Medical Disability Leave. (a) Upon application and formal approval by the Superintendent, an employee shall be granted an unpaid, medical or disability leave of absence. Said leave shall be for a period of time not to exceed one (1) year from the effective date of the leave but will be extended for additional period(s) to a maximum of two (2) total years of medical/ disability leave upon submission of appropriate disability verification. The Superintendent may consider a written request for up to a one-year extension of an approved medical leave of absence. All applications for unpaid leave shall include a termination date.
(b) An employee on a medical leave of absence shall verify in writing to the Superintendent his/her desire to return to work within thirty (30) calendar days of the end of the leave. These timelines may be waived by mutual consent of both parties.
(c) An employee returning to work following an approved medical/disability leave of absence must furnish the Superintendent with a statement from his/her attending physician certifying the employee's ability to return to active working status. If the employee's physician is unable to certify that the employee is able to resume his/her full and normal job duties without limitations, the attending physician shall provide the full particulars on any limitations/restrictions in place and the likely duration of such. In the event there are restrictions/limitations, a meeting will be held with the employee before a determination is made on whether the employee may/may not return to active working status. If as a result of this meeting the Superintendent determines that the employee can return to work with restrictions/limitations, the Superintendent and the employee will then work out the reasonable accommodations necessary, if possible, to enable the employee to do so.
(d) The Superintendent may, in the exercise of his sole discretion, require any employee desiring to return to active working status to be examined by a physician or physicians selected by the Superintendent for the purpose of confirming that the employee is able to return to work with or without restrictions/limitations and if the employee is able to return to work with restrictions/limitations, to work out the reasonable accommodations necessary, if possible, to enable the employee to do so. In the event the employee's physician and the physician selected by the Superintendent do not agree on any matter, they shall jointly refer the matter to a third physic...
Medical Disability Leave. Employees shall be granted leaves of absences for serious health conditions in accordance with state and federal law, Facility policy(s) and this Agreement.
Medical Disability Leave. 1. Any employee who anticipates undergoing a state of disability such as but not limited to surgery, hospital confinement, medical treatment or pregnancy, may apply for a leave of absence based upon said anticipated disability in accordance with provisions hereinafter set forth.
2. All employees anticipating a state of disability shall notify the superintendent of the condition expected to result in disability as soon as the condition which may result in disability is known.
a. In the case of anticipated disability due to childbirth, the employee must notify the Superintendent at least ninety (90) days prior to the anticipated delivery date.
3. No employee shall be removed from the employee's duties except upon one of the following:
a. The Board has found that the person is unable or unwilling to perform all normal duties as normally assigned to said employee.
b. The employee fails to produce a certification from her/his physician that she/he is medically able to continue working, or
c. The Board of Education's physician and her/his physician agree that she/he cannot continue her/his duties, or
d. Just Cause. Any other "just cause" as defined in N.J.S.A. Title 18A.
Medical Disability Leave. An Employee who receives a written medical authorization to refrain from work for at least two (2) weeks (after exhaustion of sick time) due to a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act will be placed on a medical/disability leave of absence without pay.
a. No other contractual benefits, including seniority, shall accrue. Employees shall have the right to return to their original position within this unit if they return within ninety (90) calendar days with a written statement from the doctor allowing full resumption of job duties. Employees returning after ninety (90) calendar days shall have the right to return to an available position within this unit with a written statement from the doctor allowing full resumption of job duties.
b. An Employee requiring an extension of the medical/disability leave beyond the first year may be placed on an additional leave for a period of up to one (1) year. The employee shall be entitled to reinstatement to the first available position for which the Employee is qualified, subject first to the provisions of this Agreement. The Employee must notify the Board in writing of their intention to return from such leave at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the end of such leave. Failure to comply with the notification shall constitute voluntary Employee resignation from Board employment.
c. If the Employee does not return to work within one (1) year from the date the unpaid leave commenced, this action shall conclusively constitute the employee’s resignation from employment unless the Employee has applied for an extension of the leave and the Board, in its discretion, granted the leave extension request.
d. No Employee shall absent themselves from duty without approval of the Superintendent or designee.
e. At any time during the leave, the Superintendent may require an updated doctor's statement that the Employee may not return to work.
Medical Disability Leave. A. Upon proper certification from her/his physician, a teacher shall be granted a paid medical/disability leave of absence for medically related disabilities which prevent a teacher from performing her/his teaching duties for more than three (3) consecutive weeks. Such disabilities may include, but are not limited to, the following: non-elective surgery, physical illness, injury, mental illness, emotional disturbance.
B. The length of the paid leave shall be limited to the number of sick leave days accumulated by the teacher.
C. A medical/disability leave shall not exceed twelve (12) months.
Medical Disability Leave. A Teacher unable to attend work due to his/her own serious health condition may request an unpaid leave of absence. The total duration of a health-related leave, including FMLA-covered time, may not exceed one (1) calendar year. By mutual agreement, the leave may be extended through the end of the semester in which the leave otherwise ends. If the scheduled return to work occurs during the three-week period before the end of the semester, the leave may be extended through the end of the semester in which the leave otherwise ends at the Administration’s discretion.
Medical Disability Leave. 1. Employees who are absent due to disability for more than three (3) consecutive days and unable to work will be placed on Medical Disability Leave starting with their first working day of absence, provided they substantiate their disability with a physician statement.
2. Pregnant employees must give the Human Resources Department no less than sixty (60) calendar days notice prior to their projected confinement date.
3. The position held by an employee who is granted a Medical Disability Leave may be filled by a substitute, a temporary employee for up to six (6) months, a transfer, or a temporary promotion. If the employee returns to work within one-hundred eighty (180) calendar days from the last day worked, they will return to the position held on their last day worked. If the employee's leave extends beyond one-hundred eighty (180) calendar days from their last day worked, their original position is not guaranteed, and they could be returned to work in another position for which they are qualified. Refusal to accept such assignment will be considered as a voluntary resignation. The employee will notify the Personnel Office no less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to their intended return to work date.
4. Once the disability has been medically substantiated, employees on Medical Disability Leave are required to provide an Attending Physician's statement to the Human Resources Department substantiating their continued disability no later than one work day of their current medical statement expiring.
Medical Disability Leave. Upon the President's recommendation, the Board may grant leave of absence without pay due to medical or physical disability to full-time Bargaining Unit Members who have served a minimum of six (6) months active service. Requests of leave of absence due to medical or physical disability shall be made to the President as soon as possible before the termination of sick leave when it appears that the disability will extend beyond that period. If a continuing disability prevents a full-time Bargaining Unit Member from returning to his/her duties at the conclusion of the leave period, the Board may, upon the Bargaining Unit member's written request, receipt of authentication of the continued disability by the physician or licensed practitioner and the President's recommendation, grant up to one (1) additional one (1)
Medical Disability Leave. Any teacher who is unable to teach because of personal illness as covered in Article XI, Section A. Medical leave shall be with pay until the teacher has exhausted all paid time off (PTO). The teacher may use accumulated paid time off (PTO) days beginning immediately after the date listed in the physician's statement, including date of return. In the case of pregnancy and/or childbirth recovery, the use of paid time off (PTO) shall carry through the period of time until the physician has released the teacher to return to work from the teacher's medical condition. During a leave for recovery from Childbirth it is agreed to that a doctor note is not needed for the staff member to be off for up to five (6) weeks for natural birth and up to seven (8) weeks for Cesarean delivery from the date of childbirth. For the time to be paid the employee must have the number of paid time off (PTO) days in their bank. A request for a medical leave longer than two (2) weeks, shall be made in writing, with as much advance notice as possible, to the direct supervisor and to the Board as supported by physician's statement including date of return. A request to extend an existing medical leave shall be made in writing, with as much advance notice as possible, to the direct supervisor and to the Board as supported by physician's statement, including date of return. Unpaid leave is to commence after accumulated paid time off (PTO) leave has been exhausted. After the teacher has exhausted all paid time off (PTO) days available and/or FMLA leave, the teacher shall be granted a leave of absence without pay for the duration of the illness up to two (2) years with annual written request to the Board. In the case where a medical leave has been granted for one year, an employee can request an extension up to a second year by submitting a request in writing to the Board within 30 days or earlier of the anniversary date of the initial medical leave as supported by physician's statement, including date of return. The Board reserves the right to require a second opinion of a Board appointed physician at the Board's expense. Should the second opinion from the Board's physician conflict with the opinion from the teacher's physician, the Board and teacher will mutually agree on a third physician to provide an opinion of the necessity of such absence. Upon return from a leave of two years or less, the teacher may be placed in their former position if available or will be placed in a position wi...
Medical Disability Leave. 1. Due to a medical disability which is substantiated by a certificate from a medical doctor, a teacher shall be granted an extended leave of absence without pay for up to one year as may be required. If the employee has sick days on the books, he/she shall indicate the number of these accumulated sick days to be used prior to beginning their extended leave of absence. During the period of the teacher’s personal medical disability, accumulated sick leave benefits shall be paid until such benefits are exhausted or the personal medical disability has terminated. During such time of medical absence leave, the Board may, on a per case basis, continue existing health insurance and benefits for employees granted unpaid extended leaves in accordance with existing New Jersey State Guidelines.
a. The Board retains the right to place a teacher on medical leave for any one of the following reasons:
(1) Whenever the teacher’s physical condition adversely affects ability to continue to provide effective classroom instruction;
(2) The physical condition or capacity is such that the teacher’s health would be impaired if permitted to continue teaching, and if:
(i) the teacher fails to produce a certificate from a medical doctor stating that said teacher is medically able to continue teaching, or
(ii) the Board of Education’s physician and the teacher’s physician agree that said teacher cannot continue teaching, or