Overtime/Extra Time Sample Clauses
Overtime/Extra Time. Any authorized hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a week or any hours worked on Saturday or Sunday, shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times the regular hourly rate paid that individual according to the wage schedule in Appendix A. Any hours worked on a paid holiday shall be compensated at the rate of two (2) times the normal hourly rate paid that individual according to Appendix A. For the purpose of computing overtime pay, the following days for which a bargaining unit member is granted pay will be counted as a day worked:
1. Vacation Day
2. Holiday
Overtime/Extra Time. With prior approval of the superintendent or designee, the employee working beyond the 40 hours will be granted overtime pay, unless an emergency exists.
A. Overtime is defined as any extra time within a week that exceeds forty (40) worked hours.
B. Overtime shall be offered to employees on a rotational basis from a single list recognizing seniority district wide. As overtime becomes available, the supervisor will use the seniority list to determine who is eligible for the next overtime opportunity.
C. All worked hours over forty (40) in one (1) week shall be paid at the rate of time and one- half. However, an employee who does not actually work the full 40 hours of a normal work week because of sick leave, vacation leave, or personal leave for which he has been compensated, will not be paid at the overtime rate until more than 40 actual hours have been worked.
D. For purposes of this article paid holidays shall count as hours worked.
Overtime/Extra Time. 1. For any time worked beyond forty (40) hours per week, non-exempt employees shall be paid overtime at a rate one and one-half (1-1/2) times their regular hourly rate of pay.
2. Compensatory time will no longer be available as an option.
3. Payment for overtime and/or extra time hours shall be made during the next payroll period.
Overtime/Extra Time. 31 Overtime/extra time (time not awarded) assignments shall be distributed to qualified employees in 32 accordance with the seniority provisions on a building/shift basis as hereinafter provided.
Overtime/Extra Time a. The Transportation Department shall have one list of drivers that have requested, in writing, their desire to work extra time. This list shall be referred to as overtime and extra time (OT/ET) and must be posted in the department no later than the third (3rd) Friday of the start of the new school year. Time beyond the regular assigned package will be counted as extra time.
b. Distribution of OT/ET within the drivers shall be offered as defined below. • OT/ET list will start with the driver with most seniority and continue the rotation of drivers for four (4) weeks or for pay purposes, two (2) bi- weekly pay periods. The next four (4) week period to be used for equalizing OT/ET Hours. Daily noon runs shall be assigned by seniority and not rotated. The supervisor shall meet monthly with a driver representative committee for the purposes of ensuing equalization practices. • A driver who is available and refuses OT/ET shall be charged with the total hours that were charged to the driver that accepted the OT/ET involved. • All OT/ET worked beyond the regularly assigned hours shall be charged to the driver for purpose of determining position on the OT/ET list, except as noted in Section a. • A driver shall not be allowed to exchange an OT/ET assignment with another driver or accept an OT/ET assignment unless approved by the transportation supervisor. However, exchanging will not warrant or guarantee the driver's additional OT/ET as result of the change as allowed by the supervisor. • Drivers offered OT/ET hours shall be notified at least twenty four (24) hours in advance or as soon as possible of the scheduled trip. Those drivers not given an advance notification of twenty-four (24) hours and who do not accept the trip shall not be charged the OT/ET hours that was offered the driver. • Drivers shall have the opportunity to sign up for OT/ET at the beginning of each semester, each school year.
c. A probationary driver shall not be offered or charged OT/ET assignments involving runs inside or outside the District unless all seniority drivers refuse the trip.
d. Unposted trips resulting from last minute requests received by the transportation office that involve OT/ET shall be assigned to the next available driver on the OT/ET list. The driver(s) that accept these hours will then be charged hours worked.
e. Early dismissals shall not be charged to OT/ET if part of the driver's own package.
f. Meal reimbursement shall be defined as follows: • Over three (3) but l...
Overtime/Extra Time. 20.01 Any employee who is in pay status over forty (40) hours in any work week shall be paid at the rate of time and one half (1 1/2).
20.02 All extra hours or overtime shall first be offered to employees in the building where the overtime and extra time occurs. The selection or opportunity for overtime will be based upon the employee's building seniority and will be equalized among all employees in that building, unless special skills, legal requirements and knowledge are required for that assignment. If there is no bargaining unit member interested in working the overtime/extra time within the building where the overtime/extra time occurs then the overtime/extra time shall be posted district wide based on seniority within the classification where the overtime/extra time occurs.
20.03 Any employee who is asked by the appropriate supervisor to do work normally done by another employee will be paid at their current rate or Step 1 rate of the sub job classification, whichever rate is higher of the two. Incumbent employees in a building shall have priority for transfers on all temporary assignments in their classification.
20.04 All hours worked on a holiday, as outlined in Article XIV, shall be paid two (2) times the regular hourly rate.
20.05 At the employer's option, compensatory time off may be given in-lieu-of overtime pay at the same rate as if overtime pay had been paid.
Overtime/Extra Time. Scheduling
1. Whenever possible, at least two days advance notice will be given to an employee required to work overtime or extra time.
2. Whenever possible, volunteers will be sought.
3. Employees shall work overtime and extra time assignments; however, an employee may be relieved of this obligation for good reason involving a prior conflicting obligation.
4. The Administrator shall offer overtime/extra-time on a basis of rotational seniority within the work group.
Overtime/Extra Time. 1. Overtime and extra time may only be performed upon assignment by a supervisor/department head authorized to make such assignment. Overtime and extra time shall be performed at the work site. Field trips shall be construed as work site assignments. Overtime and extra time shall be offered to unit members as provided for in section E.4 of this article.
2. Overtime is time worked in excess of the normal full-time workday or workweek or the job, class, or group classification. Overtime shall be paid at 1-1/2 times the straight rate of pay of the employee designated and authorized to work or suffered or permitted to work. Full-time and part-time employees who work the 6th and 7th consecutive day of a work week shall receive overtime for all such time worked in accordance with applicable Education Code Sections and the Fair Labor Standards Act.
3. Extra time is time worked by part-time unit members in excess of the unit member’s regular daily and/or weekly work schedule, but less than the daily and/or weekly work schedule of a full-time employee. Extra time shall be paid at the straight- time rate of pay of the employee performing the extra work.
4. In the event that need arises for overtime and/or extra time at a site, Site Supervisors shall first seek volunteers to perform the needed duties. If the qualifications and abilities are equal, seniority will prevail in who will receive the assignment. The District agrees to provide the Site Supervisors with a seniority list. In the event that all unit members decline the assignment, the unit member possessing the least seniority will be assigned.
Overtime/Extra Time. 10 10.6.1 Classified employees shall be compensated for all time worked in 11 excess of eight (8) hours on a regular workday, or in excess of forty
Overtime/Extra Time. Any employee who is in pay status over forty (40) hours in any work week shall be paid at the rate of time and one half (1 1/2).