MANAGEMENT AND UNION RIGHTS. 2.1 The Employer agrees that work upon electrical transmission or distribution system shall not be performed by any Employer, Director, Owner or Partner without the written consent of the Union. 2.2 The Union agrees that in the event of a jurisdictional dispute arising over the allocation or performance of work that involves another Union(s) there shall be no stoppage of work. For resolution, the dispute shall immediately be referred to the International President of the IBEW and the General President of the disputing Union(s) for resolution. 2.3 The Union recognizes the unqualified right of the Employer to manage its business in all respects in accordance with its commitments and to alter from time to time rules and regulations to be observed by workers and such rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with this Agreement. This right to include the operation of and the direction and promotion of the working forces of the Employer. 2.4 The Union recognizes the right of the Employer to introduce into any part of its operations any new work or new methods of performing work, and the essential training for such new work or methods shall be the joint responsibility of the Employer and the Union, with both Parties hereto recognizing that "on-the-job" training may be necessary. Should it become necessary to introduce, in any phase of the operation, any new class of work within the scope of this Agreement, the job classification and its associated rate of pay and working conditions shall be discussed and agreed upon prior to introduction. Failing agreement the matter shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to Article 10. 2.5 The Union Business Manager or his representative shall have access to any shop or job where employees are employed under the provisions of this Agreement PROVIDED that he shall first make known his presence to the Employer's Supervisor or Xxxxxxx before consulting with any employee. Meetings shall not be held on the Employer's premises or at a job site without the Employer's consent nor shall they be held on the Employer's time without his consent. The Union may appoint a Shop Xxxxxxx or Shop Stewards at each headquarters and/or work location. Where two or more Shop Stewards are appointed, the Union shall designate one as a Chief Shop Xxxxxxx. The Shop Xxxxxxx and/or Chief Shop Xxxxxxx is to be given freedom to move throughout the Employer's entire operations whenever he deems an inspection necessary in any area, subject to the Empl...
MANAGEMENT AND UNION RIGHTS. I. The parties agree that all the rights and responsibilities of the Town which have not been specifically provided for in this agreement are retained in the sole discretion of the Town whose right to determine and structure the goals, purposes, functions, and policies of the Town without prior negotiation with the Union and without being subject to the grievance and arbitration procedures of this agreement shall include but not be limited to the following: a) the right to direct employees; to determine qualifications, promotional criteria, hiring criteria, standards for work and to hire, promote, transfer, assign, retain employees in positions; and to suspend, demote, discharge or take other disciplinary actions against an employee for proper and just cause, subject to the other provisions of this agreement, including grievance and arbitration; b) the right to relieve an employee from duty because of lack of work or other legitimate reasons; c) the right to take such action as in its judgment it deems necessary to maintain the efficiency of operations; d) the right to determine the means, methods, budgetary and financial procedures, and personnel by which the operations are to be conducted; e) the right to take such actions as may be necessary to carry out the missions of the Town in case of emergencies; f) the right to make rules, regulations, policies, not inconsistent with the provisions of this agreement and to require compliance therewith; and g) the right to subcontract.
MANAGEMENT AND UNION RIGHTS. Section 1. The Employer shall retain all rights set out in Chapter 20.7
MANAGEMENT AND UNION RIGHTS. SYMPHONY and AGMA agree that the management of the business and direction of the workforce are the function and responsibility of SYMPHONY. The direction of the workforce, including but not limited to the right to hire, transfer, promote, layoff and discharge, shall not be accomplished in a manner that conflicts with the provisions of this AGREEMENT.
MANAGEMENT AND UNION RIGHTS. The Calais School Management reserves the right to change plans if necessary. School contributions towards the cost of insurance will be substantially the same if such a change needs to be made. The CFT will be contacted for negotiations regarding any changes in medical benefits and on whether the increase should be implemented or if there should be a reduction in benefits to the QualCare PPO Network Plan D (or a comparable plan). In the event that there is no agreement to change medical insurance policy coverage by June 1st of each renewal year, the school shall retain contribution levels that are comparable with the existing policy and the annual premium increases per year will be shared between the unit member and the balance of the difference paid by Calais School for each category per above (1.2 and3 of this Article). Calais School Management reserves the right to offer employees a less expensive insurance plan option with voluntary participation. The existing formula and process for evaluating medical insurance programs and premium sharing shall continue for the 2014-2015 school year. It shall also remain the same in 2015-16, however, if the premium increase sought by the carrier in May 2016 exceeds 10%, the parties agree to re-open negotiations on insurance as well as salary increases. In any case, in addition to salaries, the parties agree to re-open negotiations on insurance for the 2017- 18 academic year. The CFT will be briefed on insurance changes as soon as possible. Input of CFT will be solicited when possible.
MANAGEMENT AND UNION RIGHTS. A. The Company retains any and all rights and prerogatives of management it had prior to the execution of this contract except as specifically and expressly limited or modified by the provisions of this contract. B. The Company may adopt or alter any rules which are not in direct conflict with the provisions of this Agreement. The Company will provide to the nearest Union field office a copy of any new or revised Company rules and the Union will acknowledge receipt of the same, thereby indicating its knowledge of the rules. C. Supervisors, interns and other workers not included in the bargaining unit shall not perform any work covered by this Agreement except for instruction, training, emergencies, temporary work and/or work they have performed in the past. There shall be no more than three (3) interns working at any one time in each geographical area of operation as defined in Paragraph A of Article 4. This paragraph shall not be used for the purpose of avoiding the recall of laid off workers. D. Crew Leaders are "workers" as defined in Paragraph A of Article 1 and are members of the bargaining unit. Crew Leaders are responsible for carrying out the instructions of Vineyard Supervisors and management and relaying such instructions to their crews. As 37 defined in Paragraph A of Article 1, Crew Leaders do not discipline or recommend discipline for other workers; however, they are responsible for observing, reporting and quality control. The parties understand and accept that workers on occasion may serve as Crew Leaders for a period of time and thereafter not serve as Crew Leaders. In accordance with past practice, such is permissible. E. In the event the Company decides to increase its mechanization in any way that will result in the permanent displacement of bargaining unit workers, the Company shall notify the Union in writing one (1) month before commencing such mechanical operations and shall meet with the Union to discuss the training of displaced workers to operate and maintain the new mechanical equipment, the placing of displaced workers in other jobs with the Company, the training of workers for other jobs with the Company, or the placing of such workers on a preferential rehire list. Experimentation with new equipment is not subject to the next paragraph. The Company may experiment with new equipment applications without following the procedure in paragraph E. F. New job classifications or material changes in the operation of existing job classi...
MANAGEMENT AND UNION RIGHTS. 14.01 The Union acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the Company to: a) maintain order, discipline and efficiency; b) determine requirements for positions, hire, retire, discharge, layoff and recall, suspend, classify, direct, transfer, promote, demote or otherwise discipline employees subject to the rights of an employee to lodge a grievance in the manner to the extent as provided herein; c) maintain and enforce rules and regulations to be observed by employees; d) Generally, to manage the enterprise in which the Company is engaged and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, to plan, direct and control operations, to direct the work forces, to determine the number of personnel required from time to time, to determine the number and location of facilities, to determine the quality of service and processes, methods and procedures to be employed, schedules of work and production, standard of performance, to select, procure and control supplies, material, products and produce, to determine the extension, limitation, curtailment or cessation of operations, and all other rights and responsibilities of management not specifically modified in this Agreement. 14.02 The Union shall notify the Employer in writing of its representatives as follows: Local Officers, Bargaining Committee members, Grievance Committee members, who shall be recognized by the Company accordingly. 14.03 Upon written request from the Union, the Employer shall provide the Union with all necessary information relating to the following matters for employees within the bargaining unit: a) A list of employees showing their names, addresses and classifications, ranked according to seniority. b) Job postings, job awards, promotions, demotions and transfers. c) Hirings, discharges, suspensions, written warnings, resignations, retirements and deaths. d) Information relating to salaries and fringe benefits, including pension and welfare plans. 14.04 The Union shall have the right to post notices relating to matters of interest of the Union and its members on department staff bulletin boards. The above notices will be limited to not more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the area of the board. 14.05 The Employer agrees to acquaint new employees with the fact that a Collective Agreement is in place. 14.06 Union officers shall be entitled to leave their work during working hours in order to carry out their functions under the Agreement, including the investigation and processing ...


  • Union Rights Section 1 The employees and the Union, as their exclusive bargaining representative, shall have and enjoy all the rights and privileges granted to them by Act 379 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1965 as amended from time to time and by other applicable statutes now or hereafter enacted except as expressly limited by the terms of this Agreement. Section 2 The Board agrees to furnish the Union in response to reasonable requests from time to time, all available information concerning the financial resources of the District, tentative budgetary requirements and allocations and other such information as will assist the Union in developing intelligent, accurate, informed and constructive programs on behalf of the food service staff and customers, together with information which may be necessary for the Union to process any grievance or complaint. Such requests must be in writing and specifically designate the material requested. For materials not normally mass produced a reasonable cost/charge may be required. Section 3 The Union and its members shall have the right to use school building facilities at all reasonable hours for meetings, providing such use does not interfere with previous building commitments. Section 4 Duplicating machinery shall be available for Union use. Materials used solely for the benefit of the Union shall be paid for by the Union. Materials used for preparation of items of mutual and common use shall be provided without cost by the Board. Section 5 The Union shall appoint stewards and alternate stewards. No xxxxxxx or alternate, regardless of when selected, shall function as such until the Board has been notified in writing by the president of the local Union, chairperson of the unit, or an international Union or council officer of her/his election. Section 6 Stewards and their alternates and other Union officials shall be permitted to engage in contract negotiations and adjustment of grievances subject to the limitations set forth in this Agreement. Section 7 Any xxxxxxx or alternate xxxxxxx having an individual grievance in connection with her/his own work may ask that another xxxxxxx or alternate or Union official assist her/him in adjusting the grievance with her/his supervisor. Section 8 Bulletin boards shall be erected in a conspicuous place for the purpose of posting notices of Union business or activities. In no case shall obscene or scurrilous printed or written matter be placed on any bulletin board. All materials posted on bulletin boards shall indicate the organization responsible for the material and clearly indicate the author's identity. Bulletin boards used for the above purpose shall be in areas not commonly frequented by students. Section 9 All notices required to be given by this Agreement shall be sufficient if mailed to the Board by ordinary mail to such address as the Board shall direct in writing. All notices required to be given to the Union by this Agreement shall be mailed to the Union by ordinary mail, addressed to 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxx, Suite C, Flint, Michigan 48507, or to such other address as the Union shall direct in writing. All notices to be given to an employee under this Agreement shall be mailed to her/his last address recorded in the Board's office. It shall be the responsibility of employees to notify the Board and their immediate supervisor of any change of address and phone number within ten (10) days of such change. If the employee does not do this, the Board's obligation is fulfilled and shall not be a factor in a grievance.

  • MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 3.01 The Union acknowledges that all management rights and prerogatives are vested exclusively with the Employer and without limiting the generality of the foregoing; it is the exclusive function of the Employer: (a) To determine and establish standards and procedures for the care, welfare, safety and comfort of the residents in the facility. (b) To maintain order, discipline and efficiency and in connection therewith to establish and enforce reasonable rules and regulations. (c) To hire, transfer, layoff, schedule, recall, promote, demote, classify, assign duties, discharge, suspend or otherwise discipline employees for just cause, provided that a claim of discriminatory transfer, promotion, demotion of classification or a claim that an employee has been discharged or disciplined without just cause, may be the subject of a grievance and dealt with as hereinafter provided. (d) To have the right to plan, direct, and control the work and direction of employees and the operation of the facility. This includes the right to introduce new and improved methods, facilities, equipment and to control the amount of supervision necessary, work schedules, the combining or splitting up of departments, and the increases or reduction of personnel in a particular area or on the whole. 3.02 The Employer will exercise these rights in a manner consistent with the Collective Agreement and apply the provisions of the Collective Agreement in a reasonable manner.