5:01 Whereas the parties agree that all employees are obligated to interact on the basis of mutual respect and any form of harassment, sexual harassment or discrimination will not be tolerated and;
DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT FREE WORKPLACE. 11:01 The parties acknowledge that the provisions of this Agreement shall apply to all members without discrimination, interference, restriction or coercion and, in carrying out their respective obligations and in exercising their respective rights under this Agreement; neither will they discriminate against any member because of race, creed, colour, age (except for retirement in accordance with the University Retirement Plan), sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family relationships (subject to Senate Policy and the terms of this Agreement), nationality, ancestry, place of origin, political or religious affiliation or belief, clerical or lay status, physical or mental disability (except where such disability would clearly prevent performance of the required duties), conviction for which a pardon has been granted, or membership or involvement in any lawful organization, nor will they engage in any other discriminatory practices prohibited by law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of this Article may be superseded by programs and policies connected with or pursuant to Employment Equity Policies of the University or the Pay Equity Act or any other equity, human rights legislation, or other employment related legislation.
11:02 The parties are committed to providing a safe learning and work environment while maintaining a workplace that is free of discrimination and workplace harassment as required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and as outlined in the University’s related policies and programs.
11:03 The definitions of workplace harassment, including workplace sexual harassment, as defined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1., and as referenced in the University of Windsor’s Harassment Prevention Policy and Program, shall be used for the purposes of Article 11.
11:04 Procedures for the fair and thorough treatment of complaints of workplace harassment, including workplace sexual harassment, as outlined in the University’s Workplace Harassment Prevention Program, shall include: • an informal process for attempting to resolve the complaint; • a process for filing a formal complaint if informal attempts at resolution have failed; • a process for formally investigating, dealing with, and remedying such formal complaints.
11:05 If a member believes she/he has been harassed, as defined in Article 11:03, she/he may take direct action by informing the individual who is the source of the behaviour that it is unwelc...
DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT FREE WORKPLACE. C 4.1 The Corporation will endeavour to provide a work environment in which all employees are treated equitably and respectfully, and are NOT subjected to discrimination, harassment, or any other conduct which undermines a person's dignity and worth.
C 4.1.1 Discrimination and harassment are defined in P597 - Discrimination and Harassment Free Workplace.
C 4.2 The Corporation will NOT knowingly exercise, practice or condone any discrimination, harassment, reprisal, restriction, interference, or coercion of or by its employees based upon characteristics that include: ancestry, including colour and perceived race; nationality or national origin; ethnic background or origin; religion or creed, or religious belief, religious association or religious activity; age; sex, including pregnancy, the possibility of pregnancy, or circumstances related to pregnancy; gender-determined characteristics; sexual orientation; marital or family status; source of income; political belief, political association or political activity; physical or mental disability or related characteristics or circumstances - The parties acknowledge that discrimination in employment may be justified if it is based upon bona fide and reasonable requirement for the employment or occupation.
C 4.2.1 The parties agree that there shall be no discrimination or harassment on the basis of membership or activity in the Union.
C 4.3 Without restricting the generality of this Article the parties have agreed to the following investigation procedures and resolution:
1. Under this procedure, a complaint of harassment or discrimination shall be made in writing to the Investigation Officer.
2. In lodging a complaint, the employee may be accompanied by a representative of the Union or any other person they choose. All complaints and inquiries shall be treated in confidence.
3. The timeframe for filing a complaint shall be within 6 months of the alleged harassment or, where the alleged harassment or discrimination is of a continuing nature, within 6 months of the last alleged instance.
4. The Investigation Officer will not disclose the name of a complainant or the circumstances related to the complaint, except where disclosure is necessary for the purposes of investigating the complaint or for taking disciplinary measures.
5. Upon receiving a written complaint, the Investigation Officer shall determine whether the incident(s) on which the complaint is based would fall within the definition of harassment or discri...
DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT FREE WORKPLACE. C3.1 Efficiency Manitoba will enable and support a work environment in which all employees are treated equitably and respectfully and are NOT subjected to discrimination, harassment, or any other conduct that undermines a person's dignity and worth.
1.1 Discrimination and harassment are defined in Efficiency Manitoba’s Respectful Workplace Policy. C3.2 Efficiency Manitoba will NOT knowingly exercise, practice, or condone any discrimination, harassment, reprisal, restriction, interference, or coercion of or by its employees based upon characteristics that include those named in the Human Rights Code of Manitoba and Efficiency Manitoba’s Respectful Workplace Policy. The parties acknowledge that discrimination in employment may be justified if it is based upon bona fide and reasonable requirements for the employment or occupation.
2.1 The parties agree that there shall be no discrimination or harassment based on membership or activity in the Union.
DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT FREE WORKPLACE. A. The parties agree that neither the Employer nor the Union will unlawfully discriminate against any employee on the basis of age, race, color, handicap, sex, creed, national origin, ancestry, arrest or conviction record, Union activity, or sexual orientation. The Employer and the Union agree that all employees should be able to work in an environment free of harassment. The Union and the Employer agree that this Agreement shall be interpreted and applied in a manner consistent with the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Wisconsin Family and Medical Leave Act (WFMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Wisconsin Fair Employment Act, Title VII, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). Disputes which arise concerning application of this section shall be subject to the grievance procedures as outlined in Article IV. However, the dispute can not proceed to arbitration unless the employee executes a waiver of alternative state or federal forums.
B. When an employee is interviewed by an official investigator of the employer in regard to charges which have been filed by the employee under this section, the employee’s participation in the interview shall be without loss of pay.
C. Before the Employer implements new policies and procedures describing employee rights required by the FMLA, WFMLA, ADA, Wisconsin Fair Employment Act, Title VII, or ADEA the Employer will provide an opportunity for the Union to review the materials and make comments.
DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT FREE WORKPLACE. (a) It is an aim of this Agreement to achieve the principal object in s.3(e) of the Fair Work Act 2009 through respecting and valuing the diversity of the work force by helping to prevent and eliminate discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex, sexual preference, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin.
(b) Behaviours such as bullying, victimisation and intimidation and vilification are strictly prohibited and any such behaviour will lead to disciplinary action which could include dismissal.
DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT FREE WORKPLACE. 4:01 (a) DISCRIMINATION: Discrimination is defined as a distinction, whether intentional or not, based on grounds relating to personal characteristics of an individual or group, which has the effect of imposing burdens, obligations, or disadvantages on such individual or group not imposed upon others, or which withholds or limits access to opportunities, benefits, and advantages available to other members of society. The parties agree that there shall be no discrimination, intimidation, interference, restriction or coercion exercised or practiced with respect to any employee in any matter on the basis of creed, age, sex, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, ancestry, place of origin, family relationship, number of dependents, place of residence, nationality, political or religious affiliation or belief, family status, same sex partnership, receipt of public assistance, record of offences, or by reason of membership or non membership in the union.
4:01 (b) HARASSMENT is a form of discrimination and is defined as: vexatious comment or conduct in relation to a person or group of persons which has the effect or purpose of creating a hostile or intimidating working or educational environment when such treatment has the effect or purpose of threatening or intimidating a person; or treatment that abuses the power that one person holds over another or misuses authority or such treatment has the effect or purpose of offending or demeaning a person or group of persons on the basis of creed, age, sex, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, race, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, ancestry, place of origin, family status, same sex partnership, receipt of public assistance, record of offences, or by reason of membership or non membership in the union. Harassment may occur during one incident, or over a series of incidents including incidents which, in isolation, would not necessarily constitute harassment. Harassment prevents or impairs the full and equal enjoyment of employment and education services, benefits and/or opportunities and may occur between people of the same or different status within the University community, regardless of age or sex. Harassment may also be directed at a group as well as at an individual. Harassment may be psychological, verbal or physical or may be all of these. Harassment does not ...
DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT FREE WORKPLACE. 15.01 There shall be no discrimination or interference, restraint or coercion by the Employer or any of its agents, or by the Union or any of its agents, against any employee for any reason.
15.02 The Employer recognizes the principle that it is their responsibility to maintain a discrimination free workplace.
15.03 The Employer and the Union recognize the rights of employees to work in an environment free from harassment. The parties further agree that harassment will not be tolerated in the workplace.
DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT FREE WORKPLACE. 9.1 It is an aim of this Agreement to achieve the principal object in s.3(m) of the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (the Act) through respecting and valuing the diversity of the work force by providing all employees with equal opportunities at work and by preventing and eliminating discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex, sexual preference, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin.
9.2 Behaviours such as bullying, harassment, victimisation and intimidation and vilification are strictly prohibited and any such behaviour will lead to disciplinary action which could include dismissal.