Capital Programme Sample Clauses
Capital Programme. Monitor the progress of capital programmes and associated projects with respect to funding and schedule parameters and review performance indicator data. Ensure that overall programmes are managed to budget, time and quality and focused on the successful delivery of identified benefits. Monitor and direct common matters between programmes and direct the activities of Programme Boards as required.
Capital Programme. Capital Funding comprises non-recurring funds from a range of sources. The portfolio capital programme for 2019/20 and beyond is detailed below: 2019/20 2020/21 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) - general capital schemes 20,607 18,074 HRA - new builds 1,949 0 Affordable Homes (SHL) 24,498 0 Disabled Facilities Grant 5,733 0 Strategic Housing - Renewal 555 0 Schemes in Parks 234 40 Street Lighting LED Investment Programme 6,528 5,374 Brinnington Regeneration: Mitigation Measures 61 0 Bellway Homes - Commuted Sum 150 0 Electric Vehicles 86 0 Details of the programme: HRA - general capital schemes To deliver capital improvements to the Council’s housing stock in line with the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan. HRA - new builds To deliver new build housing in line with the development pipeline programme. Affordable Homes (SHL) To deliver new build housing in line with the development pipeline programme. Disabled Facilities Grant Disabled Facilities Grants are provided to facilitate the provision of major adaptations or changes to non-Council owned housing (i.e. owner occupied, private rented and housing association) to meet the assessed needs of disabled people. Typical examples would include stair lifts, bathroom adaptations, door widening and substantial ramps. Strategic Housing - Renewal This supports a range of activities in accordance with the Council’s approved Private Sector Investment & Assistance policy, including repair works to allow vulnerable individuals to remain in their own home, area improvement activity and energy efficiency schemes Schemes in Parks Schemes to support Greenspace initiatives. Street Lighting Investment Programme Investment in Street Lighting to reduce energy and maintenance costs. Brinnington Regeneration: Mitigation Measures In April 2013, the Executive approved a comprehensive report detailing various areas of work being taken forward to meet the objectives of the Brinnington Regeneration Plan including new housing development across 6 sites, including land at Blackberry Lane that falls within Reddish Vale Country Park. Bellway Homes - Commuted Sum This investment relates to the £0.405m Bellway Homes compensatory commuted sum, which was directed towards sports improvements at North Reddish Park, Crescent Park and Peel Moat Open Space. The remaining balance of £0.152m remains ring-fenced for potential investment to Peel Moat Open Space. Electric Vehicles Scheme to purchase three electric vehicles to replace existing con...
Capital Programme. Why is this important?
2.3.1 Capital expenditure involves acquiring or enhancing fixed assets with a long-term value such as land, buildings, and major items of plant, equipment or vehicles. Capital assets shape the way services are delivered in the long term and may create financial commitments in the form of financing costs and revenue running costs. The Commissioner shall have full oversight of the Estate’s Strategy. The Commissioner is responsible for agreeing the purchasing, rental, licensing, disposal and change of use of the estate..
2.3.2 The Commissioner is able to undertake capital investment providing the spending plans are affordable, prudent and sustainable. XXXXX’s Prudential code sets out the framework under which the Authority will consider its spending plans.
2.3.3 The capital programme is linked to the approved financial strategy.
2.3.4 To develop and implement asset management plans.
2.3.5 To prepare a financial strategy for consideration and approval by the Authority.
2.3.6 To approve the asset management strategy.
2.3.7 To approve the annual financial strategy.
2.3.8 To prepare a rolling programme of proposed capital expenditure for consideration by the Commissioner.. Each scheme shall identify the total capital cost of the project and any additional revenue commitments.
2.3.9 To prepare project appraisals (i.e. the Business Proposal Form) for all schemes in the draft medium term year capital programme and shall be submitted to the Commissioner’s CFO and Commissioner for consideration and scheme approval. This will include all additional revenue and capital costs.
2.3.10 Each capital project shall have a named officer responsible for sponsoring the scheme, monitoring progress and ensuring completion of the scheme.
2.3.11 To identify, in consultation with the Commissioner’s CFO, available sources of funding for the medium term capital programme, including the identification of potential capital receipts from disposal of property.
2.3.12 A gap may be identified between available resources and required capital investment. Requirements should be prioritised by the Chief Constable to enable the Commissioner to make informed judgements as to which schemes should be included in the capital programme, the minimum level of funding required for each scheme and the potential phasing of capital expenditure.
2.3.13 All schemes within the draft medium term capital programme should incorporate an estimate of future price inflation.
2.3.14 Approval of...
Capital Programme. Corporate Infrastructure Capital Programme will provide multi-disciplinary professional and technical services together with project programming and monitoring, contract administration and budget management, for the delivery of new build, alteration and refurbishment construction projects forming part of the Council’s rolling Capital Investment Programme and aligned to the Council’s Asset Management requirements. • Estates Management will proactively manage lease renewals and rent reviews in respect of land/properties which have transferred to East Ayrshire Leisure and are leased to Third Parties.
Capital Programme. Capital Funding comprises non-recurring resources from a range of sources. The proposed portfolio capital programme for 2018/19 and beyond is detailed below: Adult Social Care Capital Programme 2018/19 Programme £000 2019/20 Programme £000 2020/21 Programme £000
Capital Programme. The council’s Capital Strategy aims to deliver an annual Capital Programme that supports the council’s strategic priorities and offers best value for money. Capital Funding comprises non-recurring resources from a range of sources. The Portfolio capital programme for 2020/21 and beyond is detailed below. This incorporates rephasing’s of schemes that have taken place since the end of 2019/20. 4,226 HRA - general capital schemes 18,897 17,093 13,076 573 HRA - new builds 3,883 38,876 24,577 0 Affordable Homes (SHL) 17,863 8,691 0 143 Disabled Facilities Grant 1,550 4,137 0 0 Strategic Housing - Renewal 200 334 0 198 Schemes in Parks 989 40 40 000 Xxxxxx Lighting Investment Programme 3,200 5,400 5,713 0 Bellway Homes - Commuted Sum 0 150 0 * This relates to expenditure on SAP and accruals for goods received or work performed up to the period end. Capital Grants 4,733 18,399 3,484 Directly Funded Borrowing 27,427 41,556 22,494 Unsupported Borrowing 47 40 40 Capital Receipts 24 1,500 4,312 External Contributions 199 0 0 Commuted Sums 933 150 0 Revenue Contributions (RCCO) 700 42 0 HRA funding from MRR 12,533 13,034 13,076 Disabled Facilities Grant 2,543 0 0 Cap Grant Scheme Addition Disabled Facilities Grant (4,137) 4,137 0 Cap Grant Scheme Rephasing Street Lighting Investment Programme (1,290) 480 810 DFB Scheme Rephasing HRA General Capital Schemes (1,008) (410) 0 Grant/DFB Reduction in scheme HRA New Build Schemes (518) (4,359) (4,884) Various Amendment to scheme HRA New Build Schemes (9,281) (4,280) 13,561 Various Scheme Rephasing Schemes in Parks 445 0 0 Commuted Sums Additional Funding Bellway Homes (150) 150 0 Commuted Sums Scheme Rephasing Affordable Housing (4,769) 4,769 0 DFB Scheme Rephasing Affordable Housing 0 1,837 0 DFB Increase to scheme Renewal (334) 334 0 Capital Receipts Scheme Rephasing HRA - general capital schemes To deliver capital improvements to the council’s housing stock in line with the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan. The capital investment programme budget for 2020/21 is £18.897m. Spend to the end of July is £4.226m. A review of the 2020/21 programme has been carried out to optimise the works to be carried out in the year. This involves bringing some works forward from future year programmes such as fencing and environmental works. HRA - new builds To deliver new build housing in line with the development pipeline programme. HRA New Builds 2020/21 Quarter One Updated New Build programmes are detailed below: The forecas...
Capital Programme. The council’s Capital Strategy aims to deliver an annual Capital Programme that supports the council’s strategic priorities and offers best value for money.
Capital Programme. 4.1 Procurement and maintenance of stock condition survey data
4.2 Analysis of stock condition data
4.3 Preparation of capital finance bids for consideration by the Council and external funding bodies
4.4 Compiling long term maintenance strategies and publication and circulation of the annual planned programme
4.5 Preparing and consulting with tenants on proposed programmes of work
4.6 In partnership with CBC, keep under review the best use of housing stock/land and prepare any associated clearance plans
4.7 Arranging public sector clearance and demolition subject to agreement with the Council
4.8 Liaison with tenants for work to be carried out
4.9 Carry out all commissioning and client functions in respect of works and maintenance contracts covering Council housing
4.10 Providing aids and adaptations to tenants homes
Capital Programme. The council’s Capital Strategy aims to deliver an annual Capital Programme that supports the council’s strategic priorities and offers best value for money. Capital Funding comprises non-recurring resources from a range of sources. The portfolio capital programme for 2021/22 and beyond is detailed below. Scheme 2021/22 2022/23 Street Lighting 526 0 Highways Investment Programme 13,355 6,647 Highways Drainage 468 150 Pothole and Highway Maintenance Improvements Programme 488 0 Highways Structures 913 0 Town Centre Structures Merseyway 340 1,882 Flood Risk Management 417 0 Flood Damage Infrastructure Programme 853 0 SEMMMS Relief Road 2,995 2,430 Town Centre Access Plan 995 0 Poynton Xxxxxx Xxxx 6,536 2,655 Interchange Bridge 157 0 Roscoe Roundabout 105 0 Mayoral Walking & Cycling Challenge Fund 10,855 98 Mayoral Walking & Cycling Challenge Fund - Interchange 3,300 5,991 Active Travel Measures 766 0 A34 MRN OBC Preparation 201 0 LTP and SEMMMS Integrated Transport 1,182 0 District Centres 750 0 Cheadle Town 327 0 Road Safety Near Schools 194 0 Road Safety 343 0 PROW 370 0 Planning-related Schemes Section 278 and Section 106 schemes 800 800 Studies and Transport Minor Schemes 191 0 Air Quality Grant 92 0 Other 2 0 Stockport Exchange (Phase 3) 384 0 Redrock Development Scheme 513 0 Aurora Stockport (formerly Gorsey Bank) 23 0 Markets and Underbanks 839 1,851 Xxxxx Xxxx (The Coach House) 150 0 Merseyway Development 846 8,313 One Stockport Hub 49 0 GM Local Full Fibre Network Programme 345 0 Solar PV Schemes 928 636 Xxxx Mill 949 0 Digital Advertising Screens 10 0 Stockport Exchange (Phase 4) 3,547 11,326 Capital Grants 30,768 15,642 Directly Funded Borrowing 8,444 13,858 Unsupported Borrowing 14,143 7,177 Capital Receipts 150 0 External Contributions 258 0 Commuted Sums 800 800 Revenue Contributions (RCCO) 1,541 5,302 Street Lighting This programme delivers the structural replacement or repair of street lighting columns and signs that are reaching the end of their life. Assets are identified for replacement or repair following routine structural / visual assessments. The condition of lighting columns and signs are being used to develop whole-life modelling of assets across the network. Highways Investment Programme There is a commitment to invest £100m to improve roads and footpaths across the borough over a nine-year delivery period. The funding for this programme comes from the Greater Manchester Local Transport Plan 3 (GMLTP3) and prudential borrowing. The a...
Capital Programme. The Council’s Capital Strategy aims to deliver an annual Capital Programme that supports the Council’s strategic priorities and offers best value for money. Capital Funding comprises non-recurring resources from a range of sources. The Portfolio capital programme for 2021/22 and beyond is detailed below. This incorporates rephasing of schemes and scheme allocations that have taken place since the end of 2020/21. Scheme 2021/22 2022/23 Xxxxx breaks for disabled children 0 24 TOTAL 0 24 Capital Grants 0 24 TOTAL 0 24 Xxxxx breaks for disabled children Scheme to provide adaptations to xxxxxx carers’ homes to care for children with disabilities.