Employee Authority and Protection.
A. The Student Code of Conduct and disciplinary procedures shall be made available to all employees.
B. Employees assume the responsibility for taking a positive approach to discipline and to maintain constructive classroom control. An employee may impose prudent classroom discipline consistent with the school's Student Code of Conduct and disciplinary procedure, and may take other prudent actions as may be necessary to protect himself/herself from attack or to prevent injury to another student. Any discipline imposed by an employee must be consistent with Board Policy, State, and Federal Law.
C. In order to facilitate better coordination between the Principal and the employee regarding disciplinary action taken by the employee and the Principal, each school shall use a Student Conduct Report. The employee shall use this report to maintain an adequate record of classroom discipline.
Employee Authority and Protection. 1. Discipline is the responsibility of all administrators, employees, and other personnel in the school. The Board recognizes its responsibilities to give support and assistance to employees with respect to the maintenance of control and discipline in the classroom.
2. Student discipline is based upon the premise that students must adhere to the Student Code of Conduct of their respective school, to conform to other regular and special rules, regulations and established routines of the school, and to comply with reasonable instructions from all employees.
3. The Student Code of Conduct and disciplinary procedure shall be provided to all employees during the preschool period by school center Principals.
4. Employees and administrators jointly assume the responsibility for taking a positive approach to discipline and to maintain constructive class/student control. An employee may impose prudent class/student discipline consistent with the school's Student Code of Conduct and disciplinary procedure and may take other prudent actions as may be necessary to protect himself/herself from attack or to prevent injury to another student. Any discipline imposed by an employee must be consistent with Board Policy and State and Federal Law.
5. Employees and other school authorities will endeavor to achieve correction of student misbehavior through counseling, interviews, and conferences, which, when warranted, shall be extended to include the student's parents or guardians.
6. In order to facilitate better coordination between the Principal and the employee regarding disciplinary action taken by the employee and the Principal, each school shall use a Student Conduct Report. The employee shall use this report to maintain an adequate record of class/student discipline. The Principal shall use this report to advise the employee of the action taken. When completed, the Student Conduct Report will show all information relative to the discipline problem including its disposition. In those cases where the employee feels that a parent/guardian conference would be helpful prior to final disposition of a discipline case, the employee will so note on the Student Conduct Report. If the Principal concurs, the Principal shall schedule the requested conference as soon as feasible. If the Principal does not concur, the Principal will consult with the employee before the final disposition.
7. a. An employee may temporarily exclude a student from his/her supervision when the severity of...
Employee Authority and Protection. Corrective Action Plan for Discipline No Employee shall be corrected for discipline including reprimand, suspension pay, demotion, or discharge without just cause. Where a request for LCTA representation is made, correction action for discipline shall be delayed for up to twenty-four (24) hours to allow employees to attain such representation. The correction action for discipline plan anticipates that actions for a first offense will begin at the lowest level most appropriate to the behavior: verbal warning counseling memorandum letter of reprimand suspension without pay dismissal/ termination and proceeding to higher, more intrusive discipline should the desired behavior not be achieved. Corrective action at the lowest level for a first offense is not always appropriate when the severity of the misconduct demonstrates that discipline should begin at a higher threshold. In the event an investigation must take place to determine if corrective action is needed, an employee may be placed on administrative leave with pay to determine the merits of a corrective action or discipline. Both the District and the Association understand that there are violations of conduct where strict adherence to corrective action would be a breach of the District's duty. For the purpose of this process, a verbal warning is not considered part of the disciplinary procedure. If corrective action for discipline in the form of a written reprimand, suspension without pay, or discharge is to be taken against an employee, the site administrator or designee shall give the employee three (3) business days lo provide written or oral information addressing the proposed action. A meeting with the site administrator or designee to review the information on which the corrective action is to be based, will then be scheduled. Corrective action for discipline administered by the District for a written reprimand and above shall be subject to the grievance process. If a grievance decision is rendered against the employee, the employee shall have an opportunity to respond in writing to any record that appears in the personnel file. An employee summoned to the office of a principal or appropriate site administrator, or designated district-level administrator for an investigatory conference (initiation of questioning) or meeting which may lead to disciplinary action or discipline shall be advised that they have the right to Union representation. Employees upon request of the union may have access to re...
Employee Authority and Protection. SECTION 1 Employee Authority and Protection (cont’d)
SECTION 2 Assault Any case of assault upon an employee, which occurs in the line of duty, shall be promptly reported to the Principal. The District shall provide legal advice to the employee concerning his/her rights and obligations with respect to such assault and shall render all reasonable assistance to the employee in connection with handling of the incident by law enforcement and judicial authorities.
Employee Authority and Protection. Employees shall be permitted to refer students to the administration when they observe violations of the school rules, regulations, and the Dixie County code of student conduct.
Employee Authority and Protection. 71 SECTION 1 Employee Authority and Protection 71 SECTION 2 Assault 72 SECTION 3 Reimbursement of Personal Belongings 72 ARTICLE 38 ASSIGNMENT TO TEMPORARY DUTY ELSEWHERE 72 ARTICLE 39 SAVINGS CLAUSE 73 ARTICLE 40 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 73 FINGERPINTING MOU 74 APPENDIX A SALARY SCHEDULES 75 APPENDIX B DUES DEDUCTION FORM 76 APPENDIX C GRIEVANCE REPORT 77 APPENDIX D MOU – HEALTH SERVICES FACILITATOR 78 APPENDIX E MOU – BONUS PAYMENT 80 APPENDIX F MOU – Special Program – Education Interpreters 81 This Comprehensive Agreement is entered into by the School District of Palm Beach County, Florida and the SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION/FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICES UNION (SEIU/FPSU), and was ratified by SEIU/FPSU (Paraprofessionals II and Early Childhood Professionals) on the 13th day of December, 2022 and adopted by the School Board on the 7 th day of December, 2022. The Parties agree that nothing herein prohibits the opening of negotiations by either party in September of 2023 for a reopener negotiations, to be effective in 2023, prior to the expiration of the Agreement. The Parties further agree that nothing herein prohibits SEIU/ FPSU from negotiating with the District in 2023 on the additional costs of health premiums for calendar year 2024 and on other mutually agreed upon benefit changes in coalition bargaining with the other employeeorganizations recognized by the District's School Board as provided herein. Unless otherwise stated herein, this Agreement shall be effective upon ratification by SEIU/FPSU and approval of the District's School Board and shall continue in effect through December 2024. The following list of terms will be used frequently in this agreement, and whenever they are used will refer to the definitions described below unless otherwise stipulated. "BOARD” or “DISTRICT" - The School District of Palm Beach County, Florida, its administrative representatives or agents. "COLLECTIVE BARGAINING" - The mutual obligation of the Board and the bargaining agent SEIU/FPSU to meet at reasonable times, to negotiate in good faith, and execute a written contract with respect to agreements reached.
Employee Authority and Protection. (A) Support for Personnel
1) Education Support Professional shall be permitted to refer students to the administration when they observe violations of the school rules, regulations, and the Madison County Code of Student Conduct.
2) The BOARD recognizes its responsibility to give all reasonable support and assistance to employees with respect to the maintenance of control of discipline. Therefore, when an employee refers a student to an administrator for disciplinary action, administrative action will be consistent with the Student Conduct and Discipline Code.
(B) Support for Bus Operators
1) All referrals on student disciplinary problems made by bus operators shall be made on the approved disciplinary form and the bus operator will receive a copy of the form indicating actions taken by the administration.
2) The school bus operator shall preserve order and good behavior on the part of all students being transported on school buses.
3) The school district shall require a system of progressive discipline of transported students for actions which are prohibited by the Code of Student Conduct. Disciplinary actions, including suspension of students from riding on school district owned or contracted school buses, shall be subject to school board policies and procedures and may be imposed by the principal or principal’s designee. The principal or principal’s designee may delegate any disciplinary authority to school bus operators except for suspension of students from riding the bus.
4) The school bus operator shall have the authority to control students during the time students are on the school bus but shall not have such authority when students are waiting at the school bus stop or when students are enroute to or from the school bus stop except when the bus is present at the stop.
5) If an emergency should develop due to the conduct of students on the bus, the bus driver may take such steps as are immediately necessary to protect the students on the bus.
6) Bus operators shall not be required to operate a bus under conditions in which one or more students pose a clear and present danger to the safety of the driver or other students, or the safety of the bus while in operation. The school district shall have measures in place designed to protect the bus operator from threats or physical injury from students.
7) In the case of a student having engaged in violent or blatantly unsafe actions while riding the school bus, the district shall take corrective measures...
Employee Authority and Protection. SECTION 1 Employee Authority and Protection (cont’d)
Employee Authority and Protection. 1) Instructional personnel shall be permitted to refer students to the administration when they observe violations of the school rules, regulations, and the Madison County Code of Student Conduct.
2) The BOARD recognizes its responsibility to give all reasonable support and assistance to employees with respect to the maintenance of control of discipline. Therefore, when an employee refers a student to an administrator for disciplinary action, administrative action will be consistent with the student conduct and discipline code.
3) A teacher may remove from class a student : (a) who has been documented by the teacher to repeatedly interfere with the teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with the students in the class or with the ability of the student’s classmates to learn; or (b) whose behavior the teacher determines is so unruly, disruptive, or abusive that it seriously interferes with the teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with students in the class or with the ability of the student’s classmates to learn.
4) If a teacher removes a student from class, the principal may place the student in another appropriate classroom, in in-school suspension, or in an alternative education program; or the principal may recommend the student for out-of-school suspension or expulsion, as appropriate. The student may be prohibited from attending or participating in school-sponsored or school-related activities. The principal may not return the student to that teacher’s class without the teacher’s consent unless the committee established herein determines that such placement is the best or only available alternative. The teacher and the Placement Review Committee must render decisions within five (5) days of the removal of the student from the classroom.
5) Each school shall establish a Placement Review Committee to determine placement of a student when a teacher withholds consent to the return of a student to the teacher’s class. Committee membership shall include the following: (a) two (2) teachers selected by the school’s faculty; (b) one (1) member from the school’s staff who is selected by the principal; and (c) one (1) alternate teacher selected by the school’s faculty to serve on the Committee in the event that a teacher on the committee is the teacher who withheld consent to readmitting the student. The Committee shall meet during the workday.
(B) Any case of assault upon any unit member shall be promptly reported to the immediate supervisor and/or...