Layoff Recall Procedure Sample Clauses
Layoff Recall Procedure. A. The Board may layoff bargaining unit members when it determines in the exercise of its managerial powers reserved upon ORC Section 4117.08(C)(5), that such layoff is required. The following procedure shall govern:
1. The number of bargaining unit members laid off will be kept to a minimum by not employing replacement, insofar as practical, of unit members who resign, retire or otherwise vacate a position.
2. Whenever it becomes necessary to layoff unit members, unit members shall be laid off according to classification seniority, as it is defined in this Agreement, with the least senior employee laid off first. Authorized leaves of absence do not constitute an interruption of continuous service for purposes of seniority.
3. Twenty
Layoff Recall Procedure. 11.01 When, in the opinion of the Employer, it becomes necessary to displace an Employee, due to a reduction of the workforce or reduction in regularly scheduled hours of work of a regular Employee, the Employer will notify Employees and the Union President in writing who are to be laid off at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the date of the layoff, except that no notice is required where layoff results from emergency conditions or circumstances, including an act of god, fire, flood or a work stoppage by Employees not covered by this Collective Agreement.
11.02 In determining the order of layoff, the Employer shall lay off in reverse order of seniority by classification. In all instances, lay off is subject to the remaining Employees having the skills, training, qualifications, knowledge and ability to perform the assigned work satisfactorily.
11.03 No new full time or part time Employees will be hired while there are other Employees on layoff as long as laid off Employees have the skills, training, qualifications, knowledge and ability to perform the work required and are available to do so.
11.04 Employees affected by layoff shall make prior arrangements for payment of the full premium of any applicable benefit plans in accordance with the plan provider’s policies for the period of three (3) months. Failure to make arrangements for payment will result in termination of all benefits.
11.05 Other than the continuance of certain benefits as may be arranged under Article 11.04 and the retention of seniority under Article 10, an Employee's right while on layoff shall be limited to the right to recall only as specified in Articles 11.07 and 11.08.
11.06 Employees on layoff are responsible for informing the Employer of any change in address or telephone number that may be used to contact them for recall.
11.07 When increasing the work force, recalls shall be carried out in order of seniority by classification provided the Employee being recalled has the skills, training, qualifications, knowledge and ability to perform the required work satisfactorily.
11.08 An Employee who has been reduced in regular hours of work through the application of this Article may indicate in writing at the first of each month, their availability to work casual shifts. Casual Shifts will be offered in order of seniority and availability to an Employee with the skills, training, qualifications, knowledge and ability to perform the work, up to her pre layoff hours of work. Th...
Layoff Recall Procedure. 25.01 When, in the opinion of the Employer, it becomes necessary to displace an Employee, due to a reduction of the workforce; a discontinuation in whole or in part of an undertaking, activity or service; reduction in regularly scheduled hours of work of a Regular Employee, the Employer will notify Employees, in writing, who are to be laid off at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the date of the layoff, except that no notice is required where layoff results from emergency conditions or circumstances, including fire, flood, or natural disaster. When an Employee is on an approved Leave of Absence or receiving Workers’ Compensation benefits, the notice of layoff shall be served when the Employee has provided notice of readiness to return to work, unless the Employee requests otherwise.
25.02 The Employer and the Union recognize the value of meeting prior to a layoff process occurring. The parties will make every reasonable effort to meet at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to Employees receiving notification of the layoff. The Union agrees to respect confidentiality of any impending layoff until the Employer has had the opportunity to communicate the changes to the Employee(s). The purpose of this meeting shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) discuss the parameters of the layoff and review the current seniority list
(b) discuss the process by which Employees will receive written notification (e.g., individual meetings, timeframes)
(c) review written notification documents to ensure content accurately discloses process and options available to affected Employees.
(d) discuss other relevant factors the parties agree on.
25.03 In determining the order of layoff, the Employer shall lay off Employees by classification, in reverse order of seniority, provided that the remaining Employees have the qualifications to perform the available work satisfactorily. At the time of providing written notice of reduction to affected Employee(s), the Employer shall:
(a) post the seniority list set out in Article 13; and
(b) schedule a consultation meeting between the affected Employee(s), the Employer, and the Union Representative, at which time the Employer shall advise the Employee of their options according to this Article. The consultation meeting shall not be unreasonably delayed as a result of the unavailability of a Union Representative.
25.04 Employees on layoff have the option to remain on the Casual list and pick up shifts as they become available. ...
Layoff Recall Procedure. 32.01 Prior to reducing the workforce, the Employer shall notify the Employee to be laid off twenty-eight (28) calendar days in advance of the layoff. During those twenty-eight (28) calendar days the Employer may, if such is necessary, assign the Employee to other duties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Employer is unable to provide the Employee with work during this twenty-eight (28) day period, they shall, for the last fourteen (14) day period only, pay the Employee at the Basic Rate of Pay in lieu of notice. Neither the twenty-eight (28) nor fourteen
Layoff Recall Procedure. 1. If a reduction in central office support personnel is required, employees in the specific position(s) being reduced or eliminated shall be laid off on the basis of seniority - those with the least seniority to be laid off first. Employees shall be given at least thirty (30) working days notice of layoff. An employee scheduled to be laid off has the right to be administratively placed in a position for which he/she is qualified as specified below:
a. If the employee scheduled for layoff possesses sufficient seniority, he/she shall first be assigned to displace the least senior employee in the same pay Classification for which he/she is qualified.
b. If displacement cannot occur within the same pay Classification, the employee, if he/she possesses sufficient seniority, shall be assigned to displace the least senior employee in a lower pay Classification for which the employee is qualified.
c. An employee scheduled for layoff shall not be required to displace an employee in a lower pay Classification. The employee may elect to accept layoff rather than accept assignment to a lower pay Classification.
2. Employees shall be recalled on the basis of seniority - those with the most seniority shall be recalled first to a vacant position for which they are qualified. Recall rights shall be maintained for two (2) years from the effective date of layoff.
Layoff Recall Procedure. Whenever layoff becomes necessary in a job classification, the following procedure shall govern:
Layoff Recall Procedure. 26. 01 When, in the opinion of the Employer, it becomes necessary to displace an Employee, due to a reduction of the workforce or reduction in regularly scheduled hours of work of a regular Employee, the Employer will notify Employees in writing who are to be laid off at least twenty-eight (28) calendar days prior to the date of the layoff, except that no notice is required where layoff results from emergency conditions or circumstances, including an act of God, fire, flood, or a work stoppage by Employees not covered by this Collective Agreement.
Layoff Recall Procedure. A. Seniority shall be defined as length of continuous service in the district beginning with the first day of work during the regular school year.
B. The Board shall prepare a seniority list and transmit a copy of same to the Association on or before March 15 of each year of this contract. The Association has until April 12 to review the list and to notify the Board of any errors. If no errors are reported the Board may assume the list is accurate.
C. In the circumstance of more than one (1) teacher beginning employment on the same day, all teachers so affected will participate in a drawing conducted by the Association to determine position on the seniority list. The Association and teachers so affected will be notified in writing of the date, place and time of the drawing. The drawing shall be conducted openly and at a time and place which will reasonably allow affected teachers and Association Representatives to be in attendance. The results of the drawing will result in the permanent seniority placement for any and all of those involved in the drawing.
Layoff Recall Procedure. Section 1 In the event it becomes necessary to lay off employees, it shall be due to lack of work or funds. Before regular full-time employees are laid off, all seasonal, temporary, provisional part time, probationary, and Welfare Work Program employees must be laid off first, in this order. When it is necessary to layoff or abolish the job of a regular full time employee, the employee whose job is abolished or who is designated for layoff, shall have the right to bump into a position held by any other employee with less seniority in the same classification. The employee shall also have the right to bump into a position held by any other employee with less seniority in a lower classification provided that the employee can perform the work and has been determined qualified. Any employee who is bumped out of his/her position due to this layoff procedure shall also have the right to exercise this bumping procedure. Ultimately, the least senior bargaining unit employee shall be laid off. It shall be the option of the employee only as to whether he/she will exercise seniority rights to bump into a lower classification or to take layoff. Prior to layoff, the Employer shall meet to discuss the layoff and the reason thereof with the Union. Regular full time employees shall be given a minimum of two (2) weeks advance written notice of the layoff indicating the circumstances which made the layoff necessary. In the event an employee is laid off, he/she shall have the option to receive payment for earned but unused vacation and unpaid overtime. The Employer shall notify the Union immediately upon determination that layoffs are necessary, but no later than thirty (30) days prior to any planned layoff. The Employer and the Union agree to meet and discuss in which classification(s) and layoff(s) will occur and the number of employees to be laid off. The Employer and the Union agree to discuss other alternatives to avoid actual layoff whenever possible.
Section 2 Laid off employees shall be placed on a recall list in order of seniority with the most senior employees first. Employees shall be recalled when work and/or funds again become available as determined by the Employer. Employees shall be given fourteen (14) calendar days’ notice of recall and notice sent to the employee by registered mail with a copy sent to the Union. An employee who is next on the recall list shall be eligible to take an opening in a position in the same or lower classification. If an employee ac...
Layoff Recall Procedure. A. Impending Layoff - In the event management becomes aware of an impending reduction in work force, which includes a civil service displacement, it will make every effort to notify XXXXX at least twenty (20) calendar days prior to the layoff.