HOURS AND CONDITIONS OF WORK. 38.1 All Employees are hired by the Employer for the geographic area served by the Employer and are assigned, from time to time, to a school or schools which requires their services. (a) The normal hours of work per week for Employees shall be as scheduled by the Employer provided all hours shall be scheduled between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday inclusive. (b) Student Support Workers and Native Student Advisors will normally work an eight (8) hour day of recorded time based on a flexible work schedule, which may include working after school, in the evening, and on weekends. (c) Following consultation with the Local, the hours of work provided in this Article may be modified in the event the Employer establishes a double shift system for a school or hours of schooling which are different than the normal hours established by the Employer. If schools are combined by location, but remain independent, the employee(s) will not have their current hours reduced for the remainder of the school year. (d) Notwithstanding Article 38.2(b), in establishing positions the Employer will make reasonable efforts to avoid split shifts. (e) Subject to Article 29.8, there shall be no reduction in the total number of hours approved in the Staffing Allocation Plan for the Region for Library Technicians, Library Support Workers, Student Support Workers, Native Student Advisors and Educational Assistants after September 15th of each year. (f) Once the scheduled hours for Student Supervisors are set in September (or after the Employee has begun work), no reduction in hours will be made without giving the Employee two (2) weeks’ notice. 38.3 Full-Time and Part-Time Employees will be scheduled by the Employer as follows: (a) Library Technicians, Educational Assistants and Library Support Workers – One Hundred Ninety-Five (195) days per school year; (b) Student Support Workers and Native Student Advisors – Two Hundred and Fifteen (215) days per school year which includes One Hundred and Ninety-Five (195) days during the school year and Ten (10) days immediately preceding and Ten (10) days immediately following the school year. Student Support Workers and Native Student Advisors may, during the recall process, choose to work two hundred and five (205) days per school year which includes one hundred and ninety-five (195) days during the school year and five (5) days immediately preceding and five (5) days immediately following the school year.
HOURS AND CONDITIONS OF WORK. 15:01 Upon appointment each employee shall be given an offer of employment stating the number of hours of work required and the duration of the appointment. Upon assignment each employee shall be notified of the name of the supervisor who will assign duties and to whom the employee will be responsible. The hours of work and the duration of the appointment shall only be changed with the written consent of the employee excepting any changes arising out of such conditions as are specified in the offer of employment. 15:02 The employee and immediate supervisor shall have a mutual responsibility to ensure that the hours of work specified in the offer of employment are neither exceeded nor reduced. All duties required, expressly or by implication, shall be included in the calculation of hours worked. The immediate supervisor, or Chair if necessary, shall meet with the employee to discuss hours and work assignments as soon as possible and no later than ten (10) working days after the job has been assigned. If the supervisor or Chair fails to do so, the employee shall be deemed to have commenced work from the date specified in the offer of employment. In implementing this clause, it is understood that the employee will make every reasonable effort to meet with the supervisor or Chair at a mutually agreed upon time. 15:03 The hours of work referred to in a letter of appointment shall be the total number of hours over the entire period of employment. Where applicable, the Employer will make every reasonable effort to equalize the hours worked in the Fall and Spring academic terms.
HOURS AND CONDITIONS OF WORK. 15.01 For members of this bargaining unit, regular hours of employment shall be seven (7) hours per day, five (5) days per week, Monday to Friday, or as regularly scheduled for the required days. Up to one (1) hour without pay shall be permitted per day for lunch. The appropriate Superintendent/ Principal/Manager shall have the right to alter hours of work where the better operation of the system requires it, provided employees affected are given one (1) weeks notice of alteration of hours of work or unless the member and the supervisor agree to shorten the time line. (a) No shift will be less than 3.5 continuous hours. (b) Employees will not be required to work split shifts unless agreed to between the parties. (c) A seniority employee who reports for a regular shift and who is not allowed to commence work or whose work is discontinued by the Board after having commenced such regular shift due to no fault of the employee shall be paid for the balance of the day at their regular rate of pay. (d) Shift times shall begin and end as follows: A.M. shifts will begin between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. A.M. shifts will end between the hours of 11:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. P.M. shifts will begin between the hours of 11:30 A.M. and 1:30 P.M. P.M. shifts will end between the hours of 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Shift start and end times may vary in non-school locations depending on departmental/needs subject to Article 1.04. (e) For Assessment locations only; as a result of funding requirements employees may be required to work one shift per week of 11:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. The Manager will schedule a meeting with the Union prior to any changes to the work schedule. 15.03 All employees shall be permitted a fifteen (15) minute rest period both in the first half and in the second half of a normal daily shift. 15.04 Management reserves the flexibility of temporarily rescheduling the regularly scheduled time within the week, at the regular rates of pay. 15.05 In emergency or extenuating situations where an employee has been unable to take a full lunch period, the employee shall have their start/quit time adjusted by an amount equal to the amount of unused lunch period, in consultation with the appropriate Superintendent/Principal/Supervisor or designate. 15.06 By mutual agreement between the employee and the supervisor the normal thirty-five
HOURS AND CONDITIONS OF WORK. 14.01 (a) The regular workweek shall consist of five (5) days per week, Monday through Friday inclusive. The regular workday shall consist of eight (8) hours excluding the lunch break. The lunch break shall be one-half (1/2) hour.
HOURS AND CONDITIONS OF WORK. 15:01 Upon appointment each employee shall be given an offer of employment stating the number of hours of work required and the duration of the appointment. Upon assignment each employee shall be notified of the name of the supervisor who will assign duties and to whom the employee will be responsible. The hours of work and the duration of the appointment shall only be changed with the written consent of the employee excepting any changes arising out of such conditions as are specified in the offer of employment. 15:02 The employee and immediate supervisor shall have a mutual responsibility to ensure that the hours of work specified in the offer of employment are neither exceeded nor reduced. All duties required, expressly or by implication, shall be included in the calculation of hours worked. The immediate supervisor, or Chair if necessary, shall meet with the employee to discuss hours and work assignments as soon as possible and no later than ten (10) working days after the job has been assigned. If the supervisor or Chair fails to do so, the employee shall be deemed to have commenced work from the date specified in the offer of employment. In implementing this clause, it is understood that the employee will make every reasonable effort to meet with the supervisor or Chair at a mutually agreed upon time. It shall be the responsibility of the supervisor to specify in appropriate detail the manner in which assigned duties are to be performed. In the absence of such instructions, no employee shall be penalized or prejudiced in any way for the employee’s choice of approach. 15:03 The hours of work referred to in a letter of appointment shall be the total number of hours over the entire period of employment. Where applicable the total number of hours for the entire period of employment is two hundred and forty (240) across both the Fall and Winter academic terms, the Employer will make every reasonable effort to equalize the hours worked in the Fall and Spring Winter academic terms at approximately one hundred and twenty (120) hours per term.
HOURS AND CONDITIONS OF WORK. 14.01 The standard hours of work shall be a five (5) day week, Monday to Friday; including eight (8) hours per day, forty (40) hours per week on a twenty-four (24) hour (three shifts) operation rotating bi-weekly between 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., and 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. The shift shall include a one half (1/2) hour “on the jobpaid lunch period. Employees will be provided two (2) rest periods of ten (10) minutes, one in the first and one in the second half of a shift. 14.02 The Employer will post schedules setting out the shifts to be worked ten (10) working days in advance. 14.03 The Employer shall supply all necessary tools, equipment and cleaning materials which it deems necessary. All tools, equipment and cleaning materials provided by the Employer shall not be removed from the premises. Employees shall be responsible for the proper care of tools, equipment and materials and replacement by the Employer will be made upon production of the worn or broken tools. 14.04 The Employer will provide protective clothing and protective equipment as required by law or by the Employer for those employees working with hazardous material, equipment and/or situations. Any and all of the foregoing clothing and/or equipment shall at all times remain the property of the Employer. 14.05 The Employer will reimburse the Employee for the purchase of safety boots to a maximum of $200.00 per calendar year on presentation of original receipt(s). 14.06 The Employer shall provide 2 lockers per employee for the purpose of storing employee's personal belongings. 14.07 The Employer shall provide shower facilities including antibacterial soap and clean towels for cleanup. Maintenance Operators shall be provided with 10 minutes after the end of the shift to shower and change clothing and such time shall be paid at the straight time rate. All other Employees shall be provided 10 minutes before the conclusion of their shift to shower and change clothing.
HOURS AND CONDITIONS OF WORK. 1. A substitute is entitled to a full day's pay if he agrees to work for a specific teacher for a given full day and arrives at school with the intention of fulfilling that assignment. 2. No substitute teacher shall be asked to assume the responsibility of accompanying a field trip unless the substitute is notified in advance of such a request and voluntarily wishes to do so. 3. In the event a substitute teacher is to be evaluated, it shall be done with his or her full knowledge. The evaluation shall be subjective or objective in nature and a copy shall be furnished to the substitute. The original copy will be signed by the substitute as evidence of his knowledge thereof. 4. All persons hired as substitutes by the Board shall be given, before the start of the year, an orientation program. The Association shall be notified of the time and location of such meeting and shall be entitled to address employees for ten (10) minutes. 5. Qualified Substitute Teachers shall not be prohibited from working in any particular school without Board compliance with Article IV, Section C of the current collective bargaining agreement.
HOURS AND CONDITIONS OF WORK. (a) The regular workweek shall consist of five (5) days per week, Monday through Friday inclusive. The regular workday shall consist of eight (8) hours excluding the lunch break. The lunch break shall be one-half hour. The parties agree that starting times of a work day may vary from location to location, as such, the work day shall be defined as: Days, commencing not earlier than A.M. and not later than A.M.; Mid-days, commencing not earlier than A.M. and not later than Afternoons, commencing not earlier than and not later than Midnights, commencing not earlier than and not later than A.M. (midnight). Notwithstanding the foregoing, alternative work schedules may be established by mutual agreement of the parties. Every employee, while on lunch break, shall be free from normal duties and responsibilities associated with their work assignment except in case of emergency. A rest period of fifteen (15) minutes in each half of a shift shall be allowed at a time agreeable to the area supervisor. Where it is practicable and possible, a four (4) day schedule will be implemented during the summer period, subject to the approval of the Manager of Facility Services. The four (4) day schedule will commence the week following the week in which the Dominion Day holiday falls and will end on the Friday preceding the week before Labour Day. In addition, the summer hour schedule will not be applicable for the week in which the Civic Day holiday falls. The conditions for instituting a four (4) day per week schedule are as follows: The four (4) day schedule will apply to those employees who wish to work a four (4) day week. The employees will continue to work hours per week, excluding lunch break. The hours of those employees on a four (4) day schedule will be hours to hours, thus working four (4) consecutive ten-hour days.
HOURS AND CONDITIONS OF WORK. The regular workweek shall consist of five (5) days per week, Monday through Friday inclusive. The regular workday shall consist of eight (8) hours excluding the lunch break. The lunch break shall be one-half hour. The parties agree that starting times of a work day may vary from location to location, as such, the work day shall be defined as: Days, commencing not earlier than A.M. and not later than A.M.; Mid-days, commencing not earlier than A.M. and not later than Afternoons, commencing not earlier than and not later than Midnights, commencing not earlier than and not later than A. (midnight) Notwithstanding the foregoing, alternative work schedules may be established by mutual agreement of the parties. Every employee, while on lunch break, shall be free from normal duties and responsibilities associated with their work assignment except in case of emergency.