School Climate and Discipline Sample Clauses

School Climate and Discipline. The school’s discipline process is vital to the establishment and sustainability of a safe, respectful culture of interaction among students, family members, and school staff that enables us to reach our student achievement goals and helps students adopt a personal behavior framework that will serve them through their lives. Each house team will develop its own set of age-appropriate expectations regarding behavior management, which will be based upon the rules set forth by the Dayton Leadership Academies - Early Learning Academy in the Student and Family Handbook. When a student is having difficulty following any of the school rules, the classroom teacher will work with the student to help the student comply. The lead teacher and/or administration may be approached for suggestions. The school counselor and other Student Support Team members may also advise on the situation. If the situation is deemed serious enough, parents/guardians will be immediately contacted. All incidents of inappropriate behavior will be documented on a Discipline Referral Form. By state regulation, this form will be kept on file by the homeroom teacher as well as by the administration. The tracking of behavior is important in the monitoring of children because of the impact of behavior on academic performance. Dayton Leadership Academies - Early Learning Academy has a policy on the use of momentary physical interventions that might remove disruptive students from the classroom in order to maintain the safety of students and staff. When this is necessary, options could include:  Temporary placement in the lead teacher’s classroom  Temporary placement with another teacher, school counselor, or Student Support Team member  Temporary placement with a member of the administrative team or the office manager  Out-of-school suspensionEmergency placement in an alternative school if the misconduct presents a serious and credible threat of harm to the student of the wider Dayton Leadership Academies - Early Learning Academy community Policies on the use of behavioral interventions, physical restraints, and isolated time-outs are in place. These guidelines are available in the school’s office. At Dayton Leadership Academies - Early Learning Academy, there is zero tolerance for:  Willful physical injury to another (which includes fighting)  Assaults on students or staff  Possession of drugs, alcohol, matches, cigarettes, lighters, or other paraphernalia  Possession of weapons or loo...
School Climate and Discipline. The following beliefs inform the school Code of Conduct:
School Climate and Discipline. School climate is described at A.1.1, above. Specific details regarding discipline will be included in the DECA PREP Family Handbook.
School Climate and Discipline. PCLC believes that an effective instructional program requires an orderly school climate and that the effectiveness of the educational program is, in part, reflected in the behavior of students. Standards of student behavior must be set cooperatively by interactions among students, parents/guardians, staff, and community members, producing a school climate that encourages students to grow in self-discipline. Such a climate must include respect for self and others, as well as for the school community as a whole. The school expects students to conduct themselves in keeping with their level of maturity, with a proper regard for the rights and welfare of other students, for the educational purposes underlying all school activities, and for the care of school facilities and equipment. PCLC believes that students must conduct themselves in a nonintrusive manner and learn to accept responsibility for their own behavior and the consequences of their misbehavior. PCLC teachers and staff members who interact with students use preventive disciplinary actions and place emphasis on the students’ ability to grow in self-discipline. PCLC believes that every student should have the opportunity to learn skills and values that are necessary for academic achievement and personal development. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary for students to conduct themselves in a manner that guarantees all students a safe and productive climate in which to learn. We believe that with rights come responsibilities. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that his or her behavior does not infringe upon the rights of others. In order to create a positive atmosphere for learning, it is necessary to establish certain behavioral expectations and consequences. One of the most important lessons for any student to learn is how to respect authority, respect the rights of others, take care of their own property, and respect the property of others. No student will be allowed to disrupt the educational process of other students. Although it is necessary to have school and classroom rules, our emphasis will be not on dos and don’ts but on guiding students to the proper response in a given situation. PCLC must set discipline standards that are enforced fairly and consistently. In order to create a positive atmosphere for learning, it is necessary to establish certain behavioral expectations and consequences. Students are given gentle reminders whenever they do something disruptive t...
School Climate and Discipline. School climate and discipline are addressed in the four core values set forth in A.1, above. Specific details regarding discipline will be included in the Student and Family Handbook.
School Climate and Discipline. SEA’s general behavior policy is determined by those duly constituted by law to make these rules; the Governing Board, the School Administration and Faculty. Students, for their understanding and input, have also reviewed this handbook. SEA attempts in every way to provide a culture of acceptance of all students. Students of very diverse backgrounds attend SEA and all are accepted as students and individual regardless of their background. Students are expected to conduct themselves in such a way that they respect and consider the rights of others. Students must conform to school regulations and accept directions from authorized school personnel. The Governing Board has a “zero tolerance” of violent, disruptive or inappropriate behavior by its students. SEA uses a wide range of Disciplinary Alternatives in dealing with misbehavior of students in order to best serve its students and in keeping with the idea of acceptance. SEA embraces the idea of rewarding Positive Behavior as it relates to the overall philosophy of the school. In keeping with that idea, the school has implemented the Star Card Program, which rewards students each grading period based on Attendance, Behavior and Academic accomplishment.
School Climate and Discipline. DECA employs the following: • Full-time mental-health counselor • Peer mentoring • Youth and Family Resource Connection Program: This program is administered through Dayton Children’s Hospital and it provides resources to families beyond the scope of what DECA High can often offer, including food, housing, and transportation support • Partnership with Eastway Behavioral Health: Eastway provides on-site therapists at each campus, as well as case management for Medicaid eligible students; referrals are available to a psychiatrist • Conscious-discipline training for staff
School Climate and Discipline. At the beginning of each school year, DECA faculty distribute, discuss, and require parents to sign off on the updated Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct provides the foundation of DECA’s efforts to promote a positive, safe school environment. As students attending high school on a college campus, DECA students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that allows learning to occur. In an effort to provide a safe and productive environment, the school must maintain standards of conduct. Unacceptable conduct warrants undesirable consequences ranging from a personal conference up to and including expulsion from school. Conversely, positive behaviors that are in line with a college-going mentality are systemically rewarded. Students who continue to demonstrate a commitment to doing what’s right are afforded additional freedoms and privileges unavailable to those who neglect to follow the Code of Conduct. Whenever possible, DECA utilizes restorative practices to cultivate a community of responsible learners who are ever mindful of the impact of their actions on the well-being of others.
School Climate and Discipline. CLA schools approach the development of a positive school community where everyone feels safe, engaged, and part of something bigger than oneself from a variety of anchors, and these anchors work together synergistically to produce an engaged community where individuals are known and appreciated. These anchors include the EL Education core principles, the concept and implementation of crew, CLA Habits of Leadership, CLA norms, positive recognition, and the CLA progressive discipline system. CLA schools are EL Education schools and, as such, are grounded in the EL Education core principles: the primacy of self-discovery, the having of wonderful ideas, the responsibility of learning, empathy and caring, success and failure, collaboration and competition, diversity and inclusion, and the natural world. Appreciation for these core principles is anchored in an advisory group called “crew” where emphasis is placed on understanding one’s role as an individual in a community of individuals. The sense and importance of community are foundations of the school’s culture and climate. Crew is a valued part of the day and has a specific curriculum: thirty minutes each morning and twenty minutes each afternoon (Monday through Thursday and a shorter time on Friday) to build community and to reflect about the community within each classroom, the grade level, the school, the neighborhood, the city, the state, the nation, and the global community. Crew is based on Responsive Classroom and its middle school version, Developmental Designs. All faculty are trained on the crew protocols and their rationale. In addition to crew, the second anchor of maintaining a strong school culture is that CLA schools are also grounded in Habits of Leadership: self-discipline, collaboration, compassion, integrity, and active citizenship. CLAE crews will study each of these habits during crew, and equally important, CLA and CLAE scholars will have learning targets about these habits in each class and be graded on those habits during each class. As such, for each class, there is an academic or content goal and there is also a habits goal. A summative habits grade accounts for 25 percent of a student’s overall grade in each subject, each trimester. Every day in each class, students have a mastery learning target and a habits learning target, and that target is reviewed and reflected upon. CLA’s school norms comprise the third anchor: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe. Although they are s...
School Climate and Discipline. The following beliefs inform the school Code of Conduct: Safety. The Code of Conduct is designed first and foremost to ensure that United Preparatory Academy is safe for every student at all times. Respect. One of the core values of United Preparatory Academy is respect. Respectful behavior is a hallmark of effective character development and facilitates strong community. Self-discipline. By learning to behave professionally, students learn skills useful beyond the walls of UPA. Students who behave well in school, speak in public, and are helpful to others will develop strong self-advocacy skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. Clear consequences. Many disciplinary problems can be avoided by having clear, well- articulated consequences. The students of United Preparatory Academy will know exactly what behavior is expected and what consequences will result if the expectations are not met. The school will communicate with parents at all times about any disciplinary consequence. Uninterrupted learning. The purpose of this code is to remove distractions from the classroom so that students can commit 100 percent of their attention to academic learning. Rules In order for all teachers to focus on teaching, all students to focus on learning, and to ensure the safety of all members of the school community, United Preparatory Academy has established a clear set of rules for student behavior. The following rules inform the school expectations for all students: Students will exhibit respectful behavior toward other students, teachers, school leadership and the school community. Students must arrive to school in the United Preparatory Academy uniform every day. Students must attend school every day. Absences are excused only for illness, religious observance, or family emergency, and must be verified in writing by a parent/guardian. Students must be prepared and on time for class every day. Students must complete all assigned homework. Students must not engage in distracting behavior that negatively impacts their own learning or the learning of others in the class. There will be no fighting, violence, threatening behavior, or bullying/harassment at any time during the regular school day, after-school programming, or other schools events. Students who violate rules 1-6 will be subject to progressive consequences, including family conferences, parent calls, letters home, redirections in class, detention, , behavior interventions, or out-of-school suspe...