CSEA Rights Sample Clauses
CSEA Rights. CSEA shall have the following rights in addition to the rights contained in any other portion of the Agreement:
5.1.1 The right of access at reasonable times by a reasonable number of authorized CSEA representatives to areas in which Unit Members work, provided that access to Unit Members shall be limited to nonworking hours and non-assigned times such as breaks, duty-free lunch periods, and before or after working hours. Such access shall not be utilized in a manner that will disturb, disrupt, or otherwise interfere with the work of any employee of the District or the education of any students of the District. CSEA staff members, officers, job stewards or other official representatives shall provide the Immediate Management Supervisor of the area with reasonable advance notice for purposes of such access and shall, prior to contacting an employee, make his/her presence known to the employee’s Immediate Management Supervisor. Any member of the CSEA field staff who wishes access to District premises shall notify the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources of his/her identity. CSEA job stewards shall be permitted incidental use of District telephones and e-mail to contact Unit Members for union representation purposes relative to rights afforded under this Agreement.
5.1.2 The right to use without charge institutional bulletin boards, mailboxes of the school mail system, and other District means of communication for the posting or transmission of information or notices concerning CSEA matters.
5.1.3 The right to use institutional building, facilities, and standard office equipment, in accordance with Board policy and the Civic Center Act, at reasonable times, for the purpose of conducting chapter business and related matters. Such use will be at no cost unless special services are required as determined by the Immediate Management Supervisor.
5.1.4 The right to review Unit Members’ personnel files and any other records dealing with Unit Members when accompanied by the Unit Member or on presentation of a written authorization signed by the Unit Member.
5.1.5 The right to receive, upon request, a complete “hire date” roster of all Unit Members, indicating the Unit Member’s present classification, department and location assignment. The right to receive, upon request, a complete roster of all Unit Members by hours in paid status, indicating total hours in paid status for seniority purposes, present classification, department and location assignment.
CSEA Rights. CSEA shall have the following rights in addition to the rights contained in any other portion of this Agreement.
3.1.1 The right of access at reasonable times to areas in which employees work, for the purpose of representing bargaining unit members on grievances and matters related thereto.
3.1.2 The right to use without charge institutional bulletin board, mailboxes, and other District means of communications for the posting or transmission of information or notices concerning CSEA matters.
3.1.3 The right to make use of school equipment and facilities. Such equipment may be used when not otherwise in use and it is not disruptive to normal functions of the School. District employees normally responsible and/or assigned the equipment will be informed prior to its use. Excessive use of this privilege may result in an assessment by the District and compensation for use of facilities and equipment as outlined in Board policy. Members will not use facilities or equipment for personal gain or profit.
3.1.4 The right to review employees' personnel files and any other records dealing with employees when accompanied by the employee or upon presentation of a written authorization signed by the employee.
3.1.5 The right to receive upon request, without cost, copies of any and all materials related to wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment which is public information and relevant for CSEA to fulfill its duties and obligations as the exclusive representative of bargaining unit employees covered by this Agreement.
3.1.6 The right to release time without pay for CSEA chapter delegates to attend the CSEA Annual Conference.
3.1.7 The right to conduct an annual orientation session on the Agreement for bargaining unit employees during regular working hours.
CSEA Rights. 3.1 All CSEA business, discussions, and activities will be conducted by unit members or CSEA officials outside established work hours as defined in Article 7 herein, and will be conducted in places other than District property, except when:
3.1.1 an authorized CSEA representative obtains advance permission from the Superintendent or designee regarding the specific time, place and type of activity to be conducted;
3.1.2 the Superintendent or designee can verify that such requested activities and use of facilities will not interfere with school programs and/or duties of unit members as defined in Article 7, and will not directly or indirectly interfere with the right of employees to refrain from listening to or speaking with a CSEA representative; and
3.1.3 the CSEA may be assessed a reasonable fee for any unusual use of utilities, requirements for security, custodial services and any unusual wear or damage, in conjunction with the approved use of District property as provided in 3.1.1 and 3.
3.2 The CSEA may use the school mailboxes and bulletin board spaces designated by the Superintendent subject to the following conditions:
3.2.1 all postings for bulletin boards or items for school mailboxes must contain the date of posting or distribution and the identification of the organization together with a designated authorization by the CSEA President;
3.2.2 a copy of such postings or distributions must be delivered to the Superintendent or designee at the time of posting or distribution; and
3.2.3 the CSEA will not post or distribute information which is defamatory to the District or its personnel, subject to the immediate removal by the District.
3.3 CSEA shall have the right to use up to a total of fifteen (15) employee days or 120 hours of paid leave for its officers or representatives to use for local, state, or national conference attendance of for conducting other business pertinent to the CSEA. Users of this leave shall be excused upon providing written notice of their intent to be absent. Such notice must be presented by the employee to the employee’s immediate supervisor at least five (5) workdays before the leave commences. This leave shall be charged in units not less than one (1) hour. CSEA shall have the right to request additional release time in accordance with Education Code 45210.
3.3.1 With prior permission from the employee’s immediate supervisor [such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld], unit employees shall have the right to rece...
CSEA Rights. CSEA shall have the following:
a. The right of access at reasonable times to areas in which employees work.
b. The right to reasonable use of institutional bulletin boards, mailboxes, and other means of communication.
c. The right to use institutional facilities at reasonable times.
d. The right to be supplied a roster which shall indicate each employee’s present classification, primary job site, hire date, and an update of new employees and resignations upon request.
e. The right to review upon request a copy of any budget or financial materials, or non-confidential information submitted at any time to the Governing Board. The right to reproduce copies of such material at CSEA expense.
CSEA Rights. CSEA shall have the following rights in addition to the rights contained in any other portion of this Agreement.
16.1.1 The right of access at reasonable times to areas in which employees work, for the purpose of representing bargaining unit members on grievances and related matters.
16.1.2 The right to use without charge institutional bulletin boards, mailboxes, and other District internal means of communication for the posting or transmission of information or notices concerning CSEAmatters.
16.1.3 The right to use without charge, for purposes of Association business, institutional equipment, facilities, and buildings, under the Civic Center Act provisions, at reasonable times, when not otherwise in use.
16.1.4 The right to view employee personnel files and any other records dealing with employees except legally excluded material, when accompanied by the employee or upon presentation of a written authorization signed by the employee.
16.1.5 The right to be supplied with a complete seniority roster, including District start date, seniority date and current and other classifications, dates held in current primary job site, number of assigned/posted hours per week, and average number of hours per week. This seniority roster shall be provided quarterly and at any time in which the District is implementing a layoff of bargaining unit members.
16.1.6 The right to receive upon request, without cost, copies of all materials except legally excluded materials, related to wages, hours and other terms and condition of employment which are relevant and necessary for CSEA to fulfill its duties and obligations as the exclusive representative of bargaining unit employees covered by this Agreement.
16.1.7 Subject to the provisions of this contract, and upon agreement with the District, the right to reasonable release time for employees who are CSEA officers to conduct necessary CSEA business.
16.1.8 The right of release time for CSEA chapter delegates to attend the annual CSEA conference without loss of salary, but with no other expense to the District.
CSEA Rights. CSEA shall have the following rights in addition to the rights contained in any other portion of this Agreement.
5.1.1. The right to have access to unit members before or after work or during authorized breaks.
5.1.2. The right to distribute organizational literature on District property, including work areas, provided there is no interference with District business.
5.1.3. The right to access to areas in which unit members work so long as organization representatives do not interfere with the work performance of any unit member. The representatives shall obtain permission from the supervisor or Human Resources prior to gaining access to the work area.
5.1.4. The right to use bulletin boards designated for their use in appropriate places located in on-campus and off-campus facilities.
5.1.5. The right to use District mailboxes. Communications placed in staff mailboxes shall state that it is officially authorized by CSEA. CSEA shall not use District postage machines.
5.1.6. The right to use District facilities to conduct Chapter meetings and related activities. The scheduling and use of such facilities shall be in accordance with District policy.
5.1.7. The right to use District telephones for local calls only. No long distance or other charges shall be billed to the District.
5.1.8. The right for CSEA representatives to review unit member's personnel file or pay record when accompanied by the unit member or upon presentation of a written authorization signed by the unit member.
5.1.9. The right to be supplied with a roster of all unit members in the bargaining unit showing name, department, work telephone number, home address and telephone number, personal cellular telephone number, and personal email addresses, "hire date," present classification and primary job site. The District shall provide a designated CSEA representative with the contact information on new hires within thirty (30) days of the date of hire and provide a periodic update of this contact information on the first working day of September and January. CSEA does not waive its right to demand this information at other times as necessary.
5.1.10. The right to maintain two (2) filing cabinets in a staff break room providing that space is available. Should space not be available in a staff break room, CSEA and the District will work together to find another similar, existing space. CSEA is responsible for locating and relocating the filing cabinets as necessary.
CSEA Rights. 5.1 CSEA has the right to access, at reasonable times, areas in which bargaining unit members work, provided that such access does not interfere with a bargaining unit member’s execution of assigned District duties and also provided that the CSEA representative gives notice to the immediate supervisor that he/she wishes to transact Association business on the job site. CSEA shall have the right of access to District bargaining unit members at reasonable times. The term "reasonable times" as used here means a bargaining unit member’s meal or rest periods and any time before or after the member's assigned duty time.
CSEA Rights. CSEA shall have the following rights in addition to the rights contained in any other portion of the Agreement.
8.1.1 The right of access during lunch and official breaks, before and after work hours, to areas in which employees work.
8.1.2 The right to use without charge, institutional bulletin boards, computer system, mailboxes, and the school mail system for transmission of information or notices concerning CSEA matters.
8.1.3 The right to use, without charge, institutional facilities and all buildings by following the facilities request procedures.
8.1.4 The right to receive an up-to-date seniority roster of all bargaining unit employees no later than February 1 of each year. The seniority roster shall indicate the employee’s past and present classification and a listing of individuals placed on the thirty-nine (39) month re- employment list. This seniority roster will be provided by the human resources department.
8.1.5 The CSEA president shall receive a copy of any budget or financial material submitted at public board meetings to the Governing Board.
8.1.6 The CSEA president shall receive, prior to scheduled board meetings, a copy of the complete board agenda for that meeting and all attachments.
8.1.7 The CSEA president or designee will serve as a member of the Academic Calendar Committee.
8.1.8 The CSEA president shall receive a copy of the board-approved academic calendar upon publication.
CSEA Rights. 6 3.2.1 CSEA, as the exclusive representative of the bargaining unit, retains for 7 the duration of this Agreement the rights of the exclusive representative 8 under the Law.
9 3.2.2 CSEA retains the right of reasonable access to areas in which 10 employee’s work, for the purpose of representing bargaining unit 11 members in grievances and matters related to grievances.
12 3.2.3 CSEA retains the right to reasonable use of institutional bulletin boards, 13 mailboxes/the school-mail system, and other District means of 14 communication for the posting or transmitting information or notices
CSEA Rights. CSEA shall have the following rights in addition to the rights contained in any other portion of this Agreement.
5.1.1 The right to access at reasonable times to the areas in which employee’s work, for the purpose of representing bargaining unit members on grievances and matters related thereto.
5.1.2 The right to use without charges institutional bulletin boards, mailboxes, and the use of the school mail system, and other District means of communication for the posting or transmission of information or notices concerning CSEA matters.
5.1.3 The right to use without charges facilities, and buildings at reasonable times, for the purpose of conducting Chapter meetings and processing grievances and matters related thereto.
5.1.4 The right to review employees personnel files and any other records dealing with employees when accompanied by the employee or on presentation of a written authorization signed by the employee.
5.1.5 The right to be supplied with a complete seniority roster of all bargaining unit employees on the effective date of this agreement. The roster shall indicate the employee’s present classification and primary job site.
5.1.6 The right to receive upon request copies of any and all public materials related to wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment which are relevant for CSEA to fulfill its duties and obligations as the exclusive representative of bargaining unit employees covered by this Agreement.
5.1.7 CSEA shall have the right to a reasonable amount of paid release time for members of the Negotiation Team for purposes of negotiating with the District.
5.1.8 The right of a reasonable amount of paid release time for CSEA authorized number of Chapter delegates to attend the CSEA Annual Conference.