WORK DAYS AND HOURS. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the rescheduling of workdays if deemed necessary by the Superintendent or designee after consultation with the Association President. The rescheduling of workdays shall also be subject, however, to the provisions in Section C below regarding emergency closing of schools, whenever applicable. For purposes of this provision, an emergency shall be defined as an unforeseen occurrence or condition, including but not limited to unexpected death or unresolved school calendar dates.
WORK DAYS AND HOURS. (A) The Employer shall have the right to set the starting time of the regular work day based upon the school activity, provided at least one (1) week's advance notice is given of any schedule change. The regular workday for each classification and/or position shall be as follows:
WORK DAYS AND HOURS. 6.1 The school year shall consist of 180 student instructional days. 6.2 The employee work year shall consist of a total of 183 workdays. At the individual teacher’s discretion, one service day shall be scheduled for any of (a) the weekday prior to the first student instructional day of the school year, (b) the weekday following the final student instructional day of the school year, or (c) one (1) one-half (1/2) days scheduled at the Employer’s discretion during the final three (3) weeks of each semester. 6.2.1 High School Counselors will work fifteen (15) additional scheduled days at per diem rate as mutually agreed to by the site administrator and counselor. 6.2.2 Elementary and Junior High Counselors may work up to five (5) additional days as determined by the counselor and their site administrator.
WORK DAYS AND HOURS. 11.1.1 Classroom teachers will not be required to work in excess of 185 days with the exception of new teachers. New teachers will be required to attend a one-day orientation outside of the 185 days with compensation equal to the member’s hourly salary rate up to seven (7) hours. Of those 185 days, two shall be for site-based teacher directed classroom preparation and three days will be for professional staff development. 11.1.2 Each bargaining unit member will be expected to attend Back to School Night, Open House, and Parent Teacher Conferences. In addition to the above duties, each bargaining unit member will donate seven (7) hours of adjunct duty time per year. Such duties could include: CST meetings, IEP meetings, extended staff meetings, and other school related committees or programs. Staff meeting time will be considered extended when it exceeds two hours of outside contract time per month. 11.1.3 Unit member duties that exceed the number of hours specified above shall require that the unit member be compensated for such additional hours at the rate of pay delineated in the Certificated Hourly Salary Schedule (Appendix A-5). 11.1.4 Any unit member requested to work outside of his/her contracted days shall be compensated. 11.1.5 The unit members’ work day will be seven (7.0) hours, including lunch period. Each teacher will be allowed a duty-free lunch period of not less than thirty (30) consecutive minutes. 11.1.6 All unit members shall be provided a scheduled personal necessity break of not less than ten (10) minutes each morning. 11.1.7 Site Administrators will make a good faith effort to minimize the number of subject matter preparations required of each secondary teacher, and will consult with the teacher prior to assigning more than three (3) different preparations, giving good faith consideration to the unit member’s suggestions. 11.1.8 District and site administrators, in consultation with staff, will implement strategies to minimize the impact of District-mandated assessments on unit members’ time and resources. The Association will have the right to consult on issues that are not otherwise subject to mandatory negotiation that affect the working conditions of its members. The District will provide adequate training time and resources before implementing these changes. 11.1.9 The District will provide equitable prep time for all unit members including members with less than full-time positions who will be provided with equitable prep time on...
WORK DAYS AND HOURS. A. The Board shall propose the school calendar after conferring with the Association. The calendar shall consist of one hundred eighty-five (185) days. Included in the one hundred eighty-five days are five (5) emergency days. The work year shall consist of one hundred eighty (180) employee days. Included in the one hundred eighty (180) employee days is one (1) employee work day at midyear. In the event five (5) or less than five (5) emergency days have been declared as of the Board meeting preceding Memorial Day, the Board shall designate all unused emergency days as nonattendance days for employees and students. Such days shall be used at the end of the school year. If the Board operates a year-round school, employees will be selected based on the instructional focus of the building. If Agreement language between the Association and the Board should require modification due to the instructional focus of a building, occasioned by a year-round school, a committee, co-chaired by a representative of the Board and a representative of the Association, shall meet to address concerns. B. Professional Day 1. The employee will assume the responsibility for a daily schedule that is commensurate with his/her professional obligation. 2. The employee’s professional day shall be determined within the building by cooperation between the principal and the employee. 3. The professional day must begin by 15 minutes immediately before the students’ instructional day and end no earlier than 10 minutes after the students’ instructional day. 4. In the event of an early release day due to heat, employees shall stay one (1) hour after students are dismissed. 5. For professionals who are not assigned to a school, their report time will be decided collaboratively between the employee and building administrator. 6. A lunch period in compliance with Sec. 24-9 of the Illinois School Code will be provided. 7. The professional day may include up to 50 minutes per week to be collaboratively assigned before and/or after school for supervision of students. These 50 minutes of assigned supervision may be utilized within the student attendance day with the mutual consent of the potentially affected employee and building administrators. All supervision minutes are within the professional day unless mutually agreed upon by the affected employee and appropriate administrator. Supervision that exceeds 50 minutes per week shall be approved by 80% of the certified employees. The aforementioned sup...
WORK DAYS AND HOURS. 6.1 The school year shall consist of 180 student instructional days. 6.2 The employee work year shall consist of a total of 183 work days. At the individual teacher’s discretion, one service day shall be scheduled for any of (a) the weekday prior to the first student instructional day of the school year, (b) the weekday following the final student instructional day of the school year or (c) two one-half (1/2) days scheduled at the Employer’s discretion during the final three
WORK DAYS AND HOURS. 3.1 Contractor personnel may be needed during major elections. Major elections consist of i) General Elections ii) Primary Elections, iii) State- wide Elections, and iv) Special Elections that affect Los Angeles County as a whole. Election Day/Election Night shifts may consist of up to 12- hour shifts. Specific work shifts will be determined based on actual workload and/or subject to change depending on RR/CC’s needs. 3.2 Due to the nature of Election Day activities and unavoidable circumstances, Contractor personnel assigned under this Agreement may be required to work beyond a 12-hour work shift in order to complete Election Day work assignment. County will use all available means to avoid Contractor personnel from working beyond 12 hours in a 24 hour period. However, Contractor personnel working under this Agreement must be willing to work until their assignment is completed and they are released by the County Project Monitor. 3.3 In general, the assignment will consist of a 4-hour orientation/training on a Sunday prior to the Election and up to a 12-hour shift on Election Day. 3.4 In recruiting personnel for County assignment, Contractor is required to inform personnel that they must work Election Day in order to be paid for attending the training.
WORK DAYS AND HOURS. The normal work week shall consist of thirty-five (35) hours of work performed in five (5), seven (7) hour shifts, starting at 8:00 a.m. and ending 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday of the same week, except in the case of an emergency or an approved alternate work schedule pursuant to Section 14.2. For purposes of this Section, as well as Article 17 Sections 17.1 and 17.3, “emergency” means a situation where due to some public health emergency the Health Commissioner has determined that the Department needs to function on a 24 hour basis. Unless otherwise instructed by Supervision, all nurses are expected to report for duty in the office or to their field assignment at the scheduled beginning of their work shift and remain on duty until the scheduled end of their work shift. A nurse will not be required to work more than one (1) weekend per calendar quarter, except that additional weekends may be required if the nurse is currently working more weekends or if the nurse accepts a position that includes more weekends. If there are no volunteers that will work the weekend without incurring overtime, the Board can modify the nurse’s (least senior qualified on a rotating basis) work schedule during a workweek within which a weekend is scheduled to avoid the payment of overtime for the weekend work, or by mutual agreement the nurse may be allowed to take an equivalent number of hours off in the following week in lieu of being compensated for that weekend work.
WORK DAYS AND HOURS. A. The Board shall propose the school calendar after conferring with the Association. The calendar shall consist of one hundred eighty-five (185) days. Included in the one hundred eighty-five days are five (5) emergency days. The work year shall consist of one hundred eighty (180) employee days. Included in the one hundred eighty (180) employee days is one (1) employee work day at the beginning of the school year. In addition, all certified staff will have the option to work a mid-year work day and will be compensated $200.00 should they choose to work that day. In the event five (5) or less than five (5) emergency days have been declared as of the Board meeting preceding Memorial Day, the Board shall designate all unused emergency days as nonattendance days for employees and students. Such days shall be used at the end of the school year.
WORK DAYS AND HOURS. Employees covered hereby are required to be on duty a minimum of eight (8), ten (10) or twelve (12) hours during each scheduled duty day, excepting as excused by management. Employees covered hereby shall receive an annual salary for their work as defined in Appendix A hereof. Determination of the starting time of daily, weekly, and monthly work schedules shall be made by the City. Should it be necessary in the interest of emergency or efficiency, the employee shall work such reasonable overtime hours as shall be required by the City. Employees are expected to complete a definite assignment even though it requires additional hours over the standard duty day. In cases of emergency, employees are expected to return to duty when requested by the Police Chief or the City Manager. Employees covered hereby shall be entitled to a one-half hour paid lunch period for each scheduled duty day. During the lunch period, officers will remain in radio service.