HOURS OF WORK - Teachers Sample Clauses

HOURS OF WORK - Teachers. (a) Full-time Employees - Primary Schools (i) The average working week over a school year shall not exceed 35 hours (exclusive of lunch breaks). (ii) Notwithstanding paragraph (i) above and various timetable configurations which provide for an average contact hours per week for students of 25 hours, the average contact hours per week for primary school employees will consist of: (1) regularly timetabled periods for the delivery of the instructional load (as defined) and for classroom administration - not to exceed 23 hours per week; and (2) other supervisory duties associated with the effective operation of the school and the pastoral care and safety of students. (iii) Time allocated for meetings of staff outside the normal school day shall not exceed an average of two hours per week across the school term. (iv) Notwithstanding the provisions of (ii) and (iii) of this subclause, employees are required to: (1) do preparation, correction and consultation; (2) attend Parent/Teacher meetings. (v) The configuration, but not the number, of hours at school associated with (ii) and (iii) of this subclause will be arrived at via the consultative mechanism in each school established in accordance with Part VII – CONSULTATION, Clause 2 –of this agreement. (vi) In the event of this configuration not being resolved by a majority of the consultative committee the matter will be referred to Fair Work Australia for resolution. (b) Full-time Employees - Secondary Schools (i) The average working week over a school term shall not exceed 35 hours (exclusive of lunch breaks). (ii) Notwithstanding various timetable configurations, the average contact hours per week for secondary school employees will consist of: (1) regularly timetabled periods for the delivery of the instructional load (as defined) - not to exceed 20 hours per week; and (2) non-teaching face-to-face duties with students including but not limited to timetabled assemblies, liturgies, timetabled supervision (non-teaching) of a specified group of students, playground supervision, relief supervision and class teacher/home room/tutor group duties. (iii) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (ii) of this subclause, employees are required to: (1) do preparation, correction and consultation; (2) attend subject, curriculum, year and other relevant meetings outside the school teaching timetable; (3) attend Parent/Teacher meetings. (iv) The total number of hours for subparagraph (ii)(1), (ii)(2) and (iii)(2) above s...
HOURS OF WORK - Teachers. 74.1 Hours of work for a full-time Teacher shall consist of thirty-six (36) hours per week averaged over a term. 74.2 The thirty-six (36) hours of work per week includes but is not limited to the following: 74.2.1 Face to face teaching (instructional load) with a maximum of: • Twenty-two (22) hours per week for primary Teachers (including pastoral care duties and classroom administration)
HOURS OF WORK - Teachers. A. Teacher Work Day (Full time teachers) 1. The teacher workday shall consist of seven (7) hours and ten (10) minutes which shall include ten (10) minutes prior to student arrival time and fifteen (15) minutes after student dismissal time. 2. For both IEF and MS teachers, the fifteen (15) minutes after student dismissal time shall be waived on Fridays and any day preceding a Board approved calendar holiday. 3. The arrival and departure times of students shall be set by the administration to assure the efficient and effective operation of the school district. 4. The time required to perform arrival and/or departure teacher duties to ensure the health and safety of students shall be included in the teacher's before and after school obligation, if a teacher has been assigned such duties. 5. Teachers assigned to PM bus duty may be required to remain beyond the fifteen (15) minutes if busses have not arrived. 6. District wide teachers will have seventeen (17) minutes travel time. The lunch and preparation time of district wide teachers will be controlled by the schedule of the building in which they spend the majority of their workday or as mutually agreed upon by the teacher and administrator. Administrators will coordinate responsibilities of district wide employees.
HOURS OF WORK - Teachers. 110. The ordinary hours of work for Teachers inclusive of meal and rest breaks, shall be an average of 38 hours per week. The ordinary hours of work may be averaged over a 12 month period.
HOURS OF WORK - Teachers. 70.1 Hours of work for a full-time Teacher shall consist of 36 hours per week averaged over a term (Secondary Teachers) or a year (Primary Teachers). 70.2 The 36 hours of work per week includes but is not limited to the following: 70.2.1 Face to face teaching (instructional load) with a maximum of: • 23 hours per week for primary Teachers (including pastoral care duties and classroom administration) • 20 hours per week for secondary Teachers (including pastoral care and homeroom duties) • the above maxima are reduced by 2 hours for graduate Teachers in their first year of teaching; 70.2.2 Non-teaching student duties including assemblies and liturgies; 70.2.3 Planning and preparation; 70.2.4 Supervision (including yard, bus, car park and relief); 70.2.5 Parent-Teacher meetings including Information Evenings; 70.2.6 Camps / retreats / other overnight excursions; 70.2.7 Co-curricular activities; 70.2.8 Scheduled Teacher / staff meetings (e.g. curriculum, pastoral); 70.2.9 Professional Learning; 70.2.10 Duties and responsibilities associated with leadership and other roles for which time release is granted; and 70.2.11 Unplanned duty of care circumstances that arise from time to time. 70.3 Pastoral Care and Homeroom time in secondary schools will, where this is not already the school’s practice, be included as instructional load from the commencement of the 2016 school year. 70.4 For Terms 2, 3 and 4 of the 2015 school year only, compensation will be given to all secondary Teachers with scheduled pastoral care or homeroom classes / times which, together with their instructional load, take them over 20 hours’ total (or pro-rata for part-time Teachers) as follows: Time over Compensation Up to one hour over $ 500 per term More than 1 hour up to 2 hours over $ 650 per term More than 2 hours over $ 850 per term In 2015: • Regularly timetabled pastoral care (instructional) must be included within the 20 hours’ instructional load; • Schools may reduce “uncounted” pastoral care and homeroom time, but may not increase the “uncounted” time to be worked by a Teacher from that which they were working in Term 1, 2015; and • The parties will meet as needed to review the implementation of the counting of pastoral care and homeroom time within the 20 hours’ instructional load and work constructively to resolve any issues arising from this change. 70.5 No Teacher in a Catholic School shall be required to perform an unreasonable or excessive workload. In making decisions about ...
HOURS OF WORK - Teachers. 10.1.1 The ordinary hours of duty for a teacher shall not exceed 37.5 hours per week of which not more than 27.5 shall relate to the teaching of an educational program. The 27.5 hours are considered to be contact hours. The remaining 10 hours are considered to be non-contact hours. 10.1.2 The parties to this Agreement are conscious of the requirements imposed by government as part of the Universal Access Program and in particular the requirement to offer fifteen (15) hours of an educational programme per week. Consequently, the parties have agreed to average the maximum hours (both contact and non-contact hours) over the period of one year. The additional non-contact time provided in clause 10.1.3 and three of the four pupil free days provided at clause 10.3.5 are benefits which are provided as part of the averaging process. 10.1.3 Teachers shall be entitled to the following non-contact hours per annum, which will be, as much as possible, evenly divided across each of the four school terms. a) In a year where the State school calendar comprises forty (40) teaching weeks – seventy (70) hours. b) In a year where the State school calendar comprises forty one (41) teaching weeks – sixty two (62) hours. 10.1.4 The additional staffing hours which will be provided to the kindergarten as a result of clause 10.1.3 are allocated to the kindergarten, not the teacher/director. If a teacher commences during a term, for the remainder of that term he/she is entitled to arrange additional staffing hours only for any unused hours allocated to that service. Additional or unused staffing hours do not transfer with a teacher. 10.1.5 A Teacher who is engaged as the Nominated Supervisor shall receive an additional one (1) day per week of release time to undertake the associated responsibilities for this role. 10.1.6 A full-time teacher who is appointed as the educational leader shall receive an additional six (6) hours (in excess of the hours identified in clause 10.1.3) per week of release time to undertake the associated responsibilities of the role. Where a part-time teacher is appointed to the role of educational leader, the teacher will receive an additional six (6) hours pay at the relevant band and step. 10.1.7 The additional hours identified in clauses 10.1.5 and 10.1.6 may be aggregated and accessed under an agreed arrangement between the teacher and the committee. In arranging these hours the educational needs of the children and the usefulness of the periods of time ...
HOURS OF WORK - Teachers. A. Teacher Work Day (Full time teachers) 1. The teacher workday shall consist of seven (7) hours and ten (10) minutes which shall include ten (10) minutes prior to student arrival time and fifteen

Related to HOURS OF WORK - Teachers

  • HOURS OF WORK i) Where employees are now working a longer daily tour, the provisions set out in this Article governing the regular hours of work on a daily tour shall be adjusted accordingly. ii) The normal daily extended tour shall be 11.25 consecutive hours in any 24-hour period, exclusive of a total of forty-five (45) minutes of unpaid meal time. For hybrid schedules, there will be scheduled normal daily tours of seven and one-half (7½) hours and 11.25 consecutive hours per day. iii) Employees working an extended tour shall be entitled, subject to the exigencies of resident care, to paid relief periods during the tour of a total of forty-five (45) minutes. For hybrid schedules, there will also be shifts that provide for relief periods in accordance with Article 15.02. iv) Scheduling issues will be resolved at the local level. v) Where the union and the employer have agreed to or agree to an extended daily tour or hybrid schedule that differs from the normal daily extended tour, the proportion of unpaid time to hours of work shall maintain the same ratio as set out in paragraph ii) and iii) of this Article.

  • – HOURS OF WORK & SCHEDULING 15.01 The normal hours of work for an employee are not a guarantee of work per day or per week, or a guarantee of days of work per week. The normal hours of work shall be seven and one-half (7½) hours per day, and seventy-five (75) hours in any bi-weekly period. 15.02 The normal daily shift shall consist of seven and one-half (7½) consecutive hours, exclusive of a one-half (½) hour unpaid meal period. Employees shall be entitled to a fifteen (15) minute paid break during each half of the normal daily shift, at a time designated by the Employer. 15.03 Employees required for reporting purposes shall remain at work for a period of up to fifteen (15) minutes which shall be unpaid. Should the reporting time extend beyond fifteen (15) minutes however, the entire period shall be considered overtime for the purposes of payment. 15.04 Requests for change in posted work schedules must be submitted in writing and co-signed by the employee willing to exchange days off or shifts and are subject to the discretion of the Administrator or her designate. In any event, it is understood that such a change initiated by the employee and approved by the Employer shall not result in overtime compensation or payment or any other claims on the Employer by any employee under the terms of this Agreement. 15.05 Where there is a change to Daylight Savings from Standard Time or vice-versa, an employee who is scheduled and works a full shift shall be paid for a seven and one-half (7½) hour shift rather than the actual hours worked. 15.06 In the event that a meal period is interrupted requiring an employee to attend to a work related problem, then the balance of the unused meal period will be taken within two (2) hours of the interruption. If the employee is unable to reschedule such time, she shall be paid time and one-half (1½) her regular straight time hourly rate for all time worked in excess of her normal daily hours, in accordance with Article 16.01.

  • HOURS OF WORK & OVERTIME Section 15.1 This Article is intended to define the normal hours of work per day or per week in effect at the time of execution of this Agreement. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as preventing the Employer from restructuring the normal workday or workweek as necessary to promote efficiency or improve services, or from establishing the work schedules of employees. However, nothing in this Section shall relieve the Employer of its duty to bargain the affects of such decisions on employee wages, hours, terms and other conditions of employment. This Article shall be used as the basis for computing overtime for employees who are not exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and shall not be construed as a guarantee of hours of work per day or per week. Section 15.2 Employees may take one paid fifteen (15) minute break for every four (4) hour block worked. Employees may combine breaks to take up to one (1) sixty (60) minute paid break. Employees may not leave campus on their paid breaks. Section 15.3 Bargaining unit employees who are not exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act will be paid one and one-half times their normal hourly rate for all hours actually worked in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. All overtime shall have prior supervisory approval, except when it is necessary for a nurse to remain on duty to protect patient safety. Only hours actually worked are counted for the purpose of computing an employee's eligibility for overtime pay. There shall be no pyramiding of hours or pay. Section 15.4 The Board serves individuals 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. To meet this need for service to our individuals evening and weekend hours may be required of any bargaining unit employee. The Employer will establish the standard work day as beginning at 6:00 a.m. and ending at 5:59 a.m. and starting and ending times for each shift in each department. Supervisors will establish daily workschedules. Section 15.5 Absent an emergency situation, management will notify the Union in the event management intends to institute a long-term change in the present shift times for nurses. Following notification and upon request by the Union, management will meet with the Union to discuss the reason for the change and possible alternatives.

  • Normal Hours of Work 10A.01 The normal work day is defined as the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at 12:00 Midnight. 10A.02 The employer has the option of working either five (5) eight (8) hour days or four (4) ten

  • Ordinary Hours of Work The ordinary hours of work will be worked any time between 6.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday. Ordinary hours of work may be varied by agreement between the Employer and the majority of the employees concerned and the ETU State Secretary (via the relevant full time ETU Official) to accommodate the hours or work required for the most efficient and safe operation of the Employer and the requirements of its client. Where agreement is reached to work alternate hours, occupational health and safety principles will prevail. Proper health monitoring procedures will be introduced and suitable rosters clearly agreed prior to commencing work. Adequate supervision must always be provided. Matters on which agreement may be reached include: a) How the hours are to be averaged in a work cycle b) The duration of the work cycle

  • ARTICLE HOURS OF WORK The following provision designating regular hours on a daily tour and regular daily tours over the nursing schedule determined by the Hospital shall not be construed to be a guarantee of the hours of work to be performed on each tour or during each tour schedule. Subject to Article below:

  • HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME 16.01 The normal work week is thirty-seven point five (37.5) hours over five (5) days. Employees shall be entitled to a one half (0.5)) hour unpaid lunch period taken at a time directed by the Employer. Where the work day exceeds nine (9) hours, there shall be a second thirty (30) minute unpaid lunch break taken at a time directed by the Employer. In the event that patient care programs (e.g. flu shot clinic, patient education sessions) are scheduled and require an Employee to work hours other than those listed above, such employee shall be given a minimum of two weeks’ notice prior to the change in shift. It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this Article are intended only to provide a basis for calculating time worked and shall not be considered a guarantee as to the hours of work per day or the days of work per week. Should the Employer wish to make a change to the current schedule, a meeting shall occur with the Union to discuss the implementation of such schedule. 16.02 Authorized hours worked in excess of forty-four hours per week (Sunday to Saturday) shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times the Nurse’s regular hourly rate of pay. The Employee may elect time off in lieu at the rate of time and one-half (1½) her regular rate of pay. The time off will be taken at a time which is mutually convenient to the individual and the Employer. 16.03 Schedules will be posted monthly. 16.04 An Employee who is called in and required to work outside his/her normal scheduled hours, other than those hours immediately prior to or after normal starting or quitting time, shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours pay at straight time or payment for the actual hours worked. It is agreed that there shall be no pyramiding of overtime or any premiums provided for in this agreement.

  • HOURS OF WORK AND SCHEDULING 15.01 The normal hours of work for an employee are not a guarantee of work per day or per week, or a guarantee of days of work per week. The normal hours of work shall be seven and one-half (7-1/2) hours per day, and seventy-five (75) hours in any bi-weekly period. 15.02 The normal daily shift shall consist of seven and one-half (7 ½) consecutive hours, exclusive of a one-half (1/2) hour unpaid meal period. For employees working the night shift, this one-half (1/2) hour will be paid. Employees shall be entitled to a fifteen (15) minute paid break during each half of the normal daily shift, at a time designated by the Employer. An employee may combine her rest periods in order to have one (1) thirty (30) minute break, providing she has prior approval from the Director of Nursing. When a meal period is interrupted requiring an employee to attend to a work related problem, then the balance of the unused meal period will be taken within two (2) hours of the interruption. If the employee is unable to reschedule such time, she shall be paid time and one-half (1½) her regular straight time hourly rate for all time worked in excess of her normal daily hours, in accordance with Article 16.01. 15.03 Employees required for reporting purposes shall remain at work for a period of up to fifteen (15) minutes which shall be unpaid. Should the reporting time extend beyond fifteen (15) minutes however, the entire period shall be considered overtime for the purposes of payment. 15.04 Requests for change in posted work schedules must be submitted in writing and co-signed by the employee willing to exchange days off or shifts and are subject to the discretion of the Administrator or her designate. In any event, it is understood that such a change initiated by the employee and approved by the Employer shall not result in overtime compensation or payment or any other claims on the Employer by any employee under the terms of this Agreement. 15.05 Where there is a change to Daylight Savings from Standard Time or vice-versa, an employee who is scheduled and works a full shift shall be paid for the actual hours worked at her regular straight time hourly rate. 15.06 There shall be no split shifts. (a) There shall be a minimum of sixteen (16) hours off between changes of shift unless mutually agreed otherwise. (b) An employee shall not be required to work more than seven (7) consecutive days without days off, unless mutually agreed to by the employee and the Employer. (a) Any employee who is working a permanent shift as of December 31, 1996 shall not be transferred to another shift without their consent. (b) Where possible, the employee will not be scheduled to work more than two

  • Period of Work Work under this Agreement shall begin no sooner than the date on which this Agreement has been fully executed by the parties and approved by the Controller and the State Purchases Review Committee. Unless terminated earlier, this Agreement shall expire on the date set out on the first page of this Agreement, or at the completion and acceptance of all specified tasks, and delivery of all contracted products and services as defined in this Agreement, including performance of any warranty and/or maintenance agreements, whichever is the later date.

  • DAYS AND HOURS OF WORK The standard workweek for workers occupying full-time positions consists of 40 hours unless otherwise specified by the Board of Supervisors. The appointing authority shall fix the hours of work with due regard for the convenience of the public and the laws of the State and the County. Workers occupying part-time positions shall work such hours and schedules as the Board and the appointing authority shall prescribe.