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DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM. (a) The Authority and its contractors and subcontractors are required to comply with the requirements of 49 C.F.R. Part 219 with no exceptions. The Contractor has established and implemented, or agrees to establish and implement, and cause its applicable subcontractors to establish and implement, a drug and alcohol testing program for regulated employees (including volunteers, employees and probationary employees) whose duties include inspection, con- struction, maintenance or repair of roadway track; bridges, roadway, signal and communications systems, electric traction systems, roadway facilities or roadway maintenance machinery on or near track or with the potential of fouling a tack and flagmen and watchmen/lookouts (“Part 219 employees”) that complies with 49 C.F.R. Part 219, produce any documentation necessary to establish its compliance with Part 219, and permit any authorized representative of the United States Department of Transportation or the Federal Railroad Administration (“FRA”) and the Authority to inspect the facilities and records associated with the implementation and operation of the drug and alcohol testing program as required under 49 C.F.R. Part 219, including the review of the testing process. (b) Prior to the performance of any work under the Contract by any Part 219 employees on or after June 12, 2017, the Contractor shall furnish the Authority, and cause each subcontractor that provides Part 219 employees to perform work under the Contract to furnish the Authority, with copies of all supporting compliance documentation including but not limited to the following: (1) A copy of the Contractor’s 49 C.F.R. Part 219 Railroad Contractor Compliance Plan. (2) A copy of the Federal Railroad Administration’s acceptance letter for 49 C.F.R. Part 219 Railroad Con- tractor Compliance Plan. (3) A certified list of the Contractor’s Part 219 grandfathered employees (June 12, 2017). (4) A certified list of employees who are currently regulated by 49 C.F.R. Part 219 Railroad Contractor Com- pliance Plan Part 219. (5) Copies of the employees DOT 40-25 previous employer drug and alcohol record covered by 49 C.F.R. Part 219 Railroad Contractor Compliance Plan. (6) Updated list of the Contractor’s employees when an employee status has changed or employee becomes ineligible, along with an updated certification required in subparagraph (4). (7) Rule G Observations when requested by the Authority. (8) Management Information System Report (MIS) each six (...
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAMThe provisions of the Drug and Alcohol Testing Program are incorporated by reference into this Agreement.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAMThis Policy requires random testing, post-incident testing, pre-job site access testing, and reasonable suspicion testing for alcohol and prohibited drugs and metabolites. If the Provider’s employee is determined to have a confirmed positive test result he/she is considered in violation of this Policy. All testing conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Policy will comply with all applicable DOT controlled substance and/or alcohol testing requirements.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAMReporting to work under the influence of alcohol and/or illegal drugs is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Treatment/rehabilitation for alcohol or drug abuse undertaken by the employee following commencement of any internal investigation or other disciplinary action shall be considered by the City in administering discipline to the employee. The City policy and procedures shall be followed. Where a supervisory employee of the City has a reasonable suspicion to believe an employee is under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, or is using illegal drugs, the employee in question will be asked to submit to discovery testing in accordance with the city policy and procedures. An employee who refuses to submit to discovery testing for alcohol and/or illegal drugs shall be conclusively presumed to be under the influence of alcohol or an illegal drug for the purpose of administering the policy.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM. A. The city of Elko has a responsibility to its employees and the public to ensure safe working conditions for its employees by employing a City work force unimpaired by chemical substance abuse. The City of Elko also has a responsibility to create a drug free workplace, pursuant to the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1998. 1. Officers who suspect they may have a substance abuse problem are encouraged to voluntarily seek evaluation and treatment. Officers may request assistance through their supervisor or through the Human Resources Department; however rehabilitation itself is the responsibility of the Officer. B. The City of Elko and the Association shall implement and carry out a drug and alcohol testing program that is consistent with the provisions established in the Elko Police Department Manual, as may be modified or revised during the term of this agreement. C. The parties agree that Officers may be tested for drugs and/or alcohol at any time based upon reasonable suspicion by a supervisor 1. When any supervisor has reasonable suspicion and has documented and confirmed with the Police Chief, or designee, that the specific observation constitutes reasonable suspicion or has obtained a confirming observation that an Officer may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the employee in question will be asked to submit to testing which may include saliva testing, breath test, urinalysis, a blood test or a combination of these testing methods, to determine the involvement with alcohol or drugs. A positive result on a screening test must be confirmed with a more accurate test. a. Reasonable suspicion testing may be based upon, among other things, observable indicators such as direct observation of alcohol and/or drug use or possession; physical symptoms of being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs; a pattern of abnormal conduct or erratic behavior; or arrest and/or conviction for an alcohol and/or drug related offense. 2. When an officer has been involved in a workplace accident or incident resulting in the death of another person, medical treatment other than first-aid, loss of consciousness, or property damage exceeding $500, the Officer in question will be asked to submit to testing of the officers choice which may include saliva testing, a breath test, urinalysis, a blood test or a combination of these testing methods, to determine the involvement with alcohol or drugs. If the officer chooses a Breath test, a supervisor will be called and asked t...
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM. A. A random Drug and Alcohol Testing Program has been implemented and applies to all Fire Fighter Unit personnel. The term Fire Fighter refers to members of the Fire Fighter Unit which consists of the following classifications: 1. Fire Recruit
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM. A. Every employee in the District is expected to render service without being impaired by or under the influence of alcohol or drugs of any kind. The safety and health of students, staff and the public require that every reasonable precaution be taken to discourage substance abuse and prohibit impaired individuals from rendering service in the District. B. The Superintendent shall implement procedures aimed at establishing and maintaining a drug and alcohol free environment. These procedures shall include: 1. Pre-employment drug and alcohol screening for all potential employees. Any applicant whose test for drugs or alcohol is positive shall be given reasonable opportunity to challenge or explain the results. In the event test results are confirmed and no further medical justification exists for a drug disqualification, the applicant may reapply for new position vacancies after a period of six (6) months has elapsed. 2. Pre-promotional drug screening shall be required for employees seeking promotion. Any employee whose test for drugs or alcohol is positive shall be disqualified for the promotion, and shall be treated as an employee under the provisions of Paragraph C (2), (3), and (4) of this Article. C. Drug or Alcohol Testing may be required for any employee for cause as directed by the Superintendent or the Superintendent's designee. Any designated individual who issues the requirement for the testing of employees for drugs or alcohol must have received training in the identification of persons 'under the influence'. Testing may be required whenever the Superintendent or designee determines that there are objective indications of behavior, demeanor, or job performance which create reasonable suspicion that the employee has been impaired by drugs or alcohol while in the scope of employment by or representation of the office; whenever an employee in involved in a work-related accident causing injury to self or others or to property of self or others for which drug or alcohol impairment may reasonably have been a contributing factor; or, with prior notice, during any physical examination regularly required by the Superintendent or under state law for the position. 1. An employee who refuses to cooperate fully an in a timely manner (having regard for the efficacy of the testing procedures) with the requirement to undergo drug or alcohol testing shall be considered insubordinate and subject to existing disciplinary procedures. 2. An employee who tests positi...
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM. Policy: The City of Madison and AMPS, recognize that illegal drug use/controlled substances misuse, the use of prescription drugs other than as prescribed, and misuse of alcohol by employees are threats to the public welfare and the safety of departmental personnel. It is the goal of this program to eliminate illegal drug use/controlled substances misuse, the use of prescription drugs other than as prescribed, and the misuse of alcohol through education, treatment, rehabilitation, and as appropriate, discipline of the affected personnel consistent with the provisions of this program. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, possession with intent to deliver illegal drugs/controlled substances, or illegal drug use/controlled substances misuse, the use of prescription drugs other than as prescribed, or misuse of alcohol is prohibited. Nothing herein shall preclude the City from establishing and enforcing its rules, regulations, policies and/or procedures. This program supplements existing work rules.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM. In the interest of maintaining a safe and productive working environment, protecting the public health, safety, and welfare of our guests, upholding the Zoo’s reputation and image, it is agreed that employee drug and alcohol testing will be addressed in this agreement. In order to accomplish the aforementioned, the Zoo will adopt the current Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) Drug-Free Workplace Program, including any subsequent revisions made by BWC. The Zoo’s Drug and Alcohol Testing Program will have five basic components: (1) a written substance use policy; (2) employee education; (3) supervisory training; (4) drug and alcohol testing; and (5) an employee assistance program. Drug and alcohol testing will cover:
DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM. The city of Elko has a responsibility to its employees and the public to ensure safe working conditions for its employees by employing a City work force unimpaired by chemical substance abuse. The City of Elko also has a responsibility to create a drug free workplace, pursuant to the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1998.