LAYOFF AND RECALL 16. Definition of a Layoff 16 13.2 Pre-Layoff Canvass 16 13.3 Layoff 16 13.4 Bumping 16 13.5 Recall 17 13.6 Advance Notice 17 13.7 Grievance on Layoffs and Recalls. 17 13.8 Worksite Closure 17 14.1 Definitions 17 14.2 Hours of Work 18 14.3 Rest Periods 19 14.4 Meal Periods 19 14.5 Flextime 20 14.6 Staff Meetings 20 14.7 Standby Provisions 20 14.8 Conversion of Hours 20 15.1 Exchange of Shifts 20 15.2 Shortfall of Shifts 20 15.3 Short Changeover Premium 20 15.4 Split Shifts 21 15.5 Work Schedules 21 16.1 Definitions 21 16.2 Overtime Entitlement. 21 16.3 Recording of Overtime 22 16.4 Sharing of Overtime 22 16.5 Overtime Compensation 22 16.6 No Layoff to Compensate for Overtime 22 16.7 Right to Refuse Overtime 22 16.8 Call-Back Provisions 22 16.9 Rest Interval 22 16.10 Overtime for Part-time Employees 23 16.11 Authorization and Application of Overtime 23 17.1 Paid Holidays 23 17.2 Holiday Falling on Saturday or Sunday 23 17.3 Holiday Falling on a Day of Rest 24
LAYOFF AND RECALL 16. Section 1. Definition of Layoff 16 Section 2. Seniority Applying to Layoff 16 Section 3. Order of Layoff. 16 Section 4. Demotion in Lieu of Layoff 16 Section 5. Recall 17 Section 6. Benefit Continuation. 17 ARTICLE 12 FILLING OF VACANCIES 17 Section 1. Temporary Assignment 17 Section 2. Purpose of Promotional Procedure 17 Section 3. Advancement Opportunities 17 Section 4. Eligibility 17 Section 5. Program Weight 18 Section 6. Roster 18 Section 7. Written Examination. 18 Section 8. Performance Evaluation. 18 Section 9. Oral Board. 19 Section 10. Posting of Examination Notices 19 Section 11. Document Review 19 Section 12. Pay Rate on Promotion. 19 Section 13. Probationary Period. 19 Section 14. Examination Period. 20 Section 15. Outside Appointment 20 ARTICLE 13 WAGES 20 Section 1. Pay Schedule 20 Section 2. Levels of Pay Increments 20 Section 3. Direct Deposit 20 Section 4. Shift Pay 20 ARTICLE 14 LEAVES OF ABSENCE 20 Section 1. Leaves of Absence. 20 Section 2. Vacations 21 Section 3. Paid Personal Time 22 Section 4. Illness, Injury and/or Pregnancy Leave 22 Section 5. Personal Leave. 23 Section 6. Military Leave 23 Section 7. Workers’ Compensation Leave 23 Section 8. Union Leave 24 Section 9. Early Returns from Leave. 24 Section 10. Family/Medical Leave. 24 Section 11. Bereavement Leave. 24 ARTICLE 15 CLOTHING, CLOTHING ALLOWANCE AND CLEANING 25 Section 1. General 25 Section 2. Clothing Issue 25 Section 3. Cleaning 25 Section 4. Clothing Allowance 25 ARTICLE 16 INSURANCE 26 Section 1. Group Insurance 26 Section 2. Payment in Lieu of Health Insurance 29 ARTICLE 17 RETIREMENT 29 Section 1. MERS Defined Benefit Retirement Plan 29 Section 2. No Other Obligations 29 ARTICLE 18 MISCELLANEOUS 30 Section 1. Records 30 Section 2. Payment at Death of Employee. 30 Section 3. Severability 30 Section 4. Time of Remuneration. 30 Section 5. Meals 30 Section 6. Gender 30 Section 7. Substance Abuse Testing Program 30 ARTICLE 19 DURATION 31 APPENDIX A WAGE SCHEDULE .......................................................................................... X-0 XXXXXXXX X CLOTHING ISSUE........................................................................................... B-1 This Agreement executed this day of , 2010, by and between the Xxxxxxx County Board of Commissioners and the Sheriff of Xxxxxxx County, hereinafter together referred to as the "Employer", and the Command Officers Association of Michigan, hereinafter referred to as the "Union".
LAYOFF AND RECALL 16. Section 17.3 - Recall Notification 16 Section 17.4 - Time Limits for Recall 16 Section 17.5 - Probationary Period 16 Section 17.6 - Appeal 16 Section 18.1 - Wages 17 Section 18.2 - Longevity 17 Section 19.1 - Workday/Workweek 18 Section 19.2 - Pay Period 18 Section 20.1 - Overtime 18 Section 20.2 - Computation and Payment 18 Section 20.3 - Call-In Pay/Court Pay 18 Section 20.4 - Overtime Work Distribution 19 Section 21.1 - Compensatory Time 19 Section 21.2 – K-9 Duties 19 Section 21.3 - Compensatory Time Off 19 Section 21.4 - Suspension of Compensatory Time Utilization. 19
LAYOFF AND RECALL 16. 13.1 Definition of Layoff 16 13.2 Notice 17 13.3 Staff Reduction 17 13.4 Retraining 17 13.5 Recall or Termination 17 13.6 Notice of Layoff 17 13.7 Recall List 17 13.8 Recall 17 13.9 Notice of Recall 18 13.10 Regular Part-Time 18 13.11 Severance Pay 18 13.12 Red-Circling 18 14.1 Workday and Workweek 18 14.2 Work Schedules 19 14.3 Workload 19 14.4 Meal Periods 19 14.4 Rest Periods 19 14.5 Averaging of Hours 19 15.1 Authorization of Overtime 19 15.2 Definitions 20 15.3 Overtime Compensation 20 15.4 Overtime Meal Allowance 20
LAYOFF AND RECALL 16. 16.01 Layoff by Seniority 16 16.02 Notice of Layoff 16 16.03 Recall 16 16.06 Benefits 17 23.02 Troubleshooter 21 (A) Maternity Leave 30 (B) Parental Leave (including Adoption) 32
LAYOFF AND RECALL 16. Definition of a Layoff 16 13.2 Pre-Layoff Canvass 16 13.3 Layoff 16 13.4 Bumping 16 13.5 Recall 17 13.6 Advance Notice 17 13.7 Grievance on Layoffs and Recalls 18 13.8 Worksite Closure 18 14.1 Definitions 18 14.2 Hours of Work 18 14.3 Rest Periods 20 14.4 Meal Periods 20 14.5 Flextime 20 14.6 Staff Meetings 21 14.7 Conversion of Hours 21 15.1 Split Shifts 21 15.2 Work Schedules 21
LAYOFF AND RECALL 16. 13.1 Definition of a Layoff 16 13.2 Layoff 17 13.3 Recall 17 13.4 Advance Notice 17 13.5 Severance Pay 18 13.6 No New Employees 18
LAYOFF AND RECALL 16. Layoff and Recall Procedures 16
LAYOFF AND RECALL 16. 13.1 Definition of a Layoff 16 13.2 Pre-Layoff Canvass 16 13.3 Layoff 16 13.4 Bumping 16 13.5 Recall 17 13.6 Advance Notice 18 13.7 Grievance on Layoffs and Recalls 18 13.8 Worksite Closure 18 14.1 Definitions 18 14.2 Hours of Work 18 14.3 Rest Periods 20 14.4 Meal Periods 20 14.5 Flextime 20 14.6 Staff Meetings 21 14.7 Conversion of Hours 21 15.1 Split Shifts 21 15.2 Work Schedules 21 16.1 Definitions 21 16.2 Overtime Entitlement 22 16.3 Recording of Overtime 22 16.4 Sharing of Overtime 22
LAYOFF AND RECALL 16. Section 1. Definition of Layoff 16 Section 2. Seniority Applying to Layoff 17 Section 3. Order of Layoff 17 Section 4. Demotion in Lieu of Layoff 17 Section 5. Recall 17 Section 6. Benefit Continuation 17 ARTICLE 12 FILLING OF VACANCIES 17 Section 1. Temporary Assignment 17 Section 2. Purpose of Promotional Procedure 18 Section 3. Advancement Opportunities 18 Section 4. Eligibility 18 Section 5. Performance Evaluation. 18 Section 6. Posting of Promotional Process 19 Section 7. Document Review 19 Section 8. Probationary Period. 19 Section 9. Promotional Process Period 19 Section 10. Outside Appointment 19 ARTICLE 13 COMPENSATION 20 Section 1. Wages 20 Section 2. Direct Deposit 20 Section 3. Shift Pay. 20