Assumptions and Constraints Sample Clauses

Assumptions and Constraints a. All data collected by the Product Analytics Software will be anonymous statistical production information only. The Software is not designed to collect or store any private customer data or sensitive card holder information as defined by PCI guidelines. b. All data gathering processes will remain internal to the Customer’s network. c. Customer is responsible for ensuring that all technical, organizational, and logistical prerequisites have been met, as provided by Entrust and mutually agreed upon with Customer. d. Customer is responsible for the security and availability of any secure communications channels required for data transfer between its internal network locations. e. Statistical data gathered will be shared with Entrust for process analysis and consulting and for establishing Analytics Production Software performance and effectiveness. f. Specific process statistics received by Entrust during implementation, testing and consulting engagements will be considered “customer confidential” and will not be shared or released outside of the Entrust organization without permission. g. For consulting engagements: i. Unless otherwise agreed to, the analysis period is presumed to be 3 to 4 weeks of data ii. Requests for additional consulting support or custom features / dashboards can be accommodated and may be purchased as a separate line item on an Order or under an additional Order
Assumptions and Constraints. <what constraints or assumptions are required to support the CR>
Assumptions and Constraints. The State understands the Contractor’s performance is dependent on the State’s timely and complete performance of those tasks and responsibilities specified in this SOW (“State Responsibilities”). In addition, the State understands the Contractor agreed to perform the Services based on the assumptions listed below (the “Assumptions”). In addition to any other responsibilities or duties described in this SOW, set forth below are the State Responsibilities and Assumptions for the Project. 1. The Contractor is working under the authority and direction of the State to enable countermeasures to be deployed during the COVID 19 health threat which constitutes a public health emergency, said work to include the administration of the program and investigation as needed to execute necessary countermeasures to combat the threat to the public health. Contractor will perform all services under the State’s instructions, specifications, and requirements with respect to regulatory compliance and the State’s legislative, executive and administrative responsibilities. The foregoing assumption shall not exempt the Contractor from its compliance with any applicable State and Federal statutes or regulations as set forth in the General ProvisionsInformation Technology, Section 7. 2. With respect to the collection and reporting of data, the parties will work together to define the specific scope of any analytics/reporting services. The Contractor’s scope shall exclude the collection of any data via mobile phones or other devices in the initial release. The State may add the need for mobile phone use to the backlog and prioritize the work during grooming. 3. The parties will work together in good faith to determine if general data can be obtained, through legally permissible means and in compliance with applicable privacy law and policies, to help identify open or closed health facilities, stores and/or businesses. 4. The Contractor’s Services will be delivered using the Contractor Delivery Methodology for Agile Development. 5. The State will access the Contractor’s Delivery Tools (e.g. ACP/AIP) during the Term of this Agreement, as described more fully below. 6. The State and the State’s subcontractors working on the Project will be sufficiently skilled to participate in and support the approach deployed by the Contractor. Any training or additional effort required to address any differences in approach or deficiencies in this regard will be remedied through training and reso...
Assumptions and Constraints. This STANAG was developed using the following assumptions and constraints: • Elements of the system (e.g., Core UAV Control System (CUCS), Data Link Interface (DLI) Vehicle Specific Module (VSM), Command and Control Interface (CCI), Command and Control Interface Specific Module (CCISM),) are not required to be co-located. • The STANAG requirements have been developed independent of national CONOPS. Thus it is not the intent to define or imply specific CONOPS in this STANAG. • This STANAG addresses the interface with Airspace Management Authority required to coordinate the operation of UAVs in a controlled air space. It does not address or imply the overall requirements and required certifications that may be necessary to operate UAVs in controlled air space. • Critical real/near real time requirements of UAV and payload control should be allocated to the VSM function. • The UAV system scalability is independent of the contents of the STANAG.
Assumptions and Constraints. The following statements of assumptions and constraints may be relevant and have some impact on this BPA PWS. The below are the Government’s expectations, constraints, and goals but the Government is not bound by these statements.  DHA will utilize Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) which covers incident management, problem management, change management, configuration management, knowledge management, service catalog, and request management capabilities.  DHA will use an ITSM suite of products to operate and support its infrastructure transition and sustainment according to industry best practices, Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), Agile, Scrum and Development and Operations based processes.  DHA will provide an ITSM software solution and licenses for use to the EITSI and other service providers. DHA expects to acquire ServiceNow as this ITSM, including an Advanced Digital Management Workspace ITSM and eventually Software Asset Management. Other tools are referenced in 5.2.7 Service Management Systems.  DHA will leverage operational and industry best practices for service delivery and support, including Enterprise ITIL-based practices, such as problem management for recording, managing and eliminating recurrent or chronic failures, configuration baseline management and change control for recording and executing infrastructure changes identified as necessary to meet operational objectives; all while minimizing adverse risks to overall service availability and component and service capacity, demand management, and availability management.  DHA expects to fully move to the ITIL 4 framework as part of establishing the EITS Environment, and thereby evolve from the current processes that conform to ITILv2011 or do not follow ITIL practices at all.  DHA will continue to deliver shared services equal to or better than existing capabilities and service expectations.  All IT infrastructures will have a valid life cycle management plan (LCMP) in adherence to the corresponding Authority to Operate (ATO).  Once D2D-PEO is complete, the Enterprise will be on a standardized transport via Multiprotocol Label Switching cloud network known as the Medical Community of Interest (Med-COI) and operating on the Medical Joint Active Directory (mJAD). Med-COI is the common network transport for MHS services. mJAD provides single common authentication and centralized identity management framework for the MHS.  DHA will leverage DoD Enterpr...
Assumptions and Constraints. To the maximum extent practicable, data made available from CMS quality reporting, interoperability, and value-based purchasing (VBP) programs and their underlying information systems should be primary sources of information for QIOs as defined by Section 1153 of the Social Security Act and performing the functions outlined in Section 1154 of the Social Security Act. Leveraging existing information and resources, including data that have been statutorily mandated to be reported to CMS, will reduce provider burden associated with data collection and reporting while driving evidence-based quality improvement efforts. The Contractor will be onboarded no later than 10 business days after CMS receipt of the intake form to QualityNet IT Services for the Health Care Quality Information Systems (HCQIS) network. The ISG Contract Engagement Lifecycle Standard Operating Procedures can be found here: xxxxx:// Further information on the ISG Contract Engagement onboarding process can be found here: xxxxx:// QualityNet IT Services that can be found online here: xxxxx:// This link connects to the latest information on the QualityNet Collaboration Hub Tools and Services, this is a public facing site and any contractor may need to work with these tools and services within our environment. The Contractor’s staff shall be trained on all software and tools required for, but not unique to, this contract. Software and tools required are referenced throughout this PWS. The Contractor shall work cooperatively and collaborate with other external support staff as designated by CMS. CMS expects the Contractor to exhibit a comprehensive understanding of agency healthcare data and agency specific technical standards in order to provide high quality services to CMS. Provide or maintain access to working technologies such as quality measures engine, performance scoring engine, advanced data analytics, and monitoring/reporting tools. Regularly advise the CMS quality users on emerging technologies, tools, applications, and recommendations for improving the integration and implementation of an agency’s legacy platform and related cloud technology ecosystem. The Contractor will provide adequate staff to provide support for project team meetings, design, deployments, help desk, testing, outages, troubleshooting and triaging defects and environment issues, and maintenance weekends....
Assumptions and Constraints. This plan is based on the following assumptions: • All configuration work and testing of all processes identified in this document will be completed in the PeopleSoft 9.2 environment. • All implementation in the production environments will be directly coordinated with Palomar College staff in order to complete. • All work will be performed remotely. Use of Zoom or other videoconferencing and screen sharing technology will be used when direct interactions are needed for knowledge transfer, clarification discussions, collaborative testing or functional/technical review, and to ensure quality results. • The Palomar College’s internal implementation team did not modify the delivered OBIA (OBIEE, ODI) components in any way. • Requests submitted that are out of scope or during the assessment will only be considered if it does not impact the project schedule otherwise they will be captured and considered as part of a subsequent phase.‌ • Subject Matter Experts will be available to provide the necessary information when required. • Assigned action items will be completed within a reasonable timeframe to allow the project to stay on schedule. • Resources (Project team members, computers, meeting rooms, etc.) must be available when needed or within a reasonable timeframe in order to keep the project on schedule. • Issues that require resolution by the Executive Sponsor or the Executive Sponsor’s delegated representatives are resolved within a reasonable timeframe in order to keep the project on schedule. • Project milestones are approved, and approval sheets are signed and delivered within a reasonable timeframe. • Issues that require resolution by the Executive Sponsor or the Executive Sponsor’s delegated representatives are resolved within a reasonable timeframe to keep the project on schedule. • The Palomar College and ERP ANALYSTS will work together prior to the engagement to ensure the proper hardware and access is ready. • Palomar College will respond to all inquiries and provide all decisions in a timely manner. • Palomar College will ensure that authorized ERP ANALYSTS consultants are provided with adequate workspace and resources to successfully complete project deliverables. • Palomar College provide access to current system and documents as needed • Palomar College will provide detailed source system specs as requested by ERP ANALYSTS in a timely manner. • Palomar College agrees to provide documentation regarding current corporate IT standards that need ...
Assumptions and Constraints. 16.1. A SOW will proceed with the following identified assumptions. Additional assumptions and constraints may be listed in a SOW. Any further assumptions or constraints that are identified as the SOW progresses will be subject to a change control and an impact analysis, which may affect the cost and timescales of the SOW. Where these changes were not reasonably identifiable by InfoTrust then the customer will bear any costs. InfoTrust requires that: 16.1.1. There is full disclosure of all relevant information by Customer. 16.1.2. Stakeholders will be available to InfoTrust for workshops, as required. 16.1.3. Customer can receive signoff of the SOW and other documents in a timely manner. 16.1.4. Where required, remote access connectivity and appropriate authentication to the Customer environment can be provided to InfoTrust in a timely manner. 16.1.5. Requested documentation and information will be provided to InfoTrust within a timely manner. 16.1.6. Any decisions from parallel projects that could impact the SOW will be communicated to InfoTrust without delay. 16.1.7. Customer will communicate to InfoTrust, at the kick-off meeting, any risks or dependencies that may affect the engagement. 16.1.8. Only the works specified in the SOW document form will be completed. Any additions to the scope or the proceeding implementation will be subject to the Change Order which may incur additional cost. 16.1.9. Where required, suitably qualified staff of Customer will be available throughout the engagement for the purposes of requirements gathering and knowledge transfer. 16.1.10. Relevant environment access is granted to InfoTrust, including the ability to access the internet 16.1.11. Any timescales or plans presented in a SOW assume that Customer provides any required information and fulfils its other obligations in a timely manner. If Customer fails to meet these obligations, InfoTrust may adjust the timeline or costs with notice to Customer to address the delays or failures to meet obligations. 16.1.12. Customer will arrange and co-ordinate all meetings and handover workshops, ensuring appropriate staff are present 16.1.13. All work is to be conducted during normal Business Hours (9:00am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding local Public Holidays), unless otherwise stated. 16.1.14. All documents will be deemed accepted unless written changes or modifications are received from Customer within 5 working days of receipt of the documents. 16.1.15. All InfoTrust deliv...
Assumptions and Constraints. Risk Mitigation Plan for identified Obstacles and Risks.
Assumptions and Constraints. This section identifies preconditions in the form of assumptions and constraints for the technical work to be carried out within PATHS WP3.