PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. 17.01 All Regular and Temporary vacancies to be filled, which fall within the Bargaining Unit, will be posted electronically for a period of not less than seven (7) full calendar days excluding Named Holidays. A copy of the posting will be provided to the Union. The posting shall contain the following information: (a) classification; (b) qualifications; (c) employment status (i.e. regular full-time, regular part-time, temporary, etc.); (d) full-time equivalency; (e) range of rate of pay; (f) if a temporary position, the anticipated duration of the position; (g) for information purposes only, current site(s); (h) for information purposes only, a notice of vacancy shall specify the current number of hours per shift, current shifts per shift cycle and the current shift pattern for the position. 17.02 Subject to Clause 17.04, where vacancies are filled, first consideration shall be given to Employees who are already members of the Bargaining Unit. 17.03 All applications delivered to the specified Human Resources department during the posting period will be considered. Where there are internal applicants for a posting, the name of the successful applicant shall be communicated to them in writing within seven (7) calendar days of the appointment and provided electronically to the Union. (a) In making promotions and transfers, experience, qualifications, requisite job-related skills, abilities, and other relevant attributes applicable to the position shall be the primary consideration. Where these factors are assessed by the Employer to be relatively equal, seniority shall be the deciding factor. (b) Promotions shall only be made in accordance with Clause 17.04(a) or Article 19: Reclassification. 17.05 When circumstances require the Employer to fill a vacancy before expiration of the posting period, the appointment shall be made on a temporary basis only, until a regular appointment is made. 17.06 An Employee transferred or promoted to a position in the Bargaining Unit shall serve a trial period of up to four hundred and sixty-five (465) hours worked in the new position or to a maximum of six (6) months for Regular Part-time Employees. During the trial period the Employee may either: (a) return to their former position at their request; or (b) be returned to their former position; but in either circumstance, at the sole discretion of the Employer, the Employee may be assigned to a similar position within the site consistent with their abilities and/or qualificati...
PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. 14.01 (a) The Employer shall post notices of vacancies in the bargaining unit not less than 10 calendar days in advance of making an appointment. Each vacancy shall be given a posting number. Multiple identical vacancies may be posted under one (1) posting number. A copy of such notice shall be forwarded to the Union within five (5) calendar days of the posting.
PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. 29.01 (a) Vacancies within the bargaining unit for full-time and part-time positions, and temporary positions of three (3) months or more, shall be posted not less than eight (8) calendar days in advance of making an appointment. For purposes of this clause, electronic posting of vacancies will satisfy the posting requirement. The Employer will endeavour to provide employees with on-line access to electronic postings.
PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. 29.01 (a) Vacancies within the bargaining unit for full-time and part-time positions, and temporary positions of three (3) months or more, shall be posted not less than eight (8) calendar days in advance of making an appointment.
PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIESSection 1: The following definitions shall apply to this Article: a.
PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. 29.01 Where the Employer decides to fill a vacant bargaining unit position on a permanent basis, such a vacancy shall be posted a minimum of eight (8) calendar days prior to filling the position. 29.02 Where circumstances require the Employer to fill a posted vacancy before the expiry of the eight (8) calendar days, the appointment shall be made on a temporary or relief basis only. 29.03 Promotion and the filling of vacancies within the bargaining unit shall be based upon requirements as set out in the posting. Employees shall be entitled to bid for posted vacancies by means of written application submitted as directed before the deadline date and time. (a) In making promotions and transfers, experience, performance and qualifications applicable to the position shall be the primary consideration. Where these factors are adjudged by the Employer to be relatively equal, seniority shall be the deciding factor. (b) Internal candidates who are unsuccessful in a competition shall be notified in writing of the reasons why they were unsuccessful upon their request.
PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. (a) Amend Article 14.01 by adding: 14.01 (d) Notice of vacancy for a regular part-time position shall specify the approximate number of hours per pay period and whether or not the Employee is eligible for benefits. (b) Amend Article 14 by adding: A regular part-time or temporary Employee who is permanently transferred to a full-time position shall retain her vacation entitlement and will be entitled to make use of her accrued sick leave entitlements during her probationary period and thereafter the provisions of Article 19 shall apply.
PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. ‌ 26.01 (a) Vacancies within the bargaining unit for full-time and part-time positions, and temporary positions of three (3) months or more, shall be posted not less than eight
PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. 14.01 (a) The Employer shall post notices of vacancies electronically for full-time and part-time positions within the bargaining unit not less than ten (10) calendar days in advance of making an appointment. A copy of such notice shall be forwarded to the Union within five (5) calendar days of the posting. All postings shall have a closing date which shall not be a Saturday, Sunday or Named Holiday.
PROMOTIONS, TRANSFERS AND VACANCIES. At the conclusion of the temporary transfer, the Regular Employee shall then transfer to the PHA and be reinstated or placed in accordance with Article 17.07: Promotions, Transfers and Vacancies. Such Employees are not prohibited from applying on further temporary opportunities within AHS before the Payroll Transfer Date, however, reinstatement or placement with the PHA pursuant to Article 17.07: Promotions, Transfers and Vacancies cannot be relied on in said circumstances.