Workweek and Work Schedules Sample Clauses
Workweek and Work Schedules. Section 7.1 Scheduled Hours, Workweek, Workday
A. Except as otherwise specified in this Agreement, the regular hours of work for full-time employees shall be thirty-seven and one-half hours per week excluding meal periods or forty hours per week excluding meal periods, as has been established for that job title at the particular job location. Any employee whose regular workweek has averaged more than forty hours excluding meal periods in the past shall have a forty-hour workweek.
B. The work schedule, both starting times and quitting times, of employees shall be posted on a bulletin board at each work location or otherwise made available to employees and MOSES stewards.
C. When the Employer desires to change the work schedule of an employee he shall give the affected employee at least ten days' written notice of such contemplated change, except in cases of emergency involving the protection of the property of the Commonwealth or involving the health and safety of those persons whose care and/or custody have been entrusted to the Commonwealth. However, a declaration of emergency shall not be used for the purpose of avoiding the payment of overtime.
D. To the extent practicable, the normal workweek shall consist of five consecutive days, Monday through Friday, with the regular hours of work each day to be consecutive except for meal periods. Similarly, to the extent practicable employees in continuous operations shall receive two consecutive days off in each seven-day period. This subsection should not apply to employees in authorized flexible hours programs.
E. The parties acknowledge the benefit of establishing alternative work schedules, including but not limited to flexible hours, staggered hours, part-time and job sharing where such programs contribute to the efficient delivery of state services. The MOSES/Management Committee established pursuant to Article 26 of this Agreement shall meet to determine the feasibility of establishing such options where they do not currently exist, to monitor existing programs, and to recommend changes where appropriate. Upon the written request of either party, MOSES shall meet with local and central office representatives relative to developing and implementing flex-time/alternative-work schedules where feasible for an individual worksite/facility or for the department/agency. Following said meetings where there continues to be any unresolved issues the areas of dispute may be
Workweek and Work Schedules. The workweek is defined as a fixed and regularly reoccurring period of seven (7) consecutive twenty-four (24) hour periods. Workweeks shall be established for each employee. Where no specific workweek has been established for an employee, the default workweek shall be from 12:01 a.m. Sunday to midnight Saturday. Work schedules are the workdays, days off, and hours of work identified within the employee’s workweek. Within the workweek, the normal work schedule for regular full time employees is forty (40) hours. However, the City makes no guarantee of a forty (40) hour work schedule. As far as practicable, this work schedule conforms with established hours of business. This conformity shall not interfere with special time schedules governing departments operating more than eight (8) hours each calendar day. Nor shall this provision be construed as prohibiting part time employment, rotating, staggered, or shortened work periods, alternative work schedules, flexible work schedules, or shift work for continuous operations. It is understood that the City will not make major changes in current practice with respect to scheduling of workweeks without consulting with the affected employees and the Union with the intent of accommodating the desires of affected employees to the extent such accommodation is consistent with operational requirements.
Workweek and Work Schedules. The University will designate a regular work schedule for each employee at the beginning of employment that may be modified by providing at least thirty
Workweek and Work Schedules. Section 7.1 Scheduled Hours, Workweek, Workday
A. Except as otherwise specified in this Agreement, the regular hours of work for full-time employees shall be thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hours per week excluding meal periods or forty (40) hours per week excluding meal periods, as has been established for that job title at the particular job location. Any employee whose regular workweek has averaged more than forty
Workweek and Work Schedules. Section 1 Scheduled Hours, Workweek, Workday
A. Except as otherwise specified in this Agreement, the regular hours of work for full-time employees shall be thirty-seven and one-half (37.5) hours per week excluding meal periods or forty (40) hours per week excluding meal periods, as has been established for that job title at the particular job location. Any employee whose regular workweek has averaged more than forty hours excluding meal periods in the past shall have a forty hour workweek.
B. The work schedule, both starting times and quitting times, of employees shall be posted on a bulletin board at each work location or otherwise made available to employees and Union stewards.
C. When the Employer desires to change the work schedule of employee(s) the Employer shall, whenever practicable, solicit volunteers from among the group of potentially affected employees, and select from among the qualified volunteers. The Employer shall, except in emergency situations, give any affected employee whose schedule is being involuntarily changed ten (10) days written notice of such contemplated change. The provisions of this subsection shall not be used for the purpose of avoiding the payment of overtime.
D. To the extent practicable, the normal work week shall consist of five (5) consecutive days, Monday through Friday, with the regular hours of work each day to be consecutive except for meal periods. Similarly, to the extent practicable, employees in continuous operations shall receive two (2) consecutive days off in each seven (7) day period. The parties shall establish a joint Union/Management Committee in each Department/Agency to study those situations where such work schedules do not now prevail in an attempt to determine the practicability of establishing a regular work schedule for employees which might consist of five (5) consecutive workdays followed by two (2) consecutive days off. The joint Union/Management Committee shall also study those situations in each facility where the employee works more than one shift in a workweek in an effort to establish more uniform work schedules. Should the parties not be able to come to agreement on this issue, then the parties may seek resolution at Step III of the grievance procedure. This subsection should not apply to employees in authorized flexible hours programs.
E. Employees in the Department of Youth Services who engage in field trips from the forestry camps should work a regular schedule of not more than twenty...
Workweek and Work Schedules. Section 7.2 Overtime
Workweek and Work Schedules. 1. The Agency shall establish a basic administrative workweek IAW 5 CFR §610.111, and agrees to establish work schedules IAW 5 USC Chapter 61 – Subchapter II, 5 CFR Part 610 – Subchapter D, and this Agreement. The Adjutant General is the final approval authority for the Agency’s work schedule.
2. The Agency has the right to establish each employee's workweek to ensure cost effective and timely compliance with operational requirements. Subject to these requirements, the Agency in establishing an employee's work schedule shall take into consideration any personal hardship made known to the Agency by an employee, and shall make every reasonable effort to provide each employee a work schedule fourteen (14) calendar days in advance of its effective date. Unless the mission requires otherwise, it is agreed that work schedules shall remain in effect for at least two pay periods.
3. Any non-emergency changes to the work schedule policy, regardless of whether all or a portion of the bargaining unit is affected, must be negotiated with the Union prior to implementation. Work schedule changes due to emergencies will be IAW Section 4.2.
4. The Parties agree to establish Labor-Management Teams tasked with monitoring work schedule practices and making recommendations to the Agency in regard to continuing, adjusting, or modifying the Agency’s work schedule. The teams shall convene annually, or at more frequent intervals when mutually agreed upon. The following will be observed:
a. Each team should be composed of an equal number of representatives. A minimum of four (4) members, two (2) from each Party, is recommended. Each Party is responsible for determining the makeup of their team.
b. Separate teams will be established for the following functional areas:
(1) One team for the Air National Guard, with representatives from each functional area (i.e., operations, maintenance, all other areas).
(2) One team for the Army National Guard with representatives from each functional area (i.e., aviation, surface maintenance, all other areas).
c. The teams will use the following criteria when making work schedule policy recommendations to the Agency:
(1) Agency mission requirements
(2) Establish core duty hours (if applicable)
(3) Work Schedule Option(s) (i.e., single work schedule or combinations thereof, such as 4/10, 5/4/9, and/or 5/8) that allows the Agency to meet mission requirements
(4) Employee work schedule preferences
(5) Accommodation for individuals experiencing person...
Workweek and Work Schedules. Management shall schedule work according to the following rules: REGULAR WORKWEEK DEFINED
a) The regular workweek shall consist of thirty-five (35) hours over the five consecutive weekdays, Monday to Friday.
Workweek and Work Schedules. The workweek shall begin on Sunday and end on Saturday, and the work schedule for full-time employees will normally consist of forty (40) hours in a seven (7) day workweek. The above workweek definition provides for both non-exempt and exempt employees a work schedule of “5-8’s”, “4-10’s”, “9-hour”, “flexible work schedule,” “alternative work schedule”, or “part-time” as followed:
a. A “5-8” work schedule shall consist of five (5) consecutive days of eight (8) work hours each work week.
b. A “4-10” work schedule shall consist of four (4) consecutive days of ten (10) work hours each work week.
c. A “9-hour” work schedule shall consist of four (4) days of nine (9) hours each, followed by one (1) day of eight (8) hours with every other week being a day off on the fifth (5th) day. The “9-hour” work schedule requires a modified work week agreement to be established. See article 5.8 below.
d. An “alternative” work schedule shall consist of fixed hours other than a 5-8, 4-10, or 9- hour schedule.
e. A flextime work schedule is a work schedule which varies the number of hours worked on a daily basis, but not necessarily each day; or a work schedule in which starting and stopping times vary on a daily basis, but not necessarily each day. The flextime schedule does not exceed forty (40) hours in a work week and is agreed upon in advance by the employee and the supervisor/designee.
f. A "part-time" employee shall be scheduled to work a portion of any of the above- specified schedules
Workweek and Work Schedules. A work schedule is defined as the employee’s assigned work hours, including starting and ending times during the day, and the days included in the employee’s standard workweek. Unless modified by the Employer, the normal standard workweek is forty (40) hours per week, and runs from Monday through Friday. It is understood that there may also be workweeks other than Monday through Friday in 24/7 or other special operations. The administrative workweek for purposes of reporting work time begins at 12:00 a.m. on Sunday and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Saturday. All overtime pay is based on the administrative workweek and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). There is no guarantee of the number of hours of work in a day or week.