Remuneration Structure Sample Clauses

Remuneration Structure. The base salary structure effective from 11 October 2021, the first pay period on or after 1 July 2022, and the first pay period on or after 1 July 2023 is outlined in the following table.
Remuneration Structure. Remuneration for permanent team members is structured as follows : Rate 1 (Normal Rate) Applicable to the first 38 hours worked per week, with a maximum of 10 hours per day, Monday to Friday and between the hours of 7.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m., provided that the 7.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. period may be altered by mutual agreement with the team members concerned and Pickfords Records Management. Rate 2 (Time and one half) AppIicable to the first 10 hours overtime worked per week with a maximum of four hours at this rate Monday to Saturday. Rate 3 (Double Time) Applies to any hours in excess of 48 hours a week or any hours in excess of four hours at Rate 2 (Time and one half) on Monday to Saturday. Rate 3 (Double time) also applies to all hours worked on Sunday. Rate 4 (Non -standard hours) Applicable to an employee whose normal starting time is between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm. The paid hourly rate will increase by 17.5% under these conditions. Minimum Hours A permanent team member is one who is employed to work a minimum of 38 hours per week. A permanent team member required to work on any day shall be paid a minimum of 7.36 hours at rate 1 (normal rate). Pay Period The pay period of 38 hours per week commences Wednesday through to the following Tuesday. Pay day will be the Thursday following the end of each pay period, unless mutually agreed otherwise between team members and their Supervisor/Manager. Remuneration Classifications All team members shall be paid as per Clause 7 - Remuneration, for the assigned classification. Positions within the classifications are based on training, skill level, behaviours, attitude & merit, and will be assessed by Pickfords Management on an annual basis.
Remuneration Structure. 5.1 Types of employment Employees shall be engaged either as full time, Fixed term, or on a casual basis. All employees will receive an appropriate induction incorporating safe working procedures prior to commencing any work. 5.2 Probationary employment All new full time, fixed term and part time employees shall be engaged by the company on a probationary period of no longer than 12 weeks. The probationary period shall permit the employee to be inducted, undergo initial training and for the company to assess the employees performance. During this probationary period either party may terminate employment. This probationary period may be extended for an additional period of no longer than 12 weeks should it be deemed necessary.
Remuneration Structure. 14.1 The following matrix represents the agreed remuneration structure: 14.2 ‘T’ is defined as a tradesperson who has completed an appropriate post-trade certificate or the equivalent, or has acquired equivalent work experience at post-trade level of 500 hours in the quarrying industry and is able and required to exercise skills and knowledge in either the mechanical or fabrication stream. 14.3 ‘Skill’ is defined as one of the skills identified in the following ‘Skills Pool’ table. 14.4 Subject to the Skills Pool requirements, the Ordinary Rate of Pay for holders of a Shotfirers Certificate will be increased by 2.5%. The increase in the Ordinary Rate of Pay is not to be paid cumulatively. An Employee who ceases to be a holder of the specified Certificate will revert to the Employee’s previous Ordinary Rate of Pay. 14.5 Should the face loader be operated on a full time basis by one operator then, for the purpose of calculating the relevant job grade, this operator will be credited with an additional skill. ‘Full time’ is deemed to be the primary role of that operator, acknowledging there will be time allowed for usual breaks and absences. 14.6 The following table represents the available pool of skills from which Employees may draw. 14.7 In order to maximise the potential benefit of the skills arrangements to both the Company and Employees, the following will apply: (a) In order to achieve a more highly skilled workforce, the Company in consultation with the Employees, will develop appropriate training programs to cover all of the classifications and duties covered by this Agreement. Options will be considered to introduce accredited training based on national / state and Company standards. Where necessary this will be modified to suit Site requirements. (b) It is the objective of the Consultative Committee that each Employee, as far as practicable, is capable of performing all of the duties at their individual level of employment, and in order to achieve this objective the Company will provide such training as each Employee may need to perform such duties. Employees possessing specific skills will, where necessary, participate to the best of their ability in the training of others wishing to gain such skills. (c) In order to ensure that Employees become multi-skilled and are given an opportunity to progress through the levels, the Company will provide such training as each Employee may require to undertake the duties of the next highest level within the ne...
Remuneration Structure. Remuneration for this position will be structured as follows: a) Upon commencement of this agreement you will be paid at an hourly rate for all hours worked in accordance with this agreement no less than the rate specified for your classification and age as disclosed in Schedule A, or any amount in excess of this that has been agreed between the parties. There is no other entitlement to any other monetary allowance including, but not limited to, split shift, laundry or meal allowances, penalty rates or loadings of any kind including those for working at different times and/or days of the week, unless it is prescribed elsewhere in this agreement. b) You are guaranteed to be paid either the hourly rate of pay prescribed in this clause or the hourly rate specified under the Australian Fair Pay and Conditions Standard for your classification and age, whichever is the greater, for all work in accordance with this agreement. At the Employer’s sole discretion you may be paid above this rate. c) Your wage less tax and other authorised deductions will be paid weekly by cheque or electronic transfer into a bank account authorised by you, unless an alternative arrangement is agreed between you and the Employer.
Remuneration Structure. 4.1.1 Bands 1-2 4.1.2 Bands 3-7 4.1.3 Bands 8-10
Remuneration Structure. Remuneration for this position will be structured as follows: a) Upon commencement of this Agreement employees will be paid a rate of pay in accordance with this Agreement, no less than the rate specified for their classification, age and employment status as prescribed in Appendix A, or any amount in excess of this that has been agreed between the parties. b) Full time and part time retail employees who are engaged to perform their hours of work between Monday and Friday only in any one week, are not entitled to the following protected award conditions that may have otherwise applied but for this agreement as the value of such entitlement has been factored into the employee’s hourly rate of pay: (i) Annual Leave Loading (ii) Laundry Allowance (iii) Late night loading which may have otherwise applied for late night trading (iv) Award public holiday penalty rates (v) Penalty rates for work outside the ordinary span of hours c) Full time, part time and casual retail employees who are engaged to perform their hours of work between Monday and Sunday in any one week, are not entitled to the following protected award conditions that may have otherwise applied but for this agreement as the value of such entitlement has been factored into the employee’s hourly rate of pay: (i) Annual Leave Loading (Full-time and Part-time employees only) (ii) Laundry Allowance (iii) Late night penalty rates which may have otherwise applied for late night trading (iv) Weekend penalty rates (v) Award public holiday penalty rates (vi) Penalty rates for work outside the ordinary span of hours d) Full time and part time baking employees who are engaged to perform their hours of work between Monday and Sunday, are not entitled to the following protected award conditions that may have otherwise applied but for this agreement as the value of such entitlement has been factored into the employee’s hourly rate of pay: (i) Annual Leave Loading (Full-time and Part-time employees only) (ii) Laundry allowance (iii) Early morning (Monday to Friday) shift allowances (iv) Weekend penalty rates (v) Award public holiday penalty rates e) The value of any and all protected award conditions which have been excluded from operating, or varied in their operation under this agreement have been considered against: (i) Additional monetary entitlements provided to employees as part of this agreement, and/or (ii) Additional non monetary entitlements provided to employees as part of this agreement, and/or (iii) ...
Remuneration Structure. Inland Revenue’s remuneration structure is based on: • A set of standard pay bands • A salary calculation point for each pay band • A salary range for each pay band of approximately 85% to 115% of this calculation point • Ten defined progression steps at intervals throughout the pay range from the minimum step (‘step 1’) to the minimum of Zone 3. • Three pay zones within each pay band, with annual salary progression occurring through Zone 1 and Zone 2 of each pay band. Zone 3 is not a progression zone. The standard pay bands are detailed in Appendix 2. The pay bands applicable to positions within coverage are detailed in Appendix 3. Appendix 3 will be updated on a quarterly basis and published on the People and Culture intranet.
Remuneration Structure 

Related to Remuneration Structure

  • Individual Flexibility Arrangements 38.1 Where the Employer wants to enter into a individual flexibility arrangement (IFA) it must provide a written proposal to the Employee. Where the Employee’s understanding of written English is limited, the Employer must take measures, including translation into an appropriate language, to ensure the Employee understands the proposal. 38.2 The Employer and an Employee covered by this Agreement may agree to make an IFA to vary the effect of terms of the Agreement if: (a) it deals with one or more of the following matters: (i) Time between which ordinary hours are worked; (ii) Salary sacrifice Agreements; (iii) Reduction in ordinary hours; (iv) Increase in annual leave accrual each year; (v) Increase in rate of accrual of Rostered days off; (vi) Increase in wages; (vii) Increase in training leave (Union or otherwise); (b) The IFA meets the genuine needs of the Employer and the Employee covered by this Agreement in relation to one or more of the matters mentioned in paragraph (a) above; and (c) The IFA is genuinely agreed to by the Employer and the Employee. 38.3 The Employer must ensure that the terms of the IFA: (a) are about permitted matters under section 172 of the FW Act; and (b) are not unlawful terms under section 194 of the FW Act; and (c) result in the Employee being better off overall than the Employee would be if no IFA was made. 38.4 The Employer must also ensure that any such IFA is: (a) in writing (including details of the terms that will be varied, how the IFA will vary the effect of the Enterprise Agreement terms, how the Employee will be better off overall in relation to the terms and conditions of his or her employment as a result of the IFA, and the day on which the IFA commences); (b) includes the name of the Employer and Employee; (c) signed by the Employer and the Employee, and if the Employee is under 18, by a parent or guardian of the Employee; and (d) provided to the Employee within 14 days after it is agreed to. 38.5 The Employer or Employee may terminate the IFA by either the Employer or Employee giving written notice of not more than 28 days, or at any time by both parties agreeing in writing. 38.6 Where any of the requirements of ss 202 and 203 of the FW Act are not met, the IFA is of no effect.

  • Scope of Services The specific scope of work for each job shall be determined in advance and in writing between TIPS Member, Member’s design professionals and Vendor. It is permitted for the TIPS Member to provide a general scope description, but the awarded vendor should provide a written scope of work, and if applicable, according to the TIPS Member’s design Professional as part of the proposal. Once the scope of the job is agreed to, the TIPS Member will issue a PO and/or an Agreement or Contract with the Job Order Contract Proposal referenced or as an attachment along with bond and any other special provisions agreed by the TIPS Member. If special terms and conditions other than those covered within this solicitation and awarded Agreements are required, they will be attached to the PO and/or an Agreement or Contract and shall take precedence over those in this base TIPS Vendor Agreement.

  • Compensation Scheme If you make a complaint and we are unable to meet our liabilities, you may be entitled to compensation from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. For investment business you will be covered up to a maximum of £85,000. Further information about these amounts and limits for all other product types are available from the FSCS at xxxx:// We are required by the anti-money laundering regulations to verify the identity of our clients, to obtain information as to the purpose and nature of the business which we conduct on their behalf, and to ensure that the information we hold is up-to-date. For this purpose we may use electronic identity verification systems and we may conduct these checks from time to time throughout our relationship, not just at the beginning.

  • Individual Flexibility Arrangement 12.1 The Employer and an Employee covered by this Agreement, may agree to make an Individual Flexibility Arrangement to vary the following terms of this Agreement if: (a) the arrangement deals with one or more of the following matters: (i) arrangements about where and when work is performed; (ii) overtime rates; (iii) penalty rates; (iv) allowances; or (v) annual leave loading; (b) the arrangement must meet the genuine needs of the Employer and Employee in relation to one or more of the matters mentioned in subclause 14.1 (a); and (c) the arrangement is genuinely agreed to by the Employer and the Employee. 12.2 The Employer must ensure that the terms of the Individual Flexibility Arrangement: (a) are about permitted matters under section 172 of the Act; (b) are not unlawful terms under section 194 of the Act; (c) result in the Employee being better off overall than the Employee would be if no agreement was made. 12.3 The Employer must ensure that the Individual Flexibility Arrangement: (a) is in writing; (b) includes the name of the Employer and the Employee; (c) is signed by the Employer and the Employee, and if the Employee is under 18 years of age, signed by a parent or guardian of the Employee; (d) Includes details of: (i) the terms of the Agreement that will be varied by the arrangement; (ii) how the arrangement will vary the effect of the terms; (iii) how the Employee will be better off overall in relation to the terms and conditions of their employment as a result of the arrangement; and (e) states the day on which the arrangement commences; 12.4 The Employer must give the Employee a copy of the Individual Flexibility Arrangement within 14 days after it is agreed to. 12.5 The Employer or Employee may terminate the Individual Flexibility Arrangement; (a) by giving no more than 28 days written notice to the other party to the arrangement; or (b) if the Employer and the Employee agree in writing – at any time.

  • SALARY SACRIFICE ARRANGEMENTS 34.1 Employees covered by this Agreement will have access to salary sacrifice arrangements in addition to the compulsory arrangement detailed above. The requirements of any such arrangements shall ensure that: (a) Accessing a salary sacrifice arrangement is a voluntary decision to be made by the individual Employee. (b) An Employee wishing to enter into a salary sacrifice arrangement will be required to notify their Employer in writing of the intention to do so and have sought expert advice in relation to entering into such an arrangement. (c) The Employer shall meet the cost of implementing the administrative and payroll arrangements necessary for the introduction of salary sacrifice to the Employees under the Agreement. (d) The co-contribution of superannuation payments referred to herein shall be made by way of salary sacrifice arrangements.

  • Fixed Compensation Each of the Co-Managers will receive certain additional fixed compensation pursuant to separate agreements with Masterworks, which is not tied specifically to this Offering or to any other specific offering, but a portion of which is deemed to be underwriting compensation for this Offering. Such additional fixed compensation relates to (i) a monthly retainer for administrative support services and (ii) fixed compensation payments to representatives of Arete. $8,224 is a reasonable estimate of costs and expenses referenced in clauses (i) and (ii) above that are appropriately allocated to this Offering.

  • CLASSIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES Section 1. A full-time employee shall be deemed to be any employee regularly scheduled to work forty (40) hours per week. A regular employee is one whose employment is reasonably expected to continue for longer than fifteen (15) months. Section 2. A part-time employee shall be deemed to be any employee regularly scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours per week. Section 3. The Company shall have the right to reduce employee classifications from full-time to part-time or to increase employee classifications from part-time to full-time. Should the Company deem it appropriate to reclassify full-time employees to part-time employees, it will seek volunteers from the affected group and then force in reverse order of seniority. Section 4. A temporary employee is one who is engaged for a specific project or a limited period, with the definite understanding that his/her employment is to terminate upon completion of the project or at the end of the period, and whose employment is expected to continue for more than three (3) consecutive weeks, but not more than fifteen (15) months. The termination of the employment of such temporary employees shall not be subject to the grievance or arbitration provisions of this Agreement. Section 5. Agency workers and independent contractors shall not be deemed to be employees of the Company and, as such, shall not be covered by any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement.

  • Vesting Generally LTIP Units may, in the sole discretion of the General Partner, be issued subject to vesting, forfeiture and additional restrictions on Transfer pursuant to the terms of an award, vesting or other similar agreement (a “Vesting Agreement”). The terms of any Vesting Agreement may be modified by the General Partner from time to time in its sole discretion, subject to any restrictions on amendment imposed by the relevant Vesting Agreement or by the Plan, if applicable. LTIP Units that were fully vested when issued or that have vested and are no longer subject to forfeiture under the terms of a Vesting Agreement are referred to as “Vested LTIP Units”; all other LTIP Units shall be treated as “Unvested LTIP Units.”

  • General Wage Increases Effective and retroactive to July 1, 2021, the annual base salary shall be increased by 2.5% for all active employees. 2.5% shall be extended and retroactive to employees who retired and terminated/separated in good standing with 10 years or more of state service on or after 07/01/2021. Effective 07/01/2022 the annual base salary shall be increased by 2.5% for all active employees. Effective 07/01/2023 the annual base salary shall be increased by 2.5% for all active employees. **Wage reopener for 2024 – 2025 (for effective date July 1, 2024).

  • General Scope of Services Consultant promises and agrees to furnish to the City all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, and incidental and customary work necessary to fully and adequately supply the services necessary for the Project ("Services"). The Services are more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All Services shall be subject to, and performed in accordance with, this Agreement, the exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations.