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Custodial and Maintenance Employees Sample Clauses

Custodial and Maintenance Employees a. All full-time custodial and maintenance employees will report to work at their regular starting time, or as soon thereafter as possible. For those employees who report to work on days when school is cancelled the following procedures will apply. (1) On the first day of cancellation custodial employees will have the option to work five (5) hours and twenty (20) minutes and be paid for eight (8) hours or to work eight (8) hours and bank two (2) hours and forty (40) minutes to use at a later date on a non-school day as defined below. Maintenance employees and head custodians may be required to work their full eight (8) hours and would be given credit for two (2) hours and forty (40) minutes of banked time. (2) On the second or more consecutive days of cancellation, in addition to the options above, the District has the option to have all employees work five (5) hours and twenty (20) minutes and receive eight (8) hours pay. (3) Part-time employees will not report to work unless called.
Custodial and Maintenance Employees. All employees will work their full eight (8) hour shift and will receive banked time according to the following: (a) If dismissal is or forty-five (45) minutes or less before the end of the school day each employee will receive one (1) hour of banked time (b) If dismissal is forty-six (46) minutes to seventy-five (75) minutes before the end of the school day, each employee will receive one and one half (1.5) hours of banked time. (c) If dismissal is more than seventy-five (75) minutes before the end of the school day, each employee shall receive two (2) hours of banked time. (d) Banked time can be used according to D. 3. b above. In the event not all of the schools are dismissed early the above procedures apply to only those employees in the affected buildings.
Custodial and Maintenance Employees. The regular work week shall consist of forty (40) hours per week, consisting of five (5) eight (8) hour days, with thirty
Custodial and Maintenance Employees. 1. Twelve (12) month employees shall receive paid vacation days according to the following chart: If an employee is hired in the month of: After the 60 day probationary period, the employee will earn the following number of vacation days to use prior to the next Sept 1 On Sept 1 of each ensuing year, the employee w ill earn the follow ing number of vacation days to be used before the next August 31 1st Sept 1 of Employment 2nd Sept 1 of Employment 3rd Sept 1 of Employment 4th Sept 1 of Employmnet 5th Sept 1 of Employmnet 6th Sept 1 of Employment 7th Sept 1 of Employmnet 8th Sept 1 of Employmnet 9th Sept 1 of Employmnet 10th Sept 1 of Employmnet 11th Sept 1 of Employmnet 12th Sept 1 of Employmnet 13th Sept 1 of Employmnet 14th Sept 1 of Employment 15th Sept 1 of Employmnet and Every ensuing Sept 1 October 5 5 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 December 4 5 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 February 3 5 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 April 2.5 5 5 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 June 1.5 5 5 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 July 1 5 5 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2. Ten (10)-month employees moving into a twelve (12) month position shall be placed on the above schedule according to seniority as defined in Article 13, C. Vacations for the first year after such movement into twelve- month employment shall be at hours previously worked, not at the hours worked in the new position. Example: a six-hour school-term employee moving into twelve month eight hour employment would, for his/her first year of vacation eligibility, receive vacation at a six hour per day rate.
Custodial and Maintenance Employees. 1. Overtime work shall be scheduled by the Employer among all qualified employees within the same classification who signify their interest in writing. Such work, except in case of emergency shall be authorized by the employer in advance. 2. Overtime shall be recorded on a separate rotating overtime seniority schedule. Two overtime charts (maintenance and custodial) shall be posted with the names of the employees according to seniority and will operate on a continuous rotation basis from year to year. 3. Every attempt will be made to assign overtime two to three days prior to the event. 4. When two or more overtime assignments are to be made for the same day, the most senior employee up next on the chart will have first choice of assignment, the next most senior employee the second choice, etc. 5. An overtime assignment refused by an employee shall be charged on the chart as time worked. 6. When an overtime assignment with less than 24-hour notice cannot be accepted by an employee due to absence or illness, no charge will be made on the chart and the employee will be next up on the chart. 7. When an employee is on authorized leave of absence or vacation, the employee will be passed over and will not be permitted to make up the overtime. 8. Overtime assignments already made shall not be reassigned. 9. When overtime is scheduled during an employee's regular work hours, the employee will be passed over and shall be next up on the chart. 10. When an employee is ill or absent on the day of his/her scheduled overtime, the employee shall not work the overtime, but it shall be charged as time worked on the overtime chart. 11. In the event all employees in a classification that have signed up for overtime have refused the assignment, a mandatory assignment shall be made to the first employee who refused, or the work may be given to a substitute. 12. When an event requires overtime by more than one employee, the assignment shall be split as equitably as is reasonable. 13. For purposes of snow removal, teams shall be assigned to elementary buildings from among those who signify their interest in writing. It shall be the responsibility of the team members to ensure the work is completed. Snow removal at other buildings shall be the responsibility of the morning custodians assigned to those buildings or be subject to the overtime rotating schedule.
Custodial and Maintenance Employees. (Department 2) A. The basic work year is twelve (12) months. B. The basic workweek shall be forty (40) hours per week for full-time employees. Employees who are not full-time shall work at least ten (10) hours but less than forty (40) hours per week. C. Full-time employees shall work eight (8) consecutive work hours per workday (such eight (8) hour workday does not include a one-half (½) hour unpaid lunch). D. When school is cancelled or if overtime is assigned because of weather conditions or other emergency situations, custodian and maintenance employees in the bargaining unit are required to report to work. If it is physically impossible for a custodian or maintenance employee to report to work, the burden will be upon the employee to establish an adequate reason for his/her failure to report to work. Under such circumstances, the custodian or maintenance employee must call the Custodial Manager and/or Facilities Director at least one (1) hour before the commencement of his/her regular workday or assigned overtime to state the reason for either being delayed or why it is physically impossible for him/her to report to work. E. The head custodian at each school facility will maintain a record of overtime hours worked by employees assigned to his/her facility and such record will be posted on the overtime hour board. The Custodian Manager, principal and building xxxxxxx shall have the right to inspect such records. All overtime must be approved, in advance, either by the Custodian Manager or the building principal or their designee. F. The Custodian Manager will, on a rotating basis, assign work to custodians from other schools to cover work or overtime activities in the schools where regularly assigned custodians are not available. In the case of overtime, if all custodians have been offered overtime, such overtime may, at the discretion of the Custodian Manager, be offered to maintenance employees on a rotating basis. G. A full-time custodial or maintenance employee called in to work by the Custodial Manager and/or Facilities Director to perform unscheduled work outside of his/her regularly scheduled working hours shall be paid in accordance with the following: If the call-in is contiguous to the start time of the custodian or maintenance employee's regularly scheduled work hours (within sixty (60) minutes of his/her start time), he/she shall be paid at his/her regular hourly rate of pay (or overtime rate, if applicable) for the hours worked. If the star...
Custodial and Maintenance EmployeesVacation with pay After 1 year of service - 10 days with 5 days available after 6 months After 5 years of service - 15 days After 10 years of service - 17 days After 15 years of service- 20 days
Custodial and Maintenance Employees. Any suspension of a custodial and maintenance employee shall be with full pay and benefits. This shall be in effect until the Board of Education brings formal charges against said employee.
Custodial and Maintenance EmployeesThe work year shall be from July 1 to June 30.
Custodial and Maintenance EmployeesThe work day shall be eight (8) hours inclusive of a one hour lunch period. The lunch period shall be mutually established by the school principal and the custodian. All hours worked on Saturday shall be compensated at one and one-half times the employee’s regular hourly rate. All hours worked on Sunday and School Holidays shall be paid at a rate of double the employee’s regular rate. The Board of Education shall provide each custodian with a beeper to be used to summon a custodian back to school when there is an emergency. A custodian who has used a portion of his/her lunch period to deal with an emergency, shall resume his/her lunch after he/she has dealt with the emergency. a. On Call Employees required to be “on call” on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays shall be paid $60.00 per five (5) hour shift. They shall be available to work during this period. If called to work they shall be paid in accordance with D3. b. Call Back Employees called back to work shall be paid in accordance with D3. They shall receive no less than two (2) hours pay.