DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE POLICY. It is the policy of Border Construction Services, (also referred to as the Company) to promote excellence in the products and service offered to the industry. This policy requires that our personnel, equipment, subcontractors, and operating practices be consistent with high standards of health and safety. The abuse of drugs or alcohol by Company subcontractors and their employees does not agree with the Company's objectives. Accordingly, the Company is implementing this drug and alcohol abuse policy: STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND SCOPE
1. To establish and maintain a safe, healthy workplace for all workers.
2. To reduce the number or accidental injuries to persons or property.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE POLICY. The City recognizes that City employees are not immune from the problems which face society in general, including alcohol and drugs. While the City does not presently have reason to believe that any employee is abusing drugs or alcohol, the only effective means of avoiding potential problems is through a comprehensive policy directed against alcohol and drug abuse by employees. The following constitutes a violation of the City’s Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy applicable to regular full-time and regular part-time employees:
(a) The use of or being under the influence of intoxicants or drugs while on duty.
(b) The use of or being under the influence of intoxicants or drugs when wearing a City uniform, whether on or off duty.
(c) The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession and use of any controlled substance including prescription drugs.
(d) Failure to notify the Human Resources Department of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction. A violation of the City’s Drug Free Workplace Program may subject the employee to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE POLICY. The City has enacted a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy. A copy is on file with the City Manager. The parties agree, however, that:
1. The City agrees not to discipline an employee who refuses to be called back for overtime if the employee refuses because he has been drinking; and
2. The City agrees to pay an employee while an employee waits to be tested provided, however, the employee must remain at the workplace.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE POLICY. I understand and acknowledge that I have received and read the City of Webster’s Drug Free Workplace Policy and agree to comply with all of its requirements and subsequent modifications. I understand that failure to comply with and fulfill all requirements and future requirements of the Webster Fire Department related to the City’s Drug Free Workplace Policy shall constitute a breach of this agreement and, by my signature below, I agree to automatic resignation and forfeiture of my position with the City of Xxxxxxx in this event.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE POLICY. Licensee personnel, its agents and contractors shall be fit for duty at all times during their performance of any activities pursuant to this Agreement, and shall not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Licensee’ personnel, agents and contractors shall not bring, use, distribute, sell or possess alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs during the performance of any activities on Licensor Property. Licensee shall not assign any individual who is in violation of this policy to perform any activities pursuant to this Agreement, and if Licensee discovers any individual is in violation of these requirements, it shall immediately remove any such person from the performance of activities and/or Licensor Property. Violation of these requirements by Licensee personnel, agents and contractors shall result in denial of access of that individual(s) to Licensor Property, facilities and equipment and, in the case of possession, use or sale of illegal drugs, shall be reported to Licensor’s Security Department immediately.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE POLICY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- appropriate medical training to evaluate and interpret an individual's positive test based upon his/her medical history and any other relevant biomedical information. NIDA National Institute on Drug Abuse, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Prescribed medicine Any substance prescribed by a licensed medical doctor specifically for the individual consuming it. Under the influence of alcohol Any blood alcohol concentration (BAC) percentage of 0.02 or greater for DOT safety sensitive positions, and 0.05 for all other company non-covered positions. The alcohol concentration level can be determined by analysis using an EBT, blood, saliva. urine or any other method of quantitative analysis approved by the DOT. Under the influence of an illegal drug or controlled substance Testing positive at a DOT-specified ng/ml (nanograms per milliliter) level. Safety Sensitive Function Any operation, maintenance, or emergency response function performed on a pipeline or LNG facility, and the function is regulated by the DOT regulation CFR49 Parts 192, 193, and 195. Specimen A sample of urine, saliva or breath to be used in analysis for the presence of drugs or alcohol.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE POLICY. The City and Union agree to the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy which is attached as Exhibit B. Additionally, Employees who are deemed “Covered Employees” such as those holding a CDL or performing a “safety sensitive function” and those applying for such positions shall be subject to the provisions of the City’s Drug and Alcohol Policy Covering Employed who hold a Commercial Driver’s License and Employees in Paratransit Operations. The parties agree, however, that:
1. The City agrees not to discipline an employee who refuses to be called back for overtime if the employee refuses because he has been drinking; and
2. The City agrees to pay an employee while an employee waits to be tested provided, however, the employee must remain at the workplace. The Employer shall notify the union on a quarterly basis of the name, identification number and date of employees who have been tested.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE POLICY. 1. The Employer and the Union recognize that it must endeavor to provide safe and efficient operations for the protection and benefit of the general public, its Guests and its employees. As part of its effort to achieve that goal, it must require that its work be performed by employees who do not use illegal drugs or misuse alcohol as follows. In implementing this Drug and Alcohol policy, the Employer and the Union encourage employees with a substance abuse problem to voluntarily come forward and seek medical treatment, as it is the goal of this procedure to offer employees the opportunity to seek treatment for substance abuse in order that they may avoid the necessity of discipline by the Employer for illegal use/misuse of drugs and/or alcohol. Notwithstanding this objective, the Employer retains the right to discipline employees who violate this policy, consistent with the above stated goals. For purposes of this Agreement, the terms “drugs” or “drug tests” shall include both drugs and alcohol, as appropriate.
2. Bargaining unit employees will be subject to drug testing under the following circumstances:
(a) Drug tests for bargaining unit employees may be required where there is an objective reasonable suspicion that an employee has an in-system presence of drugs on the job. For purposes of this Agreement, the terms “employee” or “bargaining unit employee” includes not only persons employed in positions covered by the collective bargaining agreement, but also persons being recalled into such positions.
(b) Drug tests for bargaining unit employees may be required as part of a post- mishap investigation in cases where:
1. The individual(s) subject to testing is directly linked to the mishap.
2. The mishap resulted in death, injury requiring medical treatment other than basic first aid, or property damage estimated to exceed $5,000.
3. Testing associated with a mishap will take place as soon as possible, under the circumstances.
(c) In the event that any government agency duly concerned with Disneyland advises the Company that employees in specified classifications will be required to undergo job certification physical examinations, including drug tests as a condition of future employment, the Union shall be given immediate notice of any such requirement or proposed requirement. Such testing shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures established by this Agreement and shall not commence until the Union and the Company have had a reasonable opportun...
DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE POLICY. While it is not the City’s intent to infringe upon the private lives of its employees, it has the responsibility to provide a safe and hazard free work environment. Therefore, all employees are expected to arrive at work fit for duty, and to remain so for the remainder of the work period. No employee may enter City premises while under the influence of, or have in his or her possession, any intoxicating beverage or behavior-altering drug of any kind. Likewise, the use, sale, transfer or possession of alcohol, behavior-altering drugs or substances of any kind, illegal drugs, or controlled substances on the job, on City property, in City vehicles, or in personal vehicles while on City business is prohibited. (Employees using medication prescribed by a licensed physician may be required to provide proof that such medication is safe to take while the employee is on duty. The City will have sole discretion as to whether or not it will be safe for those employees to remain on duty.) Employees are forbidden to consume alcohol beverages, behavior-altering drugs or substances of any kind, or illegal drugs during work time, break times or meal periods, nor may they return to work after such breaks or meal periods under the influence of such substances. The City reserves the right to require and conduct drug and alcohol tests whenever reasonable cause exists that an employee is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Employees who voluntarily come forward to the City prior to a situation requiring testing based upon reasonable suspicion and who cooperate with the City with regard to treatment may not be subject to discipline. An employee who requests a leave of absence to enter a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program will be reasonably accommodated with an unpaid leave of absence to enroll in such a program if such an accommodation is not an undue hardship on the City. Employees voluntarily entering a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program may be required to provide medical validation of satisfactory completion of the program. Employees returning to work following satisfactory completion of a rehabilitation program may be subject to drug or alcohol tests without prior notice for up to one (1) year following the return date. A recurrence of a positive drug or alcohol test following return to work may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Failure to comply with these work rules may lead to disciplinary procedures up to and including termination...
DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE POLICY. (a) During the life of this agreement, it is understood and agreed b the Union and the City that Bargaining Unit Employees shall abide by the terms of the City of Owosso’s Anti Drug and Alcohol Policy and Procedures not to exceed that which State and Federal statutes require.
(b) The City reserves the right, based upon a reasonable suspicion, to have appropriate quality assured control test administered to Employees to determine usage or being under the influence of controlled substances or alcohol violating the Anti-Drug and Alcohol Policy and Procedures. Fire Inspection Coord./Training & Probationary FF Firefighter III Firefighter II Firefighter I Educ. Coord./ Upon Signing $38,718.35 $39,816.22 $40,914.09 $43,111.85 $44,205.68 July 1, 2013 $39,105.53 $40,214.38 $41,323.23 $43,542.97 $44,647.74 July 1, 2014 $39,496..59 $40,616.52 $41,736.46 $43,978.40 $45,094.22 Upon Signing $45,557.06 $46,923.59 July 1, 2013 $46,012.63 $47,392.83 July 1, 2014 $46,472.76 $47,866.76 A one-time $100.00 extra pay will be paid to all current Union Members upon ratification of this agreement. Checks will be issued within fourteen (14) days after ratification by both the Union and City Council. During the life of this Agreement, each employee will be paid $750.00 per year food allowance on or about the first pay period in July. 0 - 5 None to be paid on or about thirty (30) days after anniversary date. Longevity commences on completion of the fifth year. During retirement year, longevity shall be pro-rated for portion of year worked.