1. If an insufficient number of employees accept voluntary furlough in accordance with paragraph B., below, employees will be involuntarily furloughed in inverse order of seniority at the station and position where the furlough is necessary.
2. An employee to be furloughed will be notified at least twenty-one (21) days in advance of the furlough or receive pay in lieu thereof for any period less than the twenty-one (21) days’ notice, except in cases of emergency, strikes, Acts of God or other circumstances beyond the control of the Company. The Company will notify the Union of the reason for the furlough.
3. An employee to be furloughed will have the following options:
a. Exercise his seniority to fill a vacancy for which the employee is qualified in the station; if none, then;
b. Exercise his seniority to fill a vacancy for which the employee is qualified at another station; if none, then;
c. Exercise his seniority to fill any vacancy in the system; if none, then;
d. An employee with at least two (2) years of service may bump a more junior employee with less than two (2) years of service anywhere in the system, provided he is qualified to perform the job of the employee he intends to bump;
e. Accept furlough at his station.
4. An employee must notify his Station Manager or designee within five (5) days after receipt of notice of furlough as to which of the above options he elects. An employee who fails to provide such notice will be deemed to have elected to be placed on furlough at his station.
5. An employee who is furloughed will accrue seniority, but not longevity, during the furlough.
B. Voluntary Furlough Prior to involuntary furloughing employees, the Company will offer voluntary furloughs.
1. Voluntary furloughs will be granted in order of seniority at the station and position where the furlough is necessary.
2. An employee on voluntary furlough will accrue seniority, but not longevity, during the furlough.
3. The initial voluntary furlough will be for ninety (90) days unless the employee is recalled sooner. An employee on voluntary furlough may request an extension. Any such extensions will be in thirty (30) day increments.
4. Upon the expiration of the voluntary furlough, the employee will return to the station and position he held immediately prior to the voluntary furlough. If the station is closed, the employee will be considered furloughed and may exercise his rights in accordance with this Article.
1. All furloughs will be in reverse order of seniority. Pilots to be furloughed will be given thirty (30) days written notice of furlough, measured from the date of delivery or transmission of the notice or pay in lieu thereof, except in cases of emergency, strikes, acts of God, grounding of aircraft by governmental order, or other causes beyond the control of the Company. Notice may be by certified mail, return receipt requested, hand delivered and signed for, express delivery signature required, or electronic delivery, receipt required.
2. Before a furlough takes place, Company Leaves of Absence will be offered to all Pilots, in seniority order, to minimize the effects of a reduction in force. If offered, the Company will specify the status, equipment and base(s) from which leaves of absence will be granted, and the number and duration of such leaves. Requests for such leaves will be granted in seniority order.
3. When a Pilot is furloughed, he will be paid for vacation time and PTO accrued but not taken. If a Pilot has received vacation (or any other paid time off) in excess of that which would have been accrued, the Company will deduct the excess days advanced from his final paycheck.
4. A furloughed Pilot will continue to receive Company provided insurance benefits through the end of the calendar month in which the effective date of the furlough occurs. Thereafter, the employee is eligible to continue certain insurance benefits through COBRA. These insurance benefits will be at the Pilot’s expense. COBRA benefits are available for the period required by law.
5. A Pilot who is furloughed will retain and continue to accrue seniority during his furlough. Longevity will continue to accrue for the first ninety (90) days of his furlough.
B. Recall
1. Recall will be offered in seniority order by sending a written recall notice to the Pilot by certified mail, return receipt requested; hand delivered and signed for; express delivery, signature required; or electronic delivery, receipt required to the address on file with the Company. The Pilot will be responsible for insuring that the Human Resource Department is in possession of a postal or electronic address to which a recall notice can be delivered and received within seven (7) days.
2. A Pilot will have seven (7) days from the date of the recall notice to notify the Company in writing that he is accepting recall or is electing to bypass. A Pilot may bypass recall without forfeiting his seniorit...
FURLOUGH AND RECALL. ⎯ Furlough and recall will be by location. Furloughed employees may elect to exercise seniority at any other location where there is a working junior employee or open position. When forces are reduced, the Company will provide affected employees and the Union seven days written notice. This notice is not required for employees displaced as a result of another employee returning from voluntary furlough. Employees will be furloughed in reverse order of their seniority and retain all seniority rights and privileges. The Company will solicit voluntary furloughs prior to any involuntary reduction-in-force. The Company will notify employees by postings at locations where opportunities exist for employees to take voluntary furlough. Employees requesting voluntary furlough must submit their request within seven days of the posting according to the instructions on the posting. Voluntary furloughs will be awarded by seniority within each location. Employees awarded voluntary furlough have the following options: • Select a fixed return date that will be 30 days after the beginning of the furlough. However, if the anticipated furlough period is less than 30 days in duration, the employee may request a return date of the same duration. The employee will be expected to return to work on this date unless the employee requests an extension or there are no positions at that location the employee’s seniority will allow him/her to hold. • Leave the return date open in which case the Company will recall employees in reverse seniority order. Operators wanting to return prior to a Company recall must submit written requests to the Driver Planning Department in Dallas 15 days prior to the date they wish to return to work. Maintenance employees wanting to return prior to a Company recall must submit written requests to return to work to their garage manager 15 days prior to the date they wish to return to work. Furloughed employees retain their seniority except mechanics hired on or after January 1, 1984, will be removed from the seniority roster after one year of furlough. Furloughed employees must maintain their current mailing address on record with the Company. The Company will recall employees in seniority order by notification first by phone and failing that by U.S. Mail. A list of recalled employees will be furnished to the local Union. Employees receiving a notice of recall will immediately acknowledge receipt by phone and will report for work on the tenth day of the reca...
FURLOUGH AND RECALL. A. Voluntary Furlough Program
1. Prior to involuntarily furloughing, the Company will offer Voluntary Furlough (“VF”), by Base, and bid by System Seniority to Flight Attendants in an effort to avoid or minimize an involuntary furlough.
2. VF will be offered for an indefinite period unless the Company elects to specify a specific leave period.
3. If the VF is for a specific leave period, a Flight Attendant may request an extension at the end of the specified period or be returned to active duty if the Company is unable to grant the extension request.
4. VF bids will be distributed electronically via the Company’s e-mail system. The bid notice shall contain the bid closing and award dates, the Base(s) and the number of specific VFs being offered at each Base. The bid will be open for a minimum of seven (7) days and will be awarded within seven
FURLOUGH AND RECALL. Definitions: FURLOUGH A method for reducing the number of active pilots.
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1. Except as provided in Section 23.A.1.b. and A.2., if the Company determines it is necessary to reduce the number of active pilots, the Company shall furlough pilots in reverse order of system seniority as listed on the Master Seniority List. All pilots holding a seniority number at the time of furlough shall be subject to the provisions of Section 23 regardless of their employment status at that time (e.g., active flying service, leave of absence, disability, probationary pilots). Reductions in the number of pilots shall be accomplished as follows:
a. A pilot shall receive at least 30 calendar days notice with a copy to the Association prior to the effective date of any furlough. In the event he receives less than 30 days notice, he shall be pay protected for 30 days in lieu of that notice. No notice or pay shall be required if the furlough is the result of circumstances beyond the Company’s control.
b. Prior to the issuance of furlough notices, the Company may offer voluntary furloughs. The Company may limit the offer to 1 or more designated crew statuses. Voluntary furloughs shall be granted in order of system seniority. The Company shall make best efforts to provide pilots at least 30 calendar days notice of the offer of voluntary furloughs, with a copy to the Association.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 23.A.1. and B.1., the following apply to a pilot subject to a regulated age restriction:
a. If the pilot is involuntarily excessed from his current crew position and, as a result of his restriction, he is ineligible to be awarded or assigned any other crew position, the pilot may be furloughed.
b. The pilot may be bypassed on recall from furlough until there is an available crew position that he is eligible to be awarded or assigned.
c. A restricted pilot who cannot move to or be accommodated as a second officer from another crew position because his relative seniority is less than the current population of second officers or there are no second officer crew seats, shall be offered the opportunity to retire as provided in the Agreement. Following a pilot’s rejection of the offer, the pilot shall be released from employment as provided in Section 22.B.1., and shall not be considered as having been furloughed in cases where the only crew status the pilot can occupy is second officer.
3. A pilot who is on furlough shall file with the flight personnel depart...
a. The Company will determine the timing of any Furlough.
b. In the event of Furlough of a Full Time Flight Attendant for a period in excess of five (5) consecutive Business Days and recall from Furlough of a Full Time Flight Attendant, Full Time Flight Attendants shall be Furloughed in reverse order of seniority of Full Time Flight Attendants and recalled in reverse order of Furlough. In the event of a Furlough of a Full Time Flight Attendant, a more senior Full Time Flight Attendant may volunteer for the Furlough in the place of a less senior Full Time Flight Attendant and the more senior Full Time Flight Attendant will retain recall rights pursuant to section 7.2.2.
c. In the event of Furlough of a Part Time Flight Attendant for a period in excess of five (5) consecutive Business Days and recall from Furlough of a Part Time Flight Attendant, Part Time Flight Attendants shall be Furloughed in reverse order of seniority of Part Time Flight Attendants and recalled in reverse order of Furlough. In the event of a Furlough of a Part Time Flight Attendant, a more senior Part Time Flight Attendant may volunteer for the Furlough in the place of a less senior Part Time Flight Attendant and the more senior Part Time Flight Attendant will retain recall rights pursuant to section 7.2.2.
7.2.2. Flight Attendants on Furlough must notify the Company of their then current home mailing address, home telephone number, mobile telephone number and email address so they may be contacted for recall. A copy of the contact attempts will be provided to the Union.
7.2.3. The Company will provide the Flight Attendants and the Union with notice of closure or partial closure or reduction in activity in accordance with the notice requirements of the Canada Labour Code.
FURLOUGH AND RECALL. A pilot on a Furlough will continue to accrue seniority but that period will not be accredited towards a pilot's service with the Company for the purpose of pay or other monetary benefits related service. Subject to the provisions of Section FILLING OF ASSIGNMENTS, when there is a furloughing of pilots on the system, such furloughing shall be in reverse order of system seniority, and furloughed pilots will be recalled in order of their system seniority. The Company shall provide a minimum of two (2) weeks written notice and shall post a copy of the notice the advising of a furlough. In the case of a third party strike, such notice may be less. In instances of recall after a third party strike, the Company will recall as soon as possible. Except in the case of temporary assignments, a pilot placed on furlough status whose instrument rating is due to expire within sixty (60) calender days from date of furlough will have an opportunity to renew his instrument rating at Company expense. This only applies if a pilot has been hired with a valid instrument rating. This provision shall not apply to a pilot who has had abbreviated privileges issued by a Company Check-Pilot or a Transport Canada Inspector. Excluding short and long disability, and subject to agreement from the insurer, a pilot who is on a furloughed may elect to maintain the remaining benefits normally covered by payroll deduction by paying for of the total cost of the benefits. The total cost for the benefits must be prepaid prior to leaving, either for the duration of the furlough or three (3) month whichever is the lesser. Failure to prepay the cost will result in cancellation of benefits and may subject the employee to waiting periods upon reinstatement as stipulated in the insurance carrier's accepting a recall the must report for duty within two (2) weeks of notification or on the date required if later. In instances of recall after a third party strike, the must report for duty as soon as possible, and in any event within twenty-four (24) hours. AGREEMENT No.
FURLOUGH AND RECALL. When there is a furloughing of pilots on such furloughing shall be in reverse order of system seniority. Such furloughed pilots shall be offered in order of their system seniority. The Company shall provide at least thirty days written notice to a pilot prior to his being furloughed, in the case of third party strike in which case the Company shall provide sixty hours notice and the pilot shall be available for immediate recall. In the case of reserve pilots, they shall operations each evening at hours. Immediate recall applies only to the first two weeks of a third party strike after which recall procedures will be mutually agreed to by the Company and the As- sociation. A pilot placed on laid-off status with days whose instrument rating is due to expire within two months from of lay-off, shall have his instrument rating by the Company prior to lay-off. A pilot who is furloughed shall file his address with the office of the Director of Flight Operations and shall thereafter promptly advise the Director of Flight of any change in address. A pilot shall not be entitled to preference in if he does not comply with the foregoing requirements or if he does not advise the Com- pany of his intention to return within three days of receipt of the recall notice or if he does not return to the service of the Company within thirty days, except for third party strike, or such longer period as may be mutually agreed upon, after notice to do so, sent by registered mail or telegram to the last address filed with the Director of Flight Operations. In the event the Company bulletins an as “temporary”, a pilot may, if considers it to his disadvantage to accept, advise Company in writing accordingly, and will maintain his entitlement for preference in for any subsequent assignment, except that the most junior pilot must accept such temporary recall.
1. When it is determined that a furlough is necessary, the Company will notify the Union before it notifies the CCMs. A notice of furlough will be sent to the Union as soon as practically possible. The notice will state:
a. The approximate number of CCMs to be furloughed;
b. The name, length of service, and seniority of each CCM who may be subject to furlough.
2. If it is necessary to reduce the number of CCMs (“Furlough”), voluntary furloughs/furlough mitigation programs agreed to with the Union will be offered to all cabin crew members at the same time as it sends furlough notices to CCMs.
3. If more CCMs elect voluntary furlough/furlough mitigation than would otherwise be furloughed, the voluntary furloughs/furlough mitigation will be given based on seniority.
4. If a furlough is necessary, unless otherwise required by applicable law, CCM will be furloughed in reverse seniority.
5. CCMs who may be subject to involuntary furlough will be given at least thirty (30) calendar days written notice or more at the Company’s discretion.
6. If as a result of the furlough process, an imbalance in staffing exists between the bases, the involuntary base process specified in Article 8, Section B shall apply.
7. If the Company determines that a surplus of special qualification CCMs exists in a base after this process, the Company may adjust the number of special qualifications CCMs as specified in Article 7 Special Qualifications.
FURLOUGH AND RECALL. A Furlough .1 Pilots will be furloughed in the reverse order of seniority in accordance with the System Seniority List.