WORK SCHEDULE AND OVERTIME. 8 4.01 Except as modified under Article 4.02(B) or elsewhere in this Agreement, 9 a standard workday will consist of eight hours' work to be completed within eight and 10 one-half consecutive hours with a 30-minute meal period on the nurse's own time. If the 11 nurse is required by the Hospital to remain on duty or in the Hospital during the meal 12 period, that time will be considered as time worked for pay purposes. It is understood 13 that unpaid meal periods are uninterrupted 30-minute periods in which the nurse is not 14 required to perform any duties on behalf of the Hospital. 15 4.02 The standard work period consists of 80 hours within a 14-day period, or a 16 40-hour period within a 7-day period, except as modified by agreement at 17 Article 4.02(B). 18 A. Overtime will be compensated for at the rate of one and one-half 19 times the regular rate of pay for all time worked in excess of: 20 (1) 36 hours in each workweek of seven consecutive days, defined 21 as Sunday 0001 to Saturday 2400, or eight hours in a workday, 22 except as defined at Article 4.02(B), defined as beginning with the 23 start of the nurse's shift on that day worked unless nurse is 24 attending meetings, in which case overtime begins after 40 hours in 25 a workweek; or (2) for nurses on an 8/80 pay period, 8 hours in a 26 workday, defined as above, or 80 hours in a 14-day period, defined 27 as Sunday 0001 to the second Saturday 2400, beginning with the 28 first Sunday in a calendar year. All full-time nurses will have the 29 option of being on an 8/80 pay period. That option is to be 30 exercised in writing and will be effective upon receipt by the 31 Hospital. 1 B. All overtime must be approved in advance by the supervisor except 2 in case of emergency. A nurse may be scheduled for shifts of 8, 9, 3 10 or 12 hours in a day. Nurses scheduled for shifts of 9 or 12 4 hours in a day qualify for time and one-half premium pay after 5 working any hours in excess of the department's established 6 workday or 36 hours in a workweek, except that straight time will be 7 paid for hours 37 to 40 to attend meetings. No nurse may be 8 permitted to work more than 16 consecutive hours without 8 hours 9 off. No nurse may be compelled to work more than four 10 consecutive days on 12-hour shifts. There will be three 15-minute 11 breaks, one for each four hours worked, for a nurse scheduled for a 12 12-hour shift. The Hospital will not require nurses to work an 13 unreasonable amount of overtime on a ...
WORK SCHEDULE AND OVERTIME. A. Employees’ daily work schedules are assigned within each service area to meet the needs of operational efficiency. When it is found necessary to change the work schedule of any employee, the District agrees that it will give as much prior notice as possible; except in cases of emergency, employees should normally expect notice of at least one week. B. Classified employees working at the request of their supervisor in excess of forty (40) hours within any work week shall be compensated at the rate of time and one-half for all such time. The supervisor will determine whether the compensation shall be by way of additional salary or compensatory time. All compensatory time shall be used within three (3) months following the date it was earned. If this cannot be accommodated, the employee will be paid for the accrued time. C. Prep time for classroom teachers shall be scheduled in blocks of time no less than thirty (30) minutes within the 8-hour workday. Such prep time for classroom teachers shall be in addition to the minimum thirty (30) minute duty-free lunch time.
WORK SCHEDULE AND OVERTIME. The work week begins at 7:01 a.m. Sunday and ends at 7:00 a.m. the following Sunday. A normal work day shall consist of a twelve (12) hour shift. Three (3) compensated (worked, PTO, EIB, low census, bereavement, or paid education) shifts (36 hours) in a week shall be deemed full-time and shall receive an additional four (4) benefit hours. When mutually agreeable to the Employer and the Employee, other work schedules may be established.
WORK SCHEDULE AND OVERTIME. 5.1 Work Week, Work Day. The normal work week shall consist of forty (40) hours within a seven (7) day period or eighty (80) hours within a fourteen (14) day period. The normal work day shall consist of eight (8) hours, plus an unpaid meal period of one-half (½) hour.
WORK SCHEDULE AND OVERTIME. A. 1. The normal work week for all Department of Public Works Employees shall consist of a forty (40) hour week, eight (8) hours per day, Monday through Friday (2,080 hours per year). The workday shall be 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. with one-half hour for lunch.
WORK SCHEDULE AND OVERTIME. A. Employees’ daily work schedules are assigned within each service area to meet the needs B. Classified employees working at the request of their supervisor in excess of forty (40) hours
WORK SCHEDULE AND OVERTIME. 14.1 Fair Labor Standards Act
WORK SCHEDULE AND OVERTIME. 8.1 The work schedule for employees shall be as follows: A. The full-time workweek shall consist of thirty seven and one-half (37.5) hours. Paid leave time shall count as part of the workweek. B. The workday shall consist of seven and one-half (7.5) hours, not including lunchtime, except as provided in 8.1.C below. The College shall be free to establish a work schedule for employees as is necessary for the operation of the College. The Association acknowledges that certain employees will be required to work shifts starting earlier than 8:00 a.m. and some shifts continuing after 4:30 p.m., as determined by the College. C. Should the College adopt a flexible hour workweek, total straight time weekly hours shall not exceed thirty seven (37.5). 8.2 Overtime work, as defined below, shall be compensated at the rate of time and one-half (1/2). A. For any employee, overtime shall be paid for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) per week. B. Full-time employees shall be paid overtime for work on Saturday and/or Sunday if hours worked for the week are in excess of 40 hours, unless part of the regular workweek. C. Part-time employees shall be paid overtime for the sixth (6th) and seventh (7th) day of work in a workweek. D. Holidays and vacation days other than the day on which overtime occurs, shall count as time worked for purposes of overtime computation. Personal and paid leave days will only count towards overtime computation when the scheduling of said hours is mandatory. 8.3 Double time will be paid for all hours worked on holidays. 8.4 All employees, called in to work on short notice of twelve (12) hours or less, shall be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours, payable at their regular rate of pay unless they are in an overtime situation or it is a holiday, in which case, they shall receive the overtime or holiday pay, whichever is appropriate. 8.5 In any instance where weather or other acts of God cause the closing of the College, employees not required to report shall suffer no loss of pay or benefits. Campus patrol personnel, if scheduled for assigned duty or called in to work on a day the College is closed due to weather or other acts of God, shall receive time and one half for all hours worked on said days. 8.6 All employees working five (5) or more hours a day shall be entitled to an unpaid, duty- free, uninterrupted lunch period of sixty (60) minutes. 8.7 All employees shall be provided relief time of fifteen (15) minutes away from their workstation in...
WORK SCHEDULE AND OVERTIME. 11 4.1 Except as modified under Article 4.02(B) or elsewhere in this Agreement, a 12 standard workday will consist of eight hours' work to be completed within 13 eight and one-half consecutive hours with a 30-minute meal period on the 14 nurse's own time. If the nurse is required by the Hospital to remain on duty or 15 in the Hospital during the meal period, that time will be considered as time 16 worked for pay purposes. It is understood that unpaid meal periods are 17 uninterrupted 30-minute periods in which the nurse is not required to perform 18 any duties on behalf of the Hospital. 20 4.2 The standard work period consists of 80 hours within a 14-day period, or a 21 40-hour period within a 7-day period, except as modified by agreement at 22 Article 4.02(B). 23 A. Overtime will be compensated for at the rate of one and one-half times 24 the regular rate of pay for all time worked in excess of: (1) 36 hours in 25 each workweek of seven consecutive days, defined as Sunday 0001 to 26 Saturday 2400, or eight hours in a workday, except as defined at Article
WORK SCHEDULE AND OVERTIME. SECTION A. Work schedules are defined as an employee’s assigned hours of the day, days of the week, and shift assignment. Changes in work schedules may be made at the discretion of the Employer to meet the operational needs of the Employer. SECTION B. Bargaining unit employees shall be paid time and one-half for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week (4:01 p.m. Friday to 4:00 p.m. the following Friday), except employees shall have the option of taking compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay for any overtime worked. Compensatory time shall be granted at a time mutually convenient. Compensatory time can be accumulated up to a maximum of 80 hours. SECTION C. There will be mandatory overtime only where necessary to fulfill operational requirements due to circumstances, determined by the reasonable discretion of the Employer. SECTION D. The Employer agrees to post all overtime worked on a biweekly basis corresponding to the payroll period, showing names of persons working the overtime, location and work performed, and amount of hours worked and the type of work performed. SECTION E. In isolated emergency situations whereby hazardous conditions exist, the employer will call the bargaining unit member nearest the scene and pick them up to perform the work necessary without having to follow the overtime roster. If the employee nearest the scene is not available, the employee next closest to the scene will be called. If that employee is not available, calls will be made according to the seniority roster. If two employees are equal distances from the scene, seniority will be followed. The charged and worked overtime will list the location and date of the overtime.