PERSONAL LEAVE POLICY. Section 23.1 All employees are entitled to three (3) days of leave each year (1 restricted - 2 unrestricted) without loss of salary. Each employee who does not use a deduct day in a fiscal year will be entitled to reimbursement for unused personal leave days at the substitute rate for that person's position. This payment will be made in the last pay in July together with longevity and xxxx'x certificate.
Section 23.2 Personal leave may be requested for those matters of legal or personal business requiring the staff member's presence at hours that conflict with the regular work schedule. Personal leave is not to be used for recreational, social, fraternal, or political activities, extending vacations or for activities connected with another occupation or other employment. Personal leave may not be taken the day before or the day after a holiday or vacation recognized on the school calendar or during the first five or last five days of the school year. Use of personal leave under false pretense or using personal leave for purpose not approved in this agreement may be grounds for suspension and/or termination.
Section 23.3 An employee wishing to request a day of personal leave shall notify his/her supervisor on the proper form. Notification shall be made at least three (3) days in advance except in cases of an emergency. The requested leave shall be forwarded to the office of the superintendent for approval after the supervisor has made a recommendation. If the leave is disapproved by the superintendent the employee shall be notified of the denial as soon as possible. No more than 10% of the employees in any one classification may use personal leave on any one day, during the months of April, May, or June, when students are in session. This percentage will include any and all leaves on that day. During the months of April, May, or June, while students, are still in school preference shall be given to employees who request personal leave for the purpose of attending a graduation exercise or program.
PERSONAL LEAVE POLICY. Each classified employee of the Cedar Cliff Local School District may be granted three (3) days of personal leave per school year (upon request) without loss of compensation if the following conditions are met.
A. Requests for such personal leave shall be made to the local Superintendent at least three (3) days prior to the leave (in case of emergency this rule may be waived by the local Superintendent.)
B. Requests for personal leave should not be requested in the two-week period following the beginning of school or in the three-week period before the ending of school except for bus drivers. Bus drivers may not take personal leave beginning with the third Monday in April until the end of the school year. (In case of emergency this rule may be waived by the local Superintendent.)
C. Requests for personal leave should not be requested for the day before or the day after a scheduled holiday or vacation day. (In case of emergency this rule may be waived by the local Superintendent.) Exception to this rule is the permission of custodial members to request a personal day prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday.
D. Request for personal leave should not be requested for the purpose of fulfilling another contracted obligation or service for which the employee would receive compensation.
E. Not more than ten (10) percent of the classified staff may be absent under this policy at the same time.
F. Personal leave days are non-accumulative from one year to the next.
G. Personal leave may be granted for the following reasons:
1) Family situations (Baptisms, Weddings, Graduations, etc.)
2) Illness or death not covered by sick leave
3) School visitations
4) Legal matters
5) Religious Holidays
6) Registration for college courses and related activities
7) Personal matters that cannot be handled except during school hours.
H. Personal leave may be granted in situations not covered in the list of Item 7 by discussion and resolution between the Superintendent and the employee involved in the request.
I. If additional personal leave days are needed beyond the allotted three (3) days, a deduction from the employee's salary shall be made on a per diem basis.
J. Personal leave may be taken in units of not less than 30-minutes with quarter hour increments thereafter, except for bus drivers who may take personal leave in increments equal to their route times including pre or post trip time as is appropriate. All personal leave usage will be rounded up to the nearest quarter hour, i.e., 2...
PERSONAL LEAVE POLICY. All employees shall be granted a maximum of three (3) days of leave for personal business during each school year without loss of pay; however, personal leave is deducted from sick leave. Personal business is defined as business of a personal nature which cannot be conducted at a time not in conflict with the employee’s regular school day (except those items of business connected with income producing endeavors or with another or second position of employment) or an emergency over which the employee has no control which requires immediate attention. Personal leave shall not be used to extend holidays or vacations, except as provided in the following paragraph. Notice of such leave shall be given as far in advance as possible. In giving notice of such leave or immediately upon return to school from the leave, if the leave was for an emergency, the employee shall complete the form required by the Board in which he shall indicate the purposes for which the leave was taken. Requests to use personal leave before and after holidays and vacations periods may be granted by the Administration for attendance or participation, including necessary travel, at significant family events. Such events may include, but not by way of limitation, the wedding, anniversary, or graduation of a member of the employee’s immediate family. Employee’s requesting such leave must provide a written explanation of the reasons and circumstances for the request. Decisions by the Administration granting or denying such requests shall not be precedential with respect to other similar requests and shall not be subject to the arbitration step of the grievance procedure found in Part VI Section B of this agreement.
PERSONAL LEAVE POLICY. Support personnel who work less than 1920 hours23 per year and have been employed by the district for a minimum of 3 months of continuous service will be granted the equivalent of 4 working days of personal cumulative leave with pay per school year.24 Employees who work more than 1920 hours per year will receive the equivalent of 5 working personal leave days per year.25 The supervisor must be notified 24 hours26 in advance when an employee wishes to take personal leave. No explanations are necessary. Personal leave will not be approved immediately before or after a holiday or break unless prior approval is granted. Personal Leave will accrue to the employee on the first day of the month following the first 30 calendar days of employment.27
PERSONAL LEAVE POLICY. 1) A classified employee may take three (3) days of personal leave each year not chargeable to sick leave for one of the following permissive reasons by signing the personal leave form and indicating the reason for the person leave. A person planning to use personal leave shall notify his supervisor as far in advance as possible or at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the beginning of such leave.
A) Personal business that cannot otherwise be arranged for transaction outside of scheduled hours. Personal business defined:
1) Transact personal affairs with an attorney 2) Real estate transactions 3) Personal settlement of estate transaction
PERSONAL LEAVE POLICY. A. Each 10 month employee shall be entitled to 10 cumulative sick days per school year. Each 12-month employee shall be entitled to 12 cumulative sick days per school year. Any employee hired after the beginning of the fiscal year or school year, if applicable, shall immediately receive sick leave prorated at the rate of one day per month from July or September through June, e.g. a 10-month employee hired in November will immediately receive 8 sick days.
B. Effective July 1, 2003, after l5 years of continuous service with this district, an employee who ceases his employment for any reason (except termination for just cause by the Board), shall be entitled to payment for 25% of his unused sick leave. Leave accumulated with and/or carried over from other school districts shall not be eligible for payment. The words "continuous service" shall mean employment by this school district for 15 or more successive full school years. Continuity shall not be interrupted by approved leaves or absence or by military service, but such leaves and military service shall not be counted toward achieving the full 15 years required. The payment shall be calculated by use of the following formula: 25% x current annual salary x 1/200 x accumulated sick days. For 12-month employees, the fraction shall be 1/240 instead of 1/200. "Current annual salary" shall mean the annual salary in effect for employee on employee's last day of service with this district. Accumulated sick days shall not exceed 1 day per month as currently provided by law, notwithstanding any future increase in sick days granted by law. Payment shall be made within 30 days of cessation of employment and written request by the employee or employee's representative. Employees must serve the Board a 30 day notice of intention to terminate his/her contract. Notice of retirement shall be given by February 1st of the year the employee intends to terminate employment. If notice is given after February 1st, payment shall be made in the next fiscal year.
C. Employees shall be entitled to 4 days during the 2003-04 fiscal year and, thereafter (2004-05 and 2005-06 fiscal years), 3 days per fiscal year personal leave for personal business which necessitates the employee’s absence on a work day. Personal business leave shall not be used for recreation, entertainment, other employment, or for matters which can be scheduled outside of work hours. All requests for personal days shall specify the nature of the personal business req...
PERSONAL LEAVE POLICY. 10.1 - Each teacher shall be entitled up to four days without loss of pay, for personal business during the school year, upon approval of the Superintendent. These days may not be accumulated. Three unused days shall be eligible for payment by the Board at the certified substitute rate in effect at the beginning of the school year.
10.1.1 All personal leaves are subject to the following conditions:
PERSONAL LEAVE POLICY. 6 ARTICLE XI NOTICE OF TEACHER ASSIGNMENTS................................................................ 6 ARTICLE XII SALARY................................................................................................................... 7
PERSONAL LEAVE POLICY. A maximum of three (3) days of personal leave shall be granted each school year to each full time member of the classified staff of Edison Local Schools. Personal leave shall be used for personal business which cannot be conducted outside the regular school day. The following restrictions shall apply to the use of personal leave:
1. Personal leave is cumulative up to four (4) days, and may be taken in one half (1/2) day increments. No more than three days can be used consecutively.
2. Personal leave shall not be used to extend vacation or holiday periods during the regular student school year or summer vacation periods or to extend sick leave. A personal day may be approved the day before or the day after a holiday or vacation in case of death or extreme emergency solely at the discretion of the Superintendent. Should an employee request personal leave the day before or after a holiday or vacation for a reason other than death or extreme emergency, and such request is granted by the Superintendent, the personal leave shall be charged at two days for each day used.
3. Whenever possible, application for the use of personal leave shall be made at least one week in advance.
4. All use of personal leave must be approved by the Superintendent. Application to use personal leave must be applied through the KIOSK.
5. Personal leave will require only the reason the personal business cannot be conducted outside of the regular school day. However, if the day requested is the day before or after a holiday or vacation, the employee must provide written verification of the death or extreme emergency along with his/her request.
6. No more than 10% of the employees in each job classification will be granted personal leave on the same day. The Superintendent may waive this restriction at his discretion.
7. For each day or part of a day of personal leave remaining for an employee at the end of the school year, he/she will be granted one day as personal leave then the remaining days will be converted to sick leave for the equal amount of time and the accumulated personal leave days will be extinguished.
8. An employee may have no more than four (4) personal days per year.
PERSONAL LEAVE POLICY. 11.1 All employees shall be entitled to up to three days, without loss of pay, for personal business during the school year, upon approval of the Superintendent. These day may not be accumulated.
11.2 All personal leaves are subject to the following conditions:
11.2.1 The Superintendent shall grant personal leave for death or illness in the family, medical, religious, legal, family, or personal matters which necessitate the employee’s absence on a school day. Personal leave shall not be used for recreation, entertainment, other employment, or for matters which can be scheduled outside of school hours.
11.2.2 Requests for personal leave shall be filed with the Superintendent at least three school days in advance of the contemplated absence. The employee shall state the general reason for the request according to an approved form.
11.2.3 The Superintendent, or his designee, shall review each application and approve or disapprove the request according to the above standards.
11.2.4 In an emergency, the Superintendent, or his designee, upon being informed by the employee of the nature of the emergency, shall waive all restrictions and authorize or ratify an emergency personal day, if satisfied that the restriction in paragraph 11.2.2 imposes an undue hardship, such as with an unexpected illness in the family.
11.2.5 For the purposes of 11.2.1, the word “family” shall mean parents, guardians, brothers, sisters, spouse, children and grandparents of the employee or the employee’s spouse; and grandchildren of the employee, aunt or uncle of the employee, and any other relative of the employee residing as a member of the employee’s household.
11.3 Any employee who shall not use all of the three non-cumulative days in any one contract year shall have the unused personal leave added to their sick leave at the end of each contract year, provided, however, that the total cumulative sick leave shall not exceed 15 days per contract year.
11.4 Employees shall receive excused absences if they are required by the Board to be out of work in connection with legal proceedings.