STAFF EVALUATION. In the Tahlequah School District evaluation is defined as a mutual endeavor among all staff members and the Board of Education to improve the quality of the educational program. The District and the individual educator jointly accept the responsibility for the improvement of efforts to educate the students in our District. All Tahlequah Public Schools staff members are expected to perform at a minimum within the “effective” (2.80) level in their job classification. Evaluation is a system for documenting the criteria and the evidence of achievement by staff members. (July 2012) The Board of Education of Tahlequah Public School District I035, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, hereby adopts the Tulsa Model Teacher and Leader Effectiveness (TLE) Observation and Evaluation System for all certified employees in compliance with 70 S.O.S Section 6- 101.16 (SB2033). The TLE Observation and Evaluation System is an evidence-based process of teacher evaluation, feedback and support anchored in specific domains, dimensions, and indicators reflecting national best practices and current research regarding effective instruction. (July 2012) The performance of all licensed or certified staff will be evaluated using the Tulsa Model Teacher and Leader Effectiveness (TLE) Observation and Evaluation System as submitted through negotiations and approved by the Board of Education. Each evaluation shall be based upon the evaluator's actual observation of the person being evaluated while performing the job function. The teachers and other non-administrative staff will be evaluated by the certified administrative personnel. (July 2012) Beginning with the 2012-13 school year, the district will evaluate teachers in accordance with the Tulsa TLE model and procedures. Every probationary staff member will be evaluated once prior to November 15 and once prior to February 10. Every career teacher will be evaluated at least once every year. All personnel designated by the Board to conduct the personnel evaluations shall be required to participate in training conducted by the State Department of Education prior to conducting such evaluations. (July 2012) Evaluation reports will be completed on the Tulsa Model TLE observation and evaluation forms and shall be followed by a conference between evaluator and staff member. The forms will be signed by both. A push pin is a less formal yet documented approach to remedy an area(s) of ineffectiveness or needing improvement. If the evaluator rates the staff membe...
STAFF EVALUATION. A. The School District shall maintain an evaluation procedure for all teachers pursuant to standards for Accreditation of Montana Schools as adopted by the Board of Public Education.
B. The entire teacher evaluation process, procedures, and criteria will be reviewed annually by a committee composed of the following:
1. Three teachers: (elementary, middle school, high school) - elected by the teaching staff from each area.
2. Three administrators: (elementary, middle school, high school, central office) - appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
3. A review of the teacher evaluation process, procedures and criteria will occur each year. The review process will begin in the Fall (Nov. - Dec.) with a meeting called by the Central Administrative Staff or the Association President. If after due notification, either party fails to participate in the review process the other party may submit its recommendations to the Board of Trustees for approval. If adopted, the revisions and/or changes will be included and used at the beginning of the next school term.
4. The evaluation process, procedures and criteria shall be a matter of district policy and Administrative Procedure.xii Any changes made in the evaluation process, procedures or criteria for classroom teachers must be a result of a recommendation made in compliance with part 3 of this section.
C. Should deficiencies be recorded in the performance of a teacher, the School District shall provide written recommendations for improvement. Such recommendation shall include corrective actions, projected timeliness, and evaluator follow-up.
STAFF EVALUATION. The primary goal of the District and its professional staff is to promote the personal growth of the students they serve. This common goal is supported by a personnel evaluation program that seeks to develop as competent a teaching staff as possible. Staff development is accomplished through evaluation used primarily to support the professional growth and improve the performance of teachers, and secondarily to make valid decisions related to assignments, retention, and termination. Both the District and the Association have agreed upon the following provisions with respect to the purpose, management and implementation of Teacher Evaluation.
STAFF EVALUATION. An employee evaluation for support staff will be done on a yearly basis by the Administration.
STAFF EVALUATION. Consistent with law and Board policy, the Board shall conduct an evaluation of each teacher (defined to include counselors for the purpose of this section) employed by the Board at least once each school year, subject to the two exceptions provided below.
STAFF EVALUATION. 6.1 EVALUATION PURPOSE - The purpose of staff member evaluation is to improve professional performance of staff members.
6.2 PRIOR NOTICE OF EVALUATION - All staff members upon being employed shall be thoroughly advised as to the evaluation procedures and instruments which are provided for by this agreement.
6.3 AREAS OF EVALUATION - Teachers shall not be evaluated in teaching areas for which they do not possess certificate endorsement.
STAFF EVALUATION. A. New employees will receive a copy of the District’s evaluation handbook at the beginning of the school year. All employees will receive a new copy of the evaluation handbook whenever substantive changes, as determined by the Evaluation Committee, are made to the handbook. The evaluation handbook shall also be available on the district website.
B. The District shall follow its evaluation handbook in evaluating teachers.
C. Evaluation procedures are intended to insure employee notice of and the opportunity to respond to evaluation reports.
D. Employees shall have timely notice as to the basis for evaluation.
E. After an observation, administrators have the responsibility to provide timely feedback, consisting of the following:
a. A post-observation conference with the bargaining unit member within ten (10) school days.
b. A copy of the completed written evaluation provided to the bargaining unit member within thirty (30) days of the conference. In the event extenuating circumstances outside the administrator’s control cause the timeline to be delayed, the administrator will contact the bargaining unit member directly within the above timelines.
F. Evaluation reports shall be placed in the employee's file only after reasonable notice to the employee.
G. An employee may make a written statement relating to any evaluation, reprimand, charge, action or any matter placed in the personnel file.
H. If a teacher is placed on a program of assistance for improvement, said employee may request an additional evaluation by the current evaluator.
I. Teachers who receive a change-of-status notice shall have the right to a representative of their choice at any conference or meeting regarding their evaluation.
J. Whenever changes to the evaluation procedure are mandated by law, by the interest of the District, or by the mutual interest of the District and the Association, the District and the Association shall collaborate on the creation of those new procedures.
K. The District and the Association shall appoint three representatives each to the standing Evaluation Committee to meet the requirements of subsection J. If the District or the Association intends to change their representatives on the Committee, they shall announce these changes to the parties prior to the start of subsequent school years.
L. Prior to the implementation of any new evaluation procedures, teachers and administrators will be adequately trained on the components of the new procedures.
M. When the e...
STAFF EVALUATION. SECTION 14.1 - UNIFORM SYSTEM: The District will maintain a uniform evaluation instrument for all certified employees and the right to develop uniform evaluation instruments for individual groups of the bargaining unit. The District will seek input from a committee affected by an evaluation instrument before implementation or changing of same. The committee will consist of a select group of teachers/specialists chosen by the BEA and members of District leadership selected by the Superintendent.
STAFF EVALUATION. In the Tahlequah School District evaluation is defined as a mutual endeavor among all staff members and the Board of Education to improve the quality of the educational program. The District and the individual educator jointly accept the responsibility for the improvement of efforts to educate the students in our District. All Tahlequah Public Schools staff members are expected to perform at a minimum within the “effective” (2.80) level in their job classification. Evaluation is a system for documenting the criteria and the evidence of achievement by staff members. (July 2012) The Board of Education of Tahlequah Public School District I035, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, hereby adopts the Tulsa Model Teacher and Leader Effectiveness (TLE) Observation and Evaluation System for all certified employees in compliance with 70 S.O.S Section 6- 101.16 (SB2033). The TLE Observation and Evaluation System is an evidence-based process of teacher evaluation, feedback and support anchored in specific domains, dimensions, and indicators reflecting national best practices and current research regarding effective instruction. (July 2012) The performance of all licensed or certified staff will be evaluated using the Tulsa Model Teacher and Leader Effectiveness (TLE) Observation and Evaluation System as submitted through negotiations and approved by the Board of Education. Each evaluation shall be based upon the evaluator's actual observation of the person being evaluated while performing the job function. The teachers and other non-administrative staff will be evaluated by the certified administrative personnel. (July 2012)
STAFF EVALUATION. Each School must use the OTES or OPES process, or similar valid model, for evaluating teachers and principals/superintendents that includes goal setting based on the Ohio Standards for the Teacher Profession or the Ohio Principal Standards or the Ohio Superintendent Standards, student performance measures (as defined by Ohio Department of Education), and an annual review that includes not less than two (2) formal observations and written evaluation reports. Any person conducting reviews must be credentialed by the Ohio Department of Education, hold a current credential at the time of the evaluations, and follow rubrics aligned to the OTES and OPES models. A School Governing Authority member or designee and/or regional manager of the management company shall undergo appropriate training/credentialing by the Ohio Department of Education and be responsible for evaluating the principal/superintendent.