Position Transfers Sample Clauses

Position Transfers. The Board will give consideration to fill any vacancy of a teaching position to a returning teacher that expresses an interest. To be considered, internal staff must send the following credentials (resume, licensure, and letter of application-past evaluations will serve as references) to the district office within one week from the district office notification e-mail of the vacancy/job-opening e-mail. The Board is not obligated in any way if said teacher is found to be better suited to his/her present position. This will include changes within the same attendance center and/or changes between attendance centers within the District.
Position Transfers. The Board will give consideration to fill any vacancy of a teaching position to a returning teacher that expresses an interest in that position. The Board is not obligated in any way if said teacher is found to be better suited to his/her present position. This will include changes within the same attend- ance center and/or changes between attendance centers within the District.
Position Transfers. A request for a transfer to another position shall be made in writing to the Human Resources Department. Such transfer requests shall be made with the knowledge of the Assistant Superintendent or supervisor. Upon receipt of the request for a transfer, the supervisor or Assistant Superintendent concerned will discuss the transfer with the person in charge of the department in which the transferee desires to be transferred. Final authorization for all transfers will be upon the recommendation of the supervisor responsible for the particular area of the assignment receiving the transfer and the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources or his/her designee. 9.1.1 The following procedure regarding Employee Initiated Transfers and MCOE form P-221, Revised 7/91, shall be used to complete and process the Employee Transfer form for classified employees: a) Employee completes the first five (5) items and submits the form to his/her supervisor. Be sure to indicate the Date of Request and fill out each item completely. b) Supervisor discusses the transfer with the employee, completes item six (6) and forwards the form through any intermediate supervisors to the current Assistant Superintendent. Immediate supervisors will initial in item six (6); if additional comments are desired, attach them to the transfer form and sign on the attached sheet. c) Assistant Superintendent discusses the transfer with the supervisor, and completes item seven (7). If the transfer is departmental, then the current Assistant Superintendent coordinates the form through the new supervisor (item 8) and also signs in item nine (9). 1. If the transfer is between departments, the current Assistant Superintendent forwards the transfer form to the Assistant Superintendent whose department the employee wishes to transfer. 2. The proposed new supervisor, and/or proposed new Assistant Superintendent completes items eight (8) and nine (9) on the form, then forwards the request to the Human Resources Office. d) If items six (6) through nine (9) on the form read “approved” and item ten (10) reads “acceptable”, the employee shall transfer into the next vacancy at the requested site. 1. Employees will not be eligible for transfers for thirty (30) calendar days after the transfer request has been submitted. 2. Approved transfer requests will remain on file for one (1) year. Whenever a vacancy is determined and a position is requested, the Human Resources Office will coordinate possible transfers before the...
Position Transfers. Position transfers of equal or lower ranking within the Fire Department are allowed only if all of the following criteria are met at the time of the transfer: a) A position of equal or lower ranking is available; b) The transfer does not displace another bargaining unit employee; c) The transfer does not violate any promotion process described in this contract; and d) The transfer is mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the Employee being transferred. If the transfer creates a shift vacancy, Employees within the same shift may request to be moved from his or her existing fire station assignment to fill the vacancy. Such a request must be given to the Fire Chief in writing and will be granted based on seniority.
Position Transfers. Permanent position transfers are defined as moving from one department or location to another in the same or lower classification. The Employer agrees to post position transfers in accordance with Section 1. In the event that two or more bargaining unit employee applicants meet the minimum qualifications, as determined by Management and posted for any bargaining unit position (hereafter, the minimum qualifications), the employee with the greatest seniority shall be transferred. In the event there are no qualified applicants for the posted transfer, the Employer may transfer the lowest senior qualified employee currently in the posted classification. In cases of involuntary transfers to another department/location, the affected employee, within twelve
Position Transfers. 32.1 If an employee applies for an advertised position on site and is successful in obtaining the position, then he or she shall transfer to the grading of that advertised position. 32.2 If an employee involuntarily transfers to a new position (i.e. through job redesign, EBA provisions etc) then the terms of the redundancy provisions apply, i.e. he or she will gradually move to the lower rate of pay by receiving 50% of wage rises as they occur.
Position Transfers. 6.2.1 Employees, except for probationary employees as defined in 6.2.2, may submit written request to the Office of Human Resources for transfer to positions within their current classification at any time during the work year. 6.2.2 Probationary employees with six or less months of service in their classification are not eligible to be considered for voluntary transfer. 6.2.3 When a new position is created, or an existing position becomes vacant, the District shall first offer the opportunity to transfer to employees serving in the same class in the District. 6.2.4 Any employee on leave, vacation, or not on duty due to his/her work year assignment during the period of the posting shall be mailed a copy of the notice by first class US mail on the date the position is posted, provided that the employee notifies the Office of Human Resources of his/her interest in applying for the specified vacant positions prior to the commencement of the leave of absence. 6.2.5 An employee on leave shall have the right to have any other employee of the District file for transfer on his/her behalf during the employeeʹs leave. 6.2.6 Transfer applicants will be interviewed by the immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor may make his/her final appointment from among the transfer applicants with the concurrence of the Superintendent/President or designee. In the event that a position is not filled by a transfer, the position shall be filled by an appointment from a current eligibility list. 6.2.7 Requests for withdrawal of transfer(s) may be submitted in writing at any time.
Position Transfers. Position transfers of equal or lower ranking within the Fire Department are allowed only if all of the following criteria are met at the time of the transfer: a) A position of equal or lower ranking is available; b) The transfer does not displace another bargaining unit employee; c) The transfer does not violate any promotion process described in this contract; and d) The transfer is mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the Employee being transferred. If the transfer creates a shift vacancy, the Employer will post the position of the vacancy. Employees within the same shift will have two weeks from the posting date where they may request to be moved from his or her existing fire station assignment to fill the vacancy. If multiple employees request the transfer, seniority will prevail. Such a request must be given to the Fire Chief or their designee in writing and will be granted based on seniority.
Position Transfers. The University recognizes and supports the development of its employees through promotion and transfer in balance with operational needs. Operational needs require that the transfer minimize disruption to services and departments. This Letter of Understanding applies to regular or seasonal employees transferring to term positions the University.
Position Transfers. 1. If an employee applies for an advertised position on site and is successful in obtaining the position, then he or she shall transfer to the grading of that advertised position. 2. If an employee involuntarily transfers to a new position (i.e. through job redesign, EBA provisions etc) then the terms of the redundancy provisions apply, i.e. he or she will gradually move to the lower rate of pay by receiving 50% of wage rises as they occur. ATTACHMENT NO. 1 The weekly rates of pay for Production Operators are contained in the table below TABLE 1.1 Classification Current Weekly rate of pay Weekly Rate as at 06/06/03 Weekly Rate as at 06/06/04 Level 1 734.41 763.78 794.33 Xxxxx 0x 876.69 911.75 948.22 Xxxxx 0x 894.48 930.25 967.46 Xxxxx 0x 947.48 985.37 1024.78 Foodtrade 992.91 1032.62 1073.92 Electrician 925.70 962.72 1001.22 Instrument 967.45 1006.14 1046.38 Electronics 1069.76 1112.55 1157.05 Electrical Instrument 1069.76 1112.55 1157.05 Electronic Instrument 1173.28 1220.21 1269.01 The above rates (excluding electrical trades) incorporate 20 hours of early start overtime per year. Meal Allowance $ 8.40 First Aid Allowance $12.16 week Electrical Licence $26.66 week included in above electrical rates Boiler Attendant Allowance$26.15 week Casual Rates and Definitions CasualRate $562.02 per week (base amount excl. casual loading and annual leave) Casual Work includes: Induction, Remelt, line 7/pallecon filling under supervision, Liquid Groceries line 3,4, Packing Room lines 2,3 benhils, yard based use of forklift associated with remelt etc. Cleaning winteriser, general cleaning spills etc, Liquid Groceries unjamming jars, depalletiser’s etc, bleach addition to hoppers. Seasonal work in Liquid Groceries. Where casuals are required to perform work of a nature which cannot be aligned to the above definition the rate of pay will be agreed between the Company and Union representatives. Where agreement cannot be reached the dispute settling procedure will be followed. ATTACHMENT NO. 3 CLASSIFICATION STRUCTURE FOR FOOD OPERATIVES/LOGISTICS Role Operates equipment to basic operating standard: Operates a series of plant / equipment: Competently and independently operates a series of plant / equipment: Technical expert in a series of plant / equipment and operating processes: Coordinates manufacturing activity during scheduled production for whole plant: Performs startups, run out, shutdown, clean, inspect, lubricate to standard and schedule Follows safe, efficient wo...