock Units during a leave of absence will be limited to the extent to which those rights were earned or vested when the leave of absence began.

  • Leave of Absences A leave of absence, subject to the College’s discretion may be granted for a minimum of one term’s absence. All requests for a planned leave of absence from the College, for one term or more, must be submitted in writing to the relevant Head of School for approval at least one full term in advance of the commencement of the leave. The request must include the proposed dates of absence and the reason for the absence. The request can be granted only where all Tuition Fees and Charges and any other amounts owing to the College at the time of the request have been paid in full. For an approved leave of absence, 30% of the applicable Tuition Fees will be charged in advance as a holding fee to guarantee re-entry. This is non-refundable and not offset against future Tuition Fees. In addition to the holding fee, the notebook payout fee will be charged to your Family Account. During a leave of absence, the Student will be provided with a broad outline of the curriculum. A leave of absence will not be considered, nor will Tuition Fees or Charges be refunded where schoolwork is still provided, assessed and supervised and/or reports submitted. On a Student’s final day prior to commencing a leave of absence, any College issued device must be returned to the Centre for Computing and Communications (CCC). Should the parent(s) elect to retain the device throughout the leave of absence period, approval must be granted by the Principal. Upon approval, the full payout fee for the device will be charged.

  • Sick Leave During Leave of Absence (F/T) When an Employee is given leave of absence without pay for any reason, or is laid off on account of lack of work, he/she shall not continue to accumulate sick leave and shall not be entitled to receive pay for sickness for the period of such absence, but shall retain his/her cumulative credit, if any, existing at the time of such leave or lay-off.

  • Paid Leave of Absence Upon request an employee shall be granted a leave of absence with pay for:

  • Unpaid Leave of Absence If an employee is on an unpaid leave of absence, then vacation leave, compensatory time, or sick leave cannot be used for the purpose of maintaining eligibility for an Employer Contribution by keeping the employee on a State payroll for one (1) working day per pay period.

  • Parental Leave of Absence A. A female unit member must use any or all accumulated leave during pre- and post-natal care for that period of time she is temporarily disabled, as determined by the unit member and her physician in accordance with the Family Medical Leave policy.

  • Union Leave of Absence An employee on an unpaid Union leave of absence shall have her wages, benefits and seniority continued by the Employer, and the Union agrees to reimburse the Employer for the costs of such wages and benefits. Employees requesting leave under this article will provide the Employer with as much advance notice as possible of the dates of the leave. Where there are less than fifteen (15) regular employees at a workstation at the time the leave request is submitted, and subject to operational requirements, unpaid Union leave of absence will be granted to one employee for the purpose of conducting Union business. This would be an additional person on Union leave at worksites where the position of the Union President or Council member has been backfilled for the duration of their term of office. A leave of absence without pay shall be granted to an employee who is a member of the Union and who is:

  • Unrequested Leave of Absence Section 1. Purpose: The purpose of this Article is to implement the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 122A.40, Subd. 10, which Article, when adopted, shall constitute a plan for unrequested leave because of discontinuance of position, lack of pupils, financial limitations or merger of classes caused by consolidation of districts.

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