EVALUATION OF PERSONNEL. ‌ 11.1 Age, sex, race, color, marital status, physical or mental disability, religious creed, or national origin are not factors to be considered in the evaluation process. 11.2 Employees shall be employed on a year-to-year basis and shall be considered probationary employees as defined by RSA 189:14-a. All teachers and nurses are automatically granted the full privileges of RSA 189:14 -a. An employee not being nominated or reelected shall be notified in writing in accordance with RSA 189:14-a 11.3 Faculty new to the District shall be oriented by building administrators to the procedures and instruments used in the evaluative process prior to their first observation. The Union President shall be notified of new employees and provided an opportunity to meet with new employees even if after the start of the school year. 11.4 Employees shall be observed only by certified principals and/or assistant principals. The duration of the observation shall be of sufficient length for the presentation of the entire lesson plan as discussed in the pre-conference. It is the responsibility of both parties to agree upon a time for a post conference at the end of each observation. All professional practice conversations shall relate to a standard framework for teaching to ensure common expectations. 11.5 An employee shall be given a copy of any observation or evaluation report prepared by his/her observer or evaluator within fifteen (15) days of the observation. No such report shall be submitted to the Superintendent's Office, placed in the employee's file or otherwise acted upon without prior conference with the employee. No employee shall be required to sign a blank or incomplete observation or evaluation form. He/she shall sign the completed form to indicate only that he/she has read the form. The employee has the right to make a written statement on the observation or evaluation form at the time he/she signs it. 11.6 The process of formative professional evaluation shall be differentiated into three tiers: *Beginning Educator is defined as having less than five (5) years of experience and will be referred to as probationaryteacher.
EVALUATION OF PERSONNEL. Forms and Procedures Cover Sheet Evaluation of Personnel: Forms and Procedures Pre-Observation Conference
EVALUATION OF PERSONNEL. New hire probationary employees shall be evaluated, at a minimum at the three (3) month, six (6) month, nine (9) month and twelve (12) month stage of employment.
EVALUATION OF PERSONNEL a. The City shall prepare and maintain a uniform system whereby each employee shall be evaluated during their employment with the City. The evaluation shall be a part of the procedure having to do with promotions, demotions, transfers, salary increases and decreases, separation from service, and other personnel status changes. New hires shall be given a copy of the evaluation form and a copy of their job description and any other relevant data considered necessary by their department head and/or immediate supervisor, so they will be aware of the position requirements and evaluation criteria. Any current employee may request at any time to have said referenced items. Changes made by the City in the performance evaluation form or job description shall be provided to all affected employees. The City shall be responsible for developing performance evaluation forms. The City shall consult with the MMEA President regarding the revised performance evaluation form. Should the MMEA President provide a written request to meet with City representatives within 10 working days of receipt of the revised form, the City and the MMEA shall have up to 30 calendar days to agree on all outstanding issues pertaining to the revised form. Should the parties fail to agree on all issues, the parties will select a mutually agreed upon third party conflict resolution professional to reach agreement on the unresolved issues. In the event the parties cannot agree, the City HR Department will move forward with implementing the performance evaluation form while utilizing the MMEA concerns to the best of their ability. b. All employees shall be evaluated by their department head and/or immediate supervisor at least once per year. The annual evaluation will be conducted at management’s discretion and usually within thirty (30) days of the employee’s anniversary date in the current position. See section 3(b) for probationary employee performance evaluations. If at any time it is determined an employee should be on a performance improvement plan, the Supervisor will evaluate the employee on a reasonable schedule. c. All evaluations shall indicate the evaluator's observations of the employee's particular strengths and weaknesses. Whenever a weakness is noted, the evaluator will indicate ways in which the employee may improve and what form of help the employee could expect from the evaluator. Subsequent evaluations must rate the progress or lack of progress of previously noted weaknesses. d. ...
EVALUATION OF PERSONNEL. The parties agree that they are in the second year of a three year process that establishes Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx’x professional framework and the use of professional learning communities (PLC) as a major component of the evaluation process. The committee of administrators and teachers continue to meet to develop the final criteria for measuring student growth, merit pay, probationary teachers evaluations and incorporating the changes in evaluation that meet the requirements of legislated state laws and Michigan Department of Education rules. For the 2010 – 2011 school year, all teachers will be evaluated using the Xxxxxxxxx framework or by participation in a PLC. In both options student growth will be a component of the final evaluation. Teacher training will continue throughout the year and with the goal of final implementation in place by fall 2011. Probationary teachers, or IDP teachers, will be evaluated using the IDP document and the Xxxxxxxxx framework. After the procedures are clarified and mutually agreed upon, a letter of agreement will replace the remainder of this article.
EVALUATION OF PERSONNEL. SECTION A: Certified personnel should be cooperative in establishing mutual communication with the building principal and/or any of the administrative staff and the school-based council. SECTION B: If a situation arises which might be derogatory to the teacher’s professional status, the principal will communicate with the teacher verbally and privately before any written statements are subsequently made. The teacher shall see any written statements and have an opportunity to make written comments on those statements. These statements must contain the signature of the teacher. The signature does not indicate agreement or disagreement, only that the teacher has been informed. SECTION C: Certified personnel will see any written communication before it is placed in an evaluation folder. The teacher shall have the opportunity to include written comment. These statements must contain the signature of the teacher. The signature does not indicate agreement or disagreement, only that the teacher has been informed. SECTION D: Certified personnel will be evaluated by the standards set forth by the Evaluation Committee and reviewed by the Board of Education. The Board of Education and the Association agree that an Evaluation Committee shall be established. The purpose of this committee shall be to create and review evaluation procedures and documents for certified personnel. Said procedures and documents shall be submitted to the Board of Education for review. (KRS 156.557) The committee shall be composed of an equal number of teachers and administrators with the president of the Association serving as one of the teacher members. All teachers on the committee shall be appointed by the president of the Association. Teachers shall be seated first and then administrators ensuring all schools are represented on the committee. The committee shall be appointed and meet annually. (704 KAR 3:345)
EVALUATION OF PERSONNEL. The evaluation of school psychologists is a continuous process of primary concern to both the Association and the Board. Section A. Observations of psychologists and their work shall be of sufficient time and frequency to enable the department chairperson and the Board to assess competence and performance. All monitoring of such performance shall be conducted openly. Use of electronic devices must be authorized by the evaluatee. Section B. Written, formal evaluations shall be made once a year by the supervisor. The probationary period shall last at least four years. The probationary period may be shortened on the basis of years of prior experience as a school psychologist by the Board of Education. Section C. The evaluation shall indicate those areas where improvements are needed, if such exist, and suggestions for improvements shall be listed. Either the psychologist or the evaluator may ask for consultants or other resource personnel to provide assistance, if needed, to help with improvement. Section D. Each formal evaluation by the administrator shall include a conference with the psychologist. It may also include a self-evaluation by the psychologist. Following each evaluation, a written report shall be made by the individual conducting the evaluation. The psychologist being evaluated shall sign all such reports, but with the understanding that this does not constitute agreement with the contents of the report. A copy of each evaluation report shall be given to the psychologist, Special Education Administrator, supervisor, and building principal. All written, formal evaluations are to be placed in the psychologist’s personnel file. Section E. Matters regarding the procedures of evaluation may be grieved at the time of any alleged action. Section F. In all evaluations of psychologists the evaluator shall be the Executive Director, Administrative Services and/or the Director of Special Education, or the building principal of any school served by the psychologist, or any central staff administrator, with input from the department chairperson who must be an experienced psychologist and who is a member of the Association.
EVALUATION OF PERSONNEL. Evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching is an important function of the Administration. If the evaluation process is to be effective, it must be a communication process to serve both a guidance and rating function. The main purposes of evaluation are: 1. To insure the best education possible for students through the selection procedure and the growth and development of the staff member. 2. To improve communications between the teachers and their adminis­trators. 3. To evaluate teachers to assist in assignment, transfer, promotion, tenure status and dismissal procedures. All observation of teaching performance of a teacher will be conducted openly and with the full knowledge of the teacher. The teacher will be given a copy of all evaluation materials placed in the teacher's personnel office file, which will be the teacher's official file for district use.
EVALUATION OF PERSONNEL. 1. Non-tenured teachers may be evaluated formally and informally during any probationary year. Tenured teachers may be evaluated at any time. All determinations as to when an evaluation will take place shall be made by the evaluator. Teachers may be evaluated by the Superintendent and/or administrator. Observations may be announced or unannounced at the discretion of the evaluator. All teachers must be evaluated by an administrator at least once every year. 2. Normally, an evaluation instrument, as provided by the Professional Development Team, will be used to evaluate a teacher. However, the evaluator may use any type of written instrument in the evaluator's discretion. A copy of the written evaluation will be provided to the teacher for the teacher's signature and the teacher's comments before placement in the teacher's personnel folder. A follow-up conference shall be held within five (5) days of the date of the written evaluation unless the evaluator indicates on the written evaluation that no follow-up conference is necessary. The teacher may request a follow-up conference if one is not scheduled. 3. Teachers should be advised that in addition to evaluation of classroom techniques, and the learning climate established in the classroom, they will maintain professional standards with regard to appearance, poise, reliability, rapport with students, relationship with staff members and parents, cooperation with administration, professional ethics, and, in general, all the things expected of a conscientious, dependable, and loyal employee.
EVALUATION OF PERSONNEL. 1. The School District shall have the right to evaluate all personnel in the performance of the respective duties and responsibilities of the positions they hold as defined by the job description for each respective position. The purpose of the evaluation instrument shall be to assess the relative strengths and weakness, and areas of performance in need of improvement. 2. The administration shall prepare a proposed evaluation instrument. The proposed evaluation instrument shall be submitted to the Association not later than October 1st. This requirement shall be waived on any given year in which the evaluation instrument is not modified. The Association shall have thirty (30) days within which to suggest changes, modifications or alterations, including the right to submit an entirely different instrument. Any dispute concerning the instrument shall be the subject of a special conference between the School District and the Association. The final decision relative to the contents of the evaluation instrument shall be in the discretion of the School District, subject to the grievance procedure provided for herein. 3. The evaluation shall be based upon formal and informal observations with the employee, as well as material events, occurrences, and activities within the knowledge of the evaluator, or which can be substantiated by substantial evidence. A formal observation shall be one for which the employee is afforded forty-eight (48) hours notice, and an informal observation is one which occurs with less or no notice whatsoever. The evaluation will be done by the immediate supervisor of the employee. The completed evaluation shall be delivered to the employee within Ten